Just days after the 9/11 attacks, Vice President Cheney, on “Meet The Press,” said the response should be aimed at Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror organization not Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
When asked if any evidence connected the Iraqis to the operation, Cheney said, no.
But during that same time period, according to Bob Woodward's book, Bush At War, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was pushing for military strikes on Iraq and during cabinet meetings Cheney, expressed deep concern about Saddam and wouldn't rule out going after Iraq at some point.
That point started to come 11 months later, just before the first anniversary of 9/11.
The president and vice president had decided to redirect their war on terror to Baghdad. So, with the help of the newly-formed White House Iraq group, which consisted of top officials and strategists, the selling of a war on Iraq began and the administration's rhetoric about Saddam changed.
On September 8, 2002, not only did White House hawks tell The New York Times for a front page exclusive that Saddam was building a nuclear weapon, five administration officials also went on the Sunday television shows that day to repeat the charge.
He is, in fact actively and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, Cheney told Tim Russert on “Meet The Press.
But the White House started claiming that Iraq and the group responsible for 9/11 were one in the same.
The war on terror, you can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror, said Bush on September 25, 2002.
We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases, said Bush a few days later on October 7. He's a threat because he is dealing with Al-Qaeda.
In pushing the Saddam-Iraq-9/11 connection, both the president and the vice president made two crucial claims. First, they alleged there had been a 1994 meeting in the Sudan between Osama bin Laden and an Iraqi intelligence official.
After the Iraq war began, however, the 9/11 Commission was formed and reported that while Osama bin Laden may have requested Iraqi help, Iraq apparently never responded.
The other crucial pre-war White House claim was that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in the Czech republic in April 2001.
Cheney stated, It's been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a Senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service.
Confirmed or unconfirmed by Vice President Cheney the 9/11 Commission said, We do not believe such a meeting occurred. Why? Because cell phone records from the time show Atta in the United States.
None the less, the White House strategy worked. In March of 2003, one poll found 45 percent of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11.
On the eve of the Iraq war, the White House sent a letter to Congress telling lawmakers that force was authorized against those who, aided the 9/11 attacks.
Yet the Bush administration continues to say it never claimed Iraq was linked to 9/11.
I think I made it very clear that we have never made that claim, White House Press Secretary McClellan repeated on Sept. 17, 2003.
The brutal irony is that while implications, innuendo, or false claims if you will about a 9/11 connection helped take us into Iraq. The Iraqi war itself has created a real al-Qaeda/Iraq link that may keep us from getting out.
I can almost feel palpable hatred that Palin is so fond of inciting at her rallies.
I guess time is getting short, everyone keeps saying Obama will win, they're becoming very angry and the venom is spewing. Too bad they just can't stick to the issues and must resort to attacking posters instead of issues. I guess that just shows the extent of their desperation.
Now, I don't know for sure if Obama will win. I'm very hesitant about feeling too secure about that. As long as there are the Karl Roves of the world and Diebold machines, anything can happen.
Sheesh....is there
anyone in D.C who pays taxes?
You are kidding, right? Sheesh. NM Sheesh.....you are delusional.
Pay attention here...Bill Clinton...liberal to the core...regime change in Iraq was hatched during HIS presidency. You can't deny that. Well, you can, but anyone who cares to check will see the truth of it. So...your last paragraph should be aimed at liberals. Apparently, regime change is a LIBERAL idea.
John F. Kennedy...another liberal and incidentally as I have said on many occasions a man I admire...started getting involved in Viet Nam to "stop the spread of communism." FORCING western ideas on those folks. So I guess invading other countries to start democracies must be a LIBERAL idea.
Your rationalizing aka just because they were enacted during a conservative government doesn't mean it was a conservative idea. That is a ridiculous statement. What it DOES mean is that conservatives cared enough about the idea, WHATEVER it was, to actually DO something about it other than TALK about it. Ideas are fine, ACTION is what counts.
Look, for whatever reason and Lord only knows why, I am going to try this one more time. I consider myself an American. Not a conservative, not a liberal, not a libertarian, a Ron Paul supporter, polka-dotted or criss-crossed. I don't have any group, person, club, party who tells me what to believe. You can call me whatever you want to, pigeon hole me however you like, to suit your agenda. It is what you are good at. It makes absolutely no difference to me what you think of me or what group you want to put me in.
As to justifying my beliefs? My dear, you are the one who keeps justifying, and I can show that every major change in this country from the start was enacted under what you call conservative, what I call deeply morally convicted people...and then YOU justify by saying doesn't matter if "conservatives" actually DID it, it was a LIBERAL idea.
Geezzzz....whatever, piglet. If that is the case, thank you for the idea, and YOU'RE WELCOME for ACTUALLY ENACTING THEM.
and the pubs KNEW EVERYTHING for these last eight years and did what was supposedly good for this country?. One of many horrible things they did was push the average American worker out of the middle class while the fat cats got fatter, all the while thumbing their noses at us, not to mention the 'war' that never should have happened.
Sheesh - this is what your happy about?
You love to see people in misery? You like to see people unhappy? And why because they are connected to a republican which many hold so much disdain for. You know if John Kerry, AL Gore, Bill Clinton were going through terrible times with their children no matter how much I dislike them I certainly wouldn't be so gleeful that their kids are going through this. And please spare me the "they were pawns or objects" because of so, so was Bidens kids, and you wouldn't be so gleeful about that.
As for this guy going around to the TV shows, who doesn't now adays...especially when your offered a million dollars for your story or to appear on the air.
There are more important things going on now - unemployment, housing crisis, financial crisis, war, and your gleeful that relatives of Sarah Palin are having personal difficulties.
"like a very bad itchy rash, or the smell of cow manure, he is EVERYWHERE, even to ignorant dems/independents who (OH MY GOD) get all the nes channels, C-SPAN, that the special Republicans can."
You're all hyped up today. Calm down. I wasn't sure what you were saying and took it to mean C-Span was a garbage channel..
They are not murdering children - sheesh!!!!
Whether you want to call it murder that is your opinion. Embryos are not children. This is not a living breathing human being that has a mind, nerves, emotions or anything. That's like saying to eat eggs your are murdering baby chickens. When a child is born and is a breathing living fully developed human child and it is born and after it breaths air, and is killed then yes that is murder. Disposing of an egg is not murder, and it is probably the best thing that could happen to someone who is forced into a world of hate, unlove, and unwantedness. I guess it doesn't bother you one bit to see these children suffer because they have been born into a life of despair. Do you get a warm fuzzy feeling to know that a child will be miserable and may even want to commit suicide because they were born into a world where they are unloved and unwanted.
You really need to stop twisting reality into what you want to believe it is. Not every child is born into a loving family and people need to keep their nose out of where it doesn't belong.
Sheesh! I messed up my own joke!
I wrote: I said, "Well, let's see: "Algia" means pain. "Ceph" means pain, so pain in the head -- HEADACHE!"
Obviously, "ceph" means HEAD!
I just got out of the hospital (again for pancreatitis), and I believe MY "ceph" was left behind when I was typing my post.
Good thing I don't own a gun or I'd probably shoot myself in the foot. LOL.
Unless churches plan to pay taxes they should not be holding business meetings in their homes.
Sheesh....Clinton didn't go to funerals either....
and yes, soldiers died on his watch too (Somalia, Bosnia,etc). I did not see CNN covering flag-draped coffins then. Yes, more have died in Iraq; however, a soldier killed is a soldier killed. Clinton did not go to the funeral of that US serviceman who was killed and then his body dragged behind a Jeep in Somalia. Was that because Clinton felt guilty? Come on!! It is impossible for a President (ANY President) to show up at a private funeral without causing a media circus, and frankly, I would not want Bush there because along with him would come Cindy Sheehan, the pink ladies, the nutso religious group, the ones who hold up signs saying your son died for nothing, yada yada. Maybe THAT is why Bush does not go to funerals. Ya think???
As to stopping the media...what planet to you live on? As if Bush could stop the liberal media from showing anything they want...ala CNN and their terrorist-made sniper video as the terrorists stalked our soldiers. Good grief, new guy!!! The liberal media doesn't give a rat's patootie about who they hurt as they strive to take Bush down....ya think???
And frankly, new guy, do you think the public need to see a flag-draped coffin to know about the death toll in Iraq? I am surprised CNN has not installed a ticker to count them. Get a grip, get a clue, buy a vowel. You and other Bush haters like you just need to admit it. You hate the man, anything connected with the man, to the point that you criticize him for doing a wonderful thing by showing up at Virginia Tech. I think that shows a remarkable lack of human compassion on your part. Yeah...I THINK.
I stand corrected - sheesh! who can you believe anymore
I'm totally confused with everything going on now adays. I don't know truth from smears. You would think if someone is actually putting their name to something they would be telling the truth due to serious outcomes of false accusations.
So how can we tell if something we hear on TV, radio or internet is true or not?
Our mission is to lead people to Jesus and help them grow in their relationship with Him. We strive to deliver compelling evidence for the Christian faith to seekers, believers, and a skeptical world. We seek to be non-threatening, practical and informative, using the technology of the Internet to answer tough questions about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity.
Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:19-20 KJV
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Although our ministry style often caters to wary skeptics, our group's foundation is based on solid, fundamental Christian doctrine.
Therefore, We Believe
The Bible is the only inspired Word of God – a supernaturally integrated set of 66 books, written by 40 authors, over nearly 2,000 years.
God created all things – from the massive cosmos to the microscopic cell.
We were created in God’s image, yet we were all corrupted and estranged from God after Adam fell into sin. The sin of Adam was the entry point of all sin, as well as physical and spiritual death on Earth.
God exists as three distinct personalities, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God who fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies when he took on human flesh, through the miracle of the virgin birth, and came to Earth as the promised Messiah.
Jesus died a physical death on the cross as the ultimate love sacrifice and act of grace, which allows all who believe in Him to be cleansed of sin by His blood and have a renewed, eternal relationship with God.
Jesus rose from the dead as the ultimate sign of his deity. He ascended to heaven, with the ultimate promise of his return to Earth as our just and mighty Lord. We constantly strive to be a Spirit-filled ministry, regularly praying and seeking God's guidance for our activities. We remind each other daily that this is God's work, not ours.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 KJV
Contact Information: All About GOD Ministries, Inc. 7150 Campus Drive, Suite 320 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920 719-884-2246 719-884-2247 fax Email: Questions1.1@AllAboutGOD.com Website: AllAboutGOD.com
Now that makes all kinds of sense. Sheesh. I am sure murders occur...
where you live too. Are you a murderer? What a goofy post. I just happen to be one of those people who knew of Bill before he came to national fame. And I did not say he murdered anyone. All I said is that there are unexplained deaths. All you have to do is google. People should not post rumor and innuendo if they do not want it turned around and applied to their side.
MSNBC doesn't encourage these witch hunts at all. Sheesh
Convention III of the Geneva Convention has to do with treatment of Prisoners of War.
Identifying who is to be classified as a POW is specifically called out in detail in Art 4 of Convention III.
The AL Queda and Taliban rogues, and other ''terrorists'' DO NOT fall under the protections of Convention III, commonly referred to as Common Article III.
You are a liar. SM
I'm glad to say it and it is true. As far as Iraq, of course, you twisted that all out of context. Lurker asked if I would go to Iraq to help rebuild and I said yes, if I could I would, but please don't tell the truth and continue to twist because you are twisted. Now, that felt good to FINALLY call you a liar. You have used that word with every conservative poster and we are all pretty darn sick of it. Liar. Liar?
A conservative calling someone a liar? Pot-kettle-black
Once a liar, always a liar!!!!
Liar, liar
Politicians lie. Is everyone just figuring that out? Why get into an argument over who's lying. Just tell me what you're going to do for me, how I'm supposed to pay my mortgage when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to send my kids to college when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to pay these ridiculous prices for gas when you keep sending my job overseas.
The first guy that can do that without mincing words and blaming everything on the other gets my vote. I don't care what color you are, whether you screwed around on your wife, who you have in your back pocket, whether your running mate is an old fart or a woman.
GW is a liar.........
So I guess that makes him a fake, too. WMDs, he really gave a rat's about Katrina, billions of dollars just "vanished." Harriet Myers for supreme court??? LOLOLOLOLOL - at least Obama isn't a freaking moron!
What a liar!
President Obama gave a speech in Illinois saying that if we pass this stimulus bill that the CEO of Caterpillar promised to hire back employees. After Obama's speech, the CEO of Caterpillar got up and said that he just wanted to clarify that whether or not the stimulus package passes, they will continue to lay off people for some time and this hire back will be further in the future and I'm sure that means if this package actually works.....which it won't.
I'm sorry people but this stimulus will not work. Obama promised to look out for the middle class and the low class. So far, he is doing nothing but helping the low class and he is going to crush us middle class folk. The rich will survive but it will be the middle class that suffers.....once again.
If a certain poster is a liar...
(or if anyone is, from the president right on down)...and of course this is fully documented and there is no question about it...and then they ask us to believe a claim of high personal integrity...well, er, that's asking a little too much. One has to wonder, do they believe their own delusions? Do they really think the house of cards is never going to crash down? Or do they just want us to think it?
Personally I prefer a far less complicated arrangement. You intentionally lie, you are bad and no one should respect you anymore until you learn how to tell the truth.
I don't appreciate you calling me a liar
and neocons liars in general (BTW, I'm not a neocon), and I refuse to discuss the gross inaccuracies in the article above with a person who thinks we're all liars. It's blatant waste of time.
Would a liar know the truth if they saw it? sm
Nahhhhhhhh....I don't think so. Besides, you continue to skew things. Some of us know that. You aren't fooling anyone.
No, my dear, YOU are the liar.
Scarborough's record is public and well known.
So is the objectivity and blatant refusal to ever tell the truth of Bush and his worshippers.
Bush isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I can see why you love him.
Why don't you go back to the CON board? You're showing your colors more and more with each post, and they ain't a pretty sight.
And so is anyone who can claim to *see* how someone she's never met will celebrate any holiday.
If you want to go into lying....Your #2 guy...we KNOW he is a liar...
so what is the difference? It is on tape and video that he said he would be proud to be on a ticket with John McCain. Certainly not the story he is telling now, is it? So he was lying then or he is lying now. Either way...he's a liar.
What do you expect from a liar?
He's been caught lying through his teeth so what else is there to do but lie? He seems to get by with that easily......
"I was astonished to hear him say that he was surprised I 'didn't have the guts' to do that, because the fact is, the question didn't come up in that fashion," McCain said of the last debate. "I think he's probably ensured it will come up this time."
McCain made clear that he still thinks it's an issue. "It's not that I give a damn about some old washed-up terrorist and his terrorist wife, who in 2001 said they wish they'd bombed more. What I care about, and what the American people care about, is whether he's being truthful."
The consistent problem I see with Barrack Obama is that these sketchy associations pop up and he denies them and then when proof is made that he did know these people or associated with these people or organizations, he will then admit that he did. Like McCain said.....it isn't even the fact that he has associations with these people.....it is the fact that he consistently denies stuff and then turns around and changes his story. That is lying. He is consistently lying.
Ayers was just a guy in his neighborhood until proof came out that they were on a committee together etc. Obviously not the truth, Mr. Obama. Why not be truthful if it wasn't a big deal.
Rev. Wright never said anything like that in the 20 years he went there. Sure...I don't believe that either. As well as the fact that when Rev. Wright was first initially in hot water, Barrack Obama said that he could no sooner denounce Rev. Wright as he could family. Later Barrack denounced him to save his political career.....so another lie from BO.
Acorn....he was not associated with Acorn and now he was their lawyer at one time. He trained their employees. He gave them 800,000 dollars........not associated my rear end.....another lie.
Do you not see a pattern here........lies lies and more lies.
He will look out for the middle class.......lies. He will given 95% of people tax breaks when not every person pays taxes to begin with........lies.........lies...........lies............lies........HELLO......LIES.
on your party as I am a registered democrat -- got my "Are you supporting Obama?" call just last week. I told her then that I was undecided, but over the last few days, I have finally come to a decision. I'm voting McCain.
Your immaturity disproves your credibility (are those words too big for you?).
What are you going to say when you appear in front of God?
With all your lies and being a hypocritical smarta$$???
We'll see who laughs last.
Liar and a crook
As a long time IC there is no way he could forget to pay his self employment taxes...no way at all. I use one of those at home programs and there is a screen for you to input that you are an independent contractor and then it fills out the self employment part. He knew but he just did not pay and got away with it. The IRS even took off his penalties and interest for 2003 and 2004. THey wouldn't do that for you or I. And he didn't pay them until he knew he was being nominated. He's a crook plain and simple but Obama's government is going to be different??? Yeah, right...crooks and thieves all of them.