A good funny read.........sm
Posted By: ms on 2008-10-07
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Funny, and yet oh so true, in many respects.....please read....his column is good every week, and pokes fun where it's deserved, whilst intertwining salient facts therein....
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Good research sam - but a lot to read right now so gotta read it later
I've been goofing off too much from work. I appreciate what you wrote and will read when I'm done with work here.
Very interesting and funny read. sm
Just goes to show that, as far as we humans are concerned, nothing ever really changes much. LOL
Saw it. Funny indeed. Need a good laugh right.
Watched the sketch on the debate, not bad but not a home run like this sketch.
Read a funny quote once and your post reminded me of it.
Will Rogers once said this about FDR: "The whole country is with him...If he burned down the Capitol, we would cheer and say, 'well we at least got a fire started anyhow.'"
So, there's another comparison between FDR and Obama.
LOL, that's really funny! I forgot about him! You are hilarious, good for you,
but still I would say she is pretty!
I love a good laugh...but this just wasn't funny!
Maybe you better go back to the conservative wacko drawing board!
Good Read...
Why Martin Luther King was Republican
by Frances Rice 08/16/2006
It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four S's: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.
It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s.
During the civil rights era of the 1960s, Dr. King was fighting the Democrats who stood in the school house doors, turned skin-burning fire hoses on blacks and let loose vicious dogs. It was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools. President Eisenhower also appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation. Much is made of Democrat President Harry Truman's issuing an Executive Order in 1948 to desegregate the military. Not mentioned is the fact that it was Eisenhower who actually took action to effectively end segregation in the military.
Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while he was a senator, as did Democrat Sen. AL Gore Sr. And after he became President, Kennedy was opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. President Kennedy, through his brother Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.
In March of 1968, while referring to Dr. King's leaving Memphis, Tenn., after riots broke out where a teenager was killed, Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd (W.Va.), a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, called Dr. King a "trouble-maker" who starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited. A few weeks later, Dr. King returned to Memphis and was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
Given the circumstances of that era, it is understandable why Dr. King was a Republican. It was the Republicans who fought to free blacks from slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans passed the civil rights laws of the 1860s, including the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 that was designed to establish a new government system in the Democrat-controlled South, one that was fair to blacks. Republicans also started the NAACP and affirmative action with Republican President Richard Nixon's 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher) that set the nation's fist goals and timetables. Although affirmative action now has been turned by the Democrats into an unfair quota system, affirmative action was begun by Nixon to counter the harm caused to blacks when Democrat President Woodrow Wilson in 1912 kicked all of the blacks out of federal government jobs.
Few black Americans know that it was Republicans who founded the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Unknown also is the fact that Republican Sen. Everett Dirksen from Illinois was key to the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1965. Not mentioned in recent media stories about extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act is the fact that Dirksen wrote the language for the bill. Dirksen also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing. President Lyndon Johnson could not have achieved passage of civil rights legislation without the support of Republicans.
Critics of Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater, who ran for President against Johnson in 1964, ignore the fact that Goldwater wanted to force the Democrats in the South to stop passing discriminatory laws and thus end the need to continuously enact federal civil rights legislation.
Those who wrongly criticize Goldwater also ignore the fact that Johnson, in his 4,500 State of the Union Address delivered on Jan. 4, 1965, mentioned scores of topics for federal action, but only 35 words were devoted to civil rights. He did not mention one word about voting rights. Then in 1967, showing his anger with Dr. King's protest against the Vietnam War, Johnson referred to Dr. King as "that Nigger preacher."
Contrary to the false assertions by Democrats, the racist "Dixiecrats" did not all migrate to the Republican Party. "Dixiecrats" declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was know as the party for blacks. Today, some of those "Dixiecrats" continue their political careers as Democrats, including Robert Byrd, who is well known for having been a "Keagle" in the Ku Klux Klan.
Another former "Dixiecrat" is former Democrat Sen. Ernest Hollings, who put up the Confederate flag over the state Capitol when he was the governor of South Carolina. There was no public outcry when Democrat Sen. Christopher Dodd praised Byrd as someone who would have been "a great senator for any moment," including the Civil War. Yet Democrats denounced then-Senate GOP leader Trent Lott for his remarks about Sen. Strom Thurmond (R.-S.C.). Thurmond was never in the Ku Klux Klan and defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats. If Byrd and Thurmond were alive during the Civil War, and Byrd had his way, Thurmond would have been lynched.
The 30-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party began in the 1970s with President Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy," which was an effort on the part of Nixon to get Christians in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were still discriminating against their fellow Christians who happened to be black. Georgia did not switch until 2002, and some Southern states, including Louisiana, are still controlled by Democrats.
Today, Democrats, in pursuit of their socialist agenda, are fighting to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats. Examples of how egregiously Democrats act to keep blacks in poverty are numerous.
After wrongly convincing black Americans that a minimum wage increase was a good thing, the Democrats on August 3 kept their promise and killed the minimum wage bill passed by House Republicans on July 29. The blockage of the minimum wage bill was the second time in as many years that Democrats stuck a legislative finger in the eye of black Americans. Senate Democrats on April 1, 2004, blocked passage of a bill to renew the 1996 welfare reform law that was pushed by Republicans and vetoed twice by President Clinton before he finally signed it. Since the welfare reform law expired in September 2002, Congress had passed six extensions, and the latest expired on June 30, 2004. Opposed by the Democrats are school choice opportunity scholarships that would help black children get out of failing schools and Social Security reform, even though blacks on average lose $10,000 in the current system because of a shorter life expectancy than whites (72.2 years for blacks vs. 77.5 years for whites).
Democrats have been running our inner-cities for the past 30 to 40 years, and blacks are still complaining about the same problems. More than $7 trillion dollars have been spent on poverty programs since Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty with little, if any, impact on poverty. Diabolically, every election cycle, Democrats blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions in the inner-cities, then incite blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans.
In order to break the Democrats' stranglehold on the black vote and free black Americans from the Democrat Party's economic plantation, we must shed the light of truth on the Democrats. We must demonstrate that the Democrat Party policies of socialism and dependency on government handouts offer the pathway to poverty, while Republican Party principles of hard work, personal responsibility, getting a good education and ownership of homes and small businesses offer the pathway to prosperity.
Ms. Rice is chairman of the National Black Republican Association (NBRA) and may be contacted at www.NBRA.info.
Thanks Lurker...very good read..Add this too...sm
**And for those who don't know already, Ann Coulter is a Conservative apologist who has just released a new book, and while promoting her future Best Seller, she made some off-the-wall comments just so she could get some publicity for said book. She claimed that the windows of 9/11 are milking their husbands deaths, and called them broads who are enjoying their million dollar status. To me, she isn't an alien, just another person trying to XXXX somebody else over in order to make some chump change. I don't believe for a second she means a word of what she came out with, but is just trying to drum up interest in her new product, which is for sale. And according to Amazon.com's book rankings, she's accomplishing her goal. Shrewd businesswomen? Yes indeed. On her way to becoming Satan, halfway there!**
Good read, article. sm
My cousin, who lives in Alaska, told me about this web site. It has some interesting articles. I enjoyed this one - here is the link/url.
What I read about Emanuel is not good at all.
What happened to Col. Powell maybe being Chief of Staff for Obama? Anyway, I am not too thrilled about Emanuel being chief of staff. From what I have been reading, he is the son of a Zionist, Israeli terrorist. Also might be related to 911.
Many, many more articles like this about Emanuel.
If you want to stay in a good mood DON'T READ...sm
Hillary Lashes Out at Ann Coulter Jun 07 7:16 PM US/Eastern
Email this story | Ann is such a tacky little witch that it's not funny. Even if I were republican I would not defend her. Kudos for Hillary for responding to her outright disrespect to these 9-11 widows. I don't understand for the life of me how she could tout being pro-military, pro-America and call liberals Godless when she is walking around disrespecting four 9-11 widows with that xxxxxxx smile on her face. Phew! I feel a little better already.
By DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writer
New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton lashed out at Ann Coulter for a vicious, mean-spirited attack on a group of outspoken 9/11 widows, whom the right-wing television pundit described as self-obsessed and enjoying their husbands' deaths.
Coulter writes in a new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, that a group of New Jersey widows whose husbands perished in the World Trade Center act as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them.
She also wrote, I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.
Clinton, who has felt Coulter's wrath over the years, responded angrily on Wednesday.
Perhaps her book should have been called 'Heartless,' the senator said. I know a lot of the widows and family members who lost loved ones on 9/11. They never wanted to be a member of a group that is defined by the tragedy of what happened.
The New York Democrat and former first lady said she found it unimaginable that anyone in the public eye could launch a vicious, mean-spirited attack on people whom I've known over the last four and a half years to be concerned deeply about the safety and security of our country.
The senator spoke after delivering a speech on protecting children from exposure to sex- and violence-saturated media.
Coulter appeared Tuesday on NBC's Today show, and reiterated her stance, saying the women used their grief to make a political point.
Her criticism was aimed at four New Jersey women whom she dubbed The Witches of East Brunswick, after the town where two of them live.
They have spent the years since the 2001 terror attacks supporting an independent commission to examine government failures before the attack, and in the 2004 presidential campaign they endorsed Democrat John Kerry.
The women are Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza of New Jersey.
The women, who are still pushing for changes in how the government guards against future attacks, issued a joint statement after Coulter's television appearance.
We have been slandered. Contrary to Ms. Coulters statements, there was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive. There was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never coming home again. We adored these men and miss them every day, the women said.
I havn't read any slams, just good solid arguments.
Do I need some kind of motive to post what I thought was a good read..and your point is..
already heard this - wasn't funny then, not funny now!
This looks interesting. A long read, so will read it when I get home from work. nm
Obviously u didnt read, I said NONE of them are moral. Read the post before spouting off.
I read on CNN (yes, I do read liberal stuff too..hehe)...sm
...that Karl Rove was actually very disappointed in the McCain campaign for airing negative type ads against Obama.
So I would say that Rove is definitely not in the hip pocket of the McCain campaign.
Good post....truth doesn't always sound good
Good for you! Most people would not recognize good...sm
character if it hit them over the head, just sheep who follow along without thinking for themselves, believing the political pundit spitting out garbage.
Good post - good research (sm)
History does repeat itself at times. I had forgotten about the 50s and Russia.
Very scary times we live in and so many new enemies. This is definitely not a scare tactic but a very clear warning. You can't ignore facts, they are there.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Good point, good post. Thanks.
sorry, should read I did not read post that way.
All you have to do is read up on Marxism, read up on...
black liberation theology, and look at what Obama is proposing. All of it a matter of public record, most of it from his own mouth. Your denial of it does not change the facts. If you support socialism, vote for him. Certainly your right. You are already wanting to squelch any kind of dissent...what's up with that? If you seriously consider calling someone a socialist a smear, you really need to read up on your candidate. I did not post a smear, I posted a fact. Redistribution of wealth is socialist and he already said he was going to do it...I heard him say it and it is now a campaign commercial. Sigh.
Some on this board can only read what they want to read (nm)
This is funny.nm
So are so funny
LOL, your posts get funnier and funnier..with more hate shining through, LOL.
This is so funny! Thank you.
I copied it and sent it to everyone I know, and they love it, too.
OMG! Too funny!!
Especially the guy who said he was in favor of national healthcare because he works 40 hours a week and his benefits are terrible. Yet he didn't know that Bush doesn't WANT him to have good medical benefits.
The last guy was right on the money (even if he didn't know Bush's name): Bush SHOULD be over there with a gun in his hand since he started this mess.
Someone should point out to these people who can't remember that his name IS what he is: BU_ _ SH _ _!
Vanna... I wanna buy a vowel.
That's funny. No, I am most
Too funny - here's 1 more
Donald Rumsfeld was meeting with George W for their daily brief regarding the war in Iraq. Rumsfeld said to George, And yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. Bush is visibly distraught; hanging his head, wringing his hands. He finally looks up at Rumsfeld and says, My God, that's terrible. How many are in a Brazilian?
This is what is funny about this?
They have made up their minds they have got this thing won just like they did in 2004. They don't even entertain the possibility that they will lose. They are so egotistical to think they might even throw the elections to make the Republicans look like fools. This is along the same thought process that they think they won by losing California primaries and losing on Prop. 50.
I think they know they're in trouble, but have chosen to lay their strategy out like they've got things under control. The Democrat blogs are all up in arms about what is happening with the party. Let's just say the extreme left is very unhappy with them right now, and they think the extreme left is their bread and butter. They thought that in 2004 and look where it got them.
Wow, this really shows how screwed up they are, not you dem, but your party.
LOL - too funny.
Too funny. One of the best
http://seattle.nwsource.com/horsey/viewbydate.asp?id=1400 David Horsey from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Mike Keefe from The Denver Post consistenly nail it....too good.
It's almost funny to me
How heated this debate has gotten. When I looked at that site I posted, where it compares the current legislation and the proposed legislation, it doesn't look all that different, just more funding so that more children qualify.
Funny that. sm
Yours and one other are the only bad comments about her I have seen. it doesnt' appear to be working.
Too funny
Unfortunately too true.
I don't think it was funny....like I said, if he DID say it...
she should have slapped him silly right there in front of the cameras and everybody. But it IS rumor. It was told, supposedly, by 3 reporters from Arizona to this guy writing a book who has a bone to pick with McCain. As to not coming forward because of fear of retaliation...I don't buy them for a nanosecond. I am sure when this guy went looking for dirt some money crossed hands and a lot of embellishing went on...like any political smear book on any political candidate. When you can't deal with real issues that can be proven or disproven (Read "The Case Against Barack Obama" and you will know what I mean). There is none of the personal smear tactic where innuendo and "anonymous" quotes are used. Just plain simple historical fact that can be proven. THAT is the kind of information I pay attention to. Not the "anonymous" rumor stuff.
Obviously if it DID happen they wish it never happened. Obama wishes someone had not been taping when Wright went off on his rants. Obama wishes no one had checked on his fib about voting against saving babies who survive abortion. McCain wishes he hadn't done the things he did to cause his first marriage to fail. Everyone has regrets.
What about all the rumors and innuendo about Hillary Clinton bathmouthing the secret service people and calling them names every bit as hateful as what the rumor says JOhn McCain called his wife? I just chalked that up to rumor and innuendo because it could not be proven...just like I am doing about the McCain thing.
As to them denying it...why bring more attention to it...ever heard of "I think he doth protest too much?" I don't blame them. I would not dignify the accusation with a denial either.
Sad and pathetic......yes. How can they ban one speaker because of his affair and lies and yet let another man speak who did the exact same thing. The only difference is that Hilliary was not dying when Bill shoved a cigar up Monica's.....well....you get the idea.
Something funny about
the sandbox. Your subject line is a phrase I used a while back when I was on the run from the Bible thumpers. Their fearless leader will be hopelessly confused now that the libs are coming out in droves sporting all kinds of intimidating intelligence. Their heads snap around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist as they spin themselves into the ground and especially when the same phrases and concepts start showing up from all different directions. They really do not know what to do when they can't dominate the board and woop up on one lib at a time...seems to be their limit.
too funny
Yeah and McCain has a biracial love child..........just ask GW, his campaign told everybody the REAL truth. O is a closet muslim (just ask the mental giants on this board!). He eats baby brains for breakfast. He wants to teach kinder-kids the proper way to put on a condom. He's hiding, he's hiding, he's hiding..........but, he hasn't been able to drop a decent deuce since the onset of his campaign because the media is so far up his bum. Bad Obama. Bad, bad, bad. Spank him, spank him hard. Yeah, just like that. And the truth shall set you free.
Too funny!
I will throw softly here :-) I guess my point is, and again, I may be showing my ignorance on the subject. I am a Christian, coming from a very fundamental background, but have since strayed from so much of the legalism. I am beginning to see a lot of things from a different light, if you know what I mean. I was taught that same-sex relationships was a horrible, horrible sin. I no longer feel that way about the issue. I do have questions though. We as a human race are here because of heterosexual relationships are we not? Not from same-sex relationships. Would we be extinct if that was all there was, and if it were the norm? I have worked with gays and lesbians, I have been neighbors of gays and lesbians, as I mentioned two of my best friends are gays and lesbians. I do not have an issue --- REALLY! It is just some back of the mind questions that I have. I guess we all have questions and may never know the answers. I am not voting against gay marriages. Yes, your same-sex relationship is your business as my heterosexual relationship is mine - - but it seems as if no one is questioning mine - - Is this because it is right, and the norm??? What exactly are the issues here??.
that's okay - it was funny the first
time. I imagined myself as a human broach.
It is just too funny
to see it happen though. I know they are trying to distract with stupid things and it really shows this individuals ignorance. But, it is an amusing way to kill a few minutes while my new software downloads!
I think she is funny. . .
I get tired of the pompous know-it-all attitudes.
too funny
Too funny
That gave me my laugh for the night. Thanks,

too funny - thanks

OMG - too funny
My friend emailed me a few weeks ago and said if he says "uh" one more time...