8600 earmarks = 6 BILLION DOLLARS!
Posted By: that WE pay for..........whatever happened on 2009-02-25
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to that line by line lie Obama told when he wanted to be elected? He hasn't looked at one page, let one line by line...... thanks to all who put such a thug and liar in office!
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It took spending 1-1/2 BILLION dollars a month...sm
over years on the war in Iraq to get us to this point, borrowing from other countries, the highest deficit ever, printing money by the government with no gold behind it to drive the value of our dollar down around the world. Nothing to do with the democrats. When Bush became president we had a huge surplus. Did you forget that?
Yes and 60% of the earmarks
were from the dems. Both sides suck as far as I am concerned! If you are going to comment and bash the pubs for their 40%....at least be thorough and report the dems and their 60%. Now we have President Obama who said that he would not sign anything with earmarks in it and that he would read every line, etc........now that he is pres.....he seems to be whistling a different tune.
There are 8,500 earmarks in that bill costing us around 810 billion dollars. As far as I am concerned.....both dems and pubs know where they can go because I tired of this crap! They are all crooks. They are all out for their own special interests. They are hurting us more than helping us.
So it is 100% earmarks? NM
You know your candidate....look up his earmarks...
A million to the hospital his wife works for after they nearly doubled her salary. Yep, he is against those pesky earmarks. The bridge to nowhere was a huge one. He is Washington politics as usual. There is no change there.
Yes, he is careful with his votes. Voted against the Infants Born Alive act twice. Managed, with the 130 presents, to show up for what was important to him..denying medical care for an infant who managed to survive an abortion. yeah, there's something to be real proud of.
Look into Obama's earmarks...
particularly the one for Michelle's employer after they doubled her salary. No one in Illinois benefitted from that one other than the Obama family and her employer.
Earmarks explained. sm
The ones who vote for the spending bills are the bad guys. Ron Paul votes against all huge spending bills. The bill passes anyway and since it passes, he makes sure all his constituents requests are in there and by earmarking he is tagging the money and keeping track of where it goes. If it is not earmarked, it goes back to the executive like a blank check. By earmarking, he is maintaining a certain degree of transparency and accountability plus giving money the government looted from his constituents back to them.
Just like O saying "no earmarks," right? nm
Interesting comment on earmarks...
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wanna talk about earmarks?
Sarah Palin just this year sent 31 earmarks totaling $197 million (more per person than any other state submitted)... she requested even more than that in 2007. And she is one that is running on a ticket talking about NO PORK BARREL!
You need to understand the difference in earmarks and...
pork barrel, first. Every state asks for earmarks. Pork barrel are earmarks that don't come through the normal channels...that congresspeople try to slap in the middle of a bill that will pass in order to get their "pork" through. Congress are the ones who do pork earmarks, and last time I looked, Sarah Palin has never been in Congress. Obama has, and Joe Biden has, and boy howdy...let's talk about earmarks. By the way, John McCain has asked for zip, zilch, nada.
Obama asked for a big one and his wife's employer and her salary got doubled. Coincidence? LOL. I think not.
Definition of Pork aka Earmarks
Just so we all know what pork (aka "earmarks") actually is:
From the Office of Management and Budget:
OMB defines earmarks as funds provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents Executive Branch merit-based or competitive allocation processes, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to manage critical aspects of the funds allocation process.
In other words, provisions added to a bill after the president has ratified the bill that direct funds to certain districts in exchange for promises made beforehand by the representatives from those districts to vote yes on said bill. These are the earmarks (or "pork") that McCain and Obama both campaigned against. This bill contains no pork (yet) because they just passed it.
The GOP's definition of earmarks aka "pork": "Stuff we don't like."
Technically, the provisions in the bill that the GOP and others are calling pork (or earmarks) are not pork.
Just a few dollars more.......... sm
Crysler is now asking for another $5B to "survive." You know, with all the bailouts and stimulus packages and defcits, I'm beginning to look at $5B as not so bad. How sick is THAT? 
But he just signed a bill filled with earmarks???
Ron Paul on EARMARKS.....please don't miss his point
No, the issue of transparency with earmarks did not escape me
but his reasoning was, at times, questionable. It appears as though he is going to take the money and run unlike some of his compatriots who are "attempting" to refuse stimulus money.
Earmarks Include:
- Add-ons. If the Administration asks for $100 million for formula grants, for example, and Congress provides $110 million and places restrictions (such as site-specific locations) on the additional $10 million, the additional $10 million is counted as an earmark.
- Carve-outs. If the Administration asks for $100 million and Congress provides $100 million but places restrictions on some portion of the funding, the restricted portion is counted as an earmark.
- Funding provisions that do not name a recipient, but are so specific that only one recipient can qualify for funding.
Stop the spending on stupid earmarks,
give the middle class some real tax cuts, and have some patience. Things aren't going to change overnight and they're not going to change by continuing to throw money at it every day.
taxpayer dollars?
what makes you think that everyone having an abortion is paying for it themselves?
I agree that our tax dollars should be used to pay for it...
it is not a law passed by our congress (and our Constitution says only Congresses have the right to pass laws), it was foisted on us (like everyone here says we are "foisting" our opinions on them) by activist judges and is unconstitutional....those of us opposed to it should not have our tax dollars funding it. Yep, I agree with that!
How does this relate to $27 mil US tax dollars
This week's topic will be Palins pastor, not Rev Wright/Obama. You already had your best shot at this, which just a few posts ago, you said didn't matter (pastors, candidates, etc). Remember to stay on task. Spotlight on the republicans week, just what you all have been waiting for.
I have $32 dollars in savings
and a $52,000 dollar house that me and DH have only been paying on for two years as our "investment". (We bought it because the mortgage payments were as much as our rent payments so mine as well at least own it right?)
What I don't understand, if I started a business and it went under, would they bail me out?
No, probably not. *sigh*
GOOD! Now those tax dollars can be......... sm
used where there are supposed to be used....here in the good ol' USA. And people wonder why our economy is in such bad shape!
Yes, and we need those dollars staying here too!
Obama has no room to talk about earmarks....and neither he nor Biden...
have much room to talk about flip flopping. Ahem.
Obama lied to the country. "No earmarks"
tax dollars go to many things we dont want
There are many many people who do not believe in war and especially the war in Iraq yet our tax dollars are being spent to kill innocent people in other countries..So, if you dont want to spend your tax dollars on stem cell research..fine, then let the anti war peoples tax dollars go to things other than war. I would much rather my taxes go to finding ways to cure disease and ease suffering and pain in life than war.
White Phosphorus, In Our Name And With Our Tax Dollars
Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre A Film by Sigfrido Ranucci RAINews24 11.08.05 WARNING: This video contains graphic and possibly disturbing footage. |
QuickTime DSL | 56K Windows Media DSL | 56K RealMedia DSL | 56K |
I agree. I think those federal dollars could be used...
for other things. It is not like the news is not out there. Kids know more today at 10 or 11 than I knew at 15 or 16. It is discussed on TV ad nauseam, all of the shows aimed at kids have discussed every aspect of sex you can imagine including STDs, AIDS, homosexuality, abortion, keeping a child rather than aborting, birth control, the whole 9 yards. And I figure most parents have had "the talk" with kids. The culture has been created that sex is an expression, it is no longer saved for marriage, multiple partners don't matter and you don't even have to like each other...that is the culture that has been created. No amount of birth control programs, sex ed programs, is going to put that horse back in the barn. We reap what we sow.
So why spend even more federal dollars on this? It makes no sense to me. You do the best you can to talk to your kids and explain the consequences of choices...but in the end, you cannot force them not to engage in premarital sex. It is ultimately their choice, and federally funded programs at this stage in our culture...waste of money in my view, because it is only repeating what is already out there.
Just my two cents.
Dollars you have in your pocket won't be worth anything.....
As value decreases now, world is found on shaky ground, too, so my thought is that they are probably going to come up with a currency that will be used by all countries involved (from research I've done) and the dollars you have in your bank account, savings account (?) and pocket won't be worth a red minted cent!
Oh, it isn't $700 billion any more... it is
now $850 billion!!, I am shocked both Senators from LA, 1 Dem (Landrieu) and 1 Rep (Vitter), voted NO.
34 BILLION...............
To the poster who said ALL the garbage had been taken out of the stimulus bill, which of course hasn't, I suppose you believe the Dept of Commerce spending 34 BILLION of our money is just fine, especially since they are a huge anti-American group to begin with. Do your homework.....Dept of Commerce is not the least bit interested in businesses in this country.
Gee, $1.2 billion?
pretty soon we'll be talking about real money!
So, the 2 million dollars went back to Alaska.
Wow, spot on . . .10 billions dollars a month . . .
for that war. For what? OIL. That money could go a long way to making sure EVERYBODY had healthcare and dramatically speed up the process of developing alternative energy sources! Why can no one see how much sense this makes?
You will never be able to deny that $559 billion
That would have been 30 billion to ACORN of the...sm
return on the investments. That and other returns going to special interests.
Think about it. This is an investment. NOT a bailout. They need to get rid of that word.
If the dems wanted to write in 30 billion dollars to the ACORN from future profits....and others....they know this is an investment.
They need to tell the public this.
These profits need to be returned to the taxpayer, and to Social Security and pay down the national debt.
Not more special interests.
That's a big holdup of all the add ons that the dems put on, that need to be changed for the good of the people.
They need to get back closer to three pages....instead of 103 pages of earmarks for special interests.
I thought it came out of the 700 billion as...
part of the consumer housing protection part of it. The way I understand the 700 billion is that is how much is allotted but nothing in the bill said specifically how it was going to be spent other than to "rescue" the economy. The bill did have mortgage protections in it, meaning "try to keep people in their homes." So, I believe that he is saying 300 billion of the 700 billion would go to that purpose.
$14 billion in taxes isn't even a
Certainly, no reason to legalize a dangerous substance, which is what pot is.
Let's reverse all the smoking restrictions and get all our kids hooked on cigarettes instead, if that's our logic. We'll make a lot more than $14 billion!
Stamp out tobacco and legalize pot. We're doing some real good thinking here.
And hey! You! Drop that Twinkie and put your hands in the air! Wipe those crumbs off your lips! This is the Fat Police you're dealing with, buster, and you're goin' downtown. Lookout boys! He's got a can of whipped cream under his shirt!
(Later, at home): Son, I'm so disappointed in you. Why can't you smoke pot like all the other kids?
Obama campaign gave over 800K dollars
Obama gave ACORN 800 THOUSAND dollars
I just heard billions of dollars in bigger government...
A trillion dollars being spent, 1100 pages
and the American people aren't allowed to look at it let alone the house and senate don't get time to read it? WTFrig is that all about?
700 billion dispersed to every citizen would only come to
I heard this morning it was over $850 billion...
with added stuff...one particular one I saw was for wool research and wooden children's arrows of all things. The Republicans did manage to get some tax cuts in there that will help to a point so that maybe not so much of the $700 billion will have to go out...because people will be encouraged to invest again. A drop in the bucket probably, but at least a try. Now it has to go back to the house and no telling what they will want to add. The bill went from what was posted on the internet (about 10 pages I think) to 450+. Sigh. THAT kind of experience we don't need anymore of. Bring on Sarah Palin. I wish we could replace every member of congress with common sense folks like Sarah Palin. THAT is change I can believe in. I am sick to DEATH of Washington Politics as usual.
As to Dodd and Frank...I hear that! Not willing to accept one iota of the blame when they should have all of it. And where is the mainstream media? Out to lunch? Can you imagine what will happen to this country if Obama is elected, with a Democrat majority and mainstream media cover? What is WRONG with people? Hellooo. Sigh.
Mccain did say that he had a plan to use 300 billion...
of the 700 billion to buy back bad mortgages and renegotiate them to a fixed rate so that people could stay in their homes. Obama said this morning that was a bad idea and it rewarded bad lenders. But it WOULD protect the homeowners. He can't have it both ways, and neither can you.
Obama has not said how he will fix the economic crisis either. He talks in generalities. He said that yes, maybe some programs should be cut, but won't given even ONE example. He says he still plans to raise taxes on the rich (which are the businesses, the corporations, most of the jobmakers in this country). Now you tell ME how THAT is going to HELP the economy.
McCain has said he would FREEZE spending except for the most necessary programs. THAT is what will HELP the economy. If Obama said freeze spending his base woudl go apoplectic.
McCain has said more specific things than Obama has said about getting us out of his crisis. You just aren't listening to anyone but Obama and the Obama campaign. I am listening to BOTH of them.
errr...$2.1 billion committment....
Why can I not type?
The deficit is coming down. It is down by 18 billion just recently
how do you know no one has anyone serving over there. You have no way of knowing that.
Remember the $150 billion in TARP "sweeteners"
That one was sorta like a bribe to get pubs onboard. This bill rider is a bit different, maybe a tad more understandable but nonetheless, pretty hard to swallow, given the circumstances. Apparently, whereas Congress gets an automatic COLA raise, judges' raises have to be subjected to vote. In 6 of the last 13 years, judges were denied COLA raises (leaving their salaries stagnated at a mere $169,300 annually). This particular measure was the only remaining unresolved issue remaining on this lame duck congressional session. They will be getting 2.3% raise, if it passes. Here's a link:
Keating 5 cost taxpayers $125 billion.
Fannie/Freddie going to cost 7 billion...
if we are lucky.
Yeah.Like it's hard to live with $12 Billion
It wasn't campaign donations that paid for thousands of dollars in kids' travel