You can't "take" your pension and 401K out of the stock market if you are not retirement age. We are stuck with whatever the companies we work for invest in. my husband and I have some choices about where we invest our 401K but they all involve mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc.
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
Am I missing some bigger picture? I'm serious with that question.
Last night Barrack mentioned how he's against the raising of the retirement age. Hillary didn't really speak to it, but I got the impression that she also doesn't want to see that happen. Is there some reason other than AARPs very powerful lobby? I mean, in the 60's, the average life expectancy was about 70 years, now it's close to 78. Why shouldn't retirement age be raised? We are not only living longer, but we're living healthy longer. I do realize that not all will remain healthy, but for those there is disability also.
SS is in so much trouble, it just seems to me to be a no brainer that by raising the retirement age, even by just a couple of years, some of those problems can be lessened.
Thank goodness my DH and I took all of our retirement
and investments out of the market about 6 weeks ago, had a feeling something was coming.
People near retirement age will be put out on the
ice floe to die. But since out country is a little short of ice floes, those who have reached the end of their 'productive lives' will be denied medical care and allowed to seek whatever undignified death seems appropriate to them. Adapt or die. Next question?
I am a PT MT receiving my retirement
social security benefits. Here is what the letter I received from the SSA stated:
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Among its provisions are one-time payments to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries, as well as funding to help the agency address critical needs.
One-Time Payments of $250 For Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries
Nearly 55 million people who receive Social Security and SSI benefits will get a special one-time payment of $250. They should receive the one-time payment by late May 2009. You better not have a 401K
Democrats now want to take your 401K from you and tax the crap out of it beforehand. They also want to set up a government pension where everyone will pay 5% of they pay into a mandated pension plan. Obama is supporting this. Where does it all end? You don't call this complete government takeover? Liberals in the white house will be the death of a free democracy. They will kill this country.
No 401K here either....... sm
In fact, no real savings to speak of. I'm winging it (no pun intended....okay, pun intended) from paycheck to paycheck.
No, my wages and retirement have only gone down last two years of OMG, unbelievable. People near retirement
expected to get a higher education to keep a job. No way. How could a person even afford it, and once you graduated, you'd be too old and couldn't find a job. He addressed this in an awful way IMHO.
The paragraph about early retirement
That's where DH is. Forced to retire because of no work (road construction). The stimulus money went to 2 cities in my state. The rest of the state got nothing towards road construction or very little.
We didn't get last year's stimulus check because we owed taxes and they put the money towards that. Now he's getting screwed out of the $250 because he wasn't retired when this happened. Never fails.
Remember that cartoon of the guy always under the grey cloud? That's us.
I now make $60,000 a year, give or take, and work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. I cannot possibly work any more, and I cannot afford to have the O take my money away and give it to people who don't work at all. When that middle class umbrella cuts in half again...and since it's now 120,000, it could be real soon for me.....there's no way, no how I'll stand for more taxes from my blood and sweat as it is.
As my husband says..... We'll quit working, and become good little communists....if it comes right down to it....and if they try to our guns away, we will go down fighting....and if the thought police come to our door because they don't like what we think? Oh well....we'll take a few of them with us.....
1984 will be ol' 2009......and it ain't pretty.
I am STILL pulling for Rush says, if we have to drag Yosemite Sam's behind over the finish line, we have to drag it over....and it's gotta be done.....
My husband and I have had the same 401K, of which 1/2
General Dynamic stock, the company he has worked for for 27 years. Well, our stash there is now about half what it was, our retirement, essentially. We are hoping and praying that by staying into the market that we will be able to recoup some of this as the market rebounds..GOD WILLING!!! I am sooooo sorry for all the folk who have gotten hurt in the banking collapse and the crash, so not fair to hard-working Americans. We need stricter laws, I think, stricter regulations once again on banking and corporations. JMHO
The "Smith-&-Wesson Retirement Plan". - sm
Aaaagggggg!!!! I know, I shouldn't of done it. But I just HAD to take a peek. And what I saw was almost too depressing for mere words to describe.
So, this afternoon I logged on to my 401K, just to see how the poor thing has been faring these past coupla weeks. It started hemorrhaging pretty badly a couple of months back, lost first 1/4, and then about 1/3 of its value. But oh, my GOD..... today it's down just a few dollars shy of being only HALF it's former value. A mere shadow of its former self. Now there's not even enough money left in it to buy a decent used car.
I guess now there's only one thing left to do when we reach a point in our lives when we can no longer work, and need to retire. That would involve a gun and a single bullet. Well, mabe 2 bullets. (My aim is pretty bad.....)
Social Security is a retirement "insurance" sm
as with any insurance you usally do draw more than you pay in! If you have a (for example) $250,000 life insurance policy, do you think you are going to pay in $250,000 for it?
All this complaining about people drawing SS but I tell you if you are paying in and happen to have a catastrophic illness and have to draw disability benefits, you will be glad you paid in.
Iraq war fund
Democratic lawmakers and staffers privately say they’re closing in on a broad budget deal that would give President Bush as much as $70 billion in new war funding.
The deal would lack a key provision Democrats had attached to previous funding bills calling for most U.S. troops to come home from Iraq by the end of 2008, which would be a significant legislative victory for Bush.
Democrats admit such a move would be highly controversial within their own party. Coming just weeks after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, vowed the White House would not get another dollar in war money this year, it would further antagonize the liberal base of the party, which has become frustrated with the congressional leadership’s failure to push back on Bush’s Iraq policy.
“The base will not be happy,” said one senior Democratic aide, who requested anonymity to candidly discuss budget negotiations that have not been completed.
The Democratic aide acknowledged the president is likely to get new money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before Congress adjourns for the year. “Yes, in the end, that’s where we will be,” the aide said.
The bizarre thing is that everybody knew that months ago. Of course the president was going to “win” on this issue. No Congress is going to pull funds from an army currently in harm’s way. That Pelosi and company allowed this to be framed as a partisan issue was amazingly incompetent.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Amid record oil prices and soaring gasoline costs, Exxon Mobil's $400 million retirement package to its former CEO is a shameful display of greed that should be reviewed by Congress and investigated by federal regulators, Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan (news, bio, voting record) said on Tuesday.
Dorgan said he wants Exxon Mobil officials to appear at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing to explain how the corporation justifies giving its former boss, Lee Raymond, such a huge retirement package.
There can be no more compelling evidence that the price gouging and market manipulation which has produced record oil prices is out of control, and is working to serve the forces of individual greed and corporate gluttony at the painful expense of millions of American consumers, Dorgan said.
Dorgan's criticism of Raymond's financial package came on the same day that U.S. crude oil prices hit a record high of more than $71 a barrel at the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Higher crude oil prices are helping to push of up gasoline costs. The Energy Department reported prices jumped 10 cents over the last week to a national average of $2.78 a gallon, up 55 cents from a year ago.
President George W. Bush said on Tuesday he was concerned about the impact high gasoline prices were having on families and businesses.
Exxon earned the wrath of many lawmakers when it reported more than $36 billion in profits last year as energy prices paid by consumers soared.
Dorgan said he will push to win passage of his legislation that would impose a windfall profits tax on big oil companies and rebate that money to consumers, unless the companies used their earnings to explore for and produce more energy.
I think a sensible public policy would insist that the big oil companies either invest those windfall profits in things that will increase our own domestic energy supplies, or we should return some of that money to consumers, Dorgan said.
Using them to drop $400 million dollars in the pocket of a big oil executive is simply unacceptable, he added.
Exxon Mobil has defended Raymond's retirement package, saying it was pegged to the rise in the company's profit and market capitalization that occurred during his tenure.
Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts
More control coming? Thanks, but no thanks. I have a brain and like to think for myself. See link below.If the cigarette tax would completely fund...
the 6 billion in revenue expanding this program is going to cost,that would be one thing. It won't. You say you wouldn't mind "having your taxes raised a little." Isn't 35-40% off the top of your gross now enough? I think it is. I think they need to proritize the spending, that is all I am saying. It seems the consensus here is that health insurance for children is the most important. Then that program should be funded first. Then decide what is the next most important issue, and fund that, and on down the line. We cannot keep adding programs, adding taxes, adding programs, adding taxes. At some point it has to stop, or those paying the taxes are going to need help from a program to eat while they are working for taxes for programs. And as more and more people opt for programs and not working and paying into the system...the situation will only get worse. You do realize that realistically this cannot continue forever....right?
Borrowing from the fund is not the only problem --
I don't want to start an argument, but part of the problem is people like my grandmother (God bless her). She drew social security benefits off my grandfather for at over 20 years. She had never paid a penny into social security. Before that, he had drawn for at least 15 years. I know that he only paid in for very few years before he started drawing. So, just the two of them drew out many more thousands of dollars than they paid in.
Now think of all the people who never paid in and are drawing and the people who paid in very little and are drawing. Then think of how many more people are drawing than are paying in right now.
The funds are just not there for people to draw all their lives. I mean get real, when it was set up, people did not live as long, they did not pay in very much at all (in fact, my grandfather regularly paid in 10 cents a week before retirement), it just does not balance out. Now with the baby boomers getting ready to draw, we are really in trouble because the days of having 6-10 kids that would be contributing are over. Most of us only have 2 or less... Do you think we will ever get back the money we have contributed? No way!!!
That's why even though I feel bad for people having to go without a raise for a couple of years, I am not going to really get too upset because at least they are benefitting somewhat - My money is just lost!
In response to your urgent ''roll call'' of Americans... (and solicitation of a donation) I can assure you that I certainly am fed up with the Obama administration and congressional Democrats.But I must inform you that I am equally fed up with the Republican party as well.What’s more, I feel great sense of betrayal because I expect Democrats to act exactly as they have, but not Republicans.
TARP and other bailouts were not a good idea just because they were begun by Bush.The further bailouts, stimulus, deficit increase, nationalization of American business, universal healthcare and other travesties against capitalism are not bad ideas simply because Obama owns them.These are wrong, no matter who is in charge.Bush threw the ball, Obama knocked it over the fence.Way to go.
Only in Washington, DC does it make sense to say, ''I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.''What makes our free market possible is the freedom of losers to fail and winners to succeed.No one and nothing is too big to fail. It’s how we weed out bad ideas. You might remember this next time you are tempted to run a RINO for president.
The Republican party allowed Obama to be elected by fielding such a poor presidential candidate.McCain:Heck of a guy, admirable character, but not a true Republican. By the time I voted in my state Ohio primary, any other appealing Republican candidate had dropped out. In November I was forced simply to vote the NObama ticket.I did not want a candidate who would ''reach across the aisle.''I wanted a conservative Republican candidate.Had it not been for Sarah Palin, I might as well have stayed home.
I will not be attending the Republican ''listening tour.''Listen to this:The dismantling of the American way of life is on Republican as well as Democrat heads.I now consider myself an Independent.In 2012, if the Republican party manages to run a strong conservative candidate I will vote for that candidate. If the party persists in ''moving to the center'' and watering down its traditionally conservative principles, it will find itself in this identical situation.
In response to your urgent ''roll call'' of Americans... (and solicitation of a donation) I can assure you that I certainly am fed up with the Obama administration and congressional Democrats.But I must inform you that I am equally fed up with the Republican party as well.What’s more, I feel great sense of betrayal because I expect Democrats to act exactly as they have, but not Republicans.
TARP and other bailouts were not a good idea just because they were begun by Bush.The further bailouts, stimulus, deficit increase, nationalization of American business, universal healthcare and other travesties against capitalism are not bad ideas simply because Obama owns them.These are wrong, no matter who is in charge.Bush threw the ball, Obama knocked it over the fence.Way to go.
Only in Washington, DC does it make sense to say, ''I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.''What makes our free market possible is the freedom of losers to fail and winners to succeed.No one and nothing is too big to fail. It’s how we weed out bad ideas. You might remember this next time you are tempted to run a RINO for president.
The Republican party allowed Obama to be elected by fielding such a poor presidential candidate.McCain:Heck of a guy, admirable character, but not a true Republican. By the time I voted in my state Ohio primary, any other appealing Republican candidate had dropped out. In November I was forced simply to vote the NObama ticket.I did not want a candidate who would ''reach across the aisle.''I wanted a conservative Republican candidate.Had it not been for Sarah Palin, I might as well have stayed home.
I will not be attending the Republican ''listening tour.''Listen to this:The dismantling of the American way of life is on Republican as well as Democrat heads.I now consider myself an Independent.In 2012, if the Republican party manages to run a strong conservative candidate I will vote for that candidate. If the party persists in ''moving to the center'' and watering down its traditionally conservative principles, it will find itself in this identical situation.
I don't want to pay any more taxes on my 401K than I have to. O wants to tax it. We already pay taxes on it when we take distribution, so that's double taxation and I want no part of it. I don't have much but I sure want to keep what I have.
A lot can happen in the next 2 days and hopefully, things will go from blue to red where needed.
On a weekend when we are all preparing to celebrate our independence, some of us can get ready to kiss that very same independence goodbye.
If Bush stays true to his "base" and the Democrats are unsuccessful in what I hope will be a very aggressive filibuster (if the candidate does turn out to be someone who is unwilling to substitute the Constitution for the Bible), we will have conservatives chipping away at our independence: controlling our lives, our deaths, defining which God is "politically correct," who people with the "wrong" orientation are "allowed" to love, etc., etc., etc.
I wonder how much "independence" we will have left to celebrate on July 4, 2006.
Err, you mean the link to Commonwealth Fund report
"It has to do with Medicaid." Yes, Medicaid is mentioned in the report, but ONLY within the context of expanded eligibility (by various states) based on INCOME, not on age. Furthermore, the feds are actually trying to limit, as in RESTRICT, this type of expanded Medicaid coverage.
It also talks about the interplay between Medicaid and private companies and how it is picking up some but not all of the fallout from private insurance eligibility restrictions. The report goes on to say that Medicaid is functioning AS IT WAS INTENDED, thus lending credence to the assertion in the OP that the SCHIPS program being administered like Medicare and Medicaid is a good thing.
Here's a suggestion. Do a find/search on Medicaid within the article and then try to identify any single statement that indicates Meicaid AGE guidelines have been revised upward. Certainly, you will find nothing anywhere to support the hogwash in the other post that suggests it is now or ever going to be 30.
Here's a few more clues for you. In the excerpt from the other post, terms and phrases such as "nothing to do with federal mandate, their parents' INSURANCE POLICIES and allow INSURERS to set their own dependent age limits" can in no way be interpreted as referring to state funded insurance programs.
Bottom line, once again, is that the aim of health care reform is to INSURE folks, not EXCLUDE them. Raising age (and other) restrictions by private insurance companies is one of many creative ways of keeping folks OFF of state and federally funded health insurance programs.
Why shouldnt gov fund religious programs?
I should be able to get some funding just like everyone else if I have a religious program. I mean we fund abortion here in the US and abroad. We fund wars, we fund all kinds of CRAP so why NOT religion? Isnt it supposed to be equal and fair? Why is it the religious people of this world, namely the Christians get the short end of the stick?
I guess because they/we fund it maybe? Not a birthday gift. nm
Doesn't matter - my 401K is losing an average of $3K
per DAY. Not per week, per DAY. If the loss continues at this rate, it will hit a zero balance and I'll have nuthin' to lose. So I'm voting for Obama, cuz I sure as he11 don't want that old Republican prune taxing my HEALTH CARE next.
my 401K from a previous employer hasn't lost much
but it's in low risk investments, a lot of bonds, and so when things get better, it probably won't rise as quickly as other 401k's. I'm a chicken.
The congress which raided the SS fund was republican at the time
and at the rate the republicans are carrying the country, in ten years, it will resemble Argentina (who also ended up in the same place, as a debtor nation).
Israel has the republican party as it stands in his back pocket as does corportate america. The republican party isn't conservative anymore. It is a giant siphon of American assets into the pockets of the rich, at the expense of the taxpayer. Anyone can see this but the sheople who voted these clowns into office and didn't benefit from the tax cuts ::rolls eyes::.
Obama also voted not to fund troops in combat....
It should be apparent to all of us by now that whatever you can find on one politician you can find on another... :)