???? Um. News flash. Hillary didn't win - - - nm
Posted By: ???? on 2008-08-30
In Reply to: come on..have you been watching the news? - there are so many feminist groups refusing
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News Flash. sm
Using the term living in ignorance is not calling a name. If you are that sensitive, political boards are not for you.
News flash
from an old crohn who has lived a long time. If you are expecting things to be any better under EITHER regime, I think you're whistling in the wind. Both candidates supported the bail-out that is going to put us all under and I expect we'll become the newest Third World Country. When all is said and done, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We've allowed our country to be overrun by illegal aliens thanks to many bleeding hearts. BOTH of these candidates support "comprehensive immigration reform." We only need the laws already on the books to be enforced. BOTH of them want to reward the illegals already in this country knowing full well that it will further depress wages and benefits but it will sure please the big businesses that they BOTH cater to. We pay lip service to wanting change but how the heck do we get it when we keep wanting "experience" or more of the same when we say we want "change." Ain't gonna happen. I refer to the definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." To quote the person who constantly says it..........SHEESH!!
News flash...(sm)
I have had an abortion. Was it for my own convenience? No. Did I have to have escorts into the building because people like you were outside throwing bottles and yelling murderer? Yes. By the way, they set a bomb the next day that killed quite a few people. I guess that wasn't murder though because it was name of the lord. Did I enjoy ripping my child apart limb by limb and decapitating him/her as you so eloquantly put it? Not so much. Was it really like that even? No. How did I know? Well, let's just say the tape they used to hold the material over the *collection jar* didn't stick very well. What you don't understand is that having an abortion is not an easy decision, but sometimes it is a necessary decision.
So why did I have an abortion? I had 2 choices. I could have the child who was fathered by the man who was my husband at the time, who would have beaten the child just like he beat and raped me, or I could have had the child so it could end up in that list of children you just turned your nose up at. You see, not everybody fits into that nice little box you like to call *girls who just want to get pregnant,* but if that makes it prettier for you, then go right ahead.
I don't have a problem with faith, I have a problem with religion, especially when it impacts social issues that would take away rights of others who are not represented by that religion, or when it presents a double standard (you really don't have to look too hard to find those). A person on this board wrote that politics don't belong in the pulput. I agree. But I also believe that the pulput doesn't belong in politics. Keep your religion, let it teach you whatever it will, abide by it's rules. Just don't expect others to have the same set of rules.
Helping my community: You have no idea what I do and don't do, so I wouldn't be so quick to judge someone you don't know. Maybe you should spend less time running all over the world trying to find that perfect baby that will look just like mommy and daddy and spend more time using that money spent on the kids here that need help. I guess that would be too much to ask for because those children here are just too much of a pain in the a$$ for you.
You just keep on rambling on about how wonderful you are and how $hitty everyone else is. Oh, and might I point out that most christians I know don't help others for recognition (your boasting is disgusting), they help others because they want to and because that is what their faith teaches them to do.
News flash for you.
Palin lost.
Get a new hobby.
News flash, m...
Not everyone believes the same as you. You can be shocked and disappointed all you like, it is not going to change anyone's mind. As a matter of fact, the more I learn about the mindset of the the extreme conservatives, the more liberal I become.
News flash....(sm)
The current debt of the US BEFORE this plan is $10,765,494,601,610.69 as of Feb 14, 2009. It has continued to increase by about $3.58 billion PER DAY since Sept 28, 2007. Hmmmm.....
I wonder what could be costing us so much? How about this?
And you want to complain about spending money that will actually BENEFIT people. 
News flash for you......
We get the fact that this deficit was there before Obama took office. However, there were many dems who voted in favor of the war in Iraq...including Hillary Clinton. Bush didn't do all of this on his own. He did all of this with the help of the rest of the government and within the last few years or so....I do believe dems controlled congress.
All this being said, it still does not make spending 1 trillion dollars okay because....hey Bush already racked up a huge deficit first. Government spending is part of what got us in this mess in the first place and now what is government doing.......SPENDING MORE. I can't help but cringe.
As far as blaming all this money being spent on Iraq......how about all the money that goes to illegal aliens daily. We are talking billions of dollars going to illegal aliens in this country....and I do believe Obama's own aunt is one of those.
news flash
A ton of people are already smoking pot. Probably people you would never suspect. I know teachers, lawyers, doctors, grandmothers, and even the minister of my church.
I think it is a great idea! Besides the income from the tax, we can quit wasting resources on something so absurd.
News flash....(sm)
That wasn't "god" commiting murder. That was one of your run of the mill wacko pro-life supporters. You must be so proud. Since you believe that life begins at conception, what makes it okay to take one life and not okay to take another's? You have to be the most hypocritical excuse for a human I've ever had the misfortune to meet.
News flash - yourself, you need to read
are the one trying to involve religion and "social issues."
News flash, Shelly.
There are millions of people who believe in the concept of God and not all of them believe in the same God you claim to believe in. It may be "your" one and only true God, but you cannot speak for anyone else.
News flash. Bush is not running.
News flash for you.......their women are scared
They are afraid to even move the wrong way for fear of retribution. THey are afraid to let their daughters go to school because they fear what will happen to them on the way to school. Of course, the women will treat you with respect. The women aren't usually the problem. It's the beliefs the men have forced down their throats and those of their daughters. Don't misinterpret respect for fear, fear of doing anything that could get them beaten to death. There are some more liberal areas where beliefs are not as harsh and families are not so demanding of their women and daughters; Saudi Arabia and Iran are two of them, but even Iranian women are coming under attack again and are fearful of even crossing the street.
Like I have been told by Muslim women in this country who are no longer under the control of men from those countries, they feel such a relief and do not have to fear for their lives every day. They will tell you their sons are taught from a small age to chant verses of hate over and over again, brainwashing them. Only those that are lucky enough to be in a more liberal environment and even leave the country abroad for education purposes realize the difference in the teachings from other religions, where love is actually taught.
NEWS FLASH....prostitutes' business
One madam reported her girls were getting $260 for 60 minutes but now they're hurting because of the economy. Boy, it's pretty bad when our news media thinks it's noteworthy to note the whores are hurting.
Hey, news flash - This isn't O's personal life
And sure you don't care about Bush...you'd be all over him in a second criticizing him up and down. This is not the O's personal life. I could care less what the O, Michelle, his daughters and relatives do in their own lives.
This is his public life, and the people (our servants) that he has invited to his parties, and the fact that he's spending our tax money to fund his parties!!!!!!!
News flash, Jon Voight is mentally ill.
NEWS FLASH - Michelle wears flat shoes a lot!!
What in the world can we read into this?
This is bulls**t. Pure and simple. But you guys LOVE the troops. News flash. SM
Recruiters are troops.
sorry...b/c Hillary'd DIDN'T win
What I DIDN'T Think of Hillary's Speech
Yesterday, Hillary scheduled her big ballyhoo to end her campaign, curiously at high noon. I live in out west, so everything is two hours behind.
I had been up most of the night and tuned into MSNBC early, at about 9:45 a.m. (11:45 a.m. Hillary time). Although I was pretty tired, I was looking forward to personally assessing the features of Hillary's personality as she spoke and wanted to see if this was going to be another speech that was all about her, with bitterness and a sense of entitlement, or if one of her other personalities would emerge, perhaps a kinder, gentler one, very much hoping for the latter..
Here's the time line:
9:45:00 a.m.: No Hillary yet, but I'm early. Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann (my two favorites) are hosting this historic event. I can listen to these two guys talk all day.
9:50:00 a.m.: I can't listen to these two guys talk all day, so I begin channel surfing. Rachel Ray is cooking what looks to be some GOOD lasagna on the Food Network. I like Rachel Ray (despite the fact she's secretly a Muslim), but I can't get too involved because I am waiting for Hillary.
9:55:00 a.m.: Back to MSNBC. Chris and Keith still chatting. Hey, guys. We've got FIVE MINUTES to go here. Shouldn't we be -- what? Senator Clinton hasn't left her house yet? Quick shot to Senator Clinton's house reveals no visible activity. (Whose motorcycle is that, anyway?)
10:00:29 a.m.: Back to the remote. Animal Planet generously offers, "Cracking the Secret Code of Ants," complete with close-up shots of a gazillion ants. Uh, thanks, but no thanks. Whatever happened to that cute little meerkat -- Daisy or Rose or whatever flowery name the gave her -- yeah, that's it: Her name was FLOWER! Those ants are just too creepy!
10:00:30 a.m.: History Channel is showing Ax Men. I think not.
10:00:32 a.m.: Back to MSNBC: Clinton still hasn't left house. What the -- I bet she handcuffed herself to a piano, swallowed the key, they're trying to drag her out of the house, and she is refusing to leave.
10:00:35 a.m.: Beginning to feel extreme anxiety and tension. Recall that I was prescribed Xanax for such occasions. I'll only take a half of one because otherwise, I'll fall asleep, and I can't do that because Hillary's speech is too important!
10:03:00 a.m.: More surfing. Ooooooh. FX is showing Dharma and Greg at 10:00. As I tune in, Dharma is at her in-laws', having dinner and explaining why she sleeps in the nude. Some hot-looking foreign guy declares everyone at the table to be sexy. (Hot-looking foreign guy is Greg's aunt's new boyfriend. Greg's aunt wants a divorce from Greg's uncle and wants Greg to represent her.) As usual, Dharma does her good deed and tries to bring aunt and uncle back together. Greg is angry because Dharma's interference causes him to lose client. I decide Dharma would make a great diplomat to Iran. As you can see from the time line, this show moves very quickly (plus, it's a rerun that I've already seen).
10:07:00 a.m.: Back to surfing. Hit "channel down" button. "Army Wives" is on Lifetime. Like the show, but these are all reruns.
10:08:00 a.m.: Back to the clicker, hitting "channel up" button. Arrive at Animal Planet just in time to be greeted by the words, "...something gripped in ant's jaw." Am reminded to check MSNBC again.
10:08:02 a.m.: MSNBC makes another announcement: "Senator Clinton has not left her house. Endorsement speech delayed." Well, DUH! Am becoming a tad annoyed at this point. I wonder if she'd be late for her own funeral -- oops -- bad example. She already is, politically, "presidentially" speaking. Banner at bottom of screen: "Senator Hillary Clinton to Suspend Campaign and Endorse Obama." Suspend? SUSPEND???!!! Is she still holding out for that bizarre RFK scenario she shared with the entire world the other week? All the other candidates ENDED their campaigns, and she's still SUSPENDING?!!
10:11:00 a.m.: Back to Food Network. Someone's preparing grilled peach salad. Being basically a meat and potatoes kind of person, this is just a little too "busy" for me. (It's really quite simple: Peaches are good either plain or with ice cream, yogurt or cream; burgers, dogs, chicken, ribs and steaks, etc. are grilled; and salad consists of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, onion, and maybe a few other ingredients, but PEACHES ain't one of them.) Thinking how strange this all is triggers my memory to try MSNBC again..
10:13:00 a.m.: No news yet. Annoyance still present but somewhat "soothed."
10:14:00 a.m.: Channel-surf my way to Oxygen. "Snapped" is on. Again reminded of Hillary and tune back in to MSNBC.
10:17:00 a.m.: People still yacking, no Hillary, and the motorcycle outside her house is looking smaller all the time.
10:17:45 a.m.: Remote takes me back to the Food Network. The show is called "Rescue Chef." Acutely aware of my own personal culinary challenges, I pop a tape into the VCR and press "Record."
10:18:15: a.m.: I come to the realization that the show with that weird grilled peach salad IS "Rescue Chef," the show I'm taping. I remove tape from VCR.
10:19:00 a.m.: Back to the clicker. "Dominick Dunne's Power, Privilege and Justice" is on truTV. Again reminded not to take eye off prize and click back on to MSNBC, this time for the duration.
10:26:00 a.m.: People moving about outside Hillary's house. Motorcade leaving. Why does she need a MOTORCADE? Why couldn't she just do all of this, ON TIME, perhaps in the setting of one of her "conversations," sitting on her couch, smiling and trying to sound sincere? My annoyance quickly turns to anticipation, though. Finally!!! I yawn. My tension and anxiety have completely abated. I yell "Hurry, Hillary. Hurry!!" out loud. Dog stares at me in tilted-head confusion.
7:14:00 p.m.: I suddenly awaken to one of MSNBC's boring prison shows, distressed, sweating profusely and panic-stricken, after having had a nightmare about watching "Snapped," showing Dharma Montgomery in prison, having been convicted of poisoning her husband, Army Private Greg Montgomery, after serving him a dinner of lasagna with grilled peach salad in which she had hidden fire ants that she had killed with an ax. An Army Colonel by the name of Barack Olbermann had discovered Private Montgomery's body in the desert, near a colony of meerkats. Hillary Clinton, Dharma's attorney, is also interviewed. Dharma is sentenced to life in prison without parole.
What I learned today:
1. A half a Xanax works just as well as a full one.
2. Grilled peach salad really IS bad.
I didn't say anything about Fox news!!!
Where do you come up with such myths. Show me one thing in my post that said Fox news. I didn't say it. My words were...
"There is another site with better sources and it is called truth or fiction." I also said "Research for yourself with many other links out there."
I didn't say anything about Fox!!!!!!!!!!!
Right....like the news media didn't fall all over themselves trying to get first in line...you ne
You didn't read the AP news story on Ogden?
I posted it below in a post yesterday.
If it's high you flash it, if it's low you hide it.....sm
like everything else, isn't it?
FLASH! Your cheap methods won't work here.
Sadly for you, people on this forum are beginning to learn how to think.
First, you don't give your source - THE HUFFINGTON POST! Get a clue that we're on to you and won't let you get away with this crap for even one minute. Try this deception again and we'll bury you.
Second, the way Boehner used the word "torture" was taken entirely out of context as he did not call our methods torture, nor did he agree that this is what they amounted to.
Here's what Boehner said - and you'll notice that it is completely different from what you are TRYING so very hard to mis-portray:
"House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is upset with the Obama administration for releasing the torture memos and thinks the time for a public debate is over — even though the debate just seems to be heating up.
"I don't — I don't see a lot of value in looking back. ... This is another side show here in Washington," he told reporters during his weekly news conference.
"When it comes to what our interrogation techniques are going to be or should be, I — I'm not going to disclose, nor should anyone have a conversation about what those techniques ought to be. It's — it's inappropriate. All it does is give our enemies more information about us than they need."
A reporter (me) interjected: "Do you think it's inappropriate to have a public conversation about the techniques we use?"
Boehner: "Oh, I think that conversation has occurred. The president has made decisions, and we should move forward."
Me, again: "But you think — you just said it was inappropriate. You don't think ..."
Boehner: "I don't — I don't see that we're going to learn anything that — that clearly members in a bipartisan way, the congressional leaders, didn't already know about these techniques."
John Bresnahan: "Shouldn't the American public know [inaudible]? Shouldn't they have an idea?"
Boehner: "Well, listen, I — I'll take a deep breath here. [Grabs podium and inhales.] We're talking about terrorists who are hell bent on killing Americans. All right? And — and 3,000 of our fellow citizens died. And there were techniques that were used by Americans and our allies around the world that helped keep America safe."
FOX news IS the news. The only 1 that tells BOTH
It's all over the news - and I mean ALL news stations.
not just the ones you don't like.
I've actually been thinking of voting for her if she runs. A year ago, I couldn't stand her. I don't know if she's changed or if I've changed, but what I mostly think it is, is that the further right the neocons go, the further toward center she seems to wind up.
As far as respect, let's see... She has the ability to articulately and intelligent form SENTENCES using the English language. That in and of itself is worthy of much more respect than what we've currently got.
She seems to have enormous strength without being a bully. I can't recall her telling the rest of the world to "Bring it on."
I'm somewhere between being a Democrat and Republican. I tend to vote for someone because of issues, not because of party affiliation. I've registered as an Independent because of that, and I'm glad I did because these days of Republicans and skyrocketing deficits, increasing intrusion of government into the personal lives of American citizens, etc. leaves me wondering just what Republican and Democrat means any more.
Republican seems to now mean a particular, narrow brand of Christianity (rather than a brand of politics), lying as a regular and customary part of doing business with the American people and the world, destroying the lives of people who disagree with them, completely stalling and bringing science to a screeching halt, forcing regime change on weaker countries through war, while showing weakness and backing down from true threats, such as North Korea.
And Democrats -- well, I just don't know any more what they stand for.
Again, as far as Hillary is concerned, she left a bad taste in my mouth when she seemed to put down stay-at-home moms with her comment about choosing her career over staying home and "having teas." I feel being a mother is probably the most important job there is, and I didn't appreciate that comment. However, recently she's looking a lot better to me.
I also would like to see more from Giuliani. I think he demonstrated excellent leadership during the 9/11 tragedy, and he seems to be more moderate when it comes to the personal lives of people.
My DREAM President would have been Colin Powell. I can't recall seeing such grace, dignity and intelligence in a politician. He also has firsthand combat experience in foreign lands and might not be so hasty to jeopardize soldiers' lives as someone who didn't have the guts to put his own life on the line yet seems to find the lives of our young people readily disposable for nation building, rather than defending America.
I truly don't think we can do any WORSE than what we have now. If we can just all hold our breath and tread lightly, we just might be able to survive the next three years, not because of this president but IN SPITE of him.
Hillary just might be someone who would actually put Americans' safety and America, in general, FIRST. Wouldn't that be a nice change? 
If it had been Hillary...
Personally, I don't care what Laura did when she was 17, even if she was driving drunk. But, republicans are relentless and we can't let this go without mentioning the certain media frenzy if this had been Hillary who killed her first fiance.
If it had been Hillary:
Barbara Olson would have a best seller on it. Ann Coulter would have a best seller on it. Peggy Noonan would have a best seller on it. Laura Ingraham would have a best seller on it. Laura Schlessinger would have a best seller on it. David Limbaugh would have a best seller on it. Christopher Hitchens would have a best seller on it. Dick Morris would have a best seller on it. Bob Woodward would have a best seller on it. Christopher Ruddy would have a best seller on it. Ben Stein would have a best seller on it. Gail Sheehy would have a best seller on it Neal Boortz would have a best seller on it. David P. Schippers would have a best seller on it. David Maraniss would have a best seller on it. Mike Barnacle would claim he was in the car with Hillary. Joe Klein would write a best seller on it, but swear he didn't Judas Stephanopolous Maximus would have a best seller on it. Joe Eszterhas would fabricate quotes from Hillary's vagina. Michael Isikoff would swear the conversation was "off the record" but then turn around and print every word (plus some he made up.) Kenneth Starr would write an impeachment referral over it. Susan McDougal would still have to do time in prison, and Julie Hiatt Steele would still lose her house.
The vulgar Pigboy would pound on her 15 hours a week until 2009. O'Reilly would pound on Hillary for months and years. Hannity would pound on Hillary for months and years. (and Colmes would remain silent while he did...) Paula Zahn would pound on Hillary for months and years. Brit Hume would have weekly "Special reports" called "Accident? You Decide!" Juan Willaims and Mara Liason would agree Hillary belongs in prison.
CNN would create a spin off network to cover it 24/7. Tim would mention it every Sunday until he died. Chris would pound on Hillary for months and years, but no guest would ever get to answer any questions about it. Cokie Roberts would mention it every week, then giggle. Henry Hyde would scream, "The flag is falling."
Richard Mellon Scaife would pay David Brock $80,000 to talk to the cops who were paid $80,000 to say "We thought we smelled liquor, but everyone in Arkansas knows there'd be hell to pay if we wrote this up as a drunk driving accident." The American Spectator would then run a front page story on it, and somehow Paula Jones would run into the spotlight screaming, "Hillary was trying to kill me - and missed," then the mainstream media would've made Paula a star on this story instead of the other one. Then every night, Larry King and his "panel of experts" would search for the connection between Hillary's accident and Clinton's penis - as he always does.
...but since it was Bush's wife, Karl Rove gave orders not to bring it up. 
Better keep an eye on Hillary as well...
Ironically, Hillary – who is evidently now opposed to military action – said in February that "no option can be taken off the table" when dealing with Iran.
"U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal,” she told a crowd of Israel supporters. “We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. In dealing with this threat ... no option can be taken off the table."
Either she has flip-flopped or she was pandering to the pro-Israel crowd to get their votes. Which was it I wonder?
I do not think Obama has enough experience to be president. Two years in the senate, spent his third year on the campaign trail, not enough experience for me. Also do not believe he sat in a church for 20 years and never heard the preacher say the things we heard on the TV. He also talks but never explains how he will do things. Not sure about the black issue. Would have voted for Colin Powell if he had run back sometime ago. Some people will never vote for a black person, just like some men would rather vote for a turnip rather than vote for a female. It is a man thing.
I am not happy with any of the candidates. That being said, I do think Hillary should be in the White House. I detested her at first but compared to Obama (all smoke and mirrors, no substance) and McCain (Mr. Ego personified) I believe she truly does love this country. I also feel when another terrorist attack occurs on us, and I feel it will, she will be a good person in office to deal with this. Obama would be a disaster with his inexperience.
Anyone else getting fed up with Hillary?
I used to have a lot respect for Hillary, and while I favored Obama for the nomination I was fine with her being the nominee instead. Now she is on this "crusade" to make the votes of MI and FL count as they are, in her favor of course. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that if those states had favored Obama that she wouldn't be down there pushing hard for the votes to count? She keeps trying to spin this as not changing the rules or not about her, but it's about the voters being heard! Funny how she didn't have any complaints when the ruling was first made that their votes wouldn't count. She insults everyone's intelligence with her arguments and I am just fed up with her.
Love Hillary. Hope she gets VEEP!
And so she should be. I am not a Hillary fan...
but they messed her over big time. To quote reverend wright...the chickens have come home to roost!
Hillary did it too....sm
Seems to me I read about people from Mass or NY being bused in and out of the NH or VT democrat primary....to vote for Hillary, or so I heard.
Gee, that story got buried real quick, as I recall.
Not a big Hillary fan but it looks like...
she really got a major hatchet job sent her way....
No wonder a bunch of Hillary supporters are ... shall we say...angry?
Hillary C
Campaigning in Lansing, MI for Obama Sat morning.
While I am not a Hillary fan -
I didn't miss any part and didn't say...
anything either way. I just posted a link.
Ha ha! I wonder if Hillary sent Roberts a thank you
All she has to do is point out that Republicans want to go backwards in time, want women barefoot, pregnant and inferior to men. This is probably the best thing to happen to a Democratic campaign n a long time! Gotta love it!
Seems no one wants a piece of Hillary :)
GOP Challenger to Sen. Clinton Quits Race
By Chris Cillizza Special to The Washington Post Thursday, December 22, 2005; Page A05
Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro (R) ended her campaign against New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday, bringing to a close a brief and decidedly rocky attempt to unseat perhaps the country's most famous Democratic officeholder.
Even as she announced she would shutter her campaign against Clinton, Pirro jumped into the state attorney general's contest. A recent independent poll showed her trailing the two Democrats seeking that office.
In a statement released by her campaign, Pirro said her law enforcement background better qualifies me for a race for New York State Attorney General than a race for the United States Senate.
Pirro's exit leaves the Republicans adrift for now, with only two obscure candidates vying for the nomination: former Yonkers mayor John Spencer and tax lawyer William Brenner.
From the start of Pirro's Senate campaign in mid-August, she was beset by questions about her fundraising ability and readiness for such a high-profile contest.
Pirro is the second Republican to drop a bid against Clinton, who is seeking a second Senate term next November. New York City lawyer Ed Cox, the son-in-law of President Richard M. Nixon, left the contest Oct. 16 when New York Gov. George E. Pataki (R) announced his support for Pirro.
We know at some point the Republicans will sort out this process and choose a nominee, Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said.
Cillizza is a washingtonpost.com staff writer.
I feel the very same way about Hillary.
I remember several years ago hearing some pundits speculate about political royalty and how the Bushes and Clintons would be basically the only *families* in the White House from here on out.
Given Bill's sudden closeness to and *adoption* by Bush, Sr. and Hillary's refusal to take a stand, as you said, it kind of makes me wonder if maybe they didn't hit the nail on the head.
She's been listening to Hillary too much. :) nm
Hillary on immigration...
not sure why you are asking me; I didn't post anything about Bush and immigration...I don't happen to agree with him on that. Apparently Hillary does though...see article:
WASHINGTON --Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a potential White House candidate in 2008, said Wednesday some Republicans are trying to create a "police state" to round up illegal immigrants.
Alerts Clinton, D-N.Y., spoke out on the U.S. immigration policy after largely staying away from an issue that has roiled Congress in recent months and spurred a number of conflicting proposals.
Speaking at a rally of Irish immigrants, Clinton criticized a bill the House passed in December that would impose harsher penalties for undocumented workers.
"Don't turn your backs on what made this country great," she said, calling the measure "a rebuke to what America stands for."
The House measure would make unlawful presence in the United States, which is currently a civil offense, a felony.
Clinton said it would be "an unworkable scheme to try to deport 11 million people, which you have to have a police state to try to do."
That sounds to me like she is supporting amnesty from the back door saying that it would not be possible to round them all up.
You will also notice that the Republican congress wants to make it a felony to be here illegally...good for them. Hillary does not agree, and neither does Bush. As I stated...I do not agree with Bush on this issue.
Hillary is wonderful
Hillary is wonderful so is every other democrat running..ANYONE is better than the tired old men running as republicans. I would vote for my dog before I would vote for a republican. We need four years of peace and prosperity and building our reputation in the world and healing this country and fixing all the destructive things this administration has done here and abroad. Hillary, when she worked as a lawyer, was one of the top five lawyers in America. Her IQ is higher than Bill and that has to be quite high as Bill is quite an intelligent man. Contrast that to the person in the WH now. I think his IQ must be around 75 to 90.
Hillary Exposed? Not quite....
I took the time to watch the trailer of Peter Paul's Hillary Exposed trailer again this morning, took a few notes, and did a little internet research. It is my conclusion that this is mostly fabrication with a stab at Hillary because he is angry that his investment/ideas didn't go as he had planned.
The 2000 Hollywood Gala was a farewell for Bill to garner his favor in supporting him on a business venture, with the added benefit as a fundraiser for Hillary. Paul also gave fundraisers for others. For whatever reason, this didn't go as he had planned. Paul specifically stated that he only gave the fundraiser for Hillary to get to Bill. There is no evidence suggesting that Clinton told Levin to seduce Oto to oust Paul to destroy him and SLM.
The phone call to SLM from Hillary says nothing other than that she is pleased with what they are doing for her and thanking them. I do not believe that she helped plan the gala whatsoever nor knew the full details.
Is being a fundraiser the same as campaign contributor? If you are shelling out money for the affair, is that considered a campaign contribution? I didn't have time to dig into that this morning.
As David Rosen was Hillary's finance director, if he falsified documents, whether on his own or told by someone else to do it, he is the one culpable.
Digging into Peter F. Paul's past doesn't lend much to his credibility. I am loath to believe anything from such a person. I think he is just trying to save his own butt and trying to get back at Bill through Hillary. His stint in Brazil and being put in jail was of his own doing.
In essence, there is just not much substance here when you start digging. This is the first of many attacks that are just beginning for Hillary as well as the other presidential candidates and should not be taken at face value.
Should Hillary step down?
I've heard people say she should step down before things get worse within the party. That it would be the best for the Democrat party.
Thoughts, opinions, comments?
Is Hillary for real?
Talk about being out of touch with Americans. She cannot relate to what we go through at all. She came from a weathly family yet she portrays in her ads that she is like everyone else. Then on top of that seems like every state she campaigns in she says she is from. So I'm confused...Is she from Arkansas, New York, Pennsylvania, now Indiana? Give me a break! She's so full of it. She came from a wealthy family, married a wealthy guy and she's never had to worry where the money for her food is coming from. She's never had to pump her own gas (by her own admission). This is all a "photo stunt" into making people think she's out there pumping gas and dealing with the problems and issues we are facing. She didn't even know what a gallon of gas cost before just a couple days ago. I'm sure she also doesn't know what a gallon of milk or loaf of bread cost. And her gas stimulus or whatever it is she's trying to pass off as some great program. Basically it boils down to you will get one free fill up for your vehicle for the day. Right - like that's going to solve the problems. The sooner that hag loses the better for America (also the better for my blood pressure to finally resume its normalcy).
Poor Hillary
So Bill is now coming out saying people are picking on Hillary.
Oh the poor baby. Wasn't she the one who said "If you can't stand the heat....."
Whether I like her or not is besides the point. This is an election and Bill & Hillary need to realize if you want to win you have to work towards it. It's not going to be handed to you.
Yes, I realize she is working hard, but so is Barack Obama. Do you hear him crying when she makes a racial statement about him about how nobody "white" is going to vote for him?
Grow up Bill & Hillary!
Hillary concedes!!!