sorry, it was ''the erroneous ideas'' post.
The link is in the above post, though. Look down toward the bottom, where it says LINK/URL.
Yeah, why yell...'the sky is NOT falling'?
So we've traded 'the moron'
for a snake oil salesman. How exactly was this an improvement? BTW, you do realize Bush was not running against Obama, right?
We will rise up
Flash to you: There are MANY MANY who think like me..Hurry up and hide behind your gated community, cause we are growing, more and more and more of us and rising up..The Democratic liberal ideology is the future..The Republican me-me ideology is dying..YEEHAAWW..Night to you to, sweetie..
What with the rise in the cost of living....(sm)
its hard to make it on just $169,300 a year.....ROFL...they should try working with my budget.
The South
If all you intelligent people from other areas think the South is so rotten then why are you all flocking here? If the Northeast, Northwest, Midwest, and the left coast are full of enlightened tolerant individuals then why come to the ignorant, racist backwater South?
Truth is, you've screwed up your own homeplaces with such nit picky liberal rules and extreme taxation it's unbearable, but you'd never admit that.
BTW, 3/4 of the my neighbors are black, and they are the best neighbors I've ever had! We've got each other's backs 
The song doesn't pertain to racism and violence it talks about pride in where you come from, and telling people where to get off when they judge you on blantantly ignorant generalizations.
Lastly, I'm not a racist, and I'm not violent, and Sweet Home Alabama is one of the greatest rock songs ever, period! Deal with it!
Rise of the United Socialist States of America
If you can honestly approve of all this, I just don't know what else to say...
Click here: The Rise of the United Socialist States of America
Report: 50% rise in violent hate groups
Southern Poverty Law Center: 50% rise in violent hate groups
David Edwards and Muriel Kane Published: Wednesday April 15, 2009
A new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks the activities of violent hate groups in the United States, has found an alarming rise in the number of such groups, from 602 in 2000 to 926 in 2008.
This comes on the heels of a controversial report on "violent extremism" from the Department of Homeland Security, which has outraged many conservatives by seeming to lump them in with extremists.
Morris Dees, the founder of the SPLC, told CBS's Harry Smith on Wednesday that he believes the two reports do "synch up pretty much" and that "the report from the Department of Homeland Security should be taken very seriously."
However, the SPLC's own report focuses very narrowly on groups which actively preach violence, including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and the "racist skinhead subculture." It also notes the surprising rise of "anti-Semitic black separatists calling for death to Jews on bustling street corners in several East Coast cities."
"A key 2008 hate group trend was the increasing militancy of the extremist fringe of the Hebrew Israelite movement," the report states, "whose adherents believe that Jews are creatures of the devil and that whites deserve death or slavery. These radical black supremacists have no love for Barack Obama, calling him a 'house nigger' and a puppet of Israel. They preach to inner-city blacks that evil Jews are solely responsible for the recession."
Dees told Smith, "The political climate, the election of Obama, the immigration issues ... and now, especially, the economy is almost causing a resurgence of what we saw in the days of Timothy McVeigh, almost a militia movement that's being reborn. ... I think that an American person is much more likely to be harmed by a domestic terrorist extremist group than by one from abroad."
Dees also emphasized that many extremist groups are recruiting Iraq veterans and even active-duty members of the military because of their expertise with arms and explosives. "It's a serious issue," he stated, "especially with a lot of these guys coming back with post-traumatic stress syndrome, coming back to a failing economy, the inability to buy a home and get a job and get credit."
This video is from CBS's The Early Show, broadcast Apr. 15, 2009.
Video at:
What about South Dakota
SD has always been a very conservative state, and they voted down an abortion law. This had nothing to do with voting republican or demacrat, conservative or liberal. This was a vote on a law to totally outlaw abortion, and it was voted down.
I live in the South too s/m
I bet if you start researching you'll find displaced auto workers in your area. A lot of them have settled in NW Arkansas to take advantage of work with Wal-Mart and their suppliers. You people who love to research via Fox News and Youtube might do well to get out there and research with people who have BTDT. Then you might get the TRUE picture. I doubt you'll find a single WORKER who gets paid for playing the upper brass might be a different story.
Yup, the Real Republican Party will rise blood is definitely needed, that's for sure
Fears of Brutal Outcome In Iran Conflict Rise
More at the below link:
"Reporters Without Borders said 20 journalists were arrested over the past week. The BBC said today that its Tehran-based correspondent, Jon Leyne, had been asked to leave the country. The BBC said its office remained open.
Today, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki held a news conference where he rebuked Britain, France and Germany for raising questions about reports of voting irregularities in hardline Mr Ahmadinejad's re-election - a proclaimed victory which has touched off Iran's most serious internal conflict since the revolution.
Mr Mottaki accused France of taking "treacherous and unjust approaches". But he saved his most pointed criticism for Britain, raising a litany of historical grievances and accusing the country of flying intelligence agents into Iran before the election to interfere with the vote. The election, he insisted, was a "very transparent competition".
That drew an indignant response from Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who "categorically" denied Britain was meddling. "This can only damage Iran's standing in the eyes of the world," Mr Miliband said.
An eerie calm settled over the streets of Tehran today as state media reported at least 10 more deaths in post-election unrest and said authorities arrested the daughter and four other relatives of ex-President Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of Iran's most powerful men.
The reports brought the official death toll for a week of boisterous confrontations to at least 17. State television inside Iran said 10 were killed and 100 injured in clashes yesterday between demonstrators and black-clad police wielding truncheons, tear gas and water cannons. "
The deep south was on target ;-) nm
Chinese buying up south CA
They don't want to buy any more of our debt, as our $ is almost worthless. They've been buying up homes in southern CA big-time. They already know that this most liberal "plan" will make the US self-destruct.
Those who voted for this man and refused to listen to many of us who said h'ed do this, don't cry to me. This is merely the beginning.
NK wants to take back South Korea
I think that's part of the problem. They have "unification" parties all over the north. The people in the north don't get any outside news except what NK wants them to have. At least that's my take on it. I hope their missles do fizzle out. I'm sure the nitwit will definitely push it to the brink.
As he states (and did we REALLY start the Korean War?):
"This is another foul product of the U.S.-led international oppression to disarm the DPRK and to suffocate it economically for forcing the Korean people to give up their idea and system.
If the U.S. imperialists start another war, ignorant of the ignominious defeat they had sustained in the past Korean war, the army and people of Korea will determinedly answer "sanctions" with retaliation and "confrontation" with all-out confrontation, the counter-measure based on the Songun idea, wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all and achieve the cause of national reunification without fail."
Republicans will rise from the ashes of the Obama years....waiting patiently.
"The truth about South Ossetia"
Remember in the last couple of months when McCain announced, "Today, we are all Georgians"?
I think Putin is taking a "wait and see" approach to the new USA President. Bush has certainly heated up the "Cold War" during his eight years in office. While there is not much reason to trust Putin, there's even less reason for Putin to trust the USA.
We can't forget the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia and, more importantly, the sequence of events related to that conflict. I would encourage anyone who has forgotten that Georgia was the aggressor (with our help) to click on the link below.
South America...... Maybe Chile or Peru. sm
No special reason.... Just always wanted to go to SA.
Yes, but families are in Mexico and South America.
That was my point. Of course, I have no idea what prices are down there. Never been.
and I live in the deep south so do not know any autoworkers - nm
Honey chile, I was bred, born and raised in the deep south. LOL