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MTStudent, the person who was quite rude to you has been banned. MTStars encourages new MTs to ask

Posted By: Administrator (sm) on 2005-09-22
In Reply to: Soo sorry to keep bothering you!! I need help! - MTStudent

questions and without being viciously attacked the way you were.  There are a lot of very nice, helpful people here and will answer your questions. 


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What does anyone think about National College of Business and Technology?  They dropped one of my classes in Med Terminology because of 2hrs. over allotted time missed due to medical problems. Had a letter from doctor, made straight A's and kept up with subjects. Any suggestions as what to do?

thanks mtstudent! Good luck to you! :) nm
MTstudent, what an awesome message! It has
encouraged me and I could say the very same things! I plan to begin either M-Tec or CS after the holidays; around Jan 10th.
Good luck to you!
-Anne :)
New To MTStars


I am a CS student and I am currently in the Editing and Proofreading section.  Boy is it hard .  I am working my way through it.  I will soon be beginning Clinic Notes Transcription.  I can hardly wait .

I better get back to my studies.

Thank you for having me here! 

Try MTStars Expanderic.
Actually, the MTStars resume board seems as appropriate ...(sm)
I just went over there and tried to access the resumes, and you have to pay (a nice fee, too) in order to access any personal information other than your name, your experience, your general location (which I'm sure you can leave as just "Colorado" or whatever), and your desired line rate. No address, phone number, or any other contact information is available without paying the fee ($50 is the lowest), so someone would have to REALLY want that information in order to get it. This makes it no different than the MTJobs site.
MTStars FlashType has a free demo and if you like it, it is
EXTREMELY reasonably priced as compared to others on the market. It works like pretty much like PC Shorthand, but is more cost effective.  See the link below.
Check your email, address given to MTStars
Message in email
Check your email, address given to MTStars
Message in email
Try MTStars FlashType. It has a 7 day free trial.
see link below
Thanks for being an understanding person
and giving the "newbies a second chance. Bless you!!
What an awful person I am trying to get them
away from a bad school. The bottom line is it is a BAD school. Just because people scurry around teaching themselves AFTER graduating from AHP and the likes doesn't mean they were successful because of AHP. They were successful in spite of.

I have talked to dozens of AHP students and graduates wanting me to help them and I have seen the material. To congratulate and praise them on choosing AHP is plain idiotic. If someone reads my negative comments and chooses a different school because of that, great!

Standards are raising in MT even if the pay is not. Companies want to hire people from an MT school and more often than not they want those people to come from a good one.
This person is an angel!!
I am a new graduate (January of 2008) and I have been eagerly trying to just get my foot in the door, without the infamous 2+ years experience. I would be blessed if a company like this one would allow me to gain this experience, even at 0.05 cpl!!! Maybe it's just me though!
Sounds like you have been at your computer for way too long. Get up and move a little, it will unwad your undies.
so not necessary to be rude

I wasn't asking to be told that its rip off and if I dont believe folks I need to go find out for myself. Im new at this and was simply asking a question. I was/am unsure what makes them a 'rip off'. I simply need to gain experience and their name seems to be on every board all over the web. I was only asking a question and was hoping for some actual help, not a rude response.
Wow..how rude!
FYI, I put more effort into my tests than I do a quick response on a forum. I have to say, I am shocked by how snotty some of the responses are on this board. I thought people would pull together and help each other out, but some people can't resist making snippy comments. Guess that's just my naive viewpoint. Seems there are a lot of people ready to jump down someone's throat at any opportunity. I would say more, but I have more tact than that and will refrain from further comment. FYI...got a job offer today too.
Well, it may seem rude, but you have to remember that you're posting on a board used by people who take great care with spelling and grammar and make a living doing just that. Don't take it personally. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but accuracy with words is what makes a good MT. By the way, I've never corrected anyone on this board for spelling errors; this is just an opinion from an interested observer.
Also, try MTStars FlashCount. It's free and has great features.
see link
MTStars FlashType is also just like Shorthand only cheaper in price.
I emailed this person and you are wrong
Out of curiosity, I emailed this person. He is not trying to sell anyone anything. He has his own resume writing business (hence his email address) and he also does transcription. He had a lot of good ideas. I do agreee with you about sending professional letters though. Flyers seem cheap and impersonal. But I really think you should have gotten your facts straight before posting this reply.
That person just wanted the price!
Why are you so negative? All that person was asking for was the price of the course. M-Tec will not say that this is a job in which you can get rich fast. Everybody has their own story, and this goes for every type of job. M-TEC does offer top notch training. They also have a great reputation which will open the doors to a job as a "newbie." The rest is up to you. It is up to you how hard you study and how high your GPA is. Like in other jobs, the higher the GPA, the more opportunities you will receive. Of course you will have the learning curve in the beginning and might not make much money. You might only make 6 cents per line in the beginning. Anybody who is informed knows that anything is possible because so many factors play a role. There are great companies to work for, and there are companines that take advantage of their employees. You will find the same problems in the MT world as you will in other jobs. What is different is that you can work from home which save you time, money, aggravation. If you live in a rural area where there aren't many jobs, then being an MT, working from home, offers you opportunities you otherwise would not have had. If you do not like what you are doing, then maybe you need to get a different job. Why waste your time on a job you obviously do not like? For sure, you should not respond like you did to a simple question about the price of a course.
One person's sinking ship is another
I think that if someone is trying to gain experience and a company is willing to hire new grads and pay them, then so be it.  As long as the money is green, it will spend!  I don't work for MedQuist, but I know there are still happy MTs there, and they do have a lot of accounts.  I think it would be a good company to get your feet wet if not for anything else.  It is a company to put on your resume. 
not everything works for the every person, but what i have found.....
I started out many years ago working for a few doctor's offices (neurosurgeon, infectious disease, oncologist, urologist) in the same building. I would pick up tapes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and deliver work those same days. I worked seven days a week back then (probably still do). After years of doing and the cost of gas skyrocketing, I realized it would be more beneficial for me to work for a service (either independent contractor or employee). I signed on with a national company (MedQuist). I know there are a lot of people out there who are not happy with MQ, but I am. My accounts are good, so I can make a good line count. The only problem is that my accounts are so good that there are many MT's working on them, and I tend to run out of work early in the day. I have signed on with an additional company to fill the void in my day.

I think I saw somewhere that MQ was hiring MT's with little or no experience. If that is the case, I would consider MQ or another national to get started.

I don't know anything about the benefits offered, as I rely on my husband for that.

Good luck.
I'm pretty sure it isn't recognized, as the other person
said, it is just a basic course and in way prepares you for being an MT. 
I am the person, who sent the email. I am a mentor. sm
I have had some challenges with interns, some requiring longer internships than others. Other newbies have breezed right through. I average the time from 3-4 months.

You are given a variety of family practice and specialty clinic work. You must meet 97% accuracy in medical terminology, medications, grammar and formatting before referral for contract is made. You will be contracted beginning at 7 cpl.

When you graduate, you take a doctor with you, one you have mastered and will get lines immediately. I assure you this is a legitimate internship.

You also receive new terms weekly.


nm=rude comments
From what I can tell all you do is make rude comments on here toward other people. I suggest yoga or pilates, it will help you get rid of unwanted stress in you life. Stop being hateful!!
that is rude of you to type that.
I'm sure that is why you did not post a screen name. Worried people may start screening your typos too.
As I sad you are extremely rude
You're not talking to a mom of a 2 yo.  I have 3 children, 2 in college and 1 in high school, so if you think for a minute you can tell me how to raise a child, you are very mistaken.  All three are scholar athletes with consistent high honor roll grades.  You obviously spend a lot of time alone or with your 2 yo by the way you "talk" to adults on this forum.  You really do need to get out of the house and interact in an office where you can learn some social skills.
You are the One Coming Off as Rude.

How do you think it feels to mothers who work in-house to see you saying there's no way you'll work out of the house, your real job is a mom, blah, blah, blah??  You don't think they feel guilty at times because they can't find an at-home position or they can't afford to give up the in-house job and benefits? 

That's what irked me about your post.

She wasn't being rude in any way. Perhaps
Or learn to ask the Administrator or Moderators if you don't know what a board is for.

The other poster was not rude - she was right s/m
It DOES make a difference what school she went to and if she cannot find a job, it can certainly be related to the school. Sad but true that a lot of people spend - waste - money on 'MT certificates' that are not worth the paper they are written on.

I'm not trying to sound rude, but
are you sure that you have applied with them all?  There are thousands of companies out there, and testing takes some time.  Every time I thought I'd applied to them all, I found several dozen more.  From what the woman who hired me said, getting a job has a lot more to do with timing than just about anything else.  She says when she has an openning and receives a resume that day, she is more likely to hire them then sift through her file of resumes.  I am just trying to encourage you to keep trying if you want it.  Just remember that searching for an MT job is a full-time job.
A free line counting and invoice generator is MTStars FlashCount.
see link below
Newbie MTs, do not post test questions on any of the MTStars boards. To do so will result in your
posting privileges being revoked.  Take your tests honestly.
pet peeve but it's incredibly rude
to judge someone's command of English by one mistake in a short paragraph.  I know it is a common mistake (I see it all the time) but it really was a typo. There is no need to insult people.
construcftive criticism, not rude
I would call it constructive criticism. Spelling correctly should be second nature for an mt, whether it is an email or a quick response to a post.
I think you have the wrong person or someone else's resume. I have been working for 10 years. I
I have the right person and you are too quick to reply to posts. A professional
You don't see the big guns worrying about anything posted on this board. Sheesh.
Don't worry anon, this is the same person on the Word Board asking test questions!!

How would you show the cards in person when you work in another state? You copy them and mail/fax
I didn't find it rude that you didn't agree with me. That doesn't
matter.  We don't have to agree.  What I found rude and condescending was the way you hammered away at how you had to have training, saying that anybody with common sense would know that you had to go to school to be an MT; things like that are what I found rude.  Some of us did just what you said couldn't be done.  Like I said, it doesn't matter if we agree or not.  We all have our opinions and are entitled to them.  Just don't try to tell me that what I, and others, have already done is not possible.