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worker's comp

Posted By: no name on 2006-07-19
In Reply to: Workers' Compensation and the ER - medicolegal transcriptionist

Yes you get seen, tell the Doctor/hospital it is a worker's compensation case, they send the bill to the boss, but sometimes the bosses don't like the fact that their premiums may go up because of cases filed against them. This happened to my son, boss made him feel it was his fault for getting hurt on the job, cried about it, then changed his mind and my son told them at the hospital he got hurt on the job but the boss still has not signed the paperwork, so it is now in collection agency and have to straighten out the bill for x-rays and being seen in the ER. My son broke a finger in his left hand, no big deal, but his boss sure made him feel guilty about filing a claim. My son does not work for this company anymore which is a good thing. Of course giving your husband 100.00 is sure way of telling that something is wrong with his boss, maybe too many claims or maybe he is just afraid his premium will go up.

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worker's comp
Do not quote me on this, but to my understanding if you are an actual employee and they take taxes out, then yes, worker's comp should cover.  If you are an independent contractor, then no. 
not eligible for worker's comp

unless you are an employee. ICs are not eligible for worker's comp or unemployment. ICs are expected to carry their own private disability - like AFLAC, etc. - like we can afford that.

Hate to be a downer, just didn't want you to get your hopes up on that one. Sorry to hear about your wrist. Not a good way to start the year. I would check with local assistance office.

Worker's Comp Reports
 Hi everyone...I just started typing worker's compensation reports (initials, fu,supps) as well as EMG/NCV reports and PI. What is the charge in the industry? I am hearing anywhere from $7.00/page to 1.35 per audio minute. Most reports are from 7 minutes to 15 minutes so per the inute does not seem right. Anyone out there type medical/legal reports??

Thanks :)

Worker's Comp can be so complicated, and documentation is everything.....
The other complicated issue with this situation is the fact that many physicians are no longer taking on Worker's Comp cases, in new or well established patients, because of the complicated criteria for correct documentation and the long wait on overdue payment from BWC. In my area, several physicians have thrown in the towel with WC cases and no longer handle them. The patients are referred to Occupational Health Services in most cases, or told to go to Fast Track (ER service) for immediate treatment and documentation that is relevant to the injury. It is good if your family physician does accept WC cases. It is also good that he has decided to return the money to his employer and return to the doctor's office and treat the injury as it is, as a work related injury. In a situation like this, Documentation is everything, so the sooner he gets back to the doctor- the Better! Hope all goes well for him.
Workers' comp for IC? Where to get?
I am an IC and have just been told I need to have WC Insurance. Where do I get it? Thanks for your help. suzq
Any MTs out there w/Workers' Comp. (sm)
eval transcription experience in Ortho, Neurology and/or Neurosurgery?   How many years' experience do you have, and for which state?  I'm wondering if it's a hard transition for someone with non-Workers' Comp Rad experience to transition to Ortho, etc. in WC.
Workman's Comp
The company I work for also was audited and they require their IC MTs to have Workman's Comp insurance.  Mine costs around $400.00.  I really like this company, so I bought the insurance.  It is really ridiculous because you have no employees and I had to exclude myself from the insurance policy as well. 
I was a workers' comp historian in a
hand surgeon's office for two years. He and the hand therapist always said that regular breaks from the keyboard were important to prevent overuse injuries. I saw many cases of permanent disability in computer users who overdid it, and it's not worth it.
Workers' comp can be interesting
depending on the doctor's speciality, but you could get bored very quickly if it's orthopedics. However, you'll never know if they don't send you any work. I would start looking again. Good luck.
copying macros to other comp


this is for MS word.   copy normal.dot both from template folder and office folder and paste it to new computer at the same respective places, i.e. copied from template would be pasted to template folder of new computer and so on.

IC Workers Comp Ins. Required?
thought i posted this earlier, cant find it, sorry if its redundant.  Im an IC, have been for 8+ years with the same company in MASS.  I live in WV.  I was contacted last week and was told that the company had been audited and all IC's were required to have Workers Comp insurance.  the policy costs $655 a year.  anyone have this same requirement?  I have other insurance, Aetna major medical, additional accidental death and dismemberment, long-term disability through my husband's employer, AEP.  So, is it necessary for me to carry comp ins? 
Workers' comp insurance for IC

Does anyone know if there is a law in NY state that you have to have Workers' comp insurance as an IC?  I was told by one company that you do and they will not hire me until I have the insurance, but I also saw on this website

http://www.ins.state.ny.us/ogco2005/rg050315.htm that you only need insurance if you have employees, which I do not.  They company says that is incorrect.  Anyone have any idea?



Yeah, comp time!
I used to deliberately work in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep because it was an extra $2 per hour plus production incentive. Those were the days. We also got quarterly bonuses if the hospital transcription stayed within TAT and accuracy was 98% or better.
It's Workers' Comp - they changed it about five years ago, maybe more nm
I use a wireless router and use 3 comp on mine
Lots of psych, comp & pen reports, sm
Urology, domiciliary notes, general surgery, clinic notes, etc. I didn't think it was too bad at all. I liked the long comp & pen notes myself. The psych ones in particular would be 20-30 minutes of dictation on average for me. Some days I'd get slugged with them, but I certainly didn't get them daily.
Evil Co-Worker
Anyone else have an evil co-worker or two?  I work at home but there's always one that still manages to find me.  I would ilke to slap this current one if I could reach her through my computer.  She thinks she's my supervisor.  I try to be respectful and polite, but that's not working.  All my other co-workers are wonderful.   I can't find anything in the company handbook about slapping not being appropriate, so that's my next plan of action.  I just have to figure out a way to do that through cyberspace.
Evil Co-Worker
I agree! Give her enough rope and evenutally she will hang herself. You are so not alone. I had to deal with one of these types for nearly 2 years. I would be trying to get my work done on my account and her IMs were poping up left and right. I even had my "Busy Working" sign up! She never did her work -- waited until the last minute. Most times I ended up doing her share because of it. Unfortunately, no one in charge seemed to notice or just did not care since I was picking up what she lacked. The money was good because I was getting a ton of extra lines, but it was killing me and destroying my marriage. She would go on and on about her family all the time. Like I cared! Her kids were sick every other day. She always had an excuse why she didn't get her work done. The kicker? Once I had to do her work last minute about an hour or so before it was all due -- I am pounding away on my keyboard she Knows I am doing her work! The IMs pop up telling me how she is helping her sister write a resume! Hello! She should have been doing her own work or at the very least leaving me alone so I could do it for her. I would type my buttock off to have an evening free -- guess what? She would suddenly have some sort of problem as soon as she saw my work was finished and she would then be unable to do her own. Guess what came next? Yep -- I got stuck working while she got away with it. I swear it was like she was stalking me on-line. Don't know how she knew, but seemed like the second I got up to use the bathroom or went to the kitchen for a soda the IMs would bing. Just the memories still drive me crazy. I can relate. It's not a fun club to belong to.
I have never seen a harder worker than
my husband and he can do 2500 tops.  He used to QA between 4500 and 5000 daily - so he can really move through reports once he learns the doctor, their style of dictation, etc.  I'm on my second VR account and I'm embarrassed to tell you what I can do - I think 600 yesterday? I am dead serious.  It is a whole 'nother skill....
A co-worker I once had said that back in the
working at a medical facility, that's how the MTs there normally worked. They sat in the office with the doc and typed the report as he dictated it. Talk about pressure to perform! (But I'll bet when the docs had the MT sitting in their office, their dictation was less sloppy, too!)
Thanks..school wont give another copy since I am graduated now...also went to a whole new comp, sm
not just an upgrade. Could not pull the free program off the old one. thanks anyway. Just looking to get by on something inexpensive until I get some $$$ coming in.
I use Oriental Trading Comp. too, but I am crunched for time since other mom backed out on me! Thank
Yes, it's Independent Medical which are normally work comp related and Looooooong...
but very interesting.
A co-worker of my niece took in a family
When she went to work, they cleaned her out, including her kitchen utensils!!!
Another happy bedroom worker...
My only complaint is that my carpet is cold when I step from my bed 2 inches to my computer during my morning commute...
Basement worker here and hate the 12
steps for my commute! Have a good one!
A co-worker made this last year sm


for a Halloween office party.  So cute to see a plate of mice with licorice tails and almond ears.  She actually put these on a huge cookie sheet with a Rat Cake in the middle.  (rat cake was covered in chocote icing-- inside was a red cake, actually quite delicious.)  LOL   Rats and mice. ....  not too scary for that age group though.


Then your problem is with the MTSO, NOT your co-worker. nm
worker in S. Florida has a bad 'tude..and...sm

wear these shirts and jackets that say something like "hi, we love to help you" - and they look to run away from all shoppers questions...one has to get a manager for civility at Wal-Marts around S. Florida - this is THE TRUTH (been here 28 years).

ALL I EVER see is disgruntled Wal-Mart workers, never shoppers though.  But facts are facts, Wal-Mart has opened up 15 stores in China and China WILL be taking over the world but not in my lifetime.

Best of luck!! 

A fellow co-worker said it was all mucked up

last week.  I think she's off today though so haven't heard.  Wouldn't doubt it. 

Why I'm FOR unions: They protect the WORKER.
Collision or comp doesn't matter. I called my insurance company
when I was hit by someone. I only had liability but their adjuster made sure I got the best deal out of it. My rates didn't go up either.
My DD is a social worker and says that she dictates directly into VR
and the report is on her desk when she gets back to the office. She said everyone in her department loves it!
Portal is correct. Co-worker is wrong. nm
In my mind there is a lot more that goes into a good employee/worker (sm)
than production - and you know this as long as you have been in this business!!  I would just go on doing what you do best and doing the very best you can and not worry about the figures.  Best of luck to you!!
lol You're no employer, just an unhappy worker trying to cause
Good funny though.
You're a big girl and a skilled worker. SM
If you haven't resolved this problem already, go ahead and do it this morning. You know, as a high-skilled MT you should be making at least 3 times whatever your local minimum wage is. Best wishes.
Yeah, I'll just look into being a migrant farm worker instead then
Reach for those stars!
Don't think the worker privacy acts cover discussions such as this...
more likely they cover things like credit reports, evaluations, etc. It's rude to discuss in front of others, but not illegal...of course, in the US you can sue for anything.
IL Health Care Worker Background Check Act

Type "225 ILCS 46/" in your search engine.  It should give you the Health Care Worker Background Check Act for Illinois.  There are several proposed amendments regarding non-fingerprint-based ID before the legislature for the 2007-2008 session.  I hope this is what you seek.

Excuse me, but who was the health care worker who then disclosed the HIV status?
Ashe's HIV status and career decline. had nothing to do with a healthcare worker disclosing it.
Our neighborhood is all women's names - Robin Ln., Julia Dr. Must be the worker's ladies! :) n
The sister of a co-worker of mine passed away a few weeks before Christmas. Can I still send a *sm*
sympathy card without looking stupid.  I have been off on medical leave and various reasons have kept me from getting the card out but I really want to send one. 
cherrypicking co-worker issue (meant to post it on this board instead of MQ board) sm...

I need opinions please...I work on a very small account with just a handful of ladies.  Because of the nature of the software (trying not to get too specific here) we can see who is working online and what reports they are working on in real-time...

We have one cherrypicker on the account.  Instead of using FIFO method, she retrieves the reports by author ID - usually picking the better dictators of course.  She knows I busted her and she did admit to it in on our work e-mail (not too bright) which I am saving just in case she gets out of hand - so far I'm still able to make money since really most of the dictators aren't bad. 

But every night it's starting to wear on me since she's screwing up turnaround time.  I don't really want to cause a big uproar being that it is such a small account and I need to work with her almost every night usually one on one.

What would you all do?  I want to handle this as delicate and professional as possible because we can't really afford to lose anyone on this account.  In other words, I refuse to stoop to her level by cherrypicking right back.

My boss has asked me several times why so-and-so does so much more than I do...I just bite my lip at that point but one of these days I think I might explode and just open up a can of worms....

Workers'/Worker's Compensation or Workmen's Compensation