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word97 dictionary to 2003...help please

Posted By: Tiffin on 2007-03-02
In Reply to:

I want to "upgrade" from word97 to word2003.  Is there a way to take my dictionary of words I have established over the years over to 2003?

and is there a way to go in and correct words put in wrong...

thank you for any help


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word97 versus 2003

All of my accounts and clients are in Word97.  I was from the old school of wp5.1 so took me a long time to transition forms over to word97.  I was wondering if anyone working originally in 97 could tell me what the differences could be and how hard transitioning forms, etc could be. 

I seem to be getting a lot of error boxes all of a sudden with word97 and was just thinking may be time to move up....

thank you for any help in this matter


word97 to 2003 document help


  I have to use a form where I have the patient name and dob on the same line.  BUT when I type in the patient name, it moves the DOB over every time.  I then have to back it up to have it formatted right.  Could someone please tell me how I can get this to NOT keep moving?  I remember having this problem on a form I converted from word5.1  to 97 several years ago and someone here helped me with something that fixed that.  Please if anyone knows how to fix this would be such a time saver as some days I am doing this for 80 patient files.....urghhhhhh.


thank you.


word97 HELP...please

I have a form that I need to use for a client and can not get it to set right.  They sent me the form which has their logo down the entire left side.  They want me to start the dictation at approximately 1.75 or 2" from the left and 0.5 from the top.  I opened the document, set the margins and did the "saved as" so I could use it as a template, but when I started typing, it did not wrap around or stop at the margin, but went all the way over to the left side through their log.  I tried moving the tabs things at the top and setting it at the 2" and when I looke at the print preview it looked good, but when I typed, again, it did not do a wrap around, but went all the way to the left margin....HELP...very new to using word97 like this as never really used forms, always had templates given to me...

thank you for any ANY help...



word97 and stedmans or cust dic

not sure if this is right place, but HELPPPPP......

when I am working in word97 or any word I guess, under tools do I have the Stedman dictionary checked or the custom dictionary checked.  How do I know which should be done?  


feeling frustrated

Changing Excel 2003 Addresses Into Word 2003 Addresses

Hello !

I have a large amount of addresses listed on an Excel 2003 spreadsheet.  I need these addresses for Word 2003 letters.  I end up copying the address from Excel and pasting it into Word, but as you can imagine, the pasted address is in a straight line and I end up having to type the address so it displays correctly for a letter.  Does anyone know if there is a simple way to change the Excel address format to a Word letter address format?  Thank you for your help.

Exactly. It's not in the dictionary. That's why you need...
In order to know what verbiage is outside the norm, but is still acceptable in the profession. USE RESOURCES (and not human ones)! Does a surgeon ask 'gee, where's the pancreas again?'
shows either long haul or long-haul (as an adjective)
From dictionary

results for: oriental

o·ri·en·tal - Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[awr-ee-en-tl, ohr‑]

–adjective 1. (usually initial capital letter) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Orient, or East; Eastern. 
2. of the orient or east; eastern. 
3. (initial capital letter) Zoogeography. belonging to a geographical division comprising southern Asia and the Malay Archipelago as far as and including the Philippines, Borneo, and Java. 
4. Jewelry. a. (usually initial capital letter) designating various gems that are varieties of corundum: Oriental aquamarine; Oriental ruby. 
b. fine or precious; orient: oriental agate; oriental garnet. 

c. designating certain natural saltwater pearls found esp. in the Orient.   

–noun 5. (usually initial capital letter) a native or inhabitant of the Orient.

From another dictionary
o·ri·en·tal (ôr'ē-ĕn'tl, ōr'-) pronunciation

1. often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.
2. Oriental Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.
3. Lustrous and valuable: oriental pearls.
1. Of or relating to a genuine or superior gem: an oriental ruby.
2. Relating to or designating corundum that resembles another stone in color.


often Oriental Often Offensive. An Asian.
orientally o'ri·en'tal·ly adv.

USAGE NOTE Asian is now strongly preferred in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people. The usual objection to Oriental—meaning “eastern”—is that it identifies Asian countries and peoples in terms of their location relative to Europe. However, this objection is not generally made of other Eurocentric terms such as Near and Middle Eastern. The real problem with Oriental is more likely its connotations stemming from an earlier era when Europeans viewed the regions east of the Mediterranean as exotic lands full of romance and intrigue, the home of despotic empires and inscrutable customs. At the least these associations can give Oriental a dated feel, and as a noun in contemporary contexts (as in the first Oriental to be elected from the district) it is now widely taken to be offensive. However, Oriental should not be thought of as an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. As with Asiatic, its use other than as an ethnonym, in phrases such as Oriental cuisine or Oriental medicine, is not usually considered objectionable.

An Asian person once corrected my brother on this point. I'd go with Asian rather than risk being offensive.
dictionary help
It has been my observation that once downloaded and set up it runs automatically if spellchecker is part of your package- I did not have to "add" only download - best way to tell is type in a medical word - also - start, programs and find stedmans for your tab to select and open for searchs in dictionary itself- you can keep it minimized.
you'd better get a new dictionary

Callus is a noun

Callous is an adjective - whether you're using it to describe a lesion on your foot or the way a person acts.  Actually, the latter use originated from the medical use because a callous lesion is "hard and rough around the edges" like some people can be.

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Spelling & Grammar tab.

Click Dictionaries.

Select the dictionary you want to edit. Make sure you do not clear its check box.

Click Edit.

Add, delete, or edit the words in the custom dictionary.
If you're typing words, press ENTER after each word to put it on a separate line.

When you finish editing, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

On the File menu, click Close
Medical Dictionary

Does anyone know if there is a place to download a free medical dictionary?



Medical Dictionary
MT Mom
Hey thanks guys for the suggestions. I am going to be doing transcription at home for they physician I work for and am using Word perfect 12. It has a spell check on it but was looking for a medical spell check I could download and use along with a general spell check.
Did you check the dictionary?


Not only did I check the dictionary...

Several, in fact, Dorland's, Stedman's, Stedman's Ophthalmology Word Book, Google (please notice I said it sounds like "ameliorectomy"...so I could have searched all day...) Looked up samples of ophthalmology reports and checked with my fellow quality auditors.  I came to this board to use it as it was meant to be used...not about what's for dinner, what's your favorite TV show, etc...  Honey, I have been an MT for 30 years, a quality auditor for 10 years and have probably forgotten more medical terminology than you will ever know.  Please keep your venom to yourself.


To those of you who tried to help me, I sincerely appreciate it!  It did get an answer...it was Muellerectomy.

This is why every MT should own a medical dictionary. NM
If I buy Stedman's Smartype, do I still need to buy the dictionary? 
I just went to dictionary.com, found this...sm



2 entries found for orientated.

o·ri·en·tate   Audio pronunciation of "orientated" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (ôr""-"n-t"t", -"n-, "r"-)
v. o·ri·en·tat·ed, o·ri·en·tat·ing, o·ri·en·tates
v. tr.

To orient: “He... stood for a moment, orientating himself exactly in the light of his knowledge” (John le Carré).

v. intr.

To face or turn to the east.

[Download Now or Buy the Book]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


adj : adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances; sometimes used in combination; "the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view"; "helping freshmen become oriented to college life"; "the book is value-oriented throughout" [syn: oriented] [ant: unoriented]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Checking the dictionary?
Are we watching the same Judge Joe Brown!?! Not the impression I get, at all. LOL!
medical dictionary
I loaded Stedman's and it did not automatically load into my Word dictionary.  Can anyone help me out?
can you not go into the dictionary and delte some--sm
you no longer use? I did this a few weeks ago and found a lot that I no longer needed.
Custom dictionary
I do not know what operating system you are using. I use XP and my custom dictionary is located as - C:DocumentsandSettingsOwnerApplicationDataMicrosoftProofCUSTOM.DIC

All of the words that I have added to my dictionary over the past couple of years are stored here. You should be able to copy the words and paste them in your new custom dictionary.

I hope that I am explaining this correctly.

As a note, I have even put a shortcut to my custom dictionary words on my desktop for easy access.
Edit Dictionary
Click on Tools, Options, Spelling & Grammar. On the Custom Dictionary window, select CUSTOM.DIC then click Dictionaries (to the right). When Custom Dictionary window opens, click Edit. Find the word you added and delete it. Save the file.
what kind of dictionary are you using? I found-sm
in The American Heritage College Dictionary. As mentioned below, the onelook.com site is very helpful
Dorland's Medical Dictionary nm
it's omphalocele. check med dictionary nm
Your QA needs to get a good medical dictionary. SM
I've been an MT for a long, long time and I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. 
Pled is listed in my dictionary
Webster's New World Dictionary
I have Stedman dictionary. It's helpful.

It is not as complete as I would have thought.  I got it a couple years ago and really like the abilty to 'hear' the words.  Hope this helps.

Do you have the medical dictionary or just the spellchecker? I'm
curious about the electronic dictionary.  Thanks.
New computer - dictionary seems limited

My desktop crashed so I bought a laptop.  The dictionary for the system does not seem to be picking up near the medical terms my desktop did and the new computer has a newer version of MSWord.  Is there anything I can do to expand this?  I have Stedman's but some of the things it is saying I am misspelling are very basic medical terms and I did not have this problem with my old computer. 

They are different. One is an expander and Stedman's is a dictionary. I have both.
Stuck adding dictionary
  I've downloaded Stedmans 6.0 to Word (program files) and am attempting to add the dictionary for spell check.  I can locate the file but when I try to add a file name, I get hung up.  I'm sure the problem lies in the file name, either the original download or my efforts to add the dic.  I would very much appreciate an assist, pulling my hair out.  TIA - I have googled extensively and followed the instructions but I am missing something here.
The custom dictionary will come along with the upgrade if you
are upgrading over the previous version. Your autocorrect and autotext and macros upgrade too. Read the upgrade installation prompts carefully and you won't lose anything you had before.
Yes, and "ain't" is now in the dictionary and "invite" has....sm
suddenly become a noun....  Every time I hear someone say they received an "invite," it makes my skin crawl! 
Did you link it to your main dictionary?
Stedman's Medical Dictionary
I want to move a custom Stedman's medical dictionary to another computer (the one the MT created).  Does anyone know how to do this?  Thanks !
Which is the best Stedman's electronic dictionary?

Which is the latest and best Stedman's electronic dictionary to get?

There's one on Amazon for 44.98 that includes a book and a CD-ROM.


Then, there's one on the Stedman site for 99.95, but it's only a CD-ROM.



Which of these (or another?) is the best one to get?


what kind of medical dictionary CD .....

What kind of medical dictionary program do you  have on your computer?  I'm wanting to get one but not sure what's good.  I usually buy Stedman's books.  Thanks for any info.


You are correct! Yes, poster below needs a dictionary nm
and it was well said.
In Word, how do I correct a spelling in dictionary
Open your shorthand and the dictionary you want to print.
File menu, Print to File, save dictionary as text file. Open the text file in either Notepad or Word, then print. I always format mine into columns so as to not waste paper.
Onelook.com is an excellent dictionary site. :) NM
HELP!! How do add a new dictionary to shorthand. I just downloaded it and want to use the free one
they have but I am doing something wrong!!!
need a good online medical dictionary
that I can use without having to download it because I'm not allowed to download anything and I can't intall my stedman's. 
"eqivocal" is in the Merriam-Webster dictionary...nm
deleting words from word dictionary
Hi there.  Does anyone know how to delete words from Word 2000 that I haven't added.  They have words like wit in there and I would like to access their dictionary and get rid of some of them as I make common errors of some words.  Thanks for any help.
Webipedia dictionary definition of flame is SM
(n.) A searing e-mail or newsgroup message in which the writer attacks another participant in overly harsh, and often personal, terms. Flames are an unfortunate, but inevitable, element of unmoderated conferences.
(v.) To post a flame.

Help with Copying and Printing Shorthand Dictionary

I am trying to copy and print my ShortHand Dictionary (the list of expanders) and cannot seem to find the way to do it.  Can anybody help on this one.  By the way, Happy National Transcription Week!



Anyone have an electronic dictionary intalled on their PC that they love?
I want to purchase one to install on my computer so I don't always have to drag the big one out.  I don't always want to use OneLook or other online dictionaries either, or sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for online.  Soooooo, if you own one I would love to hear which one it is,  and what you like or dislike about it.  TIA!