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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

why is insurance so expensive?

Posted By: jade on 2006-01-09
In Reply to: Everyone is PAYING for health insurance now because of soaring cost - FYI

The end of November my husband had two cardiac stents put in.  He was in the hospital from Wednesday late morning until Friday late morning.  We had paid $300 to the hospital, which they said would be his part of the cost.  The other day i received a bill from them.  It indicated that after the insurance had paid, the balance was our responsibility.  It very nicely noted that if we found it difficult to pay the entire amount in one payment, to please contact their office.  The amount was $46,000-plus.  I just laughed - oh, no problem, I'll just write a check out of my pin money.  Of course, the bill wasn't really ours - the insurance hadn't paid at all - but just the fact that it was $46,000 blew me away.  And, of course, that didn't include the doctor and any other ancillary personnal who will be billing the insurance company, too.  Right now I am paying $460 a month for insurance for just myself.  Thankfully I have recently become an employee and my insurance rate is going to be much better, but when atrocious prices such as these are charged, what can we expect other than higher insurance premiums and more and more employers handing off the cost of those premiums to the employees. 

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But expensive gin and expensive cheese. I deserve it.
Expensive and if lost very expensive

Very expensive and if ever lost would cost me the account.  Also I have several docs that are very strict about HIPAA compliance and I  am sure that they would not go for this.   One would not even let one of the front office gals take home the tapes over the weekend so I could pick up on Sunday and get some of it done over the weekend due to HIPAA so am fairly confident that they would not go for this.   So we will see what they say when I tell them I am taking a week off.  I do have some gals that will help cover, it  is the accounts that hate to have anyone else do it.  But I refuse to digital and take my laptop with me to do accounts.  I have never and wll never do that while on vacation and they know it. 

I bet other insurance carriers have insurance for their employees. Why not Wal-Mart? nm
They are expensive too but most of all very
dangerous. Just make sure you are careful with it because they are the main cause of deadly fires every year.......My mother-in-law uses them to supplement and it worries me so much when my kids spend the night.
and it is EXPENSIVE. nm
VERY expensive....to say the least...sm

It was a huge expense but well worth it because I believe wall-to-wall carpeting can be or become dangerous regarding medical conditions (poor breathing, asthma, mold, mildew, dirt hiding, etc.) living in a very hot climate. Also, someone very dear to my heart had died and left me some $ which I put directly into the floor, and now every time I even think about the flooring, I think about that person.  It has humbled me....to say the very least.

MAN they are expensive!
Who can afford it?
Why so expensive?
And such a long wait list for the average person? Human beings should not have a price tag. What are they automobiles? Because if they are used (not infants) or have flaws they cost less you know. *Catholic Charities* adoption is expensive? What is that an oxymoron? I gave up on adoption a long time ago when I saw the celebs getting perfectly healthy newborn American children at the snap of a finger (and a fistful of cash) and I was told I may have better luck going overseas. What's next an auction with the paddles and all? I would not doubt it. It is disgusting.
Very very expensive to go through
Not sure it would be very easy to get the courts to use your service. I would do a great deal of checking into before jumping in. Good luck.
I know, they are expensive...
But they truly are WONDERFUL!  The cord is about 5 feet long and while it wouldn't reach to my tower under my desk, I have them pluged into one of my speakers on my desk, so there's plenty of room that way.  
Very expensive to do work that you can do.  
Not that expensive
Mine was right about $100 (Adjustable keyboard rest) and I have had it for 15+ years, and have never had carpal tunnel, very little backaches and have typed for as many as 12 to 14 hours a day.  It has been well worth the money. 
It's pretty expensive, but a one-time cost would definitely be cheaper in the long run for these docs, which is why I think they are going this route.
Its not too expensive anymore, and i think...

that it's worth it. It could make the difference between a new client, and that in itself would pay for the cost of your website. I would suggest either of these services:

www.aplus.net or www.sitefever.com

The one about the expensive purse. Can't you tell? nm
It's not like it's all that expensive to prep either.
Just $5 a week dedicated to food storage adds up to a good prep supply in no time. 2 cans of tuna and a bag of rice and beans one week, powdered milk and a canned ham the next, etc. Water is free when you store it in 2-liter pop bottles, and relatively inexpensive if you buy gallon jugs at the store. An oil lamp is about $10 at WalMart, and 1 bottle of lamp oil is a couple of bucks. The DGIs (don't get its) are idiots and I absolutely abhor my tax dollars being spent on them. Of course, the elderly and infirm I begrudge nothing. I just wish they could be the only ones we had to spend money on.
I have to wonder if you live in an expensive...sm
area, perhaps a big city? I know my husband and I are planning on moving to a less expensive place to live and figure we can do much better that way. Maybe that is something you could consider.
A mammogram isn't that expensive. I just had 2 and they were
$125 each, most of which I paid out of pocket due to insurance deductible.  BC is usually very good about paying for preventative care, such as mammograms and Pap smears.  The doctor should just submit the bill to BC for payment, this isn't something you need preapproval for. 
Doc shuttle expensive?

Isn't it quite expensive to buy?  Seems like you need to set up your transcriptionists as well as docs and buy software for each one, etc.   Seems like you could just set up file folders on the FTP site for each account and then one for each Transcriptionist as you send out what they need to do.   I don't know that much about it but one of my pysch accounts is going digital hopefully in July so needless to say I will be starting to learn some.  But I used to work for a medium sized MTSO for overflow and they do not have a system like Doc Shuttle or Gear Player and just send out files to be transcribed and you send them back.   If I am wrong let me know.

Isn't satellite expensive?

How much does satellite cost? 


Kinesis, although it is expensive. nm
Pretty expensive, too.
Not EVERYWHERE in California is expensive
I live in a rural area near Napa. It's a LOT chaaper here (home prices and rent) than in SoCal where I moved from last summer. California is a big state, lots of places to settle down. Have to take time to really look.
A more expensive route...
is Best Buy. I called inquiring about a new computer and they all have Vista. But, they said for 130 bucks, you can have Windows XP installed. I was lucky that my son was willing to let me have his computer with XP as he had bought a new one a while back. Good luck.
Thanks, that's really long and expensive, too..nm
NASE is horribly expensive. Go through your

local yellow pages and look for insurance companies that offer health insurance and call for quotes.  Call several companies.  I did this and they all offered the same insurance but the premium differed as much as $200.00/mo.  Celtic had the best rate, approximately $350.00 for a family of 4.  I'm not sure if this covered maternity or not and we are nonsmokers with no preexisting conditions.

Fortis offers a temporary insurance, which is basically just major medical.  It has a high deductible, but if you are healthy and on no chronic meds it isn't bad.  This insurance is only good for 6 to 12 months, depending on what state you live in, isn't renewable, no maternity care, and will not cover preexisting conditions.  Our total premium for 6 months was $403.00.   You can't have a lapse of insurance for more than 45 days (I think).

Go to M-Tec...more expensive than Career Step, but...

you will be a graduate of THE TOP SCHOOL.  You will have many job offers and will be able to chose the one that fits you best.  You can't go wrong with M-Tec. 

Andrews is also very good.  Career Step, while not in the scam-school category, is just a distant, very distant, third place in the MT school race.

Thanks. I think the local is more expensive. They have been around for about 7 years but of course
they could go under trying to compete with Dell, etc. I dont know where to go to get quick service then if something would happen to this small place. Some people do well with Dell and others have problems. I am using IBM right now which is not mine but belongs to the company I work for and it seems fine. I am really not computer literate at all. I can learn any program but dont ask me about what makes it tick.
For most the mortgage/rent is the most expensive.



RE: Outside woodburning stoves - anyone have one, how do you like it, and how expensive (sm)
was it to install?  Thanks for any info you can offer.
I am happy with it, but it was very expensive. You may want to check what is available out there
now, as there are probably more Options. Bought mine from Apptec and it is a Voice Solutions digital dictation system. Just upgrading now actually, as my original system is going on 4 years old and our volume has grown substantially to the point that I now need 12 phone lines, so I figured it was time to upgrade to latest technology, but going with the same company.
That's an EXPENSIVE area to live in....
I would think you could make a LOT more, based on the area you live in and your work experience!
satellite (but I hear it's expensive) -nm
Expensive little bugger but would only work if she -sm
took out the candles. I presume it would go off if one lights a lighter to light a candle in the bathroom. It does not know what you are lighting, only that a flame was struck.
Medikin is expensive if you ask me. I tried it and backed out.
They are very expensive. I did a search a few years ago
for individual insurance and I just started calling companies in the phone book that listed they sold health insurance.  I got about 6 different quotes, all with the same insurance, but the premium varied as much as $200/mo.   That was with MedCost Preferred.  I kept looking and found insurance with Celtic was cheaper.  It was about $350/mo for a family of 4, nonsmokers.   We ended up getting a temporary insurance because we only needed coverage for a few months, so I don't remember all the details, if that covered maternity and eye and dental too. 
Aeron. Expensive but well worth the $$. nm
Expensive course and hard field to get into.
I use mine, too. I think you should get one. Not overly expensive. nm
I like an expensive Koss brand I get at
Wal-Mart.  They fit around the back of your head, have a big "muff" (don't know what you call them) and don't squeeze so tight you sweat.  I think they are are $9.99.   They only last me about a year though as one of the wires seems to break and you don't get sound in both ears.  I've had several pair of them and really like them other than having to replacement them every year or so.
Why on earth are c-phones so expensive?

Any ideas on where to find a c-phone for less?


It can get a little expensive chasing Microsoft...sm
In the space of about a dozen years, Microsoft hit us with:

Windows 95
Windows 98 (2 versions)
Windows ME
Windows 2000 (3 versions)
Windows 2003
Windows XP (2 versions)
Windows Vista (3 versions)

...and the replacement for Vista, Windows 7, is already out of beta.

It's not that these companies are cheap. It's that it can bankrupt you trying to upgrade to the latest technology.

Another problem is that the latest technology isn't always the best and it isn't always stable. So while you're waiting for MS to fix a product that they've rushed to market, they come out with another one.

And finally, there's the issue of security, viruses, etc. Established versions of Windows will have had many patches created for them that, to some degree at least, render them less susceptible to attack. New MS operating systems always seem to have a million holes in them, so you really don't want to bet your company on them being secure, especially in our business.
Anything in Malibu is more expensive. But you know that. I doubt there are rednecks too.
People who have 1M to buy a trailer in Malibu are not the typical trailer trash and you know this.
She is only getting the money once. She bought an expensive purse SM
That was her decision.  Now she has no money left for food and/or necessities.  She has to live with that, not you. Obviously, very foolhardy but you and i do not have control over the situation.
There is also a limit. People in expensive cars
pulling up to stand in line for free money.  Doctors and lawyers, supposedly respected business owners, etc who really did not lose that much, at least not to the point where they can't recover on their own.  Help the ones who can't help themselves but the ones who can help themselves should be ashamed!
I have that too, I call it liquid gold, it is SO expensive.
My pharmacy charges $65 for a 2 inch tube of it, but it does work well. 
The Dyson...it's very expensive, but it's the best vacuum you'll ever own!
I think about that, I had hospitalization from State Farm, but it became too expensive for me, SM
so I dropped it. I was speaking mainly of doc office visits.

If push came to shove and I had to be hospitalized, I guess I would have to set up some kind of payment plan. I'm not saying it is the perfect plan, I'm just saying I am one of those without health insurance, but I still get medical care.
I use a Logitech Y-SX49 keyboard. It is not very expensive at all (sm)
In fact, I just ordered a new one after having the first for a couple of years and wearing out the G key of all things. The key type you are looking for is called scissor switch. That is the kind of keyboard a laptop has. My keyboard is just a basic keyboard with a large backspace key (a must for me) and ran about $25 via the internet.
I don't have expensive chair, but large and I just bought temperpedic
Fri and Sat nights. Various places, but real expensive for special