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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

which FTP software is it that is free? nm

Posted By: LMT on 2007-07-30
In Reply to: FTP server - ETMT


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Free? As in, free trial? Otherwise, I don't think you'll find a spellcheck software that's
free software....
I guess I'm just ditzy.... but what is all this about the software... how do I access this?? Thanks for your patience!
free software
Oh - gotcha.  Thanks.... but what is everyone going on about the new features??  I'm still lost on that -
Free AV software
The free version of AVG is the only one that I'd recommend among the freebies. My preference would be either the "total" AVG product (not free) or Norton.

Unfortunately, no single AV software is able to catch every single virus. You have to consider that by some estimates there are a thousand or more viruses being released every day, which means that no virus software can hope to be 100% up to date.
To those MTs who suggested the FTP (free) software SM
Thank you so much! DH downloaded it, installed it, and I am transferring files with no problems....something the IT department of this MTSO couldn't do in six weeks of haggling!!! So thanks to those of you who helped out - it was GREATLY appreciated!
eh? free pc? you couldn't pay me to take one - who knows what software it has on it?! nm
Best free encryption software? sm
I'm going out of town tomorrow, kind of a mini family emergency, and for the first time will have to drag my laptop along to work.  The encryption software on my main computer cannot be transferred to the laptop.  Anyone have opinions on free encryption software that is fast to install, good quality, and easy to use.  I don't have enough time to learn new software or putz with it.  Thanks.
Found free FTP software
When I clicked on the FTP words in your message it took me to the description of what an FTP is and if you scroll down there are a list of places to get free downloads. Super.

Thank you everyone. I will try and work with these and see what happens.
There is free invoicing software out there. Maybe someone
This is free SOFTWARE, not STORAGE.
There is a difference.
But they give you $2000 in free software!
free or cheap linecount software

Just bought a new computer and need to load a linecounting software program.  Used to have MTCount which was free but now it has changed to MTTools and is no longer that way.  Any suggestions?


free line count software
I need a free download for line count software that is accurate, anybody know one.  Thanks.  wordgenie
free voice file software

I am in need of a software that plays .dvf files.  I currently use Gear Player, and although it plays a multitude of different files, I can't get it to play .dvf.  Does anyone know of a free one online I can try?  Thanks!! 

Anyone know where I can get the old MPCount software that was a free download?
I know that it is now part of MPTools or something like that and you have to pay for it, but I just want the old version.
Advice on free or cheap MT software, please

I need a software program similar to GearPlayer, free or cheap. Is there one that anyone can recommend? I want one that would work with the GearPlayer footpedal I have or with easy keyboard commands to start, stop, rewind, etc.   

I ran across a site months ago that had older versions of Stedman's spellchecker for $30 or so. If anyone knows that site, or one similar, please share that info, as well.

I also need WordPerfect, as new a version as I can get, but as inexpensive as I can get, also.


Best Virus Software I have found & Free
Product information
Customer portal: http://www.free-av.com/contact
Internet: http://www.free-av.com

Free Foot Pedal Software
I thought that there might be some other people out there that would appreciate a link to a free foot pedal control application. Check it out:

PedalWare - http://www.altoedge.com/pedalware/index.html
Free software available for short period of time
CleverKeys for Windows

With CleverKeys for Windows you can look up words from almost every application, including Microsoft Word, Outlook Express and your favorite browser. CleverKeys is easy to use and easy to install.

How to use CleverKeys for Windows:

* Highlight a word
* Hit control-L to look it up at Dictionary.com
* CleverKeys takes you right to the definition in your default Web browser!
* Hit control-M for a menu of other options, such as "Look up using Thesaurus.com," "Search the Web" and "Shop at Amazon.com."

You can configure the keys via the task bar.

See CleverKeys in action by clicking here to view screen shots (opens a new window). Or click here to download your FREE CleverKeys today!

Beta testers needed! We are looking for beta testers to help us with a new version (2.00b5) of CleverKeys for Windows, released on December 29, 2005. More...


Copyright © 2006, Lexico Publishing Group, LLC // Credits


Does anyone know of a good free antivirus software that will work with -sm
windows XP.  I currently have AVG but I am not happy with that.  Thanks. 
anyones opinion on best free digital software please
Hi.  I am a newbie here.  I did a search in the forums but did not really find anything.  I am going to be doing some work, for the first time in a long time, on digital voice files.  I have an "Infinity" foot pedal and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good, free software that will allow me to listen to the wav files and use my foot pedal.  I would prefer one that would let me speed up and slow down......any suggestions?  I appreciate any help.  Thanks
Free Software Offer for Spellex - Happy MT Week!

Dear Medical Transcriptionists,

In honor of National Medical Transcription Week (May 14 - 20), Spellex Corporation has started another contest in addition to our Spelling Quiz.


Spellex Corporation will give away two free copies of Spellex AccuCount, our new line count program to two lucky MTs. Other participants will receive a 30% discount on selected Spellex products.


To win your free copy of Spellex AccuCount, simply be the 5th or 10th MT to download Spellex AccuCount and send us a review. 


Please visit www.spellex.com/downloads/select.asp?Version=accucount to download a trial version of Spellex AccuCount.


Once you have reviewed the program, please send your review to mtweek@spellex.com.  Please make specific references to the program in your review.


If you’re not the 5th or 10th reviewer, you can still save!  All medical transcriptionists who send us a review are eligible for a 30% discount on any Spellex single user product during National MT week.

Once again, congratulations to all Medical Transcriptionists for the important work you do!

Spellex Corporation


Download FTP SERVER software (it can be found free). Then have the docs
upload their files to YOUR server. There is no cost to you or the doc to do this. Someone does have to pay for the recorder, which I have chosen to do for 2 docs. The other one purchases his own when needed (twice in 7 years). One picks up files on FTP server. The other 2 still want theirs printed. Since they are not in same city, I mail them via snail mail and they are happy with that. I also do fax any stat reports to them at no charge simply because I have unlimited long distance.
Any suggestions where I can obtain free invoicing software, or reasonably priced. nm
Anybody know of any free foot pedal/transcription software besides Express Scribe? TIA. nm
Yeah, you're right. Who cares who licenses your software? Heck, I use all pirated software anyw

why pay for anything, right?

Except that is AGAINST THE LAW!!!

A friend of mine got one and she is finding that some of her software, specifically her ISP software
If u need server software, try guild ftp. If just user software
then try cuteftp, coffeecupftp, or wsftp. They don't charge a line rate and I believe guildftp server software is still free.
Abacus is not free. It is $20 but worth it. You can download a trial version free which does not h
I have used this for years and have compared to Sylvan, Word, and MP Count, etc. When you have it set to count every character, bold, shift, tab, etc. It is great and always higher than the others. Now if you are wanting gross lines like in Word then no it won't be as high because Word counts blanks lines and Abacus counts a line only if there is a character on it. There is also two places to check for it to count the Headers/Footers. If you have the FREE version then it must be the trial or a very old version so you don't have all the features and functions.
Check out the free demo of MTStars FlashType. It's free for 7 days.
Then, if you like it, you can purchase it for $59.95.  See link below.
yes it is free....mine was free....why the exclamation?
Another big factor is software. If the software isn't
transcription friendly, it can really hurt your bottom line.

Otherwise, $1.20 per report is a pretty decent rate for radiology.

Good luck - hope it works out for you.
There are free ones out there. I have been using a free one for 5 years. sm
Just have to research FTP server software.
free? We are not *free* - what planet R U on?

Free? Liberal?  You know nothing about me......I'm a 4th generation American so don't get up in my face......

We have a bad bad reputation today....and we do NOT HAVE 60 ALLIES/COUNTRIES BACKING US UP IN IRAQ....you better open up your eyes to the REAL stats.  Perhaps in 2003 we had 60 allies/countries backing us up....NAME 60 today.  I can name maybe 10 countries.......

You are terribly off-base.........even the soldiers have spoken up stating *unfortunately, this has become OUR vietnam* -

here's where you might think of beginning...iraqi veterans against the war......not a liberal website by any stretch of the imagination..


mt pro?

I have been out of the loop lately.  What is this new software?  I am currently looking for a medical transcription job and need a little catching up, obviously.  I would REALLY appreciate a reply on this issue. 

I work for a company that uses it and it's very simple to use.  I edit 90% and transcribe 10% and it's very simple to use.  Basically it's microsoft word with all the bells and whistles.

I have used both Quick Books and Quicken and prefer Quick Books for invoicing, etc.  I have two checking accounts, personal and business of course, and pay my business bills through there -- even by subs and that downloads into Quick Books which can be downloaded into my Turbo Tax.   Also on my personal side that gives me my utilities payout total also and I can then just deduct my 20 to 25% of them for my taxes.   Works for me. 


A place called Webchart contacted me and had a lot of the features you are looking for but it was quite expensive and I knew my docs would not go for it.  I could not afford several hundred dollars a month for it.   But you might do a goggle and see what comes up but the company name was webchart. 
a/v software

aside from the fact that it's probably true..!!  hehe.

if anyone wants info a a terrific a/v proggie, please off-list (e-mail) me, and i will send the link.

Software Available
I am using a sotware that is designed by me. Let me know your email ID, I shall send you my software.

VR software
I work for a company who is a major developer of voice recognition software.  I do transcription for them also and some reports are done with the voice recognition software.  Yes, it is like basically editing.  That is unless you get a dictator with a heavy accent and the software even has a hard time understanding.  The dictators have to go through a training period and the software actually learns their voice and speech patterns.  The hard medical words it usually gets with no problem, but the smaller everyday words don't come through correct all the time.  Some doctors are great, others should not be using it at all.  It makes for quite an amusing report at times.  I know it is the way of the future but I personally would rather type the report myself than try and edit some mess.
go through the link http://www.core-software.com/TMinfo.htm for a good software
Is there any software out there....
that performs like a Dictaphone or C-phone where you can dial into a system with your computer and control the dictation with a foot pedal?  My Dictaphone is going haywire, and I was wondering about some kind of computer software to replace it, if there is such a thing.
To any software out there.... sm
go to http://www.nch.com.au/software/dictation.html

they have inexpensive call in solutions that work very well.

Good luck!
What the best software to use?
Me and a couple of my MT friends have decided to make a small little MT company. You know just the three girls, made a lil pamplet and all. We're hoping by banding together we can met new clients ect. I was wondering what Mt software -for when the clients upload the audio files-should we use? We're on a budget and can't afford the 2,500 SW that's we've seen online. ANy suggestions?
FTP software
I'm trying to learn new FTP software, FTP Navigator.  I can read the files but they are in word pad.  Is this right? I am trying to read their sample reports and would rather read them in Word.  Can anyone help? TIA
OEM Software
I worked for a computer company that sold new computers.  OEM software is perfectly legal software and can be registered. This software is only supposed to sold with computers and/or hard disk drives.  The software companies offer this software as OEM so manufactures, like Dell, can purchase the software at a reduced price and package it with their new computer systems.  Technically, it is not supposed to be sold by itself, but it is perfectly legal.
Do you know what the VR software is?
I use Express Scribe too. It is free to download and so easy to use!
It would have to be software like PC Anywhere (sm)
and I would think they would have to have your permission to put this on there. As far as their own software, it wouldn't be able to *spy* on you. If someone else knows something different, please correct me.