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that was meant for the poster below me - nm

Posted By: islandgirl on 2009-02-07
In Reply to: Regardless whether HIPPA is the basis or not.... - islandgirl


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poster maybe meant this...
From the same site (see link below):
Apparently what I think that poster meant by what she said
According to the poster herself.
The above message was meant for the poster below (jab) nm
Sorry, 'MT way too long,' my post was not meant for you, it was meant for Wow! Sorry!!...nm
Good one. An anonymous poster blows another anonymous poster's head off. Great win for MQ?

I guess that is a small pleasure for those of you who have lowered your expectations for the company you work for. 


Bet you're married to a fat bald guy too. 

THANK YOU to the above poster - sm
God, I thought I was the only one that could understand the simple fact that we have access to SSN numbers, insurance numbers (which a lot of times are SSN) and we are given computers and equipment that we could turn around and resell.

Apparently only one Transcriptionist in the whole US has been in trouble for identity theft. The rest of us must be honest folks. And yes, I am being sarcastic.
Thanks. I was about to tell the poster the same!

Poster must be new to this board.  For us "old timers" we remember the Terry S posts from awhile ago and how that took up most of the board.

This board is NOT just for MT, but a place for MTs to visit and ask, talk, vent, discuss, buy, sell, ask for help, look for new jobs, send a funny joke, etc.

It's a great board.

If you don't like it, then go elsewhere.  There are plenty of MT chat boards out there, but this, by far is the best.

Only MY OPINION, so I don't need losers telling me I'm stupid.  Thank you very much!

I do believe that poster. They may not
but they were in my area as well. I don't live in Illinois, though.

That's not good money. :(
LOL!! to you and other poster (sm)
The young 'uns are 18, 21, and 25 hahaha!!!

Can I still send them over?

It's just I normally don't work until after 10 p.m. or so, so they are not used to "indoor behavior" until then.

The 25yo is building a computer so he was updating me on every little thing.

The 21yo is his girlfriend (the one talking in the hall).

And the 18yo in my college daughter who just got her first B in English (all A's until now) and she had to give me all the details...

You know they do grow up, but they're still young 'uns I guess.

I just needed to eek out a few more lines before I turned into a pumpkin, so I was slightly stressed. Getting piece of crap dictators didn't help.

But thank you both!! You made my night :)
what you think that poster said
and what that poster said is different.  The poster DID say the MTSO should pay the MT the extra cpl the MTSO was getting from the client.
above poster said it all (sm)

I think you will like it there.  It's about as close to an "old time" transcription company as you'll get.

poster, eh? NOT..................

I am not a big fan of DQS - however, what this poster says
is true. It is manipulated by the account manager, the client, or whoever.

I worked on DQS for another company and it did count spaces and my line counts were correct. It does not count anything you put into the header or searches such as patient account number, etc. That is time spent not paid for, in my opinion. Don't like the spell check or Expander either.

I transcribe 300-400 lines per hour in Word-based programs and WP5.1. With DQS, I too could not get above 200 lines per hour. Very frustrating to say the least. I thought it was me getting slow or old or something, but went back to my old platform, and poof - 300-400 lines per hour again.

I don't know what it is, but something is not right with that program.

I can honestly say, I hate that program! But to each their own. Good luck whatever you decide.

she? You are so sure the poster was a she?
I did like the other poster, but did have to take off one day too! SM

I just couldn't let my original job go until I was 100% sure I would like the new one.  Actually, I ended up keeping both part time instead of one full time.  I like this better because I don't have all my eggs in one basket so to speak.  If I ever need extra work, all I have to do is ask and I NEVER run out of work.

Good luck!

i do exactly what you do and what the poster

GMTA = great minds think alike!!!  *lol* - I do both things only I bang it not in the air, rather on a desk top or some hard surface.

Gotta be real careful with keyboards and salt and coca cola....those 2 items will ruin a keyboard.

Oh, I also have and love the old IBM bigger keyboards....the ones whose letters never rub off....

Like the other poster said, you could
always come back. An opportunity like this doesn't come around too often though.

I would jump at it. With anything in life there is some risk. Without risk though, you will never go anywhere. Sometimes you have to take chances.

Good luck and keep us posted! :O)
I'm not the above poster, but
to figure out that offshoring = decreased pay if the offshore MTs work for less money.    
The above poster is right
Although, I would argue against the 512 that the company says you need. I have 384 MB of RAM on this PC and it works fine. Sometimes they need to extend my time out value when I log into a new account that takes forever to download the first time. Vista will not work.
Know what you mean. But, poster said below to go
to help to find out how to do this. I tried that and was totally confused. I accidentally got one loaded that I desperately needed, but don't know how I did it.
poster is right, we have like 85 or more...sm

there have to be at least 85 dialects in Miami now and ON THE BEACH too....not as many in Fort Lauderdale Beach as in Miami-Dade County and beach areas in Dade....where I live, it is like the United Nations...I'm always saying that and I love it - I have to have diversity and a lot of it.....Today, I'd never get along in small-town America (unless it would be Santa Fe, NM - another place with multi-languaged people, mainly native American, then Spanish from Spain, then Spanish from Mexico, and a smaller amount of anglos and some other diverse groups)

just my 3 cents...no wars please....

You should get together with the poster below.
You both sound like you could use the mutual admiration.
It is not in name box as name of poster, just to
Like poster below, I would use top because
the arm only has 1 top. ????
I second the above poster nm
may be the poster was asking you if you are a U.S. MT because
when we read your original post you said the following.

"Veryu rude, just becasue you feel like it zsnd disagree with my post????

If you like it or not:"

Spelling errors, etc and sounds a bit confused. You are talking about grammer in your post and it is kind of lost there.

The poster did not say anything about
I am just trying to understand if she is working for another company, where she physically has to be at their company every day, or just what it is she is doing. I can do the work I do from my home anywhere, any state, and my tax information will stay the same, BUT if I go to my neighboring state and do work for another company as an employee, they will require all pertinent tax info be filled out....they have to. Then, I would have no choice as to what I would rather do about taxes. Employer will turn in my information to IRS regardless. If she is just taking her laptop and going to another state but still working for the same company via her laptop, who cares! The company just wants the work done.
Wow, I can't believe poster below...these are
the 2 top schools. If you read previous posts on this board, Career Step is actually NOT a good choice. I'm thinking she must be a Career Step teacher.
you are so right and if the poster sm
who was talking about "stealing" your accounts would go out and get her own accounts, have great quality and a better ATTITUDE, she would be making the same money!
To the poster that said the parents just let them go to
party and drink was sad.
I think this poster hit it on the head
I agree with the above poster. When
you are used to an account, you know who the good and bad dictators are, and you are used to getting a balance of the two... then, suddenly, you see less and less of the good, clear-speaking dictation and more of the mumblers, speed-demons, heavy accents, and/or combinations of the above. When that situation occurs, it mostly likely means the client or the service is starting to cherry pick the good dictation to go either offshore or to voice recognition.

In some senses there is nothing wrong with routing dictation appropriately for the skill level of the transcriptionist.

What is unethical is when the services start doing this without communicating with the transcriptionists that this is happening, expecting them not to notice or to to just live with tougher dictation at the same low rate they are used to.

Services may get some cost benefit from using VR or offshore, but part of the expense of using offshore or VR is that you need higher-paid, higer-experienced transcriptionists to do the rest of the dictation.

And you can bet that in many cases, the services are not planning for the fact there are cost increases offsetting the benefit of cost decreases with regard to VR and offshore. They figure MTs are used to constantly having to get paid less and less for doing more and more and are planning to keep the cherry picking a secret and pay their transcriptionists the same low line rate as before, when the difficulty level was less. Just add this to the list of other ways services have effected the lowering of the compensation of transcriptionists over the years, and if we let them get buy with it, they will continue to do it.

I agree 100% with poster. I went to a doc who used this sm
i totally felt he wasn't listening to me at all and was more concerned with typing it all into the computer right; then he read it back to me to make sure he had it correct, which he didn't and had to redo it all. out if 15 min visit, i would say 10 min was typing, other 5 listening to chest, etc. i HATED it and felt i was paying him to type up my info that i could do myself.
I think that's what the poster means.
If they can't report everything why is it that missing middle or upper class white females get much more attention and help than missing [insert race here] females who come from a family with very little money. Look at the case of Laci Peterson and the attention it got compared to an exact same case of Evelyn Hernandez and her 5-year-old son. She was a pregnant woman with very little money in her third trimester carrying a baby boy, who was reported missing just months before Laci. Her body was found in the same bay yet there was barely any attention at all given to that case.  The case was never solved and in fact her son is still missing to this day and we still don't even hear much about it.  I agree with the OP.  Publicity helps in getting support and if the major news networks can report every single night for months and months on one case, why can't they report some of those nights on other cases?
Not the poster you are talking to but..

You totally miss her point.  She is not saying MQ is AOK.  It isnt even about MQ.  It is about complaining, complaining, complaining.  Continually.  WHY????  Do something about it.  Find a new job.  There are TONS.  Do you get it?  If MQ is so bad, why don't the MQMTs go find new jobs?  Take away their workforce, leave in droves.  Do something.  That will shut them down quicker than any lawsuit.  Oh and also, it would benefit the MTs because they would HAVE A NEW JOB. 

Why anyone would work 1 minute for a place that is cheating them is beyond me?  I'm sorry but that is DUMB.

to the LOL/rude poster
Just who do YOU think you are?  Gods gift to the MT world?  You can voice your "expert" opinion, argue facts, etc but you do NOT need to be so friggin rude!  Just shows your age and mentality to have to resort to making yourself seem oh so much smarter than the others
I was trying to respond to both you and the poster

" a good MT should be confident enough with her knowledge and skills to not want or need anyone's pat on the back.  If you can't do a good job without a baby sitter, perhaps you should consider another line of work."

Its a bit silly to judge someone's work based on the fact they just want a little interaction with their supervisor, i've been doing this long enough, and just saying I know my stuff.  One does not have to do with the other!  You guys go far in left field for an insult.

Poster from Slidell..are you out there?
Sunday, before Katrina, someone posted on this board saying she was from Slidell and was doing to stay and ride out the storm..Are you out there??  Are you okay?  From what I can see on news reports, Slidell was devastated..Was your home spared?  I was thinking about you during this week..Are you okay?
thats you. the original poster is not you.

I'm not the above poster but I have been thinking of
My question is how easy is it to work your ebay site, how do people find you and how many hits a day did you get?  Do you think its possible to quit MT altogether and earn a decent living on ebay?  I'm just worried no one will see my site because of all the other sites.  Also, how much did your account cost?  I've been wanting to do this for a couple of weeks, there are a couple of products i'd like to make or buy in bulk and resell. 
I agree with poster below....
Do some checking. Make a list of some major hospitals within say, a 2 hour driving distance or however far you would like to drive (consider meetings, etc). Then look that hospital up on the Internet and see if they have an employment board. That is what I did and LO and BEHOLD! I got a job with a hospital that is a Level 1 trauma hospital about one hour away from me in a major city. The pay is excellent with all the benefits. It is radiology of which I have some experience in. So far, so good! GOOD luck to you and CONGRATS! (I am a mommy of a 1 and 2 year old girl and boy)
I agree with you. The poster

should give the name of the company.  It's not fair to make such a statement that may blanket other companies who are not under investigation. 

To the person who made the origian post:   Please give the name of the company !

I agree with poster above AND below.
If I absolutely HAD to, I would go with OSi over Transcend in a heartbeat.  But, I would exhaust every avenue out there before I had to chose between either.  I'd even try to get out of transcription (even though it's all I've known for years) before I'd go back to Transcend. 
original poster
My heart goes out to you.  The sexual harrassment i'm going through is not comparable, I couldn't imagine dealing with this if I were a child..  In a way, they are taking something from us, no matter what age, when they cross that border.  I have told someone, so its out.  But my mother is another story. She has been abused emotionally and physically by men.  Like I said above, she is in a horrible state of mind, depends soley on this man.  Thats why removing myself until I figure things out would be best.  I do notice on his side of the family, he is not near his grandchildren, or great grandchildren, and over they years, they have expressed their hate for him.  I just don't understand at his age how he could still be doing something like this and not learn from it, having lost his own family? He is a master at getting people to like him...my family would raise eyebrows at me if I brought this up.  But like I said, I told someone, she understands, and it has leaked around. Actually talking to my mother, she would do something to hurt herself.  She wouldnt be able to handle it.
That's okay too. Or like the other poster said, make them do it again. SM

Believe me. Nobody cares that you're tired and nobody cares that you're mad. They aren't even thinking about you. They probably wouldn't care about the mess, either.

To get some peace, you have to have some help. There is no reason on God's green earth for you to be a maid to a family of capable people.

not other poster but it isn't under the control tab; sm
it is under the playback tab under settings. it is the fifth one down that says auto back step on stop. i have mine set at 2000.
It might not help the original poster (sm)
but if you think you need to have a hysterectomy, find a physician who can do it laparoscopically. I had that done in December 2003 and I was back on my feet within a week. I didn't go back to work (outside the home at that time) for three weeks, but I had to convince the doctor to give me that much time because he knew how fast the recovery was from a laparoscopic hyst.
I love this poster!
Finally - someone who knows how it is and isn't pointing fingers blaming other people.
Have to agree with this poster. sm

My husband works out of town and is gone for weeks at a time, but I can go and visit him at any time, I have a key to the apartment that he gave me.  One weekend he decided he wanted to hang out with the guys instead of coming home to see me and our daughter (Labor day weekend).  I automatically became suspicious.  He was adamant about me not coming and it was nothing to the weekend, just boys weekend.  I took my daughter to my mother's house and headed to the town where he was.  I was the one who truly got the surprise.  There was nothing going on but the boys really having a weekend.  I felt bad because I did not trust my husband and I felt low for sneaking around because he had never given me reason not to trust him. 

Just be careful.  You could be in search of something that is not really there.  My husband also works long hours and several days straight.  I see the evidence of it when we are together and he wants to take a whole day and just sleep and relax.  Don't let your mind play tricks on you.  One day goes by extremely fast when that is all you have to recuperate and start over again. 


Did anyone who got an email from the poster
get a follow-up email after the first of the year with the information like she promised?  I got the email saying it would be after the first of the years - then nothing.  Did anyone else get it?
Not yet, but the poster that put pedophiles in the

same category as gay people actually made me want to throw up.

I can't even think of anything else to say about this obvious dimwit who knows absolutely nothing at all.