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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

thanks Becky

Posted By: longtime mt on 2005-12-21
In Reply to: That's my question too. There you are, offering to help, SM - Becky

man are you brave for having your name on here!!  I have received some nice e-mails and I don't care if someone calls me slimy.  I was just amazed to see how many people are really struggling.  Frankly, if I couldn't get but 1000-1500 lines a day, it wouldn't be worth the torture.  you know when I first started, we got paid by the minute.  there was a girl in the office who did 200+ minutes a day and everyone hated her.  everyone but me!  she was my idol!  she was my goal!  we became great friends and I picked her brain and pushed myself until I made my goal.  it was hard hard work but well worth it.  and about the girl who said I should help people for free.  that's a great concept but I am only ONE person.  I don't have the time to answer hundreds of e-mails or phone calls daily and try to help every person individually.  anyway.......

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To Becky
Well, I do not do it as a second job or supplemental income. And I make a great salary. It CAN be done. Stick with it, kiddo.
Thanks Sis and Becky SM

I sent him an e-mail and told him that I felt that 12 cents a line was a fair price.  He sent me a sample Word document of his work, and I showed him how I would count it and told him how much that particular job would have cost him.

If he thinks its too much, that's okay.  I stay busy with my full-time job and 3 kids. 

Thank you for all of your input! :)


Becky's question
Becky, this is all a tempest in a teapot. I have earned a great living for many years with MQ. Don't listen to the naysayers and doomsday folks. I don't plan to go anywhere. I went from IC to FTE and am very happy. Cheer up! Jennie
You about pegged it, Becky. nm
Ditto what Becky said but I want to add
What the clients are charged is none of your business.  The MT company has a contract with YOU telling YOU how much they will pay YOU.  That is not dependent on what the client pays the MT company.  Their contract with the client has nothing to do with you and what you are paid.
Becky, I've been an IC for seven years now without
any type of liability or error insurance at all.  As the other poster said, the physician is the one that's responsible for reviewing and signing off on the reports.  If you don't believe me, go to Google.com and type in "transcriptionist sued" to see how many lawsuits are out there where doctors sued their transcriptionist.  Zero.  It's not going to happen.  Besides that, technically you are a SUBcontractor for softscript, so it's their butts that are going to be on the line no matter what your employee/IC status is.  THEY are the ones that signed the contract with the hospitals or physicians, not you.  Also, if you search the MTstars archives about that company, they don't get rave reviews.  You can find a better company where people actually know what they're talking about.
Oh Becky, get off your high horse.
Your holier-than-thou posts get really old. Can you say 'uptight'?
Whoops, I see there is another Becky. I will now call myself SM
blu since that's part of my screen name anyway.
Becky is right. You can download the Adobe Acrobat PDF
version of most forms from the IRS.gov website for free. No need to buy anything or pay anyone.
Becky, email me and let me know what print it was and I'll send you out another one.
Hey Becky, I think the owner made it pretty clear that Christmas is celebrated
don't like it, why not visit a site that is all about what YOU believe in? You're making such a fuss on a site that embraces Christmas, do you understand that? The owner said she respects others for what they believe in, but that doesn't mean it gives you an engraved invitation to put others down for what they believe in.  You're just making yourself crazy by reading the pro Christmas posts here. 
Becky, I found your email. I will send out another Crow's Gift tomorrow morning. It will be seale

Becky you work in a great place. With no one hovering, I bet you get a lot more work done w/o agoniz
wants what. The only people qualified to do QA on my reports are the dictating doctors and the rest is just pure waste of money and time. If I have a question fine. But this random QA bites and hurts everyone. BTW, I don't have random QA for those who seem to think I may have an ax to grind. No dog in this fight. Just common sense.