Posted By: lulu on 2005-07-20
In Reply to: outside temperature where you are - dls
82 and falling in MS. 2033 hours. 100% humidity. I am having a bad hair week.
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I live in PA and the temp is now
almost 90 with a predicted 99 degrees for us later today. I just brought in both horses, started up their personal fans, filled their 6-gallon water buckets and sprayed them like crazy for horrible flies. This is just too hot for me!
Though there are not that many to be had right now ... in a large city, in the late 80s to 90s, paid $16-$17/hr.
Though there are not that many to be had right now ... in a large city, in the late 80s to 90s, paid $16-$17/hr.
temp+heat index= HOT!
Heat index here Sunday (according to National Weather Service) was 126�! 97� temp and 77% humidity = 126. Not sure how they got that figure, but it was during the county fair parade, and some high school kids marching barely made it the 3 mile route. Kids and I escaped to a movie theater!
And PS: There's plenty of temp. work out there!
Here's another suggestion--temp work.
No, seriously. If you can transcribe, you are well-qualified for many, many temp jobs that might be available to earn a little extra cash while you hunt for a real job. I did the temp thing via Kelly Services when I was younger; did several one and two-day assignments, and even a 2-month one once. When I last job-hunted 7 months ago, I was about ready to go sign up for temp services, and in fact did go to that office--but they had closed early that day, so I didn't get to it, and about 2 days later I got hired for a permanent job.
Anyway, it's well worth a try if nothing else is popping, and you could even make some local contacts that way. You never know.
Has anyone ever worked for a temp agency? sm
I am thinking of working for a temp agency for extra income. I am trying to find out what kind of testing do they do.
Be sure to keep the temp files and cookies cleaned
defrag often.
Office jobs for temp service?
If you do office work for a temp service you can pick/choose which jobs you like and if you don't want to work for a 20-something it won't be a problem. Most of the temp services also offer software classes and you can upgrade your skills or learn something new and then after you've mastered it, ask for more money! I got back into the workforce about 2 years ago after MT burnout. Most of my assignments were pretty good. I had one really BAD one and I quit after a day. The woman was absolutely impossible to work for. I later learned I was the 4th temp in a week and the temp service owner finally said they were "firing" that client - LOL.
I asked her why she sent me if she knew the woman was that difficult. She said she figured I could handle it. Gee, thanks!
I worked in the computer industry as a temp for large giants, Intel and Oracle, before deciding on a job in the regulatory affairs division of a medical device manufacturer. It was fun working at the big companies and I became badly spoiled with all the latest/greatest technology and on-site cafes. I learned a LOT!
Unfortunately, big companies are doing more temp help now and its all but impossible to get a perm job. Don't sell yourself short & think you can only be a Wal-Mart greeter. You do have valuable skills from MT and could utilize them in a higher paid position than a greeter. Leave that job to the poor senior citizens who are now having to go back to work.
Just the usual clerical crud that temp companies have. nm
Day Labor/ Temp Agencies/pizza delivery
You only asked for meal advice.. I just wanted to tell you about these places in case you didn't know. Every city usually has several "day labor" companies. Your dh would have to arrive around 5-6 am, they would take him to a site all day. They usually pay the same day. He would need is license and ss card.
Most temp agencies have jobs immediately available too.
Another idea is to deliver pizza at night. He could still do real estate during the day. He would get cash right away. They pay for gas mileage, at least minimum wage, he would get tips, and PIZZA! :-)
Have to disable Norton Internet Sec & Del all Temp files every time, why???
I cannot get the links to stay but I know it has to be due to something in Norton because if I disable Norton Internet Security and then go to Tools, Internet Options, choose General tab, then Temporary Files, Delete Files, Delete all off line content, and hit okay, then I get them back, but they don't stay consistently. :(
Can anyone tell me what needs to be changed/added in Norton's Internet Security to keep the links/forums available in the blue/on the left side??? I have tried everything I can think of. I sure would appreciate your help.
I think it's the temporary files because when it starts acting like this, there are TONS of temp
Even closing Word doesn't make the files go away--I have to delete them manually.
As far as plug-ins, I have tried disabling them before but no luck. I can go months without a problem, plug-ins and all, and then, BAM, it starts happening all the time. I usually start holding my breath when I have a string of "crash-less" days (even more than I usually do to hold my gut in).
I'm beginning to think it's those automatic updates from Microsoft that are adding gremlins...can't say that I'm not beyond thinking that Mr. Gates would have his reasons for doing that, although I can't say for sure what they might be right now.
I'm open to any more ideas you might have.
Temp files disappear when you shut down Word. System restore does not recover documents .