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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

tasp phone rates

Posted By: mtstudent on 2007-06-06
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A high end no minimum volume virtual toll free # is .07/minute. The voice mail goes right to my e-mail in a wav. file. Why can't the tasp do this for less $ with the volume they would get from an MT biz?

I'm just curious why it's so high. :) Is it the security features that cost so much? The file hosting seems reasonable but the phone rates are high.


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Cost of unlimited phone calling to do MT. What are the best rates. nm
Has anyone kept a list of line rates, report rates, benefits, etc for sm

the different companies out there?  I feel lost and confused.  It seems like everything is changing daily, and I am not being organized enough to keep up.  I am about to actively look for full time employment again but if there was a list, I would be able to sort through a lot more quickly. 

Can anyone help?  I am going to start keeping a chart myself in case anyone needs this in the future.

Line rates in the Northeast - can anyone advise as to what the going rates are in the NE part of the
country? Specifically Connecticut. I want to make sure I am on target here. Thanks.
Looking for a TASP

I am looking into Sten-Tel as a TASP.  I am starting my own service and want to be able to offer a fully digital solution to my clients.  So far, everything from Sten-Tel sounds great, but I would like to hear from those who use them or any MTs that work for a company that uses their technology as well would be welcomed.

1.  Is the system easy to learn and to teach to others, both MTs and dictators?

2.  Can you get your line count right after a report and with the simple click of a mouse or is it a very detailed process.

3. Can you be a productive MT - 300+ lines per hour if you average that elsewhere?

4.  Any faults you have found with Sten-Tel.

5.  If you have used another TASP and Sten-Tel, which was your favorite.

6.  Is it easy to add new dictators or new MTs. 

7.  Is it easy to assign the work to the correct MT.

8.  Can you type a report yourself if needed right from the job list or do you have to assign it to yourself first?

TIA to those who reply.  Any other info would be helpful too. 

Are you sure you want to use a TASP?,,

with a tasp you keep paying and paying and paying; consider Bytescribe's DocShuttle system. You could have Dictator for your docs, then Admin and Client for yourself, plus an FTP site for less than $600. You could earn that back in your first month.  Also I am surprised you have to cover the paper, but you can buy in bulk from OfficeMax or whatever and get that covered. It would be toner that would eat you alive. Plus how do you ascertain if they aren't using the printer freely for whatever they feel like? Seems to me they can cover the paper and ink for crying out loud. You may want to bid quarter cent cheaper to get out of that. Also if they sent you a standard contract it may have something in it about you needing to have insurance. That is something you can line out and sign off. Just tell them virtually no MTSO carries that insurance because there is virtually no liability for the MT's - the docs are responsible for the content of the report. Any liability for an MTSO comes mainly from employees and IC's wanting to sue you for some sort of -ism. Good luck!




TASP.. anyone use a TASP or have SM
comments or recommendations?  TIA. 
Those of you who use a TASP - which do you

but I hate the initial expense of it, I hate the hassle of having to maintain it and have a service contract, I hate worrying about thunderstorms and electrical outages and phone outages causing downtime, I hate having to bother with the whole thing.

I have considered a TASP but am hesitant for a few reasons:

1)  My doctors seem to like the idea of dialing a local number, not an 800 number.  I'm not sure that they would like having to dial an 800 number.

2)  With my system, I can customize the greeting.

3)  With my own system my doctors don't have to go through a bunch of prompts to dictate.  I have one who dictates just short 1-minute notes all day long after he sees patients.  He likes to dial in, punch in 11# and get right in.  He would have a problem with having to go through a bunch of prompts every 15 minutes for every short note.

4)  I don't like the voice greeting on the TASPs I have heard.  I'd like a voice like the Dictaphone lady on the Dictaphone systems, something like that.  Some of them sound like electronic voices or repeat the doctor's name back when they log in in an electronic voice, and I just don't like that.  One has a voice with an Australian or some sort of accent.  What one just has a normal pleasant voice and not something that sounds strange to the doctors calling in?

5)  A couple of TASPs I know of also have transcription companies.  I don't want my dictation going to a TASP that also owns a transcription company.  How do I know they won't be soliciting my accounts if they are getting the voice on their system?

I would like to see a site where someone has researched all the TASPs and gives an overview of each, including the costs, options/services they offer, and a review of the TASP.

Those of you who use TASPs - do you have any input?  I have listened to a demo of idigital and also the Bytescribe TASPs but honestly, it was so long ago that I don't remember what the voice sounds like or what the prompts were like.  I have heard Metroscript's and it is one of the ones with lots of prompts and the electronic voice and I'm not crazy about that.  I don't think I've heard any others...

I have a friend who has an ever growing MTSO and she uses MetroScript. Now let me say that she is a very "anal" careful, and I mean very, very, very careful person. She will not use anything until it has been researched to death. So I would definately give MetroScript a big thumbs up. She loves it!
MTSOs...What, if any, TASP do you use?
I don't like the one I'm currently with and am looking for some other options. What do you like about yours? You may email me if you prefer.
Anybody know about using Medikin for a TASP?

MedRemote wants 4 cpl, and as it usually takes a while to be paid for new work, I need to start out with a lower cost.  Their web site says they start out at 1.7 cpl and it goes down from there depending on how many lines you do.  Just wondering if anybody could share their experience, good or bad.  I do not have money to buy equipment outright at this time so am looking into this alternative.

Any responses greatly appreciated! 

Can anyone recommend a TASP out there?
I am trying to decide which company to use. I am looking for reasonable cost and good quality.  Thanks in advance! 
What type of TASP do you have? nm
anyone used Chronicle as a TASP
Any feedback is appreciated as our hospital is interested in using them for server management.
TASP recommendations?
Anyone use a TASP (transcription application service provider) they can recommend?  I'm thinking about trying MetroScript.  Any input on this company or others would be appreciated.
but do you download from a TASP?

13 cents per line / TASP --nm
Anyone use TASP or work for MedEDocs?

Wondering what their platform is like to use (I know it's a version of MTWorld).  Anyone use their TASP application as MTSO application?  Thanks for any info.

TASP recommendations requested

Can any IC's recommend a really inexpensive, easy to set up TASP that offers digital and phone?  I have used Emdat and like it, but it is expensive.  I have used Bayscribe and love it, but their spellchecker is worthless.  Something that works with MS Word would be great.  Recommendations?


Have two great TASP recommendations

Above is link to website of Scribe Healthcare Technologies, they have a "lite" version of their platform for smaller services. I've been using it since March and absolutely love it. The people at Scribe are great, questions get answered almost immediately, tech support is excellent. Our doctor clients equally appreciate the features of this platform. I would definitely contact Scribe for info and free demo. I'm so glad I am using this for my MD accounts.

I also use Metroscript for some other type doctors that don't need "auto signature" on their reports. Metroscript is equally terrific, have been using them for 3 years now. These folks are equally the best, perfect for a smaller service too. They will walk you through the learning curve very patiently. Find them at www.metroscript.com. Good luck to you.
Downloading DSS files from TASP

I will need to download and play DSS files from a TASP system.   My boss says I will need to purchase a player and program from Olympus to do this.  Others have said I can use Bytescribe or Express Scribe with my USB pedal.  My question is, if that's the case, how easy will it be to transfer from a TASP and play them on one of these players.  My boss is making it out to be an impossible task.   She said others have tried other programs and other foot pedals with either partial success or no success.   Any help would be appreciated.   The pedal package is $300 and who can afford that?  Not I!  Thanks and happy typing! 

Metroscript is best TASP for this application
Recommendatios for a TASP for digital files
I am thinking about getting my own clients and have only been able to Google 3 TASPs. DocShuttle, Medikin, and idigital. Are there others?
A TASP is basically a company that owns
your clients call in and dictate on their system, and you pay them usually based on the minutes of dictation.  That way you don't have to put out the money for a system of your own but you have access to a system.  Metroscript is one, Bytescribe has a TASP, and the owners of this site also have a TASP although I don't recall the name - but if they would like to post the name of it under my post that is fine with me.  There are others as well. 
don't use TASP's period. Why duplicate the internet especially when it is free...I use
Docshuttle, and an FTP site. Docshuttle can be set up to be entirely automatic at the doc's end, which makes it so much easier to get the file to and fro.
Which TASP companies allow remote users to transcribe online?

It's not misleading at all. We provide a TASP service to MTSOs at a rate of 1 cpl. Please leave o

abbreviations that are interpreted as foul...i.e. WTF.  USATasp is owned and operated by MTStars.  If you have questions, feel free to email me directly.

C-phone used to call in to dictating systems to receive work. A special phone. nm
I had a lot of trouble with static in my C-phone. I replaced the phone cord and that made a big

difference.  Also, have you tried a different headset?  Also someone told me one time that there is a microphone under your volume control on the right corner of the C-phone.  It's a tiny hole.  If you break off a Q-tip and stick that into the hole that will squelch a lot of background noise and that worked as well.  As far as getting your C-phone service, I heard that Dictaphone is "sunsetting" C-phones at the end of this year.  Meaning, they aren't going to service them anymore as they are considered an obsolete technology.  So, I would contact Dictaphone and see what your options are.

I know very little about Lanier equipment.  I've not used it as extensively as Dictaphone.  Is there a local appliance repair place in your area?  You might ask one of those places to take a look at your equipment and see what they think.  Kinda scary, cause they could do more harm than good, but maybe worth a shot.

Not much help, I know.  But I thought I would share what tiny bit of obscure knowledge I do have. 

I've changed them between an old phone and new phone, but the same company, i.e. Nextel.
I use my c-phone whenever we travel. You can hook it directly into your room phone. Be sure and as
I think you can dial into most systems that require C-phone without having a C-phone nm
I am wondering if there is a way to use your C-phone with Vonage phone service?
May have to change phone companies, have switched to job using a C-phone. sm
Currently have Embarq (formerly Sprint), and my usage will be going up about 12,000 minutes a month.  What phone companies offer really unlimited for a flat rate?  TIA.
C-phone and ATT. There is no problem with the C-phone, but ATT wouldn't let me use unlimited.
I have cable phone access and my C-phone works - sm
I am not sure about you problem, because it sounds just like I have mine hooked up.  The only thing I can think of is that mine has 2 line hookups in the back of the phone.  If you have this too, I would just try the other one, which you probably have already done.  Sorry that was not much help.  I wish you luck
I have a very loud hum when using my C-phone, but no hum when I'm using the regular phone. SM

Anyone else experience this problem with their C-phone?  Is there a problem with my C-phone?  At first I thought it was my telelphone line and called the phone company.  They sent a technician out to replace the lines and check the house, but the hum is still there on the C-phone.

It's driving me batty!

C-phone info regarding phone lines etc.
I am completely clueless on the subject of a C-phone.  Can someone help me understand exactly how this works?  Do you have to specifically have a separate "dial up internet" service to use the C-phone? I currently have cable internet and am wondering if there is anything else I need to get.  I guess I should contact my phone company.  At any rate, any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
If you use a C-phone for work and have a digital phone

through cable, have you tried to take an incoming call?

We only have one phone line.  I rarely get/make calls and when I do we have cell phones.  I just started working with a C-phone and got digital phone.  I can go a month and my phone not ring, so far have gotten 3 calls today, but I'm afraid that if I try to answer the phone that I will lose my report. 

I guess I could pull up a report and have my husband call on his C-phone and test it that way and then if I lose it no biggie. 



Anyone use/try C-phone with Medicom's phone service?
Wondering if it works?
???going rates
Help!!! just been offered an OB/GYN doctor account.  What should I charge?
I am out here in Oregon.  I will be completely honest but have been told on this board that I am too low and do too much for my docs but they have been very loyal to me, all have been with me from 5 to 18 years, pay on time -- 48 hours recepit of invoice, no questions asked about line count, etc., never a bounced check, etc.  I have  just raising my rates to 0.115   for my larger accounts and 0.125 for a small account that I have that does less than 1500 lines per month.  Oh yea, my psych account is still at 0.11 cpl but he is not 24 hour turn around and going digital.But I do charge gross line, 65 charaters per line.  I pick up and deliver, provide the sticky paper, cut apart the chart notes, do envelopes.  I make about $3200 to $3500 per month depending on whether all docs are in all month or not, (6 docs) and since I have been doing them so long, I put in 25 to 28 hours per week with printing, pick-up delivery, etc.  And yes, they appreciate me and give me Christmas bonus, birthday gifts, extra time when I have a crisis, etc.   Had been working at a clinic doing about 20 hours per week in addition for the past year  but just paid off my last attorney fee from a ugly divorce and so am qutting there as of next month and taking three months to do just my own  accounts and have some fun this summer.   I had a resume from a company out here that wanted my clinic account and charged 0.18 cpl but to me that is way too high.  I feel that I average 30 to 40 per hour and to me that is more than fair.   And yes I provide my own insurance, own my own home, put $500 to $800 aside for retirement.   Patti

It definitely depends on where you live.  I'm in Arkansas and have a hard time getting 0.10 out of docs around here.  Right now I have a peds acct that is 0.08 and an internal med that is 0.9, 65 character lines.  The peds acct provides their own paper for me to print on and I email transcription to the internist, so they print it.  I do pick up tapes everyday and I am always available, never take vacations unless the docs do.

The best thing to do would probably be to talk to some of the doctors and negotiate terms.

I work full time and also do "extra accounts" to support my love to travel - live in the northeast.  I do a big GI practice (6 docs), ENT practice (2 docs) and high-risk pregnancy (2 docs).  I charge a flat $3 a page no matter how many lines are on that page.  (These are all letters).  I've been told I'm cheap, but it averages out to about $30 an hour for the most part and anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a week. All are quite good dictators, provide their letterhead and since I have been doing it for so many years, easy accounts.  They are wonderful about me taking vacation - just hold the work for me.  A bit overwhelming at times when I get back from vacation, but worth it. As all offices are near my full time job, I pick up and deliver almost every day. 
I work as an IC for a neurology group and also for a child and adolescent/family and marriage psychiatrist.  I charge 12 cents per line based on a 60-character line.  I had worked for another group that paid me 14 cents/60-character line, but they needed tapes picked up daily and I lived nearly 45 minutes away.  If you have experience, in my area you can pretty well set your own price and they will jump at it.
QA rates

Can I ask what you get per line?


I have a couple clients like this -- was way easier to just charge a higher line rate than to figure time/paper/ink/postage, etc for every billing.  My docs liked the all-inclusive flat rate.  You can write off the paper, postage, etc as business expense.  Good luck. 
Rates in NJ

Just checking in to see what a fair rate would be to charge for specialities (neuro and ortho) in the Morris/Sussex/Warren County areas of NJ.  If anyone out there has any info, I'd appreciate it.


CMT rates
I have never seen it make a bit of difference. I do very well without having those initials. Good question about verifying that though, I have seen some really awful QA work that boast those initials.
In looking through the ads, the rates seem to go from 7-10 cpl for IC or emp. nm

Paid by minute. what is the going rate?

Thank you all for  your input, it has been helpful.  I charge 12 cents per line 10 words (no spaces) = a line.  It's mainly the gas and the time driving out there. I figure it's 2.5 hours per week specifically for them. I do include errands etc during my delivery, but now that my kids are going to be out of school, I will have to make a special trip out there just for them. My other two accounts are strictly digit and we communiate via internet. I did raise my rates to .14 last week, and they threw  a fit. I suggested that I come in less frequently or that they consider going digital and they are not open. I am not sure what is going to happen at this point, but I feel with all the time and money spend just on this one account, 12 per line is not reasonable. Plus, I just read today that gas prices will hit 4.00 per gallon in my areas this summer.    Thanks again for all your input, it was very helpful.