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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: trisha on 2006-02-05
In Reply to: what are you studying in college? - another mt

physician assistant

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What are U studying? Socialism??
try studying COMMUNICATION
what are you studying in college?
studying for CMT exam

Hi guys!  After 10 years of acute care MT, I'm thinking about taking my CMT exam, as my employer supports this. 

Is there a study guide I can buy? HOw do I go about preparing myself for the exam?  What's first ?

THanks to all !



What are you studying in college? nm
How much studying to take CMT exam?
Hi...we are encouraged to become CMTs at my place of employment, so I am going to do it.  I've been an MT for 15 years, and I was wondering for those to have taken it, how much studying is actually necessary for this?  I'm really not looking forward to having to study a lot since I just finished college a few months ago, but will do what I need to do.  Any advice?
shouldn't you be studying or working or something productive?
Geez Busy, you been on these boards under one name or another all the live long day.  Lonely?  Crack those premed books.  hahahaha
I'm studying coding too. I've been looking at different courses plus I bought SM

Step by Step Medical Coding by Carol J. Buck along with the workbook that goes along with it.  So while I'm trying to decide on a school, I can be studying on my own.  According to the AHIMA website though with my years of experience as an MT, I am eligible to take the certification exam without having to complete a formal coding course.  Transcription is considered part of the HIM department and thus if you have worked in any position in HIM, you are qualified to take the test.

So, I may find that studying on my own will benefit me better than paying money for a course I'm not sure about.  I also have the benefit of tuition reimbursement with my employer and I may take advantage of that if I find a program I like.

So, I'm with you!  Let me know what school you decide on or what avenue you decide to take.  Might help me make the decision in the long run!

What a sad story. Two years studying, all wasted, what a pity.....nm..
49 years old/self taught/daughter 20 years old/self taught. I'm a CMT, and daughter is studying t
take the test soon.