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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

stick around for the networking...ignore the doom and gloom...sm

Posted By: flybye on 2009-05-08
In Reply to: Is it just me... or am I the only one - unsureMT

i've checked these boards over the years; when the doom gets thick, i take a break; when i get "isolationitis" i come and see if there's someone i can help; i think you can CHOOSE your RESPONSE to these boards and their content. there are plenty of us on in this career who are choosing to make the best of a difficult situation; i CHOOSE not to be negatively impacted and keep my motivation up by helping others in the network. don't take this stuff personal...stick around...building community is always better than going it alone.... jmho

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Who needs the doom & gloom? A person just
land a hospital account. Most likely she'll start smaller, with a small independent practice. That gets you in the door, and from there it's how well you do, and word of mouth. There are many docs who have jumped off the big-hospital, HMO under-the-table-incentive-driven treadmill so that they can once again practice QUALITY medicine, not the 'Doc-in-the-Box' kind you get at most big medical institutions. That's the kind of doc I'd prefer to work with, and most likely she would, too. Independent MT's who do good work will help to bring more MT work back to America where it belongs.

To the original poster, I say 'Good for you!' and 'Go get 'em!' Your idea above for keeping connections with other MT's is a sound one, and if MT's work together and have less jealousy and animosity towards one another, that would go a long way to improving the MT field as a whole.

Such gloom and doom. Better head for the bomb shelter.
heh heh
RE: Networking
Don't know where you are, but networked ours through DSL provider, Bellsouth. We have 3 and it is wireless networking on mine. They are at one end of the house and I am at the other pretty much.
Networking with people throughout the day
was a benefit to working outside of my home. I am always surprised at the amount of information we absorb just by talking with others in the cafeteria line, waiting for elevators, sitting beside someone and chatting with them about daily events, common interests, places to shop, etc. When 9/11 took place, at that very moment, I was so eager to talk with another human being about it, I recall,
Re: Networking/Advice

I have lots of the same questions as the poster below about getting set up with some kind of web-based file transfers, etc.  I am going to do my own research, but if anyone has a suggestion of which direction to look that would be great.

I see the point about connections, and since I live in an area where I have not worked in-house I am kinda stumped.  I did once land a small solo practice account by writing a letter.  It was very close to my home and I pointed out the convenience to both of us and he called.  When I moved he said he would write a glowing recommendation letter to anyone.

So I'm thinking if I can get that first account, the "connection" situation can be helped along.

What about the doctor you/your kids/your mother, etc., go to?  How about the chiropractor?  Even if a doctor is part of a conglomerate, they might refer someone to you. I am thinking of asking my doctor (solo with 2 NPs) next time I go what her transcription situation is. 

Still, what I am stumped about is how to set up getting the work.  I don't want to pick up tapes and I don't want to spend thousands of dollars on my 10-report-a-week job, either!


Are you using a wireless router for networking or

do you actually have wireless internet?  We got a Wii last Christmas and I use a wireless router and we haven't had any problems at all. 

If you are using a router you may need to adjust the channel settings on it.  I think Nintendo recommends channel 11.  You can go to Nintendo.com and see if you can find a solution or Google it and if no help there call Nintendo.  Their customer service isn't in India. 

I got mine from networking and working

themselves asked me if I'd be interested.  That was 10 years ago though and still going strong, but now I think the competition keeps one from landing their own accounts.  However, it can be done.  I've heard others say they've mailed flyers or gone cold-calling to offices with a business card.  I guess if you have local medical facilities, it's worth a try.  Even mailing a letter with a business card could land you an account.  You never know who is unhappy with their current transcription provider. 

One account I had (he's since retired) asked me because his Transcriptionist was retiring.  So quirky stuff can happen. 

yeah..networking on who she can bully the most.
making herself look better only to herself. there is *bluntness* and then there is *bully*. and being just plain mean just because they *don't have time* to be nice.
G and N only apply to wireless networking. nm

Absolutely agree! Word of mouth and networking are key!! nm
ignore them

let's try to ignore them
I for one will no longer open a post that looks like a bash. We have things to work out and I come her to connect, I don't want to waste time with them anymore. I feel badly for the new people who were on this morning, hopefully they will find other means if they don't come back on.
JUST IGNORE HER. She is going
to go on and on and on. She has been talking about this since July 4th. Please give us a break. Not even going to read all of the posts below. She keeps saying the same thing; and if everybody would stop responding, she will just go away. WE GOT YOUR POINT. NOW STOP.
Ignore her. She's obviously new.
Just ignore.....
that one's an obvious troll. Up and down the board slammin everyone. Anyone with a brain can read these posts and see that YOU didn't say plenty, and that she's obviously trying to start a fight. Just ignore...maybe if we don't feed it will leave. Kind of like a stray animal...though I usually feed those (of course they're usually much nicer:)
Ignore her, she is just being a troll!
You are right, I need to ignore it. I just really don't understand
why she is allowed to continue to post. It is so obvious who she is. The same style. Same emothicon used constantly. I need to remember "Do not feed the Troll". LOL.
never ignore your gut feelings
Every time I have ever ignored mine, I have regretted it. This is especially true when it comes to being a mom. Maybe it is mother's intuition or whatever. Kinda like when a kid wants to know why they can't do something...."Because I said so" sounds so lame when you don't really have a reason. However, I've learned the hard way if I feel something is wrong to listen to my inner instinct--it has never been wrong.
I will not ignore her; I will back her up
We can only blame MTs to a point.  It's the owner of the company hiring cheap labor and not caring if they can do the job as long as a good Editor will clean up the mess.  That's the problem.  The boss saving a penny here and there.  It's going to backfire on a lot of them.  Pennywise and pound foolish.
Anyone here ignore the BOS rules?
I find local docs and clinics here in NE do not care about the BOS rules and actually consider some of them "mistakes." They like things done the way they always were. It drives me crazy trying to stick to the "new rules" when even the samples they give me are set up the same way they have been doing things for years. I find they still make sense and cannot get my brain to wrap around doing things differently for each account. I am ready to give up.I was told by an ivy league institution health clinic to do it "their way" which has been in place since the dark ages. Am I alone in this predicament?
Ignore poster below.
She gives the same attitude to everyone who posts looking for a good company.

Sad thing is it's usually new people to the board, and then they think everyone's like that.

You can start by taking a look at the job seeker's board. If you see a company that might fit what you're looking for you can search the archives and get some opinions.

You may have to test with a few companies before you get the actual information, so don't be shy about applying to many.
ignore error on sig...
Tell him to ignore the beeps...sm
I used to use one and had one doctor complain of that constantly.  I was getting the dictation with no problem, so I told him to ignore the beeps and anything else he heard on the line.  Worked out just fine. Hope that helps!
If there is one bill you NEVER ignore

mortgage.  Always, always keep in touch with them even if you don't have the payment.  Your not alone in your dilemma.  The mortage companies have been very flexible and willing to work with payment issues in the past year.  Not sure if the options are still available since they've started foreclosure proceedings, but there are payment plans and now the popular "modification" loans.  Pick up the phone and call them - do it ASAP.  Explain your situation, decreased income, ARM adjustment and see if there is an option to keep you in the home at a payment that is comfortable.  I know many of the lenders are waiting for the exact guidelines on March 4th under the new stimulus plan to come out.  Hopefully this will be the saving grace some are hoping for. 

I wish you luck though, I know you're in a touch situation.  I was there too so can truly sympathize.  My loan is currently pending modification, but I first started with a payment plan.  My fingers and toes are crossed. 

Ignore that message!!!

I got the same thing last week.  I was on the internet and a message came up that looked like it was from Windows (but it  from somewhere on the internet) saying how many trojans and bad stuff I had on my computer.  It's a total crock!!!  If you responded to the message and click ok, you I couldn't say for sure what you are in for.  Someone is trying to get access to your computer.  If you are uneasy about something, listen to that inner voice.  You can always do a check later on your own to verify anything.

If you just had it cleaned up by a professional and have a good firewall and antivirus installed on your computer then don't worry about it if you didn't get curious about the message.  If you did then you might need to check that out.

just ignore the naysayers sm
you are the one making the money and doing the work and only you!  We have all heard this kind of stuff.  Just keep laughing all the way to the bank as you work at home. I am sure most of us who have made it in this business whether with our own accounts or a national (national for me and it can work) have heard all the put downs and negativity.  Just ignore it all. You know what you can and cannot do!  I think a lot of the negativity stems  from jealousy whether admitted or not!
Ignore that post as best you can
I think it's the same 'ethnic' (Indian?) troll that keeps spamming up all the threads trying to antagonize and provoke people. It's all over the main board, company board and MQ board.

Perhaps if we all ignore it, it will float away to whatever continent it came from.
Just ignore it SS, people are going sm
to argue no matter what. I think sometimes folks just get use to living on more and "spend" every dime they make never thinking things might get slow. When it does, then they are hurting. I know, I have been there and to adjust! It can be done. You know the old saying, the more you make, the more you spend?

You are wise not to retire! I see too many people who retire and their brains rot! I think if you can do this as long as you want, at least you know your mind is ok! I don't have to work, but I intend to keep working as long as I can. I have quite a few more years as I am 53 now.
Just ignore it SS, people are going sm
to argue no matter what. I think sometimes folks just get use to living on more and "spend" every dime they make never thinking things might get slow. When it does, then they are hurting. I know, I have been there and to adjust! It can be done. You know the old saying, the more you make, the more you spend?

You are wise not to retire! I see too many people who retire and their brains rot! I think if you can do this as long as you want, at least you know your mind is ok! I don't have to work, but I intend to keep working as long as I can. I have quite a few more years as I am 53 now.
Just ignore it SS, people are going sm
to argue no matter what. I think sometimes folks just get use to living on more and "spend" every dime they make never thinking things might get slow. When it does, then they are hurting. I know, I have been there and to adjust! It can be done. You know the old saying, the more you make, the more you spend?

You are wise not to retire! I see too many people who retire and their brains rot! I think if you can do this as long as you want, at least you know your mind is ok! I don't have to work, but I intend to keep working as long as I can. I have quite a few more years as I am 53 now.
Please ignore the above post. I messed up.
I work as an editor for SS. I had problem getting my lines in every day and for a while was doing 1890+ in 4-5 hours. However, after they changed my pay to w/o spaces at their whim (as I had been paid for spaces for the first 4 months I worked there), I just decided I did not care and I do just enough to get 945 in my 4 hours. They are constantly wanting extra help in editing, which I used to pitch in and help as well, but now I don't simply because of the pay change.
No kidding. Ignore the troll.
I would ignore the request and if they persist
tell them absolutely not!

I would not give any samples of my hard work to anyone.
Just wanted to see how my avatar looks...ignore.

Unless you want to see, too. 

Ignore the typos, I saw them. This isn't work. nm
Just ignore this poster! Obviously staying on
subject and reading comprehension must not be a strong point in their skills list! Of course we all care more about children. This poster just doesn't know how to stay on topic and obviously wants a fight.
ignore this "R" message- not sure how that happened!
crazy day . . .
Please ignore the grammar police - I do! They take away from (sm)
the point here. And, perhaps that is the point. We don't know who these oh-so-correct posters are. Perhaps they're management or ceo's. Distracting us with this nonsense won't help our cause. What is important is to get a consensus and, perhaps, write a petition that all who are willing can sign. If we can do this on-line we can each send to whichever newspaper we choose and forward to our congressmen (and women) and senators. Does anyone here know how to set up a blog in which a petition can be drawn up. Let's use our talents (and our significant others' talents) to make this happen. And, yes, there were incidents a couple of years ago when a disgruntled employee overseas threatened to release patient information. There was nothing that could be done as HIPPA does not apply to off shore companies. I find that fact to be interesting and slightly suspect. It brings to mind lobbyists and makes me wonder "why" the HIPPA laws were written in such a manner. There is quite a lot of info here on that incident. Do a search on "release of patient information" or something like that and it will probably rise to the surface! If we all do what lawyers and pundits call "due diligence" (meaning extensive research) and have a forum on which to share this information we can put together a compelling letter and petition. Keep the conversation going and maybe we will find the right people on this website that can do a portion of what needs to be done, and so on.
Ignore her and she will go away and harrass on another board here . nm
I don't have an answer, but I certainly hope you ignore
the witchy people on here. It's none of their business, they're not as morrally high as they want to let off, and it's the same poster just thinking of new ways to say it. Regardless of what they say, just ignore. Please, please, please ignore. Good luck to you. There's nothing illegal or immoral about it. Basically your hubby would be starting his own business, an MTSO himself. Most bosses at these companies don't do transcription, they simply find the jobs and send them to their MTs. I guarantee they get paid though. So, that's what your hubby would be.
For the most part I totally ignore them. Their
I'm too busy trying to make a living to worry what they may or may not consider to be an 'error'.
If you were that good, you would have no reason to complain about it. Maybe you should just ignore
it, but apparently YOU DO have a problem with editors. If you are that good, maybe you will become an editor and SEE exactly what we are talking about!!
HA! Ignore the signature above - I forgot to change it !!!!

I'd lower it, but I'm a softie at heart so you might want to ignore me. nm

Ignore them - pure ignorance on the subject

Ignore QA long enough and you may find yourself out on your rear.
I had that many times. I just laugh and ignore it. Everyone has bad days! nm
Ya know what, you're allowed a bad day or two. We all are. Ignore all the judgmental SM

"super" women here who act like they've got it all together, never resent anything or anyone, they all make 50,000 or more a year, have the greatest job in the world, perfect husbands, perfect kids, and perfect lives.  They're only fooling themselves.

I feel for you!  And I understand that you don't resent the child you've been "given" but that you love her and you just have days when you feel weighed down and angry.  You do without and give all of yourself to your child and then you get angry when you type reports on self-serving, vain women having their faces lifted or their eyes done as if that is the most important thing in life - looking younger.

I know you love your child.  You don't resent her at all.  You do all you can for her.  You're just having a bad day.  Like I said before, you're allowed a bad day every now again.

Please ignore the sticklers for grammar! I do! They only distract us from (sm)

the point here. And, perhaps that is the point!  We don't know who these oh-so-correct posters are. Perhaps they're management or ceo's.  Allowing ourselves to be distracted with that nonsense won't help our cause. What is important is to get a consensus and, perhaps, write a petition that all who are willing can sign. If we can do this on-line and then download and print it we can each send to whichever newspaper we choose and forward to our congressmen (and women) and senators. Does anyone here know how to set up a blog in which a petition can be drawn up. Let's use our talents (and our significant others' talents) to make this happen. And, yes, there were incidents a couple of years ago when a disgruntled employee overseas threatened to release patient information. There was nothing that could be done as HIPPA does not apply to off shore companies. I find that fact to be interesting and slightly suspect. It brings to mind lobbyists and makes me wonder "why" the HIPPA laws were written in such a manner. There is quite a lot of info here on that incident. Do a search on "release of patient information" or something like that and it will probably rise to the surface! If we all do what lawyers and pundits call "due diligence" (meaning extensive research) and have a forum on which to share this information we can put together a compelling letter and petition. Keep the conversation going and maybe we will find the right people on this website that can do a portion of what needs to be done, and so on.


The following post has information of the incident mentioned above.  I have edited as it is quite long and placed emphasis in certain areas.  Although it is long please make the effort to read it.


any bit of info is good to know; ignore the post below
please ignore typos (heehee) I get carried away...(NM)