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so inconsiderate...mine too

Posted By: venting too on 2006-05-04
In Reply to: Doctors are SO inconsiderate - venting...sm

I have a group of 7 docs and they all do that plus back away, turn their head, speak as fast as they can, etc., so I have to listen over and over to get it.   They have to know they are making it difficult. What bothers me most is that I have been doing them for almost 8 years and not once, not once, have any of them acknowledged me!  Not a Merry Christmas, have a good day, thank you, nothing!   The office manager called me once in 8 years to tell me they appreciated my work. 

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It's just being inconsiderate...sm
With all the letters behind their names, they should have the sense to know that if they keep the dictaphone running it means "dead air" time for whoever has to listen.  It has nothing to do with ESLs.  I find just as many native speakers, if not more, think that we should have so sit there while they paper shuffle or otherwise get their s - - - together.  If I were getting paid by the hour, or when they used to give bonuses based on minutes of dictation, great!  They could paper shuffle all they want...they're paying for their own dead air.  But as little as we're already being paid for line per line, I have issue with them taking my time and food off of my children's table.
I know. So inconsiderate! (no message)
Doctors are SO inconsiderate
Just need a moment to vent...why are doctors SO inconsiderate??? This one doctor, which I happen to have been working on ALL morning, is so inconsiderate. She mumbles, shuffles papers with the phone in her hand, and generally just cannot be still while she's dictating...and to top that off, she will not dictate in any reasonable order. She never indicates when she's changing from history to physical to assessment to plan....UUUHHH...I am literally !!!
inconsiderate docs
I had one doc who gave me a bad checs. So, I found another account to make up for his lack of funds, but I picked up his work as usual. I did the last two tapes he gave me, but I didn't give him the work and I returned blank disks to him. His OM hated him, so she called me when she had a deposit and I met her at the bank with the checks and a bill for the new work. She gave me a new check, we took care of business, I got my all my money, and he got his work. I then notified him that I would not do his work for him any longer since he tried to stiff me for several hundred $. Boy was he mad. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
How rude and inconsiderate
was that. People did not even call to say they were not going to make the training sessions?  Unbelievable.  It is just a quick call.  However, I am glad you found a good Transcriptionist in the process. 
Exactly! It's just inconsiderate to your neighbors and unfair to do something like that!
People think they're being funny or cute but making your house look like a piece of crap is rude to the neighbors and DOES make their homes worth less than they should be. I agree that they should be forced by law to change it back.
No I don't think doctors are arrogant and inconsiderate as a whole.
Because they don't dictate the way we like isn't a personal thing against us. Some have skills with dictation that others don't. Like public speaking, some can, some can't. Doctors do have lives and problems and patients outside of trying to dictate patient records.
It's called being an inconsiderate self-absorbed idiot
they don't realize how irritating it is for someone to have to listen to that crap. They just don't care.
Not nearly as arrogant and inconsiderate and downright exploitative as most MT companies n/m
Do you think doctors are generally arrogant and make a lot of money and so inconsiderate of us?
I had been listening to several breast onco dictations by the same female dictator who kept on yawning that it was so annoying...made me want to post a complaint to a forum of mother MDs (though I was not quite sure where I would post it) which I previously run into...

I then saw under the General Discussion board this thread:


That made me feel like reaching out to the sleepy doctor who was probably not being paid for that time she takes to dictate about her patients (she apparently let them pile up before dictating) and just let her head rest on my lap (I am a female). Maybe she did not have enough sleep, or not even enough time to enjoy her family...
Read these boards, & you'll find 'rude & inconsiderate'
Thank GAWD no one has to deal with you personally..you are rude, inconsiderate, unpolite, defensive
Geesh lady!!
Funny! Mine is almost as large, and I don't mind cleaning mine!
It's no problem at all.  Besides, I'll take lots of oodles of square footage any day of the week over living in a sardine can!
Mine isn't like that. Mine is 2. All are programmed different.
Mine are 10, 7, and 4.....sm
I get up early and get my work done by noon. If I have more that needs done I do it late at night after they go to bed. I have a very flexible schedule, so as long as the work is back in 24 hours it doesnt matter when I do it. Mine are all girls, so they play really nice together. My 10-year-old is pretty good at keeping the 4-year-old playing. When the two older ones are is school, my 4-year-old is pretty good at playing with her toys, computer or books until I am done. I stop occasionally to read to her or play with her, but I am usually done everyday at noon. For me personally, I would never use daycare. I would try to make it work with the little ones at home. I used to work in a very demanding hospital job doing insurance and billing. When I started work at home I knew I would never see another day care again! Good luck to you and hope you can find a way to get the little ones to stay at home with you!
not mine
I did not make that post
Yep, that's what mine is...
That "azul" thingy - think I'll take my computer, desk and chair to that island and sip a cold drink while I type....
should see mine!
Ours this time was 441!!!
mine is for $96 - but what for??? nm
You can have mine.
What a slap in the face! I will be returning mine with a nice little letter. They obviously think we are just a bunch of idiots and are just going to sit back and take their BS. I have had it.
Mine was $27 nm
Mine are up a bit too. NM
He's mine. Now get out of here.
Do you spend at least 2 hours doing your hair and make up in the hopes that he stops by your house? I didn't think so.
Mine does - up to 14 cpl for certain...
accounts.  I'm sure there must be others.  Our experience has been that there are still plenty of doctors/healthcare facilities who appreciate quality.  Yes, many simply want to save money.  Thankfully, some know money is not the most important factor.
Mine did for me
I worked for a company (not MQ) that used DQS and I only have dial-up available to me. I connect at 50.6 Kbps almost all of the time and never had a problem. Once the first dictation loaded, which took less than a minute, the rest would upload in the background while I was working so I never had to wait. Sound quality was always very good, but of course that can depend on your account.

I currently am working on the InScribe platform for a different company and it takes a little over a minute most of the time for my first dictation to load (so it is a little slower than DQS was for me) but after that there is no waiting, just like on DQS.

I have a really reliable ISP so very rarely get disconnects, etc.

HTH. :)
that's how I do mine, too...and they are

mine is
Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
Also keep in mine...

While it is very true what the other poster said, you also need to take in to account how much you are getting paid per line. I get paid both ways, for two different jobs I work. If I were to make say $.09/gross line (based on 1" margins all around, Courier New 12 pt. font), then I would need to be paid approximately $.12/65 characters per line to be making near the same amount (this is just a rough estimate).

Me too. Mine is really bad in the a.m. - sm
The pain is not really in one area of my arm, but all over and achey, even going to my wrist sometimes. I absolutely cannot lift my arm over my head without excruciating pain. Heating pad helps me too. Mine actually started when I got this crazy idea to add weightlifting to my cardio regimen at the gym. Since I have bad knees from time to time, I am guessing this may be arthritis. I'm 38. Arthritis is very strong in my family.
Wow! Ask for mine too and keep it! :)
Was an original member when you paid by the MINUTE to use AOL in the early 90s. I think it lead to my divorce...

Mine too
I'm an IC and was fortunate enough to receive Christmas bonuses from three of my accounts this year.  I was more excited about being remembered than the money!  It is nice when they communicate with you other than in a monotone voice on a tape.
that is what I still use. Mine looks sm
awful but works great. I found a couple on E-bay and bought them for 4 bucks a piece but they are rebuilt and the keys are tighter. Actually I wanted the cords off of them because you can't get the cord anymore and mine had a crack in it. These are the cords the snap in and are not on permanently. I love the clickety clack keyboard and don't want to ever change. I have bought so many adapters, you can't imagine! LOL
mine is this now too:)
Why are you making a big deal about this?
mine too
of course this is my cup of cocoa since I haven't ever touched coffee. 
Almost all of mine say thank you, more so than the
American docs.
Anybody like their job? I like mine
I wish mine had. We'd all have been better off.
Actually I've always wished I was adopted and had nothing genetic in common with those freaks.
Not Mine!!!

Mine is a
He also just quit a high paying, benefit-loaded, pension-loving job in sales for Time Share Sales because of the hours. We have 5 kids and they are growing up WAY too fast for him to work 70 hrs a week. Pray for us...this is scary! I am tying to find a better paying MT job and maybe some benefits to make up the $ difference while he trains and gets used to a change!
Mine is 143. nm
Mine is 137. It used to be 146. Getting
older ;)
Mine is 159 - nm
That's what mine is, too.

Mine was from my GRE (sm)
[graduate record exam] scores and a Mensa-administered test.
I wish mine were like you
Mine has never done that. Isn't that what QA is for?
Mine is a lot like that too.

Everything he does is oh so much more important.  When he is sick, he can just lay around the house like a vegetable.  When I am sick, I still have to function.  ARRG.

And a mama's boy to boot.  His mother can waltz her old can into our home, stay for days camped on our couch, never tells us when she is leaving, she treats me like an imbecile, takes over the girls like she is their mommy and woman of the house.  I tell the old hag off, she starts bawling and guess he gets the azz chewing from dh, ME!  GRRRR! 

Sorry to hijack your post but I know where you're coming from.

Mine did too!! sm
He swears by AMD processors. More affordable too. They tend to be a little more noisy than Pentiums because of the cooling requirements, but I am very happy as well.

He built mine, his, his sister's, and his dad's, all AMDs and (knock on wood) all running smooth.

Isn't it nice to have a resident computer tech? ;-)
So are mine!
Every day my docs tell me what a great job I do and how thankful they are to have me.  They give me raises each year without me even asking!  Christmas and birthday bonuses are always there.  The OM tells me how wonderful I am and how thankful she is to have me too.  I feel VERY appreciated and AM!  I thank my lucky stars every DAY for blessed accounts such as these.
Grease, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman
Boy are mine different
I count my blessings once again.  My office staff in my four accounts are so nice, they go out of their way for me, treat me well, like to see me, and the docs treat me with respect and appreiciation.  None of mine drive that super fancy cars, I know of more of my neighbors that drive fancier cars than my docs.   One or two has the lower class BMW.  I really do not see them raking in the bucks that they were 10 to 20 years ago.  Of course it seems that the ones I have always stated that they feel as though "they walk on water" and we said that when I worked at the hospital in social work, were the orthopedics and neurosurgeons.   They are the ones with the attitude and the cars and houses.   Anyway when I read posts like yours, I once again thank God for the accounts I have.