Posted By: ls - WA on 2006-11-26
In Reply to: Quota - Kathy
I only wish my rad reports were little ditties. For the rad I typed this weekend the rad averaged 1 to 1.5 minutes per report and every second was dictated and he nevers says the same thing the same way twice---Arrrghhh
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I dont have quota. Have U met your quota on
Of course, that should have been QUOTA...duh on me!
Help, I'm paid hourly and expected to type 10 dictated minutes per hour monthly average, really short reports and difficult dictators. I'm being called in because only typed 8.9 minutes per hour last month. My supervisor states the 10 minutes per hour standard is fair. Does anyone have any feedback on this?
I didn't mention that I was doing Radiology reports. It sounds like 10 minutes per hour maybe is realistic. Number of reports can really vary depending how long they are. Of course, if they are only 1 or 2 seconds long, it's impossible to get 10 minutes per hour.
There's a quota of so many per each model for that
No way. They are on a quota system. sm
They get paid a certain hourly pay for QAing so many reports per hour, no matter how many blanks, and they have to keep up. They do not get paid by the line.
I too have struggled to meet quota since (sm)
starting DQS, but nothing has been said to me about it. But if they do ask why, you better believe me, I will give them more than an ear full! I hate working and feeling like if I don't meet production, I'm gonna lose my job or something. This job is already stressful enough between the bad dictators and feeling like I'm getting my lines ripped off since DQS, I mean come on, they need to give us a break!
MQ-Amherst office/quota
I work out of the Amherst office and have gotten a letter about not making quota for insurance purposes--HELLO--I can not make my lines each pay period if I have no work. I have called and emailed the office numerous times explaining the lack of work, been given more accounts, and yet run out of work but yet the hiring of newbies continues and from what I gather from the posting, all of Warminster is now in Amherst also. After reading the SEC comments on MQ and the money spent on lawyers, contract buy outs, loss of clients and lowser rates, I wonder where we will all end up. With the Atlanta office closing on 9/1/2005, I wonder how many more offices are closing between now and the end of the year. The closing of offices was one of the things mentioned in the disclosure, sorry, the conslidation of offices, termination of office employees, telecom cuts--all ways for MQ to save money. I guess you would have to after spending $18 million dollars on lawyer fees already and none of the lawsuits are settled.
Where will this all end
Is there a production quota per hour?
I used to have a 1750 lpd quota and made it -sm
but that was back in the good old days of WP51, PRD+ and clinic work with long notes.
In the account I used to do in Word with InstantText, I could do 1200-1500 lpd depending on the doctors I got.
Now I'm on a radiology account with a slooooow platform that I hate and I can't even make 1200. Sigh. Why is this industry going backwards???
How hard is it to get a 150 lpm quota with itype?
I start tomorrow with a company that uses it and I'm worried about using an unfamiliar platform. thanks in advance for your answers.
No quota. Visalia Imaging Center. (nm)
Her point is that IF she gets her work (quota) done in 6 hours - sm
does she still have to work the full 8 hours she is scheduled for. She is not "stealing" unless she is paid hourly and is being paid for 8 hours but only working 6. As for knocking off early, it depends on the company, some don't care as long as you do your daily minimum, others want the full 8 hours regardless of how many lines over you go from the daily minimum (as long as you achieve it)--this means more $$ of course. I work for PT for 2 companies with no line minimums, which I love, and no set schedule to boot. This is hard to find though. I have a very wacky schedule and need this though, very hard for me to commit to a firm schedule due too many external factors here, every week is different, some crazy, some calm. So if you have a pretty set routine you should be able to handle a schedule....just find out beforehand if it is carved in stone or not (get it in writing). Good luck.
I agree - a quota is one thing, production another
Especially reading 100% of reports. I do quick read-through of 100% of mine, with listening if there's problems, and I figured my own "quota" based on my per-hour pay, but that's for keeping myself accountable and on track, making sure I'm as productive as I can be, nothing else.
Have you made line quota today?
yes, and how does one meet their required quota with no work for hours on end?
One can only "make up" so much downtime!!
QA works on quota. Frankly, they don't try that hard, either, to fill in the blanks.
Before you get too excited, most hourly QA jobs have a line count quota too.
so if you had trouble getting quota as an MT, it could be that you might not make it as a QA either.
You're expected quota depends on whether you are paid hourly or per line. SM
I'm paid hourly and I was told the requirement was 50 or more reports per day. I've never worked QA per line, but I'm sure their line quota is pretty high, at least 2000 or better per day, as you get credit for every line in every report you QA.
Hope this was the answer you were looking for.
In the "old days" of dictation on vinyl belts, the quota was do to 15 minutes an hour. sm
To me, it seems realistic, but then again, each situation is different. On account I know, I can usually do 30 minutes an hour, although being money-oriented and paid by the line, I usually gauge things by lines. I do 250-300 lph, but those little dinky reports ARE an irritation -- no argument there -- hardly enter the header info and *poof* the dictation is over. Would be hard to make a decent line count that way.
But ... surely your employers understand there are variations on such things. Maybe you average 8.9 one month and 12 the next ... I would think it would even out.
Anyway, i'm into that gray zone where I know nothing about, but I wish you good luck. To me, in the days when I was supervisor, if I knew someone was doing the best they could do, that was all that mattered to me.