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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

poster above is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT...sm

Posted By: mt on 2009-05-25
In Reply to: they can set how fast/slow the server is s/m - mary

A tech support person who used to work for a certain company I used to work for...well, we knew one another before and after we both quit, he gave me the scoop on what these companies do. It is underhanded and deceitful and downright dishonest. that is why I do NOT trust NOT ONE MTSO anymore....they are all dishonest......I don't care how good a company is stated to be on any board.

All they care about is the mighty dollar...the owners of all of these companies....they are getting richer and richer and some of us are one foot away from being homeless.

I have no respect for any of these companies, nada, zero.....

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Below poster is correct.
You only get credit for what you actually see - no spaces - which is a 15.5% reduction in pay FWIW
The above poster is 100% correct. BUT you need to know this sm
I work in MedRite XL and Extext, both Word clients and I have them set to a blue background white text, just like good old 5.1. It doesn't translate to anyone else.

BUT and this VERY important. If you are going to do this, you MUST do this in Word: Go Tools, Options, General and check that blue background white text box. If you do it any other way, it WILL translate to everyone else. NEVER mess with the Font, Font color, Text color under Format tab...unless you are doing something for you that you actually want colored funny.
absolutely correct
not supposed to be done
You are absolutely correct.
Absolutely correct! And . . .
I've been an MT since 1978 and the MT world revolved quite nicely in the days when we were all in-house and given credit for having a brain and being able to figure out how to compose a coherent paragraph with the crap dictation we were given to work with. QA never existed then and everything was just fine. No lawsuits that I can recall, so this is just more red-tape nitpicking on the part of the at-home services to kiss the client's butt and make them think they're getting something special.

So lame.
Absolutely correct!
Stupid people remain stuck in neutral. That's why they're stupid.
You are absolutely correct. Here's my fix.
I think that probably the easiest solution for those companies is to just hire employees. When it comes to trying to meet client TATs, scheduling shifts, etc., ICs are mainly a pain, anyway.
Absolutely correct!
People who knock college are just jealous of the people who did have the ambition and brains to go, and spend their lives complaining, passing blame, and resenting others (and themselves).
You are absolutely correct
My oral surgery practice wants me to put cc, not mL. The paying customer's preference comes first!

Happy Fourth of July, all, by the way.
that would be absolutely correct!!

You are absolutely correct...

However, I worked on-site and only made $25,000.00 after 17 years, started at $7.00 an hour.  So, the ones who say they made $75,000.00 are not giving you all of the facts.

The realm of an MT per hour is from 13-17 an hour; look it up.  It's true.  However, if you have your own accounts (which I do), I charge more per line and have templates set up so that I breeze through my dictators that I've done for the past 10 years, which yields me around 25-30 an hour.  These circumstances are not common, I know that now. 

I think you're doing great!  Keep up the good work!  I'm not here to blast ya'!  You are the wave of the future; no MT will get rich and never have been rich. 

I think some of us who have been in this profession though see that it's tough to raise rates at this time because of the fear of losing the account to a large company.  I'm just a small guy, I don't require much really, so I'm happy with what I make.  I also love being at home full-time.  I'm able to manipulate my schedule and not feel so "hum-drum."  I learn something new every day, not all pretty either, but I've learned more specialties working online than on-site. 

At this point in my life (I'm in my 30s), this profession suits me just fine.  Advice to new MTs, give it a whirl!  You may be surprised that you really can make some money if you just relax and stop listening to the "nay-sayers."  As a matter of fact, I have never done VR, but think it would be interesting.  If pretty much everything is there, then all the better; this may be another good way for a new MT to break into the business and learn is with the VR... 

Endorsed by an MT who still feels "liked, wanted, and needed" in this profession! 

You are absolutely correct.
It should be 'were given'. Before having children and staying home to MT, I spent 6 years teaching English and grammar - 'were' in this case is grammatically correct.
Yes you are absolutely correct....

It is the on-site jobs that gets ya' out there....  Some docs are just great payers and know good work when they see it.  I think they like local because you are familiar with all of the things that go into that report, i.e., referring physicians, facilities, diagnostic centers, etc.  It saves them the headache of correcting all of those mistakes.

My own personal PCP has complained to me in an office visit about the local hospital that uses an outside service and can never get his name right.  The problem is that the physicians are not the ones making the decisions, it is the hospitals that make those decisions as far as in the hospital environment.  I know physicians at the hospital that I worked at that were p'od when they found out we would no longer be transcribing their reports.  They were just so set in their ways and they got good TAT and a good quality report - but no more, and yes I still to this day hear terrible feedback about the outsourced company and how the doctors spend countless hours correcting things.  End of Story...  {sigh}

You are correct! Yes, poster below needs a dictionary nm
and it was well said.
the other poster is correct you sold sm
your sold for a wad! Sounds like you are trying to live on both sides of the fence! you have no credibility here and probably will never have any credibility with MTs again. Take your gripe elsewhere!
You're absolutely correct sm
I've had editors tell me that they love getting my reports with blanks because they know they can go directly to the blank and try to fill it in, they say some MTs they have to almost completely re-type the report which takes more time than typing it in the first place.  I know this to be true from my own editing.  I tried to work with the MTs if they could be salvaged.  If they still insisted on not doing their job, I did my job until they were relieved of their work duties.  :)
AFib is absolutely correct...nm
Above two replies absolutely correct!
Rules and standards are necessary but they should be uniform. ''Rules'' cannot be followed when they are arbitrary--the individual preferences or whims of whatever QA person gets the report. Great posts!
Absolutely...this is the place to correct
and please correct me before I send a mailing to doctors! I do think cai would appreciate it in that respect. Definitely, help a sister out when you get a chance!
Sorry, I misspoke, the poster below is correct - .09 with benefits is better. nm

Poster is correct - Dermatology is much easier!
Absolutely correct! Snow Bunny is right! nm
Absolutely!!! Mine has been correct 95% of the time....
BUT - you have to do your own or have somebody knowledgeable do it for you. You really have to know what you're doing and understand it. The 5% that I don't get right is because of "pilot error" - screwed up on the math - AGAIN!!!
Mom's a smart lady and absolutely correct!
Online dating also falls into the desperate category. If someone doesn't want to meet people the conventional, in-person way, they have to be:

1. Socially challenged.
2. Facially challenged.
3. Vertically challenged.
4. Weight challenged.

There are a lot of people out there who do that kind of thing and that's their choice, but I'd rather meet face to face instead of trolling the computer from behind a monitor looking for goofs that no one in the real world would want.
Oh please, drop the drama - she is absolutely correct.
you too are absolutely correct! Client pref rules..NM
You're absolutely correct - they always pull that card when they have nothing else
You read my post ABSOLUTELY correct. Supervisors don't need my appreciation nor
do I need their's.  We all just want to get paid if you are honest.  I don't have time to worry if I am appreciated by MQ.  I just want them to pay me for an honest day's work.  I guess that shows they like me, they really, really like me.  Talk is cheap.  I get it all the time from MQ CEO/management, how much I am appreciated.  I just want to paid for my time and don't want to hear all the talk.  I mean who really cares.  So if they appreciate me and don't pay me for my efforts, what do I do with this "appreciation"?  Bank it?
I absolutely agree with you. You've made it grammatically correct
hope this all comes through.

Your change is much better than the one suggested below which totally changes the sentence and would not be correct in my opinion.
Do it correct always. It will learn. Everyone has to do it correct all the time. nm
Good one. An anonymous poster blows another anonymous poster's head off. Great win for MQ?

I guess that is a small pleasure for those of you who have lowered your expectations for the company you work for. 


Bet you're married to a fat bald guy too. 

If you are careful with putting the correct report in the correct report shell and patient, you will
not have any problems. I only take away this option when someone is careless. There can be NO room for error on this. One mistake can be very serious. Many do it well though, so just double check and you will be fine.

Absolutely, I absolutely love my job and
THANK YOU to the above poster - sm
God, I thought I was the only one that could understand the simple fact that we have access to SSN numbers, insurance numbers (which a lot of times are SSN) and we are given computers and equipment that we could turn around and resell.

Apparently only one Transcriptionist in the whole US has been in trouble for identity theft. The rest of us must be honest folks. And yes, I am being sarcastic.
Thanks. I was about to tell the poster the same!

Poster must be new to this board.  For us "old timers" we remember the Terry S posts from awhile ago and how that took up most of the board.

This board is NOT just for MT, but a place for MTs to visit and ask, talk, vent, discuss, buy, sell, ask for help, look for new jobs, send a funny joke, etc.

It's a great board.

If you don't like it, then go elsewhere.  There are plenty of MT chat boards out there, but this, by far is the best.

Only MY OPINION, so I don't need losers telling me I'm stupid.  Thank you very much!

I do believe that poster. They may not
but they were in my area as well. I don't live in Illinois, though.

That's not good money. :(
LOL!! to you and other poster (sm)
The young 'uns are 18, 21, and 25 hahaha!!!

Can I still send them over?

It's just I normally don't work until after 10 p.m. or so, so they are not used to "indoor behavior" until then.

The 25yo is building a computer so he was updating me on every little thing.

The 21yo is his girlfriend (the one talking in the hall).

And the 18yo in my college daughter who just got her first B in English (all A's until now) and she had to give me all the details...

You know they do grow up, but they're still young 'uns I guess.

I just needed to eek out a few more lines before I turned into a pumpkin, so I was slightly stressed. Getting piece of crap dictators didn't help.

But thank you both!! You made my night :)
what you think that poster said
and what that poster said is different.  The poster DID say the MTSO should pay the MT the extra cpl the MTSO was getting from the client.
above poster said it all (sm)

I think you will like it there.  It's about as close to an "old time" transcription company as you'll get.

poster, eh? NOT..................

I am not a big fan of DQS - however, what this poster says
is true. It is manipulated by the account manager, the client, or whoever.

I worked on DQS for another company and it did count spaces and my line counts were correct. It does not count anything you put into the header or searches such as patient account number, etc. That is time spent not paid for, in my opinion. Don't like the spell check or Expander either.

I transcribe 300-400 lines per hour in Word-based programs and WP5.1. With DQS, I too could not get above 200 lines per hour. Very frustrating to say the least. I thought it was me getting slow or old or something, but went back to my old platform, and poof - 300-400 lines per hour again.

I don't know what it is, but something is not right with that program.

I can honestly say, I hate that program! But to each their own. Good luck whatever you decide.

she? You are so sure the poster was a she?
I did like the other poster, but did have to take off one day too! SM

I just couldn't let my original job go until I was 100% sure I would like the new one.  Actually, I ended up keeping both part time instead of one full time.  I like this better because I don't have all my eggs in one basket so to speak.  If I ever need extra work, all I have to do is ask and I NEVER run out of work.

Good luck!

i do exactly what you do and what the poster

GMTA = great minds think alike!!!  *lol* - I do both things only I bang it not in the air, rather on a desk top or some hard surface.

Gotta be real careful with keyboards and salt and coca cola....those 2 items will ruin a keyboard.

Oh, I also have and love the old IBM bigger keyboards....the ones whose letters never rub off....

Like the other poster said, you could
always come back. An opportunity like this doesn't come around too often though.

I would jump at it. With anything in life there is some risk. Without risk though, you will never go anywhere. Sometimes you have to take chances.

Good luck and keep us posted! :O)
I'm not the above poster, but
to figure out that offshoring = decreased pay if the offshore MTs work for less money.    
The above poster is right
Although, I would argue against the 512 that the company says you need. I have 384 MB of RAM on this PC and it works fine. Sometimes they need to extend my time out value when I log into a new account that takes forever to download the first time. Vista will not work.
Know what you mean. But, poster said below to go
to help to find out how to do this. I tried that and was totally confused. I accidentally got one loaded that I desperately needed, but don't know how I did it.
poster is right, we have like 85 or more...sm

there have to be at least 85 dialects in Miami now and ON THE BEACH too....not as many in Fort Lauderdale Beach as in Miami-Dade County and beach areas in Dade....where I live, it is like the United Nations...I'm always saying that and I love it - I have to have diversity and a lot of it.....Today, I'd never get along in small-town America (unless it would be Santa Fe, NM - another place with multi-languaged people, mainly native American, then Spanish from Spain, then Spanish from Mexico, and a smaller amount of anglos and some other diverse groups)

just my 3 cents...no wars please....

You should get together with the poster below.
You both sound like you could use the mutual admiration.
It is not in name box as name of poster, just to