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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

phones through router

Posted By: sm on 2005-12-19
In Reply to: Long distance - MT8

I have Vonage (see above) and I have a C-phone connected to my phone line on the Vonage router box, but I still have regular phone lines connecting my home phone, so basically 2 different phone numbers, 2 different services.

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Are C-phones worth the trouble and expense of getting one? I work for a small company and now the docs want to go back to them! I thought they were rather obsolete. Also, what kind of cost is involved in unlimited long distance plus do you have to have a separate phone line for these?
Aren't C-phones a little outdated or it is just my imagination? I was working on a contingent basis for a wonderful small company but now the owner says the docs like the C-phone better and have switched from that after using the voice-activated equipment for awhile. I enjoyed the work but not the expense of purchasing outdated equipment that I doubt I would use anywhere else. So for now, I have virtually NO work
c phones
I have been searching for a job again and I see one that needs me to have one. Don't know anything at all about them. What are they and what do they do? thanks!
ear phones
Got them at Radio Shack.  I got the less expensive ones, and am sorry I didn't get the fancier, more expensive ones.  I think they would be worth it.  Will be getting some better ones later.
ear phones
I have no idea, honestly. I just don't like wearing a "leash," as well. Also, the ones MQ sent are about 10 feet long.

I know when I see teenagers blasting their music directly into their ears, it not only aggravates me because I can hear it, but it makes me think they'll probably become deaf or hard-of-hearing at an early age.
Ear phones
I also have C-phone and hate the chinset ear phones.  They dig into my ears, and give me a headache.  I got on ebay and searched on C-phone.  I ran across a pair of ear buds (like an MP3 player has) that are 2-prong, and only for the Dictaphone system.  Very excited to get them!   
ear phones
where to get ear phones
ear phones
Just ordered a pair from the company I work for today, but if the company does not provide them, I have, in the past ordered on line from Lanier. They have a website. Another possibility someone just brought to my attention is Radio Shack. Also Dictaphone makes them, which I have ordered also in the past. They have a website,
A C-phone is a telephone with a foot pedal where you pick up your dictation. You dial into a number given by your employer/hospital. Used C-phones can run 100-150.00, and new ones are around 700.00-900.00. Try EBay, as I believe they have them under medical transcription. I have used one for years and really like it. Quality of the dictation is usually perfect.
What ear phones do you use?

I noticed a huge difference in my ability to hear when I switched from regular "transcription" ear phones to a really good quality Bose stereo headphone.  It was a $$ investment, to be sure, but I figured it was worth it since it's tax deductible and I hear more without having to leave as many blanks.

Good luck.  Hope you find a solution that works for you.

Don't know about being the same, but I have one for sale if you are interested.
Head phones
I have never used noise reduction head phones, but the best head phones I have ever used are the ones that came with the Olympus 4000 transcription system.  You can buy the head phones separately.  I think they are about $50.  This is a lot, but versus the others I have bought in the past (around $25) there is simply no comparison.  I also use them to listen to music on my computer.  They are great!  I have a Soundblaster card on one computer, but even on my other computer the sound is much better than with regular head phones. 
Wav files vs. C-Phones
Think I'd better get a laptap in the future! Sitting outside typing sounds wonderful but since I am only doing this on a contingent basis, guess I'll stick with my big old computer. Thanks for your input!
interpreter phones in the ER
How does that work in the ER when they need an interpreter for a patient?  I'm thinking there are on-call interpreters (or translators) for specific languages but I'm curious if anyone knows anything about this. 
cell phones
I was just at the hospital Friday evening attending a death, and one of the family members said, "Oh, we can't use the cell phones," and a nurse said, "Sure you can. It's okay." Things have changed. There may be some places in a hospital where they are still not allowed, but they are becoming accepted in more and more parts of the hospitals.
Cell phones
The candidates running in our state (LA) are calling cell phones. It was on the news a little bit ago that the phone numbers are the ones that were wrote on the voter registration and if you don't want the calls, to write the voter registrar.
You might need a better set of phones and/or speakers, too. nm
cell phones
It seems to mean i read it was against the HIPAA (?) for doctors to dictate on cell phones. I've heard stories, though, of many doctors who do. What about dictating from home--are they taking medical records at home to do this. Seems like that is a violation, too. But who is going to say anything to doctors about diddly squat stuff like rules or slowing down a little so we can understand what the heck you are saying?
on ice while dictating, or I have a few suggestions where to keep it.  My nerves aren't frazzled enough with this industry, now we have these clowns keep their cell phones ON while dictating.  This morning I had to sit through dictation from one of the worst, and he knows it, all the while having his shrill, loud cell phone ringing in my ear.  I know they have to stay available as physicians, but what's wrong with voice mail, text messaging, until he/she is able to take the call in an appropriate, courteous manner.  No, they have to let it keep ringing.  My ears are still buzzing.
yuck, i will never like c-phones...sm
No matter what i ever tried, the footpedal with a Cphone is just awful....I wonder why companies still use this antiquated hot mess.
Look for companies that still use C-phones or similar.
Then you'll most likely need unlimited long distance, but dial-up won't matter. 
Are there any places that rent C-phones? sm

I don't mean companies that you work for, but some independent company that you could rent one from.   I had one for a long time, but then the company I work for went to wav files, and foolishly, I got rid of my C-phone.  Now I have an opportunity at another company that requires a C-phone, but they don't supply them or rent them.  Before buying something and then finding out the company stinks, I thought it would be nice to rent one.  Maybe this is a farfetched idea, but thought I'd ask.


I just noticed there were already many posts on C-phones
out here.  Sorry, I should have looked before posting.  If anyone has anything additional to add, it is appreciated.  Thank you!
I am starting with a company that uses C phones. I used
to use a C phone and it required 2 phone lines. Is it still that way? Hope not. Now I'm freaking out because I thought I was all set up. -
Cell phones in hospitals..sm

No cell phones allowed in hospitals.  Nothing new.  I recently saw a newscast on cell phones in hospitals and what they can do.  Turn off respirators, mess with EKG readings, mess with infusion pumps, etc.  Not only should cell phones not be used in hospitals but they should be turned off.  I can't tell you how many times a day my computer jumps around when I have my cell phone anywhere close by.  If this is so, I come doctors carry cell phones around the hospital.  I have a dictator that constantly gets phone calls and when we went to a new dictating system, I had to shut him down because if it rang when he was dictating, well, he had to redictate because nothing was there.  My son was once having a heart procedure done and while we were in the waiting room a lady was on her cell phone.  A nurse noticed her and told her she had to turn it off, she kept talking and he waited until she was off.  As soon as he was out of sight, she got back on.  I almost got up and told her myself to get off because she was risking my son's life!

Why on earth are c-phones so expensive?

Any ideas on where to find a c-phone for less?


noice cancelling ear phones and keyboard

Someone posted about some earphones a while back and gave the brand and said they really were great with canceling out noise, does this refer to the noice in the ditation too?  (need the name of them, please).  Also I need a keyboard that when you type you barely have to touch the key AND HAVE NO SOUND!. Much appreciated in advance.  I love this site and you guys, too. 

They do have wireless with laptop through cell phones now
I have it but it is slow too. Probably as slow as satellite. It is supposed to be DSL speed, but I dont think it is. I have never had DSL to know for sure. It is faster than dial up but it is slower than cable. I am able to work, but you can forget about fast downloads. Small jobs are fine. The only thing that takes so long is the actual sending/receiving dictation.
They do have wireless with laptop through cell phones now
I have it but it is slow too. Probably as slow as satellite. It is supposed to be DSL speed, but I dont think it is. I have never had DSL to know for sure. It is faster than dial up but it is slower than cable. I am able to work, but you can forget about fast downloads. Small jobs are fine. The only thing that takes so long is the actual sending/receiving dictation.
VoIP in lieu of landline phones?

I read a little article in one of those free local trade publications which discussed ways of saving money on everyday household costs. VoIP was listed as a way to save a ton of money by using your Net connection for your phone service.

The article didn't explain how it all works. Is anyone doing this? Do you hook up your phone to your cable connection or are you using some speaker system/software on your PC to make calls? I just don't get it. All I know is that they said you can call anywhere in the world and it doesn't matter, it's a fixed inexpensive monthly cost. I also don't know if you trade your landline telephone number for something through thte VoIP service.

So, I'm intrigued but totally in the dark about this concept. TIA!

Does anyone use noise canceling head phones? (sm)

If so, do they really work and which ones do you use?  I'm starting to work remotely and it was hard at the hotel with the family in the same room as me.  I'm looking for a way to block them out =)


C-Phones...worth the investment? Any opinions? nm
Important - Telemarketing to Cell Phones


Cell phone numbers going public tomorrow

REMINDER....all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies tomorrow and you will start to receive sale calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:            


It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time
It blocks your number for five (5) years.  You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked.  You cannot call from a different phone number.

It take about 20 seconds


Can you return them and get true stereo phones? Don't know
I purchased BOSE head phones
and it was the best investment I ever made. I got tired of replacing headsets. You can get BOSE earplug ones or the over the head. I have both and prefer the over the head. It is amazing what I can hear now. Just wonder what I might have missed in the past before BOSE.
Nope, it is their cell phones, beepers, etc.
I agree with the poster because when they go off you can tell they are being reached for and checked to see who is calling as the dictator usually pausing and trying to find their words while still trying to check just who that is. They sit cell phones and beepers so close to the dictating units that you have screeches going off throughout the dictations. Hard on your ears. Sometimes I have to hold away and then I cannot type what is being said, oh well.
you need a router
Get you a Linksys router. We have cable and have 5 computers on 1 router, all going at the same time. You plug the router into the modem and then you other line from the router to the computer.
I don't know why they told you you can't use a router. I would and I do! You can get a switch that will switch the keyboard, mouse, and monitor for about 20.00
You definitely can use a router if the router itself has ... SM
places for more than one computer to plug into. I have a LinkSys series, and mine has places for up to 4 computers. I just had to buy an extra ethernet cable (I got a colored one to connect to my 2nd computer) and connected this from the router to the 2nd computer. No problem whatsoever.
Yes you need a router. How this works is the internet connects to the router and then it acts like an extension cord and you can hook in multiple computers. I would recommend Lynksys. We have 5 on one router.

Then you need the KVM switch. You can buy one online for about 20.00 that also lets you switch the keyboard and mouse at the same time.
Not sure if it's from your router...sm
I am by no means intelligent when it comes to this stuff, but I have a linksys router and have used both a VPN and Citrix to work with no problem. If you are able to connect to the internet, the cause may not be your router. I know that doesn't really help you though. I'm sorry! Maybe contact Citrix? and tech support for the VPN? They may know if it could be caused by your router.
I think is the router because...
I am having to take it out of the equation when I am working. Then I have no problem connecting. I may have to call Linksys again, I just thought there might be someone with a similar setup who could shed some light
router help
I need to get a new router. My 2-year-old Linksys router crashes at least twice a day. Customer service is no good, since they want $30 to open a service call (it's past the warranty period). What type of router should I get? Should I get a wireless or wired? What brand name do you like? Thanks - you guys are the best and I trust your opinions!
I was told by my provider that my main email could only be on one computer. Call your provider.
You would need a router.

Need a KVM plus router

K(eyboard)V(ideo)M(ouse) switch lets you share those three devices across 2 (or more) PCs, using a hotkey or a button on the KVM to toggle which one is active.  Best Buy* has them for $35 or so.

You need a router to share the DSL connection.  There are options for hardwired only or hardwired with wireless -- so if you want to have your primary work machines connected with an ethernet cable, but also have the ability to have your (your kids, your guests, etc.) laptops connect to the internet using wireless.

Again, Best Buy has routers -- price depends on options per above, also have tech support to help you configure for your DSL provider.

*Not endorsing Best Buy specifically;  any local computer store or national electronics chain should be able to provide.  You could probably shout out "Anybody here a hardcore gamer?" in a local mall and get help configuring the router from the first teenager who replies....

Best Router?

I need to get a new router (not wireless).  Does anyone know of a good one?  I don't want to spend any more than I need to but would rather spend a bit more if it makes a big difference in the quality.


It's better sound for one thing. C-phones are just old dinosaur technology.
Any cruise! No phones, no email, no snail mail NM
transcriptiongear.com carries all kinds of phones/accessories, too. nm
Info on C-phones, cost, phone expense, etc.?


Can anyone give me some information on C-phones for transcribing - Cost of the C-phone itself and phone expense for transcribing, etc.? 

Thank you!