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per diem could be an employee

Posted By: see message on 2007-06-14
In Reply to: per diem - KOT

The per diem I am familiar with meant as needed.  For instance, if there was a vacation or if someone was ill, the per diem employee filled in.  Hope this helps. 

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What is per diem? nm
per Diem
What exactly is per Diem?  Thanks!!!
per diem
Hello:  What is a per diem medical transcriptionist?  Is this relatively the same as an IC?  Thanks in advance for any info.
To me pe diem is ......
Per diem, or "per day," is a Latin phrase meaning specific amount of money an organization allows an individual to spend per day so it might mean like on a salary and you get paid no matter how much work you do???  But it is a specific amount of money you get paid no matter what -- now if it means you have to get 2000 lines per day no matter how  long it takes or do 200 minutes per day no matter how long it takes and you get this much for it -- need to check that out. It is almost like getting paid per report no matter how many lines are on it -- but this is just my way of thinking and could be wrong
Per diem
I am per diem for an account and it's basically I work when they need me, fortunately it's been daily!
Per diem
I have worked this way for some big companies and some were medical and some were other types of corporations. I was an employee at all and received benefits if they chose to include them; sometimes I had to work a certain amount of hours to qualify in a given pay period, sometimes they just wanted me so they gave them to me anyway to keep me from quitting. You are an employee at per diem usually, you just don't know how many hours each day you will work or how many days a week (sometimes you know the days, just not the hours or vice versa). When I transcribe per diem I have set days, like Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 hours each or 4 hours each, or whatever Sometimes the start time is fixed, sometimes it is flexible. For one I can do it from home or from the hospital. For one, I just have a certain amount of minutes to type and I know how long it takes, as does the employer and when I am done I leave. Their system is accountable and knows how long I was there, how much got typed and how much to pay me. Sometimes per diems have a guaranteed minimum salary too. That is nice. It all just depends on what you work out at your interview. One hospital I know will pay air fare, hotel fees, taxis, and a higher than usual hourly rate or line rate for a couple people to fly in when they are backlogged. They do this because those people have both worked there for a long time before they moved to other cities and they are "worth it" because they know the system, are excellent CMTs, etc. and will produce massive amounts of work in short time frames and they don't have to be proofread or whatever. I hope this is not too long! I like it that way. It is like working for Ghost Busters! We could start our own company and call it Backlog Busters!
per diem and on call in job ads
When a hospital places an ad for an "on call" transcriptionist, what exactly does that mean? Does it mean they can call you up at 3:00 a.m. to come in for an emergency report?? And per diem means you just come on for a job here and there, right? It isn't regular work?

I am sorry if these are dumb questions. I'm new. Thanks for your input.
You're defining PRN - per diem is per day. nm
Also, per diem, I believe means as needed.
per diem is basically *as needed*, nm
Per diem means "per day." nm
Hire someone to work per diem or for a weekend. NM


Excuse me but federal taxes are paid as employee by employee
The ONLY difference in IC is you pay the ENTIRE amount of the SS which is the 15.25%, as an employee you only pay 7.75%.  And you can easily make up that difference in deductions.  As an employee you just have someone else manage your withholdings and as an IC you do it yourself.  I have much more usable income being an IC and not an employee and I am strict about putting aside what I need to.  But everyone always says you have to pay your own taxes, well your employer does not PAY them for you -- except 7.75% of SS, they merely withhold it for you.  As an IC you are the employer. 
No benefits either being per diem but definitely ask about the average hours per month you can....

expect to work. Most per diems are only allowed to work a certain number of hours per week. 

Also, find out how much "notice" you will get for working; i.e., will they call you a day or two in advance, or call you the day they want you to work?

The bright side of per diem is that usually a hospital will hire the per diems if they are interested in a full time job before posting elsewhere. It's your foot in the door so to speak.

Per diem is on an as needed basis - not a stable job. May work 1 day a month. nm
oil field pers a "per diem" which is a set amt of money they get to show up for work that day,
You an IC, statutory employee or employee?
That designation, and/or forcing the IRS to designate you, can make a diff. Are you a corporation? Partnership? You need WAY more help than we can give you.
If you are employee, unless suit against your employee
otherwise the posts on here as far as I can see telling it like it is. I think a lot of the posts are so young they just don�t have a clue as to what it means to be an employee. You do as your employee wants (I am talking reason now, not stupidity as far as sexual advances, etc) or else you find another company that fits your personality better. You do not confront, you do not tell your employee no, that is their job, not yours. This is such a simple thing for people who have been in the work force for any period of time.
IC or Employee?

I read an article on the web regarding how companies are abusing the independent contractor status to keep from paying benefits, WC, social security, etc.  In my situation, I have been with the same company for three years and I do not get shift differential, weekend differential, or overtime.  I work 7 days a week, totally directed by the company, hours set by the company, etc.  If I had been an employee, which I believe I have been all along, I would be owed thousands of dollars in overtime.  Where do YOU fall?  Below is the IRS quick look at where you stand.


An employee
I cant say who but it is an employee.
You are an employee. I am not. Again, you are an employee because SM

you need "employee stuff" but I am not an employee because I don't need employee stuff. I just need work.

Why do *I* have to adhere to a schedule? I don't. And my MTSO loves me to death because I just make her look good.

You need to go to an all-employee company or a company where you are the boss so you can stop this from happening. The MTSO just wants the work out of there. You want it to all be suspended until you sit down to work, and that is just not going to happen, nor should it.

No, FT employee
Looking for another job this very minute. I think this is way over the line.
As an employee ---

If I actually work 40 hours a week, my gross is about $730, which I think is good when I also have all taxes cut (Federal match), PTO, STD, LTD, healthy, dental, vision, internet reimbursement, quarterly and yearly incentives in addition to base pay.  Never run out of work.  Benefits add about 30% more to base pay, so it seems to be a wash with the ICs who have commented.

I left a job recently where I worked 5 hours a day and grossed $750/week with all taxes cut, 2 paid weeks vacation a year, free health insurance.  I left because they were getting interns to work for free and forcing out their higher paid and longer term employees.  Had to use vacation pay when there was not work or not get paid at all.

I like the pay/hours at the former job but I like the current stability that I have now better.

This is the exact reason our company will never use an IC. We utilize employee status transcriptionists
This is what I do. I am an employee
but my company is in FL where they don't have state tax.   I don't need any $$ taken out for federal, but I have extra $$ taken from DH check for state taxes.  2005 was the first full year we did it and this year we are getting back $450 state, when we've paid in the past, plus a penalty for not having enough taxes taken out.   You could also change dependents if appropriate.  
IC vs employee
Can someone explain to me the difference between 8 cpl as an employee and 8 cpl as an IC?  I know you have to pay your own taxes as an IC but what I mean is what does 8 cpl translate into once you pay self-employment tax.  How much less are you making as an IC at 8cpl than if you were an employee at 8 cpl is what I am trying to ask.  Thanks.
IC vs employee
If you are an employee, the employer pays half of the Social Security tax. If you are an IC, you have to pay the full amount yourself. HOWEVER, you can then take a deduction on your taxes for that second half. I haven't figured my taxes yet, so I don't know if it is a deduction or a tax credit (which is better), but at least it does help so you don't end up paying the entire amount. As an employee you also don't have all the deductions that ICs get, so that makes a difference in the bottom line, too.
Are you IC or employee?
If you are an IC, you can take off whenever you want (with appropriate notice of course). If you are employee, do you have vacation/PTO time? Do they not let you use it when you want?
Are you an IC or employee? - nm
Employee (sm)
I work for MedQuist.
anyone go from IC to employee and like it better?
I was offered a job and I'm now weighing the options.  I have always been an IC and have been offered employee status with another company.  The pay is 1/2 cent cheaper than what I make now as an IC.  The hours are still flexible and they do offer good benefits, PTO, vacation, etc... Has anyone gone from IC to employee or tried both and would like to comment? Thanks!
IC or employee

In my 22 year MT career I've found that doing a bit of both works best for me.  Since I'm a single parent I really need the insurance benefits, and with regards to taxes, my accountant told me it's best to keep your W2 job because the taxes you pay there helps to pay your self-employment taxes.  I do 20 hours W2 and the other half IC.





IC to employee...sm please

I would like to hear from any of you that have gone from an IC to an employee, on howyou handled the changes.  I am thinking about giving up my IC position (which is my own account with a hospital) to look for a full time position with a national company. As an employee, do you really have to sit in front of the computer 8 to 12 hours for your shift?  What happens if there is nothing to transcribe?  Do you have to stay put and wait? 

I have only transcribed as a hospital employee (paid by the hour) and then came home for the same hospital as an IC (paid by the minute of dictation) when my youngest had health problems.  I have always had enough work with occasional slow weeks at the same time every year.  I have done some IC work with a few smaller MTSO.  The hospital is going through a lot of changes and I do not feel that my position is stable.  I was offered a position with a national a little over a year ago but raised my rates at the hospital instead.  (Although after I raised my rates, they looked into using a service and found I was way cheaper to use).  But I have recently figured my line counts with this hospital (Never bothered before because I got paid per minute) and figured I only got paid between 8-9 cpl with the same rate on weekends and nights.  I was offered that plus benefits with other companies. 

Should I try to find a good company and adjust to the changes in my schedule?  (sorry so long)

Not An Employee
I'm confused too. I also worked for just one company as an IC before becoming an employee. If I wasn't an IC, I certainly wasn't an employee at the time. I had no benefits, taxes weren't taken out, etc.
Employee vs IC
Hi Guyz,
Could anyone tell me what is difference b/w working as home based employee as compared to IC. As I myself is IC right now, worked for FTP and online based working environment and find no pressure from employer like phone, chat etc. but work. So is employee status is same in that aspect or is it same as working in company where you got fear that your boss is looking at you all the time. thx!
are you an employee or
self-employed contractor? Do you get benefits, vacation pay, do you work from home?
Not That I'm An Employee No
When I was an IC I always worried when I didn't have a lot of work. Now that I'm an employee and know that I'll get paid for 40 hours and know I'll always get the same amount I'm less stressed. On the other hand, I type for 4 doctors and 1 N.P., and at one point I had upwards of 100 reports in the system that had to be finished. It's been a little slower these past few weeks, though.
I could not as an employee.
My tax preparer said that it was because I did not have enough deductions to itemize as an employee.
Are your IC or employee? sm
If you are an IC, you dictate when you invoice and when payment is due. If you are employee, you really have no say in the matter.

8-1/2 cpl as employee = what as IC
I'm just considering the tax ramifications.  They have worthless insurance (reimburses doctors at the rate they get paid by Medicare and you know how doctors don't want to see Medicare patients) so I'm going to get my own insurance and add it to the line count, but not considering PTO, etc. (which they don't have) Their owner (never done MT) pulled out his calculator and said 8.5 as an employee equals 9 as an IC.  That doesn't sound right, does it?
Tax ? for those who are both IC and Employee

I work full-time as an employee, but did some work on the side for my brother-in-law.  I have a 1099 from him.  When I file taxes, do I just file a 1040 with a schedule C-EZ (it was only $1000) for the IC work?  Or do I need to file another form to figure out how much in taxes I need to pay?

Thank you for any help you can give me!


Are you employee or an IC?
While I don't personally think you should have to give them up at all, technically I think if you are an employee, everything you create as an employee may actually belong to the employer. I'd still fight it though, especially if you didn't sign any agreement to that effect.
Are you an IC or an employee? nm
Employee or IC??
If IC - just raise your rates.  If employee are you hourly or cpl?  Talk to him and see what he says. 
Are you an IC or employee

See below for what it says about being an I/C and therefore a "business" just like the MTSO.  I always  pay my IC's before myself and I am lucky that my docs pay so well and fast -- usually 48 hours receipt of invoice but did have some many years ago where they did not and it is hard to keep everything balanced.  Many times if the general contractor does not get paid neither do the subs on a house construction.

This was IC. Even if employee, though,-sm
it still seems strange to ask for a full-body photo. Why not just a copy of state ID or something if it is merely for ID purposes? Since it was apparently an IC position, however, I don't get the reasoning behind it. If employee, yes, I could see them wanting to be sure it was a separate room or perhaps see what equipment the person already had. Even so, it seems odd, IMO.

As an MTSO who hires ICs, I can't think of one good reason to ask for a full-body photo, or even a picture of the home office, for that matter. I have the IC sign a HIPAA form, and it's up to the IC from that point on to ensure that HIPAA requirements are met. That is good enough for me, and it's been good enough for all of my clients, as well. I've certainly never had any physician ask for pictures of my home office. To each his/her own, I guess, but I'd be taken aback by the request, too.
IC to Employee
I switched from IC to employee status a year ago. I'm actually making more money now and have great benefits and I don't have to work holidays or weekends. I do work 40 hours a week, but I work 6 hours during the day and the last 2 at night.
I am willing to put an employee job

Just as we are expected to use Google in our work, a prospective employer can google that is how I feel. 

I do not, however, put full names of my personal accounts.  I simply list the specialty, city and state.  I do not want someone targeting my clients to offer a lower rate or soliciting them to try and take my clients.  I would be careful especially if you are an IC.  Call me paranoid, but I think there could be companies out there just trying to get names of clients so they can contact them for themselves to gain work.

Well then EMPLOYEE it is....
If they don't want me to work whenever I want to work, then they'll employee me and pay me benefits with paid time off.    Ahhh, I love being an IC.  I laugh all of the way to the bank.
I do believe that would be employee not IC.
An IC should not have to commit to 500 lines.  So, you're telling me that on the flip side, you always have 500 lines for that IC?  Also, the hours being set between 9 a and 5 p is CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's fraud and you should be paying your employee's taxes.
No, she said she is an employee of
the company in her original post.