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Posted By: anon on 2008-09-24
In Reply to: That's all fine and dandy, - mt

Like the previous poster said, make a folder with all your QA corrections. When you get a contradiction, send those to the person in charge and ask which is correct. That's about all you can do at this point.

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Patience. (SM)
I do not live on this board 24/7. You made some good points in your post above and I will review posts later today as I have time.

I have worked for Med-Tech in Marietta  for 5 years.  The only time I had a problem with not receiving a check was due to a postal problem.  I know they put the check in the mail but the post office screwed up.  Also, they pay on the 1st and the 15th.
nothing to do with patience or impatience...
it's all about a "war against terrorism."  Go get the terroists! not invade a country that had absolutely nothing to do with it.. Now he has a huge problem with terroists in Iraq because he HELPED make more terrorists with a breeding ground and "practice" for wannabe terroists.  He could not have HELPED the terrorists more than he did when HE INVADED IRAQ!  "War on terrorism?"  Now, when we get hit again, and we WILL, our troops will be Iraq.  Leadership?  No.  Idiotcy? Yes!  Nothing to do with patience or impatience.  It is all about leadership, or the lack thereof!  But you people voted for him because of "religious" values.  How religious is it to kill thousands of innocent women and children for NO REASON?  Now he, and we, are in HUGE MESS, and he doesn't have a clue as to what to do next! 
You must truly have the patience of a saint.
Y'know, patience is a virtue! SM
No one's paid to provide help here and posting links can be time-consuming. I was on my way to post when I saw the comment and almost said "forget it." However, here are some links for you.

status just 2-3 days ago....patience...nm
I have no patience for the condescending posts!
I've been lurking here for over a year and I'm amazed how nasty, consdescending and judgemental these people can be! Just like I don't do well with an employer treating me like crap, I don't do well with being "talked down to" by the rude posters on this board.
patience prudence..keep notes and continue to try.

Have patience!! Its a brand new program for at home
MTs, and I'm sure the Board of Directors or suits of whatever title are wanting some proof that the at-home MTs are to be trusted. Perhaps in a couple of months, once they know who they can trust to work and who not, the program won't be implemented as strictly as at the start. Sadly, while you may be a conscientious, trustworthy MT, many are not, particularly in house hospital MTs. Been there, done that! Sounds like a good change for you! Good luck!
Most companies won't have the patience for your lack of doing your own work. nm
Sending good karma and patience your way...

Prizes are awarded the next business day. Thank you for your patience!
YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! Good things happen to those who have the patience (I am not one of them)!!!
Personally I dont ridicule, but have no patience

Just saying "It is too hard to change" and "the company is making me poor/homeless/stressed etc is a cop-out. Get proactive and help yourself. And those that do play into the poor victim routine do not help fellow MTs, they just perpetuate the idea that MTs can do nothing to help their own situation.

Patience is part of being a good MT. Do your own footwork. You won't regret it. nm
That's just YOUR opinion, and you are a prime example of lack of patience. You want instant results
People have no patience anymore. I gave a $10.00 donation and I got an email the next evening.

I think since these people also have a transcription service, no one should expect an instant response.  Besides, it's more about giving than getting anyway.