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opps - I meant how will WE buy cars. Tired.

Posted By: DunceCap on 2009-05-13
In Reply to: Agree - If we don't have jobs how will be buy - anything let alone cars (NM)


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Opps! I meant to say I *haven't* been offered a position yet..nm
meant weekend, tired
i meant to say they lost my CHECK...not chest... i have tired hands right now...lol
Tired of blanket nonproductive e-mails that chew out everyone but are really only meant for a (SM)

for a few individuals.  These are so discouraging for the ones who are doing a good job.  Supervisors are not so important that they can't take the time to change the e-mail address so the letter is sent to only those who are messing up - and, conversely, if you can't take the time to figure out who is messing up, then you won't take the time to find out who is doing a good job, so you will never give a raise. 

Yes - my letter is perfect example of sending an e-mail to every supervisor and MTSO.  See how ineffective it is?  Makes you feel very defensive if you are not guilty of doing this.  Imagine how it makes me feel when I get these notes after working 10-12 hours to try to help you get caught up, and then you send out a note that basically says how lazy we all are.  Thanks a lot.  There are a lot better companies out there than you, and even a few who might appreciate high quality and high quantity work.   


trying to develop a pay scale or a line rate using that program.
Opps... Are there... nm
opps sorry, HIPAA
opps - that's if they say...(fingers numb) NM
no need for stupid police to arrest me. lol
I get tired of daily grind. I get tired of having

horrible dictation/dictators and not able to produce lines, which directly affects my paycheck.  I don't mind doing the difficult stuff, and I pretty good at it, but it is stressful and I find it very hard to budget when you never know what your paycheck is going to be.   I hate being tied to having earphones on all day.   I have children at home (I homeschool and don't have toddlers running around) and my DH works third shift so he is home during the day.  I try to work around all this, but can't always.  If I had a "desk" job I could be part of conversations at least, but having to have the earphones on you can't do that.   I get tired of being sedentary, my feet swell, my shoulders are tired, my elbows hurt, etc.  

I stick with it because of my children, and also because I like the flexibility.  I don't have to be up at 5:30 to get the kids up and ready for school, I don't have to fight traffic to get to work at 8:00.  It is a trade-off.   Sounds like you just need a break.  


What colors ....Any corvette is great but that stang is it
I leased for 3 years and then bought a brand new one! Love the concept, that way I knew exactly what i wanted to buy!
Sorry, 'MT way too long,' my post was not meant for you, it was meant for Wow! Sorry!!...nm
Dog chasing cars
I have a little pomeranian. She is only little in size. In her doggy mind, she is a big bag dog and no car is too big for her. In the car, she will bark at big trucks, I am talking semi's like they better not mess with her. It is really funny to see. She also barks at her reflection. I sometimes feel like barking at my reflection too, so that we have in common. Your dog sounds great.
Cars on EBAY
I live in Georgia and already, drowned cars from Lousiana and Miss. are showing up as "good buys". Beware, once these cars are cleaned up, you will NEVER know they've been submarines in earlier lives. On the other hand, my son bought an awsome Audi out of Tampa, but that was before the hurricaines.
teens and New Cars

Yes, there are probably a few nice new cars the "sweet 16's" had given to them, more so probably out of the guilt the parents felt for not spending time with them or the parents need to "keep up" their own status.  My niece was one of those....daddy bought his little girl anything she snapped her fingers for, she is 23, never went to college or held a job, but has a masters degree in partying and shopping. It's finally wearing thin on ol Pops and he gripes and complains but he set the standard the first time he gave in.  Kids may not like you right now, but they will appreciate it more so when it's their hard earned money and feel a sense of accomplishment.

On the other hand, my kid who is 20, is still driving a used car and he now knows the benefit of it after 3-4, 5...can't even remember the count minor fender benders, no injuries except to his pride!

Teens are just learning how to drive, insist of driving with the damn cell phones to their ears and minds on anything but the roads, and as I put it, why take something brand new and bang it up?  Save it till you have more experience, more of your own money and your insurance rates are lower.  If my kid and his friends had stock in Maaco, they'd be young millionaires by now!

Remind her of that old saying, which I heard a zillion years ago when I was a teen "people in h _ _ _ want ice water but they don't always get it

Story about cars

My ex and I were divorced when my son was 11.  We lived in the country so in order for my son to even get a job, he needed a vehicle.  I bought him a used truck for about $2,000 which was all I could afford.  It was a stick and he had a lot of trouble driving it.  He was responsible for the gas and the insurance.  When he graduated from high school, his dad gave him a card with a professionally made gift certificate in it that said "Good for one vehicle of choice."  He even had it notorized and signed by an employee of a car dealer.  He gave him the card at his graduation party in front of everyone so he (the dad) could look important.  After the party, he called my son to tell him that that did not mean he could go out and buy a Corvette or anything like that.  To make a long story short, when it came time for my son to get his car, he wasn't allowed to pick anything that he wanted, his dad decided on the vehicle, color, extras etc.   I do not think we owe are kids a car though, just could not help sharing my story. 

hybrid cars--anyone have one?

I'm looking to purchase a new car soon and being as how gas is already at $3 per gallon where I live, I'm certainly wanting to get something economical.  I've been doing some research on the hybrid cars and am particularly interested in the Toyota Prius, as that one seems to be the best according to what I've found.

I'm just curious....Do any of you MTs have a hybrid vehicle and/or know someone personally who does?  If so, do you like it?

rental cars
I am in Arizona and I usually have my best luck with Avis. Hey where are you in Arizona??
those cars are so cute
So do you do that a lot? You own a big house? Have nice cars?
what-ever..big money my butt.
Wow! I just looked outside to see five cop cars parked
in front of my house.  The one neighbor's teenager moved out, so I know it's not that.  I wonder what's going down?  Should I be ducking?  LOL
No way, my DD has JUST started going in cars w/boyfriend. nm
i use GM mastercard w/rebates on new cars.
We have saved something like $8000 over last 10-12 years in rebates. We put most everything on there, gas, groceries, etc and it adds up. But we only have one card and pay it off every month too, so not sure about interest rates, etc. Can go to gmcard.com and see if it works for you.
Ever had a dog that "chases" cars "in the car?"
We just adopted a dog last month from the SPCA.  She's a great dog, very young but past puppyhood, spayed,  housebroken, sits, stays, everything you couuld ask for when getting a "used dog."  BUT.... We've discovered that her hobby in the car is sitting by the window until a car passes and then "chasing it."  She will take breaks and lay down and sleep for a while, but then gets back to her hobby.  When we leave her in the car, she just sleeps, so she's basically a pretty good passenger other than the chasing.  Anybody ever heard of  this before?
I have leased 2 cars and have never had a bad experience. (sm)
Presently I lease a Trailblazer. No down payment, payments of $448 a month including an additional rider I chose for wear and tear coverage. 5 year lease. I can turn it back in 18 months early if I choose to. It's a nice way to get a higher end price car for lower payments.
There you go, lets have a thread about old cars!!!
lines at the pumps, 2-3 cars long.

Yes, we swapped cars. DH drives my 4 cyl his 13 mi to work and I keep
There is also a limit. People in expensive cars
pulling up to stand in line for free money.  Doctors and lawyers, supposedly respected business owners, etc who really did not lose that much, at least not to the point where they can't recover on their own.  Help the ones who can't help themselves but the ones who can help themselves should be ashamed!
Go ahead and post stuff about your cars
but I doubt many people are interested in it, who knows, but I am sure that many many people want to talk about their animal companions, so if it does not interest you, SKIP it. That is why this is called the main board, many other boards on the left for you to get information on MTing, other than just the main board.
that's true, many new cars now offer great

I have a Toyota Corolla and my gas mileage is even better than the impressive Civic! I don't remember exactly what it is but I want to say around 38-41 MPG.

However, I would also love to eventually get away from traditional cars and more towards Hybrids or whatever else they come up with that will transition us away from oil dependency.

Car dealerships use dryer sheets in used cars.
After wiping what you can with the alcohol as suggested, put a few Bounce dryer sheets in the sealed trashbag.
So, this future generation of MT's all live in their cars?
Because don't forget - MT wages never go up, only DOWN, if any change at all. And cost of living keeps going up. What has gotten cheaper during the recession? NOTHING. What will get more expensive once the economy improves? EVERYTHING.
My Rottie did that too, she sit in the back of my SUV and jump at the cars that passed or followed u
You'd hear her teeth hitting the window as she crashed into the glass. Then she'd get tired and lay down.
rich skanks dress better and have nicer cars and homes.

Good grief.. Fortunately ours is only chasing oncoming cars, so just
I can't stand it when parents spoil their kids with brand new cars....sm

especially since a lot of times the teenager ends up wrecking it because they don't care.  Those I've seen that have taken better care of their vehicles and drove them properly were those that had some investment in a good used vehicle.  They had to work to pay for the gas and insurance at minimum.  That's what I did when I was a teenager and the only reason I got a car then was because I had an after school job and it was easier for my parents to help me get a vehicle than drive me back and forth. 

Most men can't hear the tiny tings, noises that cars make, and things like
 an alarm clock.  A doctor I used to work for did the same thing in the bathroom too.  But, I never heard a plop! Thank Goodness.
old and tired
maybe you need the 14 bucks an hour to pay for those conference calls. i hear the editors have to pay for them all by themselves.
Thank you Tired... :)

tired of it sm
Not asked or told to do this.  Told they are "sound file reconversions" where the sound file is "fixed" and then the report goes back in the pool.  Sorry don't buy it.  If the sound is that bad, why do the report?  Why not send it to get the sound file "fixed" at the beginning?  Think its someone trying not to send something to QA.  They are always the difficult dictators.  Also was told that the sound file issues were resolved.
You are SO right... I get so tired of...
listening to people complain about this country.. We have it so good here that we are totally spoiled.  It's shameful.  If these people would take a tour around the world and then come back here and compare our medical care, they would stop this nonsense.  Even in developed countries like Italy, things are a little weird.  I lived there 20 yrs ago and a friend had a car accident and ended up in an Italian emergency room instead of the army hospital.  The treatment?  A big glass of wine while sitting in the hallway waiting forever to be seen.  Forget the undeveloped countries, they barely have anything.  Even in Britain their facilities are not quite what we expect here.  We are spoiled.
definitely feel the same way. 23 years is long enough. wish i could do something else that made this kind of money.

I get tired of....
being sneezed on.  First of all, it hurts my ears if it is too explosive and secondly, I feel like I need a shower.  Is it too hard to turn your head and/or hold the phone away from your face? 
tired QA
You were "not so perfect" at one time yourself......so unless you have a masters degree, don't be so critical i.e, you have been there yourself. Beside, if it were not for mistakes or uncertainty, you would not have a job either!
Like I said - I'm tired of them not

speaking English to a point where you can at least "partly" understand.  My job is to type what I hear.  I'm not trying to "turn their accent into English anymore!"  -- I don't get paid enough "downtime" to figure this out!  --  Especially at $10/$11 an hour!!!!!

can you tell how tired I am right now
actually, I did not "do" her . . . I did do some work for her though -- and still do sometimes
Sure understand your feelings of delight with your grandchild. I feel the same way about my 2 grandsons, and over the years have barely been able to hang onto transcription at home while providing them with everything under the sun to keep them busy while I attempted to work. They also have turned out to be very artistic and creative. They are 11 and 14 now. The main thing for me was a HUGE amount of patience and not getting stressed when they interrupted, just smile and as quickly as possible return to typing. I did "interact" with them face-to-face every 15 minutes for a couple of minutes when they were little, and it seemed to work best when I worked in the same room they were playing in. Of course, at 3 they started pre-kindergarten, so there were 3 free hours to work, then soon enough all-day school. They finally learned to not over-do the interruptions as they got older (one thing was when they understood they get to buy "toys" with the money I am mysteriously making.) I really do not think there is a "balance", I just keep trying. Also I think there is a "bit-of-a-difference" between grandparenting and parenting rules. (If we don't make our kids TOO mad at us!) We really get to do all the good stuff and joy!!
tired of this
This job does render us socially isolated unless we make real efforts to make friends and our lack of friends makes us rather vulnerable too, i.e. husband attacks and no one to come to our rescue. Your husband sounds rather immature and you seem to be in the role of his wife/mother. You certainly deserve a break. My first and only marriage ended because I was in the same situation. Now I am alone but at least I can be free from the tyranny of a man/boy so to speak. It's your call. Weigh the pros and cons and then take some action.
I'm tired of MTs who cannot SM

look up the simplest things and who leave 20 or 30 blanks in a report.  When I was an MT, if I sent ONE job to QA in a month I felt like I failed, but today's MTs have no pride in their work at all.