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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

oh sister, you know this already, but you got it made! :-)

Posted By: happy, but not as happy as you! on 2006-07-09
In Reply to: I live in Washington state up in - 75 bucks a month in the summer,

I have basically the same set-up in N FL except for the AC thing ;-)

It makes a big difference with the well and septic, for sure. Takes a little sting out of the electricity bill.

I've always wanted to live in Washington state... I love gloomy overcast weather. Maybe some day...

Well, enjoy and give those doggies a kiss for me (I have 3 and love 'em).

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i made $15/hr before and didn't stay long because i made so much more on production. sm
that was with full benes too. i wouldn't do it for less than $20, but i think even with $20, i'd want benes. are you in-house?
I don't know how it made such a small diff in your invoice... made a $100 diff in mine! (sm)

If it were only adding up to three bucks, I wouldn't sweat it. $100? Yeah, that's baseball registration for my son for this year. I am not giving tabs, returns, etc. away free when it adds up to that much difference!  Why should I charge less for a Return than I would for a"K"?



your sister
If it is this easy for her to do, it sounds to me like you might have to take it a step further after you straighten out this mess, and file some kind of charges, or SOMETHING that would prevent you from getting in future trouble.  So sorry for your plight. 
You said it, sister! NM
I'm right there with ya, sister...
lots of heathens, drunkards, cheaters, and liars! God bless us every one!!!
Right on, Sister!
Amen!  I couldn't have said it better myself. 
Need to help my sister, not sure how.

She is trying to get another job and get out of a bad situation.  Her boss, who is weird to begin with, has become increasingly paranoid and strange over the past few months.  He is accusing her of stealing and locking her out of some necessary (bookkeeping) parts of her work.  It is a landscaping company and she does a lot of the scheduling and bookkeeping stuff.  We both wonder if he is on drugs and/or schizophrenic.  There are several employees who obviously come to work stoned and/or get stoned on the job (meth probably). 

I want to report him to someone, not sure who or how.  I mean I want to get him in BIG trouble.   When she leaves, his little company will probably crash. Maybe that is trouble enough.

My sister in law just had it done about

She is a little disappointed in that she is not losing weight as fast as she would like.  You go back for appointments and they tighten the band little by little, so you can eat less and less.  She has lot about 25 pounds so far and I think that is pretty good for that amount of time.  They emphasize that they don't want you to lose it TOO fast.

Insurance covered hers and most likely if you have a high enough BMI (body mass index), insurance would cover it.  My SIL told me how much it is without insurance and dang it I can't remember now.  For some reason $17,000 is popping into my mind but I am not at all sure about that figure.

Sharon Osborne, Ozzie's wife, had a lap band a few years ago.  She used to weigh quite a big more.

Im with u, sister
I just got done with a horrible dicator. I tried my hardest and the report still looked like swiss cheese. If the hospitals would just go to the source and MAKE these ESL dictators take dictation lessons. I would be more than happy to teach. AAAAGGGHH. Thank you for letting me rant!
You got it sister!
I thank my lucky stars that I am skilled enough to make it here at home.  I also have children that I think have benefited greatly from me being at home.  It is so funny how the "home" interruptions are actually easier than the ones I had experienced working on-site.  Sometimes, I felt like my co-workers and the doctors were worse than my children needing pampering and consoling.  When I was on-site, I used to say to my transcription co-worker that we should hang-up a sign that says "Complaint Department" because when whoever it may be brought us the work, they also brought their complaints for the day.  We would just look at each other and laugh thinking wow, we're really losing out, we should have been psychiatrists.  We were so forgotten until something went wrong.  No one really noticed when everything went right, if ya' catch my drift. 
Wow you need a big sister-hug right now. - sm

It seems like they got your e-mail,but not your message... If it were me, and I know we all have different situations, but if it were me, I would begin quietly looking for another job.  You know what you have right now, and you know what your dream job is, maybe you can find a compromise.  If you do it while you are still working, there is not as much pressure to find one right away, and you know that eventually there is a light at the end of the tunnel (hopefull not an oncoming train) so it may not be as hard to take.  In the meantime, come here and vent whenever you want, that is part of what we are here for, to get each other through the tough times... 


You said it, sister! ... lol ...nm
I'm with ya, sister!
I'm 53 and more than ready for a change to something I can actually look forward to! I don't know if it'll be any better income in a new career, but like the Sheryl Crow song says "A change will do you good." Good luck to ALL of you guys!
Right on sister!...nm
Tell your sister to run!!!
This field is going to the dumps. Currently trying to get out of it
Amen, sister. I'm with you!
When Tommy boy doesn't get what he wants, he goes on the attack.  Telling Matt Lauer he knew nothing about psychiatry!  What, Pray tell, does pretty boy Cruise know?  He is nothing but a spoiled bully.  I refuse to waste any of my money on him.
Amen, Sister!
I'll be the one with the mug on the right, okay? 
Amen, Sister! nm
Amen, Sister! nm
RadGuy for your sister
Angels Gate is a perfect place to make that donation. There are a nonprofit couple who have starting taking in animals that otherwise would have been discarded or puyt down. They have both dogs and cats that have no hind legs and bacause of these wonderful people the animals now have prostheses with wheels which allows them to get around. They have just about any and every type of animal with any type of disability. Go to their web site www.Angelsgate.com. I give regularly because I love animals sooo much, but because these are increadible survivors.
Amen, Sister! nm
Amen sister! I often wonder now sm
when I started in 1979 at the age of 24, the folks in the office who had been doing this for years then. What did they start on? The hospital I was trained at (forget schools), I had a male Transcriptionist train me who is still transcribing today and he is 60 years old. He had been transcribing for 12 years when I started so that is 40 years for him total!

#1.  How did these people even know about her return to college?  I would have her check with the financial aid office of the colllege to see IF they notified anyone in order to get grants for her, as in state grants, Americans with Disability Act, etc.  Someone had to tell these people and if the college is selling names to marketers, then they should be called on the carpet by the atty gen.

#2.  My biggest concern is that these people now have access to her checking account and if she has her SSD check deposited monthly, whose to stop them from deducting all they want?

Very scary and I would make sure this is looked into immediately.  Hoping for the best of this situation.

I did it some to help out a friend's sister - sm
I only did it 2 a month though, from top to bottom took about 4 hours each time, depended on how dirty the house got, was 2 adults and 2 adult/teenage borders. All I did was clean, vacuum, dust, mop though, no beds. Was not top $, only made $40 each time. But if you get enough of them and charge $15-$20 and hour, would not be too bad. I hate to clean though, so it would be a last resort for me.
Hey....just a minute....that's my sister's name and
I hear you sister! Besides. sm
I always take what I hear on any MT boards with a grain of salt. I happen to know that many times management posts on these boards in the guise of a "thrilled" employee who has found the "perfect job."  And when someone actually tells what their not so perfect experience is, they are branded a malcontent.  Let's face it, not every company is for everyone. One thing I know for sure, the face of MT has changed dramatically and not for the better. 
Amen, sister!
I was the original question poster, and was stunned at the sarcasm when I came back in to check responses today. I agree, I think people don't really have a reason to lie about their IQs, and it shows in this dialogue that we are a pretty darned intelligent bunch. Wow. But it must make others feel insecure, for these other posts to have sprung up overnight. I think maybe in MY case, keeping my IQ quiet was the rsult of the same thing (dissing me for it) happening in school. Dunno why people with normal IQs have to feel bad, cuz yer right, smart people have just as many problems, if not one more, as others.
wicked sister
I had same prob with my big sis. I tried for years to be the good sister and to no avail. At one point she was hospitalized and I happened to figure out what was seriously wrong with her before the docs. She actually confessed what a rotten sister she had been and begged my forgiveness. Hah -- for six months she was okay. Then she went back to her old back-stabbing evil ways. I had to write her off to maintain my sanity. Blood or no blood, when you have done all you can do -- the rest is between you and God. It is her loss. I say good bye and good riddance. and BTW this is exactly what my Sunday school class told me to do. As Christians we are called to be kind; not doormats.
My sister was successful sm
She went to Curves and lost about 20 pounds (didn't have much to lose). She loved it. They have an eating plan that she went on and she liked that too. If you're not used to doing exercise, this is the place to start. If you already exercise, it might be too slow for you. Can you do a trial? Good luck!!
I'm sorry, but the part about your sister
calling all giggling to tell you your mom was dead is extremely disturbing. I hope you don't speak to that woman. She sounds psychotic.
It was actually my younger sister!!
No idea what prompted it.
Amen my sister!!!
I agree with you, I am a Christian as well and have been since I was 15, I am born again and cannot understand how people get by day to day without Jesus! I totally agree with you, everyone slams Christianity but then again the bible tells us that would happen so I guess we should not be totally surprised by it! :)
Amen, sister! nm
Amen to that, sister!
What a blessing,and I thank God every day for it.
my sister in law has this. wouldn't get it!
My sister in law is getting rid of hers also. We went there over Thanskgiving and I took my computer with me to work. I am glad it was a holiday. I asked her if she had dial up. I think it is worse than dial up. It took forever to download and upload. Think again before getting it.
My sister watched our dog
I brought her home something from the place we visited.
My sister used to type for a doc who used to - sm
do his reports in various fake accents.... even though he had a normal American accent, and under normal circumstances was clear, & easy to understand. I guess that just got too boring for him, or else maybe he thought he was spicing up her day or something. He would go by the patient's last name -- if it was a German last name, he'd do it in a German accent; if it was French, he'd do it in a French accent; if it was Japanese, he'd do a Japanese accent; and so on and so on. Drove her crazy. And when she asked him to stop, he just did it even MORE.

What a weird profession this is.
Amen, sister
I have seen pure garbage passed off as transcription in the last 5 years that it makes me want to cringe. All in the name of line count and getting the job cleared off the system. The supervisors are asked to put a stop to cherry picking because it "would slow the cherry pickers down". When first learning this maddening and yet very interesting job, I have shed many a tear, spending an hour on a report that was 1 minute or less just to get it right. Now we have cherry pickers who think they are transcriptionists, but they have not paid their dues and they are still wanting the older ones to do that for them too! Yet, the "supervisor" does nothing.

I am disgusted with the transcription companies who continually demean our professionalism by offering 8 cents/line, yet they are paid much more than that. They are making huge profits from our work. They cannot keep a Transcriptionist because the pay is lousy, or they don't pay on time or a myriad of other problems, yet i have seen them "praised" on this board, stating they must be doing something right. HA!!! They have a turnover that is unbelieveable and they are in constant turmoil to get TAT that is unrealistic with the few people they have not run off for various reasons.

This is not a fun job, but it is an interesting job and there are too darn many out there calling themselves transcriptionists, when they are nothing but cherry pickers who are looking for the fast buck and don't care if the report is correct or not. Nuff' said.
Preach it Sister
Amen and Amen
AMEN sister!!!!!!!
Just a sulking sister
Yes, thank you.  I have been applying.  I will take your suggestion and go back and look at more companies to apply at. 
Tell 'em sister....

Do you see how fast the haters come here to say "big deal."  Any one of us can have our own accounts (I have 2 of my own).  I make the same as you round about $50.00 an hour.  What a relief because I also IC for an online company making 8 cpl (round about $20.00 an hour).  We can't sit around and complain; that accomplishes nothing.

BTW, I think 5 cpl for VR is good...  In case anyone cares what I think!  I just think it would be hard for me to learn the hot keys to make it go faster, but then again maybe I'd be quicker at it (20+ years in the biz). 

Just let them drink their Hatorade and be haters all their lives!!!! 

I'm with you sister; I'd much prefer using my pc
rather than any company provided one. We are not children here, but professionals. I need to have a watchdog hovering over my shoulder documenting every single site I click on to keep as ammunition to eventually fire me for misuse of their pc.

I've seen the pcs these companies provide for their employees -- like they are doing them such a big favor. BULLSHID! The pcs are refurbished pieces of junk, which they deduct a rental amount from your already poverty-striken paycheck. Nationals: Keep your pcs -- they are worthless pieces of crap.
at least with the AA, prof will know they were not taken by little sister. sm
It will make a difference in presentation and the planning behind it.

Preach on, sister!..nm
Amen, sister!
On the platform I work on, there's really no way to cherry-pick unless you actually download the job and see who it is, and then abandon it. Before downloading, we can only see the client name and work type, not the dictator's name.

If we have to abandon a job for any reason, we had better have a VERY good reason, involving active fire, arterial blood, or a crashed computer; and we had better be on the e-mail (or the phone) ASAP telling our supervisor why we abandoned the job.

As for people who don't show up and don't call in, I can only think their mothers didn't raise them right. That's just plain bad manners!

(These sorts of things are part of the reason I really, really hate being a supervisor... the trouble with being a supervisor is you have to, um, supervise people. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.)
Amen, sister!..........nm
AMEN SISTER! I also do quite well sm
on 8 cpl. Been doing this 32 years, making less than I did years ago but doing ok. Its what you get use to. My house is not paid outrigth either and my mortgage is 1007 a month. I do it quite well and its easy to cut back. don't need a fancy car, cause I don't go anywhere, don't have credit card bills, just mortgage and utilities and the regular living stuff. I don't see what all the fuss is about. This is still a job you can make a decent living at.

Hey! You must be my twin sister, that's me you're talking about!
Your sister hasn't been looking in the right places. (sm)
There are companies that hire coders to work at home. Tell her to try www.aviacode.com, www.lexicode.com, www.amphionmedical.com, www.btcworldwide.com, and www.peakhs.com. Tell her to subscribe to the AHIMA jobs board. They have plenty of jobs (some are in-house and some are work at home). Hope this helps.
My sister has a cupboard just above her washer-sm
She uses the liquid laundry detergent in huge plastic containers--that you can lay on its side, and the squirter with the push butto sticks out. She then just pulls it a bit and then pushes the button and the liquid soap goes right down into the washer. She doesn't have to lift anything to put detergent into her washer (other than someone lifting the original large container into the cupboard).