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now in my quick correct

Posted By: lb on 2009-06-23
In Reply to: Please tell me I am not alone. Just got a report back where I made a MAJOR mistake. (sm) - NN

The patient was prepped and raped.

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Do it correct always. It will learn. Everyone has to do it correct all the time. nm
If you are careful with putting the correct report in the correct report shell and patient, you will
not have any problems. I only take away this option when someone is careless. There can be NO room for error on this. One mistake can be very serious. Many do it well though, so just double check and you will be fine.

Per Quick Look, it is
No. There is no quick fix. (nt)

I had to unplug my Infinity foot pedal from its USB port today and now my computer will not recognize it.  I had this problem once before and I cannot remember how I fixed it.  Finally I have some work and now the pedal won't work.  HELP ME PLEASE.....thanks a lot.
I only use the Quick Look because...
the company bought it for me.  I like it but it's gettin' old (2005) and missing a lot of new drugs.  I sure could use an update or something, so I'll be paying attention to the thread you've started here as well. 
need help quick!
Suddenly my enter button is acting as a spacebar and not a return key!  What do I do?
quick look
I bought the new version and found that I liked the old 2005 version that I had, because of the wild card function in the search. The newer one didn't have it. I just reinstalled the old one and add any new drugs as I find them through my daily work. Unfortunately, it now has a glitch that keeps me from opening the information about the drug in the index without locking up. At first I would close and come back in so that it would show, but I discovered that it would also work if you go into the appendix screens (any) before doing a search or using the index list. I like using the drug reference because it clearly lists the dosages and uses for each drug, and is quick to use. Since my account doesn't use a lot of brand new drugs it works fine for me this way.
A quick ?

Hello everyone, I am new to this board and just have a really quick question that I would like someone to answer please. On the MT job openings page when you click on an opening and in the employers description of the job they say to reply to and email address and then they list the address. However each job opening has a "apply now" tab at the bottom. Doesn't it just email your resume when you click that and submit it? You don't also have to copy the employers email address and then sign into your email and send a message to them that way too do you? Thank you,


Quick question for you, please?

Thank you for your advice.  I just need to take it!!

But my question remains, perhaps I did overstep bounds by voicing my concerns for his depression and mentioning that his brother had also noticed it.  He says I have betrayed him.  What would you have done in this situation? 

quick way to remember
Think of the Romans performing a play, like Julius Caesar....The ROMANS are on the STAGE.
Too quick on the buttons there.

Don't sign it.  It sounds as if they have a pending lawsuit and are trying to make sure no one else joins in.  If they call you about it, tell them you sent it over to your attorney to evaluate it.  LOL  It's NOT standard procedure.  You don't have to sign it.

The one I got had nothing to do with age discrimination, but it was a similar type of Hold Harmless document.

quick change tip

I haven't tried this yet (our office isn't on the one space thing.. yet), but I wrote down this tip that was posted last time this issue was brought up:  At the end of the report hit Ctr-Shft F, 2 spaces, tab, 1 space, Alta A to fix.  It should switch all your double spaces to single spaces without having to remember to change the way you've been typing for 20 years.

quick, where's the Dramamine!

Quick punctuation help!

 I told him to clean the area with hydrogen peroxide, and, after that, he can apply the Neosporin ointment. 

How would the punctuation be on this sentence?  Did I do it right? 

Thanks in advance for the help..

Quick punctuation help!
Thanks so much for the help!
Quick punctuation help!
Thanks, I have been doing a grammer course.
Quick punctuation help!
Thanks so much!
Quick punctuation help! sm
Sorry, but it does not seem you received much help here. The truth is every typist has her own style. It seems that quite a few want to place a comma every time the doc pauses to take a breath or shifts a page. If that is what your own doc prefers, then go for it. Most do not, however.

Grammatically, you may use commas or not in this sentence, but none are necessary. It has been my own experience that doctors would rather have less rather than more in the case of commas. Believe it or not.
Quick punctuation help!
Thanks so much for the advice!
just a quick question. sm
You knew one of us would ask--you said so yourself.

First of all, I completely understand being stressed out and needing a vacation. But don't you think your kids deserve a vacation too? Teenagers generally have a huge amount of stress, and so can the younger ones. They probably need it as much as you do, and would definitely enjoy it. If you need some "me" time, there are almost always activities to do separately and most Florida hotels have a day camp type thing or daycare that's fun for them too, so you can still have some alone time.

I'm sorry, and I'll probably get blasted for saying it, but I generally think it's selfish to leave the kids out of something so cool. What did you tell them... "we get to go on this vacation because we're more special and deserve it more?"
Get to a Dr. ---my mom had this and it was CHF--it killed her quick-
get checked out.
quick, anyone working for...


I don't and I'm going insane! I left another job at another NATIONAL because of lack of work (betcha can't guess who) and now I feel like I'm in the same boat here...just wondering if it's me, my account, my supe, or what!


quick math
3,000 characters divided by 65 = 46.15 lines x .09 = $4.15.

3,000/74 cpl = 40.54 x .10 = $4.05.
a quick link...
AA FDA Drug Info
Quick update. ~sm~

This is my favorite show.  I have not missed an episode since it started.  Here is a quick update on what has happened:  Meredith is the star of the show.  Her mother is Ellis Grey who was a famous surgeon at Seattle Grace.  Her mother is now in an adult care facility as she has Alzheimer's.  Meredith kept it a secret until her mother was admitted for medical reasons.  Meredith and Dr. Sheppard had a one-night stand that developed into a relationship when she went to work for the first day and found him to be her boss.  Then along comes Dr. Shepperd's wife Addison.  They were separated because Addison had an affair with one of Derrick's best friends.  Since Addison came into the picture, Derrick has ended things with Meredith trying to save his marriage, as he thinks it is the right thing to do, but he is in love with Meredith.  George is the male  intern who slept with one of the nurses (can't remember her name) but he is in love with Meredith and Meredith has no idea.  Dr. Burke and Christina are living together.  Christina has a hard time getting close to anyone or admitting her feelings.  She and Burke are total opposites except for work, they are both devoted to being doctors.  Izzy is a former model who put herself through med school by modeling in underwear.  Alex is an arrogant (or appeared that way at first) intern who failed his surgical boards.  He and Izzy developed a relationship, but he has not been able to be intimate with her, which has Izzy upset as she caught him with the same nurse that George slept with.  Not sure what is going on here but I think Alex really cares for Izzy which makes him unable to perform, but when he is with someone that he is using, he has no problem.  The chief of staff is a workaholic and it appears that he and Ellis Grey may have had an affair years ago.  That should just about cover the basics.  I do not watch much TV either and this is the first show besides reality TV that I must watch.  Forgive any typos and not sure I have the spelling of all the names correct.

get rich quick
i'm looking to make extra money without having to do much.  I've researched online and am even thinking of buying that book from that question mark wacky guy "free money from govt."  Some programs that I have saved are secret shoppers and some other things, like real estate investor.  Can anyone recommend anything out there that is NOT a scam, where you can make thousands in a month, not spend any of your own money, and has anyone bought that crazy guy's book about getting free money? 

Thats just for the lucky people that come upon something by accident.  lol.  If your looking, it will never happen.  If you ask most rich people how they got rich, they will say I worked real hard for it, or I just got lucky...   I tryed looking in to a few of the get money things, but they all seemed to be SCAMS to me..  If you do find any though, let me now.  



Quick Question.. sm

I just started a new job doing mostly op notes and radiology.  Whenever I start a new account, especially one with op notes, I like to look up a dictator's old reports just to get a feel for what he saying cause usually the procedure is the same over and over.

Anyway, when I was doing this I pulled an op report that had read "The patient was given adequate ella may anesthesia"  for LMA anesthesia.  I kid you not!  I have also seen reports with a number of other grievous errors such as a pacemaker implantation that read "patient threshold" instead of pacing threshold, etc.  I've noted the MTs' initials just for my own records so that I don't ever use any of their reports as a reference, but I am wondering if I should bring this to the attention of my supervisor and if I do bring to her attention, should I give her the MTs' initials?  I hesitate only because I just started the job and I don't want to seem like a tattle tale or know-it-all.  But seriously, these MTs' should absolutely not be doing op notes for sure.  And I'm wondering where is the QA person in all of this?  Why hasn't these kinds of errors been caught by now?

quick question

Well, know how you feel, I have run across this. I have indeed told me supervisor, given her the printed report...(I work in-house), and she can see the initials and deal with it from there. It all goes back to "THE GOOD OF THE PATIENT AND PATIENT CARE". Some errors I have seen could be very costly to the patient's well being.

Good for you in spotting these!


Quick ER rant
I swear, it seems like the network TV seasons get shorter and shorter. There will be one new episode, a month of reruns/specials, another new epi or 2, more reruns, and so on until the season ends in the beginning of May. And if you miss an epi, forget about seeing it during summer reruns. Seems like they stuck a new show in the time slot.

And that's why I love my cable, especially FX. If you miss a show, they'll be replaying it 500 more times during the week and sometimes even repeat the whole season of episodes.
No, really, we did not know. It was a very quick closing. nm
so quick to judge

come down to earth people.

I would like to take a quick poll...
Just for the sake of making myself feel better. Have any of you switched jobs frequently in the last 5 years while trying to find a nice "fit." I would like to look for a new job but just hate how it would look in my resume. I have had 3 jobs in 2 years and just can't seem to fine my niche. Anyone else move around like that trying to find a home?
I am so discouraged with MTing with Nationals that I would jump at the chance to do something else - especially if it were from home.
quick fix when you mess up ? sm
Highlight your upper case text, then hold down the shift key, and press the F3 key. Everything should revert to lower case.
Man, you're quick!
Thanks for the info!
Quick grammar ? You should already have OR You should have already (nm)
quick followup
You make some very valid points, and I thank you for your input. Speficially, in my case, I have no platforms to work with -- all docs use 1-800 or digital handhelds and exchange is done on FTP site - very simple copy/paste procedure. Work is done in Word. There isn't a doc on my service I haven't done MYSELF for at least 2 weeks when I took them on and asked myself are they worth keeping? Are they good dictators? (I have virtually no ESL dictators). Did I make money? Even those specialties I didn't know and was slow at, I could refrence to find out what I didn't know --critical in our work. I don't care when MTs work and I don't try to contact them until their work is OUT of TAT - and then often get "i got busy with other stuff" reply. Shouldn't it be ME you tell when you get busy so I can still accommodate the client as I agreed to? I know life happens, and things come up, but tell ME instead of hiding. That's just being responsible. If the work I've given you isn't a good fit, then tell ME and give me a day or two to replace you.. don't just say the heck with it and walk away. But then again, if everyone was responsible in that way, I wouldn't be sitting here on Christmas day catching up work from Friday because yet another new hire just "disappeared" on
Thursday and didn't tell me till yesterday. Maybe I'm just getting old, but seems common courtesy went out somewhere in the mid 90's. HA. Thanks for listening.
Quick Question

I am wondering about the ranges of income potential.  My husband is driving me crazy with the money questions.

Any and all answers are appreciated !

Wizard is quick
I don't know that you are doing this, but I remember holding my foot on the pedal in the Wizard waiting it for tell me to lift it off...and it doesn't.   Just put your foot on each pedal it asks you to identify just a couple seconds and lift up.  Also, I found thru trial and error that you must remove the plug from the USB port each time to reset.  Not saying you're doing either one of these wrong, but I certainly did. 
I like Quick Look. My second choice would

be Drake and Drake. 

A couple of good sites are drugs dot com and prescribing reference dot com.

You can't post the links here, which is why I typed it the way I did. 

I currently have a 2003 electronic version of QuickLook and with the above references I haven't felt the need to upgrade. 





Did you look for them in Quick Parts? sm
AutoText doesn't work the same way in 2007. They are now part of the Quick Parts building blocks and you no longer get the tip box when you type your names. You can still get them to expand with F3 if you can remember the names. Otherwise, you have to get to them the long way through the Insert menu. Did you look to see if they transferred to Quick Parts? If not, you can rename your old normal.dot and take out any macros, then copy that dot file to the building blocks folder. Do this with Word closed. They should be there when you reopen Word.
They are in Quick Parts! Wow!
Now, I have to just learn how to use them!! lol
Quick question for you

If you feel the need to "agree to disagree" and you don't believe this is the place for it, then why post here?  Let those of us who enjoy this site, enjoy it in peace.

And quick way to lose your job.
I work for 2 companies and cherrypicking is the quickest way to get taken off the accounts. It is absolutely not tolerated at either place. I would not ever work for a company that allowed cherrypicking.
quick question

I am a MT with a total of 15 years experience, unfortunately I took a five year break and am having trouble getting on with the national companies.  I am working now for a small local company (clinic notes and correspondece only) and an wondering if I need to break down and take an online course and get a certificate.  Any suggestions?

One more quick note
You'd probably do best with a functional resume which highlights your skills rather than lack of recent experience.

For job search help try www.medical-transcription-and-you.com/work-from-home-medical-transcriptionist

At the bottom there's a link to an example of a functional resume. Good luck!
boy, you wised up quick! sm
someone cannot even *defend* her without feeling her wrath and fury! She is always looking for a fight, always. Biggest *troll* on this board.
Quick and easy.
I e-mailed my letter. Already written, just sign at the bottom and send. It said 109 Ohioans had sent the letter. Everyone needs to take a minute to do this!
Quick vent!!
I am so aggravated right now.  My shift was supposed to start at 6 - and now it is 8:15 and DEP still down and, unable to go back to sleep.  First it was 7, and then 7:30 and now 9.  Why can't they figure it out?  And it's my birthday, so now I will have to work that much later to make up time lost this morning, which will mean less time to spend with my family today.  Why today of all days?