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never thought I would say it, but can't wait for FALL

Posted By: need some cool air on 2005-07-25
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It is so hot here in Ohio.  The temperature can be in the high 80s or 90s but with the humidity, it puts the heat index up in the hundreds.  You can't even walk outside without feeling like you can't breath.  Can't wait for fall with the cooler air and the falling leaves.  We are holed up in the house with the curtains closed and the shades drawn and the air cranked.  Hot where you are?

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Wait a minute...I thought my son was the most beautiful

Going in the summer or the fall? If the fall, you need to be there early enough while the colors
Since you are new, just wait. Newbies have to wait. sm
Just because you said a "doctor's office" that narrows it down.  No national work for private doctor's offices.  It is all acute care.  Just wait.  They will let you know how you are doing.
Ugh.... Please don't fall for ....

this boloney!  I firmly believe that WE are creating this explosion in cases of ADHD.  The child is FOUR YEARS OLD and not developmentally ready for "school work."  In my day we went to kindergarten as our first school experience.  The emphasis was learning to be part of a group, socializing appropriately, listening to the teacher, retelling stories, and basically learning HOW to be a student.  We didn't even start reading until 1st grade.  I was reading at 2nd year college level in the 9th grade.   I know that's not how it's done anymore, but it should.  A child that age learns through play.  A few kids pick up reading at 4 or 5, but it shouldn't be forced.  Some kids don't blossom with reading until 2 grade, and it's perfectly okay.  Studies show that children pushed early on academics compared to children who are not pushed are equal by about 3rd grade, showing that the early pushing does nothing long-term towards academic success.  Reading TO your preschooler, providing stimulating play, and opportunities for socialization with other children is all they need.  I would personally find a preschool that has that belief as opposed to pushing the academics.  Your child was a newborn baby 4 years ago and now she's suppose to be doing worksheets and learning to read and do math?  I don't think it's right.

It was 24 yrs this fall, though no all of that is MT nm
Fall is my favorite
Summer is too hot!! Fall is just right and football starts!
Another vote for fall
Fall TV shows
I love to watch House. It comes on the Fox channel. It was on Tuesday's last season. Not sure yet when it will be on coming up on the new season.
Now that fall is here and I'm having to use heat my
face is dry and itchy.   I've started using a humidifier to add moisture in the air, but I need a lotion too.  I have very sensitive skin too.   I've used several OTC lotions and they haven't helped much.   Looking for a good moisturizer for all over, but mostly for the face. 
Yes, but only after I fractured it off in a fall. sm
Had a Colles fx of the radius, too. Now, if I rest my wrist the wrong way, I feel the ulnar styloid pain. You probably should get yours checked out to see if anything can be done to help. I truly feel your pain!

Fall Branch, TN, but...sm
Florida bound if we ever sell this farm!
Wow, hair fall???
I have some problems, but sure can't attribute hair fall to MT work?!!! Have that checked out, please!

My problems are: Aches and pains here and there, swollen ankles/feet (sometimes severe), and I do believe my eyesight has changed some in the past few years due to computer usage.
No fall out from me, I agree with you
People that are complaining are the ones from home, started out at home, after graduating from an online school that promised them the big bucks. Get real training (2-year degree), train at a hospital first, get your lines up, and then venture out on your own. I bet that is how the non-complainers on here did it. They were confident in their skills and line count before trying to venture out on their own. If I had done an online school, worked at a national for a year, made 100 lines an hour, I would think this career sucks too! So instead they are here crabbing. If I spent as much time on these boards complaining about the industry, I wouldn't be making any money either. Get over it, quit complaining, and get to work! I didn't even know our industry "sucked" (as so many people think it does) until I came here and read posts. Get over it or get out! It is sooooo getting old hearing about it. Same crap, different day! Can anyone tell me about an online forum where the real professionals are. I can't handle MTStars anymore. Good bye!
I fall into that category
I've been at this over 25 years. In its heyday, I have W2s showing 65-70,000. Yeah, I worked easily 55-60 hours a week, but at least I felt I had something to show for it. I'm putting the same hours at the desk, but only making a third of it now, between the lowered wages and the lack of work. I'm too old to learn an entire newly career (I'd be dead by the time I finished any lengthy course), nor do I make enough money to pay for anything; most of the time I have a hard enough time keeping the utilities on, let alone the money for classes of any sort.

I don't where the $31,000+ is being made for an 8 hour shift 5 days a week, but please point me in that direction.
How much did your income fall?
Ever heard the old saying if you dont believe in something, you'll fall for anything? while you sit
people are having true experiences that make them have hope and belief that there is something more out there.  With that attitude of yours, you're going straight to limbo!
Kids don't fall out of the sky, sweetcheeks. nm
I love fall but it is too short. nm
Anyone have any fall TV shows you are looking forward to?

Two of my favories: Judging Amy and American Dreams, have both been cancelled. I'm down to ER now - can anybody point me at something that I should be watching? No HBO at our house, just regular satellite programming, broadcast channels. I started to get into Everwood last spring....

Did you just fall off the turnip truck?
Of course it's a scam. Grow up.
Unfortunately, it will fall on deaf ears.
But give it a shot.

Sure if you have a husband to fall back on!
I wouldn't be able to raise my children on my salary alone. We would have to live at the Salvation Army!
June to October? More in fall

Son will start Princeton in the Fall. nm
Legends of the Fall with my cousin's
Brad Pitt (when he was a HUNK pre-Jolie, obviously). 
Notebook and Legends of the Fall....nm
I think we fall more into the Fred and Wilma

Flintstone category.

LOL--Agree. I fall asleep sometimes too..
just nod right off. I go back and listen, and I've always typed it correctly.
45 to 70 minutes, if I don't fall asleep. nm
I actually did fall asleep once, and kept typing.
When I semi-woke up at the end of the report I sent it in without extra proofing...had to do some fancy explaining the next day!  Now when I get that way, I take a 20-minute nap (set a timer).  It really does help for a couple of hours. 
October! Love the colors of fall
I feel so alive!
Fall is my favorite also - love Football!
Is it accurate that Fall is a slow time for MTs? sm

For the last two years I have been doing Urgent Care/ ER work and have not noticed any slow down but I am now doing multispecialty clinic work and I keep hearing about a big slow down.  Can anyone shed some light on the subject for me.  TIA

Admin, how do you get the snowflakes to fall on this site? SM
I help administer a website (not MT-related) and would love to have this effect. I've seen it other places too. How do you do this? Thanks.
Hmmm.what's going to happen within the next 5 years? Is the sky going to fall and

like the dinosaurs, wipe out all the MTs?  Is a meteorite going to hit?  MT's not going anywhere.  Get over it people.

jobs don't fall off trees, have you noticed?
and the state labor board is like AAMT (s/b IAMT, Indian Assoc of Med. Trans.) not REALLY for the employee, if you know what I mean. Have they done anything for you?
You'd probably be AMAZED at how many people do fall for these things.
I totally understand that money does not fall from the sky....sm

What I was asking was if anyone had any suggestions on how to "make" money not it fall from the sky...Good grief! 


We are going to public in the Fall after 3 years at private - sm
I would have liked to go another year or 2 at the private but the cost is outrageous (over $6K a child and I have 2), plus they beat another $1K out of you over the course of the year for trips, teacher gifts, fundraisers, etc. Next year my monthy cost would have been over what we pay for the mortgage (and that is not counting the bus fee ($275 with the bus stop 6 miles away), student fees, and some other fee the stick in there). I do like the school but the headmaster (new as of 2 years ago) is dragging the school down and out right lies, so between him and the escalating cost we are putting our 2 in public next year. Our local school has a very good rep though and classes are only 1 or 2 students larger than what mine were in anyway. I checked them out before registering them there. My DH is not happy about it but he is coming around finally. But if they hate it (which I doubt) I will begrudingly put them back in the private school the following year (as long as the tuition doesn't jump up another $400....headmaster is already talking increases for the following year if enrollment keeps dropping....ya think the high cost has anything to do with it??? That and that fact that 6 teachers/aides quit at the end of the school year (big shock), the school is only K-8 (and preschool).
No, but it is hard not to fall in love with a house. sm
Glad you will be able to back out of this, though.  There will be another house for you, without the previous damage.  good luck.
Sounds interesting! Since you have a lot to fall back on (sm)
such as an employed husband, and your MT/editing skills, there certainly seems to be little to no risk. You could always try it, and if it's not your cup of tea, you can always go back to MT work.

Good luck, and above ALL -- have FUN!
The company I work for will not have the platform until this fall. sm
I just got a heads up since my computer will not work with Escription. I'm trying to decide whether to replace my Office software, or get a backup computer. Thanks.
Fall is nice, but it's too close to Christmas so I vote for
in-laws raise cattle and sells them-6 available for this fall
a nutritionist also told me that grass-fed cows are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (unlike grain-fed cows). I have tried to offer them to a few friends but none seemed interested.

In-laws used to raise cows purely for family consumption (4 families in all, sharing one cow per year). But interested friends asked last year if my in-laws would be interested in selling. The idea brewed so now we have 6 to go. No buyers yet, though. Grass-fed and roaming freely, with names and treated like pets, cleaned and taken care of like their very own children, we have peace of mind consuming meat of cattle we raised rather than buy from grocery stores. Same thing with veggies. Sad thing we only have 5 months to plant and harvest. I do can what I can (pasta sauces, tomato salsa, pickles, etc.) and store onions and potatoes. My mother-in-law raises chickens also, for year-round egg supply. We buy our milk from a local farm (pasteurized unhomogenized). My sis-in-law gets milk from her own cows, raises pigs and chickens as well. I hope to be able to raise pigs and chickens next year, too. To me, these are the truly good food, not those in the restaurants/grocery stores.
Fall recipe ideas. whats for dinner?
first rule in riding school was: Learn how to fall...
no really. learn to tuck and curl up, and roll if you get bucked or thrown off. never ride alone.

horses sense fear; if you show it, or your voice even has one iota of fear in in, forget it, your horse will take control over YOU and have you doing what he/she wants.

use simple commands with a confident strong voice. show the horse respect and the horse will also respect you.

try bareback; it really gives you a chance to 'bond.' do you own the horse or are you just riding a different horse each time at a stable?

you need a relationship with the animal as well. groom them, show them affection, but NEVER let them have the upper hand.

when I first got my horse she used to throw me all the time. she would even throw her head so far back it would almost hit me. no one would ride her but me, but after a lot of time and patience (think of them as a 2-year-old child) they will come around. they need to trust you...

by all means, you must get right back on, if they do throw you or 'spook.' my sister had an ex-race horse, thoroughbred, who spooked at his own shadow, literally. I never did warm up to him, but he was like a one-person horse...

how lucky you are, I miss riding so much!
43/Married/1 daughter starting college in the fall.
heading there this fall..feel free to share
what to see when and where!!

even supervisors fall prey to the clics and clans--sm
the others think they are buttering up her good side, to get what they think they want and trying to make others look bad. That happens even on this board, as I had said earlier, before my post was removed. Supervisors fall on one side of the fence or the other, just as well as lay people. Personally, I wouldn't trust any of them. Just do your job and turn a deaf ear and blind eye to all the office politics. Things will be better down the road. Trust in that. Good luck to you.
I am starting back in my Master's program in the fall sm

I don't have to work too long of hours to get my $3200 a month, the problem is that ONE THIRD of it goes for taxes and insurance (ins portion is a big old $130 a month of that 1/3). 

I can't sit still most days, although I do all right money wise.  I am knowing that this is a dying career choice and what I am going into is not.  It is not medical either, which is just fine.  I have had careers as a banker, a child care provider, a dressmaker and now an MT.  All very different and so, I feel like I can go and be a mental health professional and like it.  I have so many people who come to me with their problems, it isn't even funny.  Even my last therapist has started coming to me for things. Honestly, if this is the case I should be getting paid for my time. I need to go and get some more initials behind my name.  I only have a BA there now, and this will be MS...

i still use my fan even during fall/winter and turn it towards the wall but drowns out noises. nm