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never said (some) hispanics were not criminals

Posted By: I asked if they didn't believe....sm on 2006-04-29
In Reply to: hispanics are not criminals???? - madhattie

I merely asked if white americans were not a big part of the crime glut in the usa...that's all -

They, the posters, some of them, were attacking ALL the immigrants for ALL the crime in the USA...

puhleezeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....give us a break........



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    hispanics are not criminals????
    You're a moron if you think all the crime in this country is done by white males.

    People are people - Hispanics are no better than anyone else. I won't waste my breath with you because you are obviously too ignorant to be aware of any thought except your own.

    You need to do some research, read a book or talk to someone in law enforcement or the prison system about your ignorant comments.
    Criminals? You calling veterans criminals? How judgmental of you. LOL. nm
    You forgot Hispanics and Asians.
    hispanics are not the only illegal immigrants here in the US.
    Depending in what part of the US you live in you will find more of one race than others. Think of it, are you willing to pick strawberries (back breaking work), cotton, or any other type of hard, physical labor? Most of the immigrants are humble and very hard working people (I am more familiar with the Hispanic culture).
    criminals love tattoos,
    does that tell you anything? (dumb!) They look trashy on a person, and affect the way others look at you. Why not put a bumper sticker on your car instead -- at least you can remove that more easily.
    Oh, don't you know that it's society's fault these people are criminals???
    Inmates should not live better than any citizen. They are criminals; therefore, should be lucky to
    trailer parks and low level housing is where criminals generally go.
    not too many criminals have good jobs to afford a nice house. i know of child molester filled neighborhood because there are no restrictions, no HOA and the houses are low income homes. no this doesn't only happen in trailer parks but crime statistically happens more often in worse neighborhoods and more ex-criminals statistically live in lower level neighborhoods.