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Posted By: Romey on 2005-08-09
In Reply to: I read your post below, thank you and.... - animal advocate

Not sure about the changes to the factory farming, but the changes most anti-factory farming people want is to get people to eliminate meat from their diet, thus ending the need for these farms. Each person doing their small part, makes a big difference in the long run. I was a big carnivore, cannot believe I am a vegitarian now, still lots and lots of food to eat, a little limited when dining out, but not really, even the restaurants are catering to the vegitarians more and more each day. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

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Another veg head here, but I cook meat for my men. Just make sure my eats don't have meat broth o
Eat less meat or no meat
Lots of beans, tofu shakes, whole-grain cereals, rice and breads, green and other veggies.  Meat is expensive, especially if you're feeding several. Cut back on carbonated drinks, also not good for you.. 
meat is not for me
I have been a vegetarian since 1979.  I did it for ethical reasons and because I dont eat anything that had a face.  The smell and look of meat makes me sick to my stomach. 
Meat in your diet?
That is a misconception that we need meat in our diets, we do not need meat at all, there are many other sources of protein out there to substitute for the meat, please go to the many vegitarian sites for more information.
it is not wrong to eat meat

and that comes from God's own word.  It is not unhealthy either, done in moderation. Our ways of growing or cooking the meat may be unhealthy, no doubt esp combined with lack of exercise. and yes, it is wrong to be cruel to animals.  Much of our problem is based on mass production, which is now the 'norm'.  We have all but eliminated the small farms in favor of this mass production.  Small farms don't need to have cesspools of waste, they don't stink and the animals live a natural pleasant life as intended. But when we go to using feedlots, and finish the beef out, for example, with grain, which is unnatural to their digestive system (starting the grain has to be done methodically and gradually or it kills them), we create different physical reactions in the meat which I believe has caused ill health in humans (along with the unnecessary vetting).  Yes, the chicken farms and slaughter houses etc are managed terribly, nasty and mostly with inhumane operations.  How to avoid this and still eat meat?  Seek out those who raise range-fed chickens (a natural environment), or raise beef that are not given growth hormones or unnecessary routine antibiotics. You will never have mad cow disease for example on purely grass-fed beef. These growers are around.  I have a nephew in MO who offers this alternative.  We ourselves used to offer such in the way of chicken -- these "natural farmers" generally struggle to make a living, but if you want healthy meat, want an alternative to mass production, seek them out. 

Yuck, I don't eat red meat, but (sm)

do eat some chicken for more protein.  Also eat lots of fruit with cottage cheese and lots of green, leafy vegetables.  Also, a way to get more protein is nuts, like cashews or almonds and feta cheese with your salads.

For lunch today is pasta with some cheese biscuits with garlic salt, also a green salad with feta cheese.  Melons with cottage cheese for a snack.  No meat at all and I don't miss it!  You get used to it.

meat loaf
Next time you make meat loaf, make it your regular way, put half mixture in loaf pan, take a can of green chilies....put pieces of pepper-jack cheese in each chile and close them. Add top layer of mixture, cook as you usually do. You'll love it!
And, the meat in the grocery store comes
I believe that if you buy "beef" it comes from cows, an animal. I believe if you buy "chicken" it comes from chickens, an animal.
first was no meat, then vegetarian, now trying vegan...
although, I am not obsessive about it all...

no animal has to suffer for me.

I do have to cook meat for my boyfriend, but as I said I am not a fanatic. I try to buy local meat and use chickens (and eggs) that are not from electric cages, or that have not been fed steroids, antibiotics, etc.
Imitation crab meat.
I know, I know - yuck, but hey, I'm a guy. I don't know how to cook!
ditto. too much water boils the meat.
read recipes for crock pots.
I'm a vegetarian so not buying meat saves,
but also, the more *fixed* food is, the more expensive it is - for example, if I want soup, I buy the ingredients and make it myself, plus it tastes better and isn't loaded with garbage I don't need like salt and fat.

I don't buy extras - candles have been out for a long time - I have a few in case of power failure, but nothing fancy. I don't have a cell phone, or anything other than basic TV. I buy clothes at thrift stores (which is actually a lot of fun), and I never hang out at malls - impulse buying is out.

Get an extra plastic bottle and pour half your shampoo into it, then fill with water. Most people use way too much shampoo, conditioner, etc - dilute w/water - does the same job and lasts way longer.

If you will search around the web with Google, you can come up with hundreds of ways to save money - most of us buy stuff we don't need simply because we are lazy or we think our every desire needs to be gratified.

It's mostly just excess baggage; it is amazing how good it feels to not need *stuff* to feel good.

the potpourri idea is fabulous!!, plus don't forget the wonderful scent of herbs you can grow yourself to mix with the cinnamon, etc.

Good luck and have fun!
oops! meant meat cutter.
meat loaf, Mrs.T's pierogies, beets
Stove Top Dressing Meat loaf
with home made smashed potatoes, gravy and brussel sprouts....tomorrow night, sketti and meatballs, made with the extra Stove Top mixture.
And where exactly do you think that the meat in the grocery store comes from?? ANIMALS!
Meat cooking is harder, IMHO
Remebering my childhood as an animal eater, I think it is harder cooking for meat eaters and way more expensive than vegetarian foods.
Try the meat baby foods by Gerber.
That is making ends meet, not meat by the way.
Please don't flame me, but I'm glad somebody eats meat. That's how my husband supports us,
cutter. I do think that everyone has the right to make the choice whether to eat meat or not. Some days I want meat really bad, and other days I can do without it. I'm glad that I live in a country where I can make the choice for myself and everyone else can make their own choice, too.
Orchiette, home-made meat sauce, salad, YUM!

Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, beef gravy, fried okra.
Why not provide the meat and have every bring a side dish, appy, or dessert? You're looking at to
I just make like a meat loaf mixture with egg, cracker crumbs, salt, pepper, egg and milk. SM
Form into patties, cook with some chopped or sliced onions, then add an envelope of gravy mix and water, cook a few minutes. Easy, you can add other stuff or use canned gravy. Enjoy!