maybe not "back to school", but maybe a class or something sm
Posted By: wannaknow on 2005-07-27
In Reply to: I just learned rad after 16 yrs of acute care. - See Msg
like a training/refresher course! Sheesh, I was just askin'!
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In our Sunday School class, now we teach!nm
The high school class took a graduation trip sm
to Aruba. I guess every parent that let their child go on the graduation trip was in bad judgement. There are many HS trips out of the country. Please get a grip.
I was taught two spaces in high school typing class
places want only one space. BOS (pg 66, 2nd Ed) says either/or but be consistent, and that it is usually is set by company/client, but I've definitely noticed that most MTSOs want only one space and that's how I always do it now.
It was a graduation trip with the high school class. There were chaperones but evidently sm
she went out on her own, but for you the blame the parents and victims dosen't make sense. Go back to your rocking chair and rock on.
Union County High School; Blairsville, Georgia (class of 81)
POLL: Home School vs. Charter School vs. Public School vs. Priv ate School...
Pros and cons of each too. I have two little ones that will be starting school soon and I would like opinions on all. Thanks in advance! :)
"Back in the day"...............
I moved to a new town in 1979, and one afternoon soon after, went looking for transcription work. I wrote down the names of the 4 nearest hospitals to where I was living. I went to all of them cold -- didn't even call first, or see if they had ads in the paper. Just went. In one afternoon, I got offers from all four.
The first one I went to was a VA hospital. It had by far the nicest people there, and happy-looking MTs. But their pay offer was the lowest, and they were still working on old dictaphones that recorded onto belts.
One, which had a small transcription department, and really hadn't been looking to hire, was so thrilled that the computer I'd been using at my previous job was exactly the same kind they had (Lexitron) that they offered to knock out a wall and construct the space for me, if I was willing to wait about 2 weeks!
The next was a huge hospital. I filled out an application and stood in line. The person taking the applications was turning the nurses ahead of me in line away, saying they weren't hiring at the moment, so I just handed them my application, turned on my heel and walked away. That same person came literally running after me out in the lobby saying, 'Wait! Wait! You're a medical transcriber? When can you start?'
The last hospital, which had offered the same pay as the previous one, basically sat me down then and there, handed me a bunch of work, and I started transcribing. We worked out the 'details' (official hire, interview, etc.) about a week later.
Fast-forward to 2009: The pay is less than it was back in 1979. We work far longer hours. Instead of competing in any way, shape or form for the services of experienced, proven MT's, instead we're repeatedly told we're 'lucky to have a job at all.'
Thank you, AHDI. Now why don't you go pick on some OTHER American industry (say, banking or the stock market?) and leave those of us who have always worked hard, and truly DO deserve a job, and better pay, the heck alone!
No - "back-end" is
...and in that case, you would be using a microphone headset and could possibly create a voice command that would restore your volume quickly.
As much as I hate referring you back to your tech department, I'm afraid that this is one of those situations that they really should handle. I'm sorry that they make it so unpleasant to deal with them - but it's not the first time I've heard THAT story, believe me. I've no idea why tech people seem to act that way, but it's a very common complaint.
Good luck!
sometimes I have to click "Back" 5 or 6 times
depending on the number of related messages I have read. The Back button will eventually take me there, I just wondered if I was missing a function where, when I'm done with the thread, I can click once to go back to the original point where the thread started on the main page. Is this something the Moderator knows an answer to or would consider a suggestion?
I did that with 2 kids with time mgmt and a high school girl who babysat 3 days a week after school
The cost of running a private school or any school is expensive....
Why do you think public schools are so run down and can't find good teachers? Because the government and people to not put forth the effort or $$$$ to improve the educational system.
The School of Hard Knocks is the best MT school
class 0-6
found this site via google of spelled-out form:
MT class
I am wondering about how much transcribing is expected to be done a day. Number of reports, lines or maybe pages. I only have my students two times a week for one hour at a time. I don't want to give them too much or too little. Thank you.
What a class act
I think your line "Shove it where the sun don't shine" says it all. Medquist must be so proud to have you as an employee.
If you are classified as a Statutory Employee you can use the deduction. Be very careful. Got to pulldown menu self-employed......You don't have to guess. You have to know the square footage of your dwelling, the square footage of the room you use as an office to get a % of what is used for work. Add up all of the utilities, interest, mortage, and multiply the %. That is your deduction. Sch C is probably easier. Home off deduction does you NO good if you have a NOL (net operating loss) from business earnings.
And then there is no class
I also did this. One class from my BA.
I'm weighing my options and may go ahead towards a Master's degree but ultimately, I did so for the same reasons. In 5 years there are going to be so many MTs vying for fewer jobs that it will drive down wages and I'm not going there. So, I'll just learn to do something else.
You said it - in a word - class
The man just does his job (extremely well)and goes home to his family. No stupid hollywood publicity stunts, no games.
The class action against MQ by MTs should be about
forget about Ricca laws and tying it to hospitals and line counts.
They have lied and done smoke and mirrors to the point that there
probably could be a case made for that alone.
And why do we never hear anything more about the SEC case?
And the FBI case against MQ for sending military information over
unsecured lines?
What happened to all that?
We met in a Flirting class!
Class action...
I was involved in several of these suits - most of them with Medquist - and the biggest check I ever got was $3.61.
Once was middle class.
I was going to agree with you at first, but.... There is always food on the table, bills are paid. Have pretty much what I need, but as I get older I care about having a lot less. Certainly not rich, neither of us will be able to retire any time soon, although had we planned better, we might have been able to. So I guess that put's us sort of in the middle, huh?
Hardly. We will always have and need a middle class.
The middle class is supporting everyone. This is a socialistic society.
I work and make money to pay for my stuff.
I work and make money to pay for YOUR stuff.
Believe me, there is a need for a middle class in a society like this one. They're just apprehensive to use the "S" word because it sounds too much like *gasp* Communism!
Yes, we will always NEED a middle class,
but don't think it will ALWAYS be there....just look around you.... Maybe when the rich have to take care of the "working poor" we will see a turn-around, but then again maybe they'll just "forget" them. Don't have much faith in this economy. The poor are being ripped of any programs that existed just a few years ago. By the time the "middle class" hits bottom, there will be no help, no kind of any social programs in existance, just the rich and poor. Which will you be? Yeah, yeah, I'm pessimistic, but also realistic.
Sometimes - and taking a class
Maybe a computer class a little more advance than you are used to or a pick up one of the classes meant for LPNs or RNs (maybe just to sit in), a lecture from someone in the field, etc.
Class of 2006
Who said 0.00 because its just a high school graduation? My middle son just graduated this year and we did give him a huge graduation party with a buffet, cake, ice cream, balloons, napkins imprinted with his name and "Class of 2006" on them, etc. We did the party here in our home on a Sunday afternoon and invited family, close friends and a few teachers he had kept in touch with through the years. Yes, it was his job to earn the diploma and such was expected of him; however, the party was our reward to him for a job well done. He did receive lots of gifts -- some were money, some were things for college, etc. The monetary gifts ranged from $5 to $200. My son was just as grateful for the $5 gifts as he was for the $200 (grandparents). He also received only cards from a few people who attended, and he was still grateful for their sharing his special day. One of the gifts he was most excited about was a gift card to a bookstore. He spent a couple of hours wandering around trying to decide what books he wanted to purchase. Another gift he cherishes to this day is "A Book of Prayers for the Graduate." Don't give more than you can afford. If a card is the best one can do, then its enough because they're acknowledging an accomplishment and milestone in a young adult's life.
Me too and I have to take a math class, but I need to do something else, sm
cant outsource eating LOL
It is not a class action suit as of yet
It is not certified class action because MQ filed for the proceedings to be held in NJ with all the other law suits. Therefore, this is stalling the certification of the suit to class action. They have received numerous calls over the checks.
Of course they cannot offer legal advise as they are not representing all MQ MTs as of yet, it is still the original 3 that filed, but I don't think it would be wise to cash it. That is just me. I know there are those that will disagree and call me names, but thats my two cents.
Does the class action include the DEP
platform? Somewhere, don't remember where now, I thought I read the class action was about the old platform MedRite and was for a certain range of years. Is there info out there that the class action pertains to DEP also?
Am I lost - is this English class
Excuse me, Miss Smarty Pants - but this is NOT English class - go teach English somewhere else if you such strong desire!
Good for you. You've got class.
That is a lesson you're passing on to your kids. I don't blame you for being upset, but you should be pround of yourself for not asking for a handout.
Well by the looks of the class of people who have entered this
I think the majority of them actually are of an unskilled factory worker caliber. You see people on here with no respect for education and who resent others who do have degrees, you see people on here who are often at the doors of destitution and can't think outside the box to improve their quality of life, you see people living with relatives because they can't even afford a home of their own be it rented or owned, you see people on here who are bragging about their husbands making 10 dollars an hour as if that's really good money. Scary what's happened to the MT world. This used to be a respectable job, but not any more. It started going downhill when we left the hospitals and started working at home, which was good for us from a convenience standpoint, but it made a lot of people let themselves go physically since they didn't have to leave the house, it started attracting the socially inept because they didn't want to leave the house either, and the solitude of it all just made a lot of people miserable and angry. No thanks.
Back to school for me!
aerobics class 3x a week
gets me out of the house and mix with other people which helps, too.
I was in a class action suit once & got $600
A friend says to you, "I'm going to take the MT class to become an MT in 4 months."
A friend with children who wants to work at home, never typed a day in her life.
Share it with the rest of the class!
Agree that Linda was a class act, but...
She wasn't from that Eastman family.
Look at it this way, he will probably need it for more than 1 class eventually; or my daughter
needed Word which at the time I did not have, so our alternative was for her to stay after school and use their computers as I could not afford the program then.
Convinced the middle class.
Thinking of challenging a class - sm
I have been in transcription for nearly 20 years but I'm back in school. One of the classes I can challenge for the nursing program is Medical Terminology. It has been years and years since I took the class and the credit is too old. My options are taking it over or challenging. I would prefer to challenge.
My question is.......... does anyone know of a website where I can take a FREE practice medical terminology test?
I received an opt-out of a class action
lawsuit involving a certain MTSO and the other party involved (think it was formerly AAMT). Anyway, since I won't get a dime even after having been ripped off all those years, I just threw it in the garbage. AAMT, or whatever they call themselves now, plans on keeping ALL settlement monies for their greedy little selves.
When I worked for the MTSO there were rumors flying around about the 90 character line count that was then converted to 55 characters before going to the client. The MTSO pocketed the rest. Guess it really wasn't a rumor after all. How sad.
To be SUCCESSFUL at MT, you'll need more than 1 class in transcribing. sm
However, you are off to a good start having had A&P and terminology and being a coder. Unfortunately, personal experience and family history don't give you all that much preparation for a career in MT, nor does just working in a medical office. But, if you are a successful coder, you do have a better base to build on. Coding and MT are very different, but you do have exposure and familiarity with more medical terms than the average person would. To be truly prepared for a career in MT, and I stress that it is a career, I have to suggest a full MT program, preferably one that includes a practicum/internship in its curriculum. If you continue to work in a medical office, I would look into who currently does their transcription, and see if you can practice on old tapes that they may have, see how you do on your first attempt at transcribing. Of course you won't be great right away, but it will at least give you a realistic vision into the actual work.
Ever hear of Working Class Hero?
If that doesn't make him a hero, I don't know what does! :)
In catechism class as an adult, they told us - sm
told us "it's better to remain as you are, but get married if you absolutely must." This was a group of people mostly over 40 who were studying to become Catholic.
I was involved in a class action suit
against PayPal, probably 2 years ago, haven't seen a penny. I was in a class action suit another time, can't remember who, and I did get some $$, I think about $15.00. I don't initiate anything, just get e-mails or letters about them.
I am part of three class action lawsuits.
Franklin-Templeton mutual fund apparently committed fraud while I was invested with them, Fen-Phen (the doctor's office notified me; sheduled me for a carotid ultrasound and had me come to a Radisson Hotel to meet with the attorneys) and MQ which I never really heard from but read about and this fraud took place while I worked there...
Bottom line is people should really not be getting money out of other peoples' pockets by fraudulent means.
What middle class? No longer exists. sm
Just two classes now.
I like Laura Bush, She has alot of class.
If we want to get personal about the husband situation, then I mean come on, who can forget all of Bill Clintion's antics?? Ole' Hillary stayed w' him just to further her career. To me personally, When I look at the current Bushs I can see they they like each other, even DARE I DAY IT< LOVE each other. With the Clinton's all you got was cold air from Hillary, but then again who can blame her? But she is the one who I don't feel bad for her at all.
THESE ARE JUST MY OPINIONS!!!!!! Everyone have a wonderful day!!!!
glitazone is a class of drugs, Avandia, etc.
America's middle class is disappearing, which (sm)
the country SHOULD be worried about, as we pay most of its bills. The very poor do not, and the rich have too many loopholes.