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lots of water before eating

Posted By: sm on 2005-08-17
In Reply to: Has anyone tried the green tea thing for weight loss? nm - need to lose more than a few

I haven't tried this myself, but I recently read an article about two very overweight men who lost tons of weight (not quickly, but gradually).  Both exercised every day, starting off with very little and gradually working it up, and one of them said he also drank something like a liter of water before each meal, which filled up his stomach so he got full fast and it really helped him cut back on how much he was eating.  I thought it sounded logical.

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Water here, too. I fill water bottles halfway and freeze them
so I have ice water for the entire day.  It's easier than trying to cram ice cubes down the little mouths of the bottles.  I confess to having coffee, Earl Grey tea and a cola today because I'm too tired from the idiots who were rodding their cars around in front of the house from midnight until 3:00 a.m. last night.  Oh, well.  At least I'm off today.
BBQ, slaw, cornbread, ham, casseroles, lots of veggies, chicken pastry, lots of desserts!! BIG fami
Lots of inexpensive decorations at Big Lots. Had a party last year.
LOTS and LOTS of video tapes and DVDs.
I have tried WW but they had me eating more than i normally do
I ended up putting on weight instead of losing. I ate strictly their food which is totally expensive. I had another grocery bill aside from my family's. I could not stay with them.

They say if you eat 1300 calories that you will lose even without exercise. Bull. you have to work those calories off if you eat them to lose weight.

Horrible experience. I had lost 20 pounds on my own, but then gained 10 back from WW. I am disgusted with them.
I would be too after eating that! LOL
You would have to do a lot of hat-eating ...
... I believe. What in the world makes you think you have the monopoly on written and spoken English? If it wasn't so sad that you actually really believe that, it would be laughable.
Yes, but, when they are eating something
I often wonder what it is!!! For many years I was disgusted at these lack of manners. Then, for some reason, my rich inner life and imagination kicked in. The other day, a doc may have been eating a sandwich, I wonder what kind? Chips, I want some too! Crunch, crackle, etc. It sounds good. Whatever it is I wanted to know right then what it was and I wondered why I was not asked by the nurse if I wanted take out too LOL. (Partially sarcastic post, but sometimes true, I do get hungry and wonder what tastes so good...)
Doc eating
Okay, I am instantly angry because, not only am I sitting here editing VR which is incompetent, but I have to listen to a know-it-all woman doc chomping salad in my ear.  Poof Im gone.  How rude and inconsiderate can they be? 
I would rather have the eating
and even that gross snot sucking, throat clearing thingy...than to have to listen to 3000 seconds of hold music. They graduated medical school, why can they not figure out the dictation equipment?
healthy eating

What are the healthiest fruits and veggies to eat?  I know raw veggies are supposed to be better for you too and that frozen is better than canned.  Any other advice?  Thanks.


It's like my mom used to say about eating vegetables:
Chinese, especially when eating something. nm
Chewing gum/eating

One Russian psychiatrist actually ate an entire apple while dictating, and her accent could hardly be understand to begin with.  We're talking right off the boat.

I particularly like someone eating an item wrapped in paper, because then you get both the chomping and the crackling.

And gum chewers (of which I've had several) who slurp, smack and actually crack the gum into the phone. 

Also, eating like a poor person
is not always a bad thing. I do need to lose some weight. :0)
Never said she was big...maybe it is stress, not on an eating schedule, whatever.
Not that she needed to at all; she just did! Sorry!
I'd rather have the eating than the snot sucking
That just grosses me out so badly. Blow your nose for cryin' out loud!
So while Yuck's mother was eating diarrhea...
she was being molested???  My goodness.  I would be just as sick as Yuck is.  No wonder she is so messed up.  POOR MOLESTED YUCK!
So none of you holy rollers are eating on Easter
GUILTY!!! Im a holy roller but I will definitely be eating too!!!!!
and what he did for all of US
Teenage eating disorders question...sm


I'm convinced that my stepdaughter is developing an eating disorder but am having a hard time convincing my husband of the same.  The 15-year-old girl has lost I think at least 30 pounds in the past few weeks and refuses to eat more than a few bites and wants to just drink prune juice to help her poop.   She won't listen to me that you have to eat in order to have something to poop and is obsessed that she's not pooping every day but also says she's not going to eat.  

She was previously overweight but now is what I think is a weight that she looks good.  I'm concerned that she's going to end up ill if she doesn't start eating consistently.  My husband seems to think this is just a fad she's going through.

Any ideas, suggestions, etc? 

I would do research on eating disorders and get some facts.
and not in an accusing way. Also Tyra, Oprah, Dr. Phil, they all have had and will continue to have shows on this issue. If you catch one, tape it and watch it with your husband and then get her to watch it. She may have a low self-esteem from being overweight and needs some encouragement and love. Spend time with her and show interest in things she is interested. I am sure Dr. Phil's web site addresses this issue and gives advice. Is her mother in the picture, and can the two of you talk? If so, I would talk to her. You need everybody on the same page IMO.
Good Luck
Eating their lunch/dinner while dictating
I have a doctor from Croatia who is hard enough to understand with his "ah" and 'um" but when he's crunching carrots in the middle of it?  Forget it. 
I heard you get lung cancer by eating animals.
My 3 sons are eating me outta house and home too! :) NM
Yep if I needed a job, beats not eating/paying bills - nm
The lady who sent out e-mail should have quit eating hot dogs all weekend
Instead of sending out offensive e-mails to all of us maybe she should have gotten up off of her lawn chair and quit eating hot dogs all labor day weekend and pitched in if things weren't up to her standards.
DSG was very nice to me, but I left because of the damned DQS software eating all the lines! nm
they tried, but he kept eating peanut butter crackers after he swallowed them, so it was too hard to
If not in suburban Denver, 4 words...granola eating tree huggers.
Since I gave up eating sugar and refined carbs, I don't crave chocolate sm
I gave up sugar and refined carbs in March of 2004 and I don't crave anything "bad" anymore. I actually had withdrawal-type symptoms for a few days though.

I feel much, much better now :)
Not much different than eating French toast with a side of bacon and scrambled eggs w/cheese. nm
Practice eating gross things w/o gagging, learn to do puzzles and amp up physical endurance.
Study and find out what type of profile you may fit under and act accordingly. Quiet low-key people have won and I think they had the ability to read other people (Sandra and the last winner). Then there are the born leaders who form an allegiance with groupies who trust them (Rob). Just see where you fit personality wise and physically and plan ahead.
A water gun would and should get a kid SM

disciplined, IMO. It's a toy and should stay home and not come to school.

At my grandson's daycare they get kicked out for making guns out of Legos! No guns in school anywhere, any time, any shape, form or fashion.

Lord, we made bazookas out of big sticks, rifles out of smaller ones, and handguns out of little bent ones. Then we proceeded to kill each other all over the place - the difference is that we didn't do it when we grew up.

Coffee and a big cup of ice water so far...nm
Yes, and that same jug of water costs how much after it's
been paid for with tax dollars, hauled in on trucks, and handed out by National Guardsmen and FEMA workers who are being paid and are away from their own families? That little jug of water costs more to the taxpayers than Perrier.
yes, and running water too.
The largest end goes in the water. nm
water mark
try rubbing cigar ash into the watermark
Don't put in dishwasher, water gets too hot, but you

can wash in the tub or shower.   I've washed mine 3 times in the shower.  I don't use anything, just hot water and run over it a few times, let it sit for a bit and then run water again to get anything really sticky off.  I then shake it upside down really good and then place it upside down on a towel near a vent to dry.  It takes me 3 days to get it dried out good.  I've used it in 2 days and kept getting errors, so let it dry a third day and no problems. 

You can take a warm damp cloth and wipe over the keyboard. I would suggest unplugging it from the computer so you don't reprogram something.  I also take an index card and run it down between the keys.  You'd be surprised how much dust/animal hair you get out.  I also turn my keyboard over and thumb it a couple of times on my tray and that gets out a lot of crumbs.


I really wish I could make myself drink more water..
but as a hazard of being a southern girl, I drink tea all day like it's going out of style
Freezing water in bottles
It's great that you drink ice water, but I read that freezing water in plastic bottles leaches chemicals from the plastic into your water (potential cancer cause). Better to use those new ice cube trays that make finger-shaped ice cubes!
chug a glass of water
doesn't have both oars in the water
He doesn't have both oars in the water. nm
Your argument does not hold water.
A hurricane in those areas of Texas may indeed have never been so far inland, but that's the nature of natural disasters. For 4 years now Homeland Security has been trying to drill it into the minds of the American people that you need to be prepared for ANYTHING. Maybe next time it will be a terrorist hit. Maybe an earthquake along New Madrid. Don't you believe your survival should be dependent on yourself? Or do you expect the govt to swoop in and take care of it for you? The sheeple need to wake up. Get prepared and stay prepared!
I drink only unsweetened tea or water...
Have you ever made those water candles?
When I was a young teenager, we would make the water candles in a bucket of water. Got burned more than I care to think about. Made some pretty awesome-looking candles though!
Holy cow, wonder what is in that poor cat's water??
How is THAT warm water? hmmm? LOL..nm