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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

lines in editing

Posted By: Long time MT on 2008-10-23
In Reply to: 7 cpl/3 cpl - Kandi

because they say you are supposed to be able to do 400-600 lines per hour in Editing mode.  i don't know anybody who is doing that.

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This was also editing lines...sm
not transcription lines. On top of that, this was more than likely all light editing which only requires that the blanks be filled in and there are a maximum of 3 blanks per report. She is a manager and has access to the system and chooses the easiest accounts and reports. This girl will put her nose to the grindstone and do nothing but edit for hours on end as fast and furiously as she possibly can. There is no real secret to how she does it at all.
Editing - lines per hour
Thank you for your responses.

Eva - to clarify on the editing, we currently pay our transcriptionists per line on the entire batch of files they edit (not VR files) transcribed by our ICs. Some ICs are on "blanks only" status as we are confident that their content is correct and only need help with the blanks. Some of our ICs are on "full read" status to pick up random grammatical errors or other quirky things they ICs miss. And our trainees, of course, are on "full listen, full read" status. I think this would be the status most in line with VR files as we know there are way too many inaccuracies with VR at this point.

I personally have used VR to try to get a feel for the challenges we are going to be facing and have trained the system rather minimally using the Medical version of Dragon. I have found it to be probably 95% accurate with the exception of patient names and a few words. However, I know I have trained it more extensively than most of our doctors are going to.

I appreciate your input.

I am still curious, however, if most ICs that do editing for transcribed work (not VR) are being paid for entire batches of files, or just on individual files they edit or fill in blanks for, and am still looking for averages for edited lines per hour. Any ideas?
Lines per hour editing
Thank you! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Actually that's right in line with what I was thinking - 500-600 lines per hour.

We pay our editors hourly but are looking at finding a per line rate that is comparable to an average hourly rate of $15-18 per hour. At 0.03 per line, that would be about right.
I average 600 lines an hour on ES - editing, sm
transcribing 400 lph.

I have been working this platform for about 3 years now.

Using the shortcut keys and not the mouse helps tremendously in an awesome line count average.

Hope this information helps.
3000 lines - 6 hours- VR editing. nm
Isnt it easy to burn through 500 lines per hour, though, editing?
I found out a long time ago that there are two kinds of editing.. one is editing MTs work (like QA)
and the other is editing as in VR. I have done VR editing, but when I put down this as experience on a resume, I was asked by the HR person if this meant that I had "edited" other MTs work. I think there is a lot of confusion out there and I wish they would just keep that as QA instead of calling it editing. Just be clear in what you want to edit as most companies that expect you to "edit" other MTs in a QA position do require you have a lot of experience. If you just going for VR editing, which is what Transcend has available and there are a few companies out there doing VR, none of which I think really require much experience as it is easy to learn. Hope I made some sense and it can be pretty confusing on how companies use the term "editing" thus it effects their expectations as far as experience goes.
Editing is the higher skill. I earn more editing SM
because I'm able to produce more--if the company doesn't adjust the way production's figured down and down again to keep the account from going elsewhere (when that happened to me on EditScript with no explanation of why my income was dropping, I went elsewhere also).
Question about Editing for those who do editing
What would you consider to be  the average amount of lines a day of editing based on a 65 space line in an 8 hour day.  If you can do an average of 1200 straight typing what would be the expectation for a day of editing?  What do you think is a fair rate of pay for that editing? Do you know of companies that offer a tiered incentive rate for editing rates to do most of them offer a flat rate for lph?   Do you find you make more money,  less money or about the same than straight typing?  Thanks to anyone who is willing to share this information.  Feel free to email if you would rather share by email. 
VR editing versus MT editing pay


How does VR editing prod. pay compare to hourly pay ($15) regular QA and constantly being threatened to start being payed production.  Are there any special tricks to know to make good money on a VR program?  Any companies that have VR and are better than other ones would be appreciated as well.  Any and all assistance much appreciated-have to make a change shortly, so looking for a great company that offers ins. benefits.  Thanks for your time.

Aaahhhh, now I get it. Gross lines vs. Character lines. I guess I've just been conditioned to
think in terms of character lines.  One of the perils of working as an IC for somebody who defines what a line is versus owning your own company and defining it yourself.  After working for someone else for 15 years, maybe it's time to bust out on my own.
That is a lot of work/lines for 2 people. I do 3000 lines per day sm
if you times that by 30 days that only comes to 90K lines a month, that is working 7 days a week including weekends. I don't think 2 people can handle that.
900 lines is below 1100 lines, where the bonus starts.
Gross lines include all lines containing
printable characters, so a full line and a line with one word on it are charged equally. Straight lines are basically the same as gross lines, but with this method of counting the blank lines are counted as well (again, equally). I have only had one company pay this way, and they are a middle man. I would think the charge would be about the same as for gross lines, and that not too many offices will want their lines counted this way (the one I worked on was probably inherited from someone who had counted the lines that way, so just continued).
The norm is 1 minute = 10 lines; 10 min = 100 lines - sm
granted this varies per dictator. More lines if a fast talker, less if a slow talker.
I went from 2400 lines to 1800 lines

a day when I switched from clinic (through an MTSO)  to hospital work. Not only was the clinic work easier with more macros (and less providers to learn, 12 vs 300+), but I was typing in straight Word (as opposed to Softmed/Chart Script).  So you see, it really varies depending upon the type of work as well as the platform used. That said, I am so much happier typing the 1800 lines per day (I make over $15 per hour plus an incentive for any lines in excess of 1200 per day) plus a great health package/benefits, AND approximately 5 weeks of paid time off per year.  In my opinion, hospitals really are the best employers WHEN they appreciate the work we do.

My advice for you is not to judge a job by any one criterion but rather the entire picture. The 'extra's can really add up.

Good luck in your job!

Which is the one where they are sc*&ing us the standard lines or the qualified lines? SM
Mine show up as STD when I pull up my transcription log.  But I see now there is STD/QT....  So which is the one where they are ripping us off, standard or qualified?  Need to know.  I am about to switch companies and I will not do if they are actually taking lines from me.  Thanks guys. 
Question versus gross lines versus 65-character lines....

I have always charged or been paid by 65 or 60 character lines or per letter or space typed, but have never been paid or charged per gross line.

What is the advantage of this?  If I were to charge 11 cents per 65-character line including spaces, what does this figure out to for an average line rate and how do you do this calculation? 

I'm wondering if it is financially beneficial for me to bill by gross line or to keep it the way I have it.  I do know some accounts will only pay per 65-character line, as this was the deal my first own account I recently acquired.  They were adamant on a 65-character line, but didn't specify with or without spaces and I personally would never not charge for spaces.

Thanks for explaining this.  I appreciate it and hope everyone has a speedy day.

Word count: 824 lines. DocuCount count: 897 lines.
I just counted the same file in Word and then in DocuCount, and DocuCount was higher than Word.

Just as an aside.
Does anyone do editing for VR?

If so can you provide some insight as compared to transcription?



editing vr
I do and I love it. I was doing 1500-1800 lines per day, now am doing between 3-4000. Pay is less, but not that much and so much less stress and strain on these old hands and wrists. Would never go back to straight typing.
Editing pay
I just starting working as an IC with a company in Chicago, IL.  They are paying me 4 cents a line to do editing, and 9 cents a line for straight type.  The account I am on uses voice recognition software (not sure if it is Dragon), and the program has difficulty with some of the doctors' accents, so their dictation comes through regularly.  I like doing this very much, as it has helped me bone up on my grammar skills.  Usually what I type just "goes out there", back to them, and I never see any response on whether or not my grammar and punctuation were correct.  Being an Editor has helped me greatly.  Do others have this same feeling as I do?
I didn't take the offer. I am really having a lot of mixed feelings over this. Frankly I think that is where it is "all going" but I don't want to be the one to stamp and seal it. Just bothered me a LOT.
I just quit my secure job of 15 years because in the past year, they have taken transcription away from all 100 of us and are making us edit the voice recognition system. I was making $15.00 per hour. I hated sitting here, cleaning up the mess that the EditScript program made with the dictations. It's just my humble opinion, but I'd want you to be absolutely sure you want to edit before you accept the job.
Good luck, Kay. Not everybody hates it. You might actually like it. :) Maybe if I hadn't been a Transcriptionist for so long, it wouldn't have been such a change and shock to my system. I tried it for a year and just did not enjoy it. I felt like I was an assembly line worker, like all my years of knowledge, accuracy, and speed were thrown out the window. That's why I quit and took a job with an online transcription company, because I want to retain my speed and knowledge. But if you try the editing and like it, then you should definitely write on this forum and tell everybody, as I am just speaking for myself. You should be happy in whatever you do. :)

What is the average pay per line for editing (including VR editing)?


Anyone doing VR editing?
How hard/easy is it? Would you rather transcribe?
VR editing
Not too bad. I never felt I should type the entire report over. It does get a little tedious as it is very easy to miss the small words, ie. a, it, an. The one positive is that it makes me feel less threatened that ASR will take our jobs soon! It really does have a long way to go.
I like it, and I would like it better for all the money, not half. 
But it's about VR editing
I am interested in hearing from any MTs who use VR to transcribe dictation.
I tried it for 2 weeks. I did not come near breaking even. You have to listen to every word and you have to make a lot of changes. It is very time consuming for a lot less money. That is just my opinion.
VR editing

I do VR editing and you really have to be fast, it only pays .02/65 char.  The VR puts in so many things that it's a hassle to correct.  If you are considering doing this for a company, don't.  If you are doing this for yourself, then maybe you can work with it so it becomes more reliable.

I figured out right away that I do not want to do editing only.  I like it, but I would be broke pretty quick.  I need to survive and get through coding school next year, so I've decided to switch to hourly pay.  So far, I've had plenty of work, both editing and straight typing.  The reports I've been typing are all good dictators.  I like the mix of editing and typing. 
If you are doing regular editing, not VR, it should be even with the typing pay you receive or even more. It can take time to edit some reports, especially ESLs where there are a lot of blanks. I personally get paid by the hour and I make half of what I make typing on my other job and just work about 30 hours biweekly.
I'm not editing via VR
I don't do VR. I edit work that is transcribed by MTs. I know that it tracks work done by MTs but I don't think it does this for the work that editors do. If you find differently, let me know.
You obviously are not editing the
We used to do editing but no more
The EMR system, especially in a teaching hospital environment, where the resident or fellow does all the typing, has virtually eliminated any need for a transcriptionist. We edited for a while, but the templates have improved. It all depends on what EMR the docs are using.
Are you maybe editing yourself out of a job?
Okay..sorry, haven't done that, but haven't read or heard good things about it.  Someone else will have to help.
Oh, yes you can. VR editing 12 cpl - sm
regular transcription 18 cpl.

I am not the original poster, but I have to tell you the accounts are out there that pay this. I know, I have 2 of them.

Please note - I did not ask for this fee, they offered it and I hopped right on it.

I too was under the impression, by listening to this other MTSOs, that they can't get good pay.

I am telling you Don't believe it! There are good paying accounts out there, you just have to search for them.
QA/editing pay

There are companies that pay $15/hr for editing.  You would have to edit 500 lines per hour to make that much money if you were paid 3 cents per line.  What is not factored into the by the line editing pay is the time spent researching.  I have been a QA/editor for some time and I don't know all the words, but I have lots of web sites bookmarked and I have a full library of reference books and software to use to help me find the term.  To me, this is such an important part of the editing process.  I hope you will continue looking for a job where you will get paid by the hour.  I know they are out there.  I have worked for 2 companies that paid by the hour.

Good luck with your job search!!  

those of you who do QA and/or editing
first of all, does the QA person also edit? Also would it be reasonable to be able to do 500 lines per hour of editing? This is all American dictators, physical therapy, very easy transcription. Yet, still, one must listen to the dictation, no? So would that be feasible. Finally, can one make good money at 3 cpl editing?  Please, editors/QA persons only to reply...
VR Editing
VR jobs do still need to be edited.  Some doctors dictate very clear and just about every word is picked up correctly, but you still need to do some minor editing.  ESR doctors can also use the VR software as long as they are willing to go through the training.  I guess the software "Learns" the way they speak - phrasing, accents, etc.  They may need more editing but it can be done.
SR editing

I love being an MT, but it is a very physical job, one that I am not sure I can or want to be doing for 35 to 40 more years because of the wear and tear on the body. But I think I can handle it easily if I'm doing SR editing full time or straight transcription half of the time and editing part time.

My question is, is it possible to make a good income doing SR editing?

thanks! editing?
Thanks for the tips and suggestions. About editing...how difficult is it to transfer from MT to editor? Are there specific requirements as far as number of years transcribing certain types of reports?
I like editing.
It saves my wrists and I can often make MORE money with VR than straight typing. VR is not going to end the need for transcriptions. EMR will to some extent.
editing it
i edit dragon for docs and i dislike it very much. email me as well if u want more details.
Are you saying there should be no editing
Editing VR
After editing VR for awhile now, I have come to the conclusion that this technology is out way before its time.  Hospitals and clinics using this technology really have no clue of what a mess it creates.  I have been an MT for a long while and I have been diligent to follow the AAMT BOS, etc.  I do not see how that is possible when trying to edit VR and yet make any money .  I am "dinged" for allowing words to remain in a sentence and yet I am given no recognition for the BS I remove.  This position is extremely underpaid and MTs are paying the brunt of this so-called technology.  Any other thoughts on this?
less money editing