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job possibility

Posted By: anon on 2005-10-25
In Reply to: Job Possibility - MT

-take it quick

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That's a possibility. sm
But the ones I was referring to in my first post were questions from people already hired and were posted on their company board.  I couldn't believe how many that were asking the simplest questions that should have been learned in school or at least after a few months on a previous job. How do they get hired without experience?  But maybe it's like you say, they lie on the interview and cheat on the employment test.  Even on some of the other word boards there are a lot of questions about things that should already be known if hired.
I think there is also the possibility...
of a Rodney King riot that will make said riot look like a picnic. I pray so much I'm wrong.
Job Possibility
I have possible job opportunity as an MT working for a hospital, at-home, $15.64/hour, with incentive pay over 70 minutes of dictation, weighted, so $1.10 for each report after the 70 minutes.  Does this make sense?  I didn't want to sound like a dummy when talking with these folks.  Would someone please explain?  For hard dictation (YIKES ESLs!), it is 150 weighted.  Is this a good deal or not?  About how many minutes is 70?
Job Possibility
This job is at Memorial Medical Center in Modesto, California.  Thanks for the information. 
Job Possibility
Thanks to everyone for the responses.  This hospital has 2 openings (Memorial Medical Center, Modesto, CA).  One is for a "lead MT," which, I'm sure, pays more.  Good luck to ya. 
This opens up the possibility of
identify theft.  What if they do not keep the info in a secure location. Employees could get access to it.  What if somebody hacked into their system.  How secure are their files and system.  I don't truse anybody.I would quit before I gave this information to anybody.  You could very easily have credit cards opened in your name, etc. 
That I don't know. Could be possibility. Never thought of that. nm
Extra work possibility

Just wanted to post something that might help those of you looking for work... while I realize this is a medical transcription board, with our work being outsourced more and more each day, we have to do what we have to do to earn a paycheck.

After talking with a police officer and hearing how many hours they spend doing written reports of calls/incidents, I mentioned that it was too bad they could not dictate their reports and have them transcribed.  He really liked the idea and so did I as I thought more about it.  I finally scheduled an appointment with the Chief of Police and made a proposal to him.  I had to do some research -- average pay per hour of a police officer x hours per day spent writing reports, etc, -- but that was not too difficult to get. 

To make a long story short -- he tried this with a couple of his officers on their lengthy and very detailed reports. 

Because it allows more time for actually being a police officer instead of being tied up writing illegible reports by hand, they love the idea. 

I submitted my bid, which was approved, and the contract was signed.  There is never a dull moment with this! 

Joint tenderness is another possibility.
another possibility is it got lost in the shuffle

With all the names for the bride to keep track of (half of them being all new to her) , its very possible that your name just got lost in the shuffle. I've seen it happen many times where a thank you card got lost, or an invitation was never sent simply due to an oversight. As a recent bride, I can say that I started writing my thanks-you's the moment we got back from our honeymoon and I was so nervous that I may have accidentally missed someone when writing 150+ thank you's, it happens sometimes. My cousin didn't get their thank you's sent out until nearly a year after their wedding, it took me a moment to figure out what they were thanking me for because it had been so long! lol

Anyway, moral of the story is, give it sometime. She may still be working on writing her thank you's. If you find out that other people have already received theirs, ask the bride's mother (who is your friend if I read your post correctly), it may have just gotten lost in the shuffle. I'm sure the bride would want to know that you did not receive your thank you card so that she could apologize & correct the oversight, I know if it were me, I would want to know if one of my guests did not receive theirs!

A possibility. You might want to try some of the SUM tapes on various specialties, you to sm
bone up/refresh on them.  I have them, if you are interested. 
you left out the possibility of information

being used for identity theft - Americans can understand this and  might be a little more against the idea of their records being used for that.  I have one doc who copies everything to his patient and so their home address is included along with everything else.  Shudder!!!

We need to hope we can stop illegal entrance into the US - I'm looking at cutting lawns in my golden years instead of transcription!!


A possibility would be ischemic bowel disease.

There is also the possibility that someone was standing in line for an elderly person, again
we don't know cause we are not there.
Depends on which fingers it is. Guyon's canal syndrome is another possibility.nm
Hospital where I worked cut raises from 12% possibility to 6% with excellent review. Which means