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it can also perform utilities - one stroke deletes 1 through X words to the left, jump up

Posted By: a paragraph, jump down a paragraph, jump back 3 wo on 2005-11-21
In Reply to: You can program keystrokes into your shortforms. sm - MacroMaker


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Words left out for the most part.
Usually words typical of that doctor. As far as not rereading it, I see sentences that make absolutely no sense that if read over, could have easily been caught.
Lots of 'em, but use a Lab Words, Sted's Ortho/Rehab Words, & Tessier's Surgical Words most
Heck, having kids deletes brain cells, year after hear!

operate is to perform surgery -
procedure is more like EGD
What tricks do I have to perform to get a transcription job at home?
I have applied for so many at home jobs and have done endless testing (some very lengthy) and have not yet received any feedback from any of these companies and then they have more ads out for transcriptionists.  I have 30 years' experience and have taught med term and medical transcription at the local college for 20+ years.  What gives? 
I would see an oral surgeon, since dentists cannot perform surgery and that is probably where they
would send you to next.
they are charging you money to perform a background check ?
Watch Taylor Hicks perform for Walmart
Wanted to pass this link on.  Fantastic performance!!!!
Is it typical to perform gastric bypass surgery if
My office and storage space consists of 22.25% of my house sq footage.  Turbo tax will divide all utlities by the amount of use of your office.  As for internet, it is under my business name, on my business computer and I need it 90% for business so I write off the entire amount.  
She looks like she has had a stroke.
Only one key stroke

You can set it up so that you use just CTRL L or whatever combo you want.  If you do a lot of editing, this can save you one or two Keystrokes from placing the spaces in, deleting the first character of the next sentence and making it a capital.

Someone on here posted once that she has a macro that only saves her one total keystroke.  She's a QA editor, though, and she uses that macro hundreds of times a day.....................doing the math......................

Anything that saves you keystrokes = more productivity = more $$$.

How do u determine how much of utilities to use?
I wouldn't think u could use the whole amount.  I get reimbursed for net service so I can't use that, right?
also heating up, utilities up, pay has not gone up...in fact
I am tired of being told I have to sacrifice for the good of the someone else, whether it is for a rich, fat corporation, or the government, whoever.  why do I have to sacrifice - I already live at poverty level because my wages are the same from 10 years ago, and my cost of living has over doubled in those same 10 years...
One character or key Stroke is equal
... to one byte (including spaces or anyother character, remember one KEY STROKE regardless of the input). If you ever want to calculate your bytes for certain amount of text -> paste it on NotePad and save it as text file. Later you can right click on the file to get it's properties to see it's exact size.
REnters can write off part of the utilities...
and rent in proportion to the amount of space dedicated exclusively to work.  You can write off part of your renter's insurance, too, as it covers your computer, reference books and such.    The point is, renter or homeowner, you can write off all work-related expenses (just remember the "write-off" is only a percentage of the actual expense). 
I knew one that worked 18 hours a day and had a stroke
and could not work for a long time after that. We have to be so careful in this business.
I understand some don't pay for spaces, but that one key stroke isn't a big deal IMO.

I would think having your document look right would be more important than whether or not you had to strike one extra key.  After all, we use a lot of tools like ShortHand and get paid for the whole word even if we just use a 2-3 letter code. 

I guess I am just not getting what the big deal about hitting the space bar again would be even if you aren't paid to do so.

There are sound file conversion utilities out there
that you can download for free. I actually used to have the opposite problem; the doc sent me WMA files which uploaded fine but wouldn't play without glitches, so I used to convert them to WAV files (which worked well). The program I used was called BeeThink. I never actually tried to use it to convert in the opposite direction, so I am not sure it will work for that, but it's worth a try.

My hubbie had a massive stroke in 1996 and since then I have been the only income...sm
in our home. Our vehicles were repossessed on Christmas eve of that year and within 6 months of his stroke we lost everything. We had no car, no home, etc, but by luck insurance paid most of his medical bills, but our credit was shot. He has not been able to work since and I am an MT, so that probably tells you what type of money we are making. I am only telling you this because there is light at the end of the tunnel. You hubbie will be able to work again and it might take some time, but you will be able to get out of this mess. I would recommend a book by Dave Ramsey called "The Total Money Makeover" and he explains how to get completely out of debt no matter what your situation. He also has a daily radio program, you can go to his web site and find it, but he really has advice that can help you right now. I am not sure if you are a believer, but prayer right now if you are can really help to give you some peace. I really do understand where you are at and have been in your shoes. Believe me, it will get better. Please feel free to email if you need to talk.
No you are not! I'm a single mom and I'm trying to make a house payment, pay utilities.... SM

buy groceries, and provide for my two kids all on one paycheck.  I recently got a job doing QA and getting paid per hour and that has helped me tremendously, but I know how it is to scrape by on 8 cpl, low line counts due to a number of factors that work against us (high ESL accounts, technical difficulties, and interruptions).  It isn't worth shelling out $300 for certification when you get very little in return not to mention the $300 could be better spent on clothes for the kids or to pay the electric bill or to buy groceries, etc.

We should be treated better than slave labor!  It's ridiculous and very discouraging to say the least.  Hang in there!  I've been studying coding on my own and I'm about confident enough to take the CCS exam.  After that, I may move on to RHIT, but that means back into the office.  So we'll see. 

Can deduct portion of mortgage, utilities.Equip
Just hit Alt+Shift+left arrow on line 1 and it will go to the left margin. Otherwise,
you need to use a numbered list style to do it every time. Each version is different, but you may already have a numbered list style in yours that stays at the left margin. Just assign a keyboard shortcut to that style.
W9, equipment, driving back and forth, paper, ink, utilities. They'll get a 2 wk notice
My doc is speaking....fruit salad...not making any sense. ?stroke

  This doc stutters, stammers, doesn't know how to use the reverse key to make corrections and ...corrects over himself all the time so I have no idea what he REALLY means...

Talks through his nose, buries the words up somewhere in his left sinus I think, drops off the ends of words, I think he EATS that last parts of words so they never get said....

and now tonight he will just say terms like ...Temperature 98.5....then a pause...then Temperature 98.6....then he says I'm sorry....then he just starts in talking about the spine.


It's like standard phrases are just falling out of his mouth as he sits there and he's not even knowing he's saying them and they have no connection to what he's doing. 


HE'S DRIVING ME NUTS.....ER than I am. 

It sounds like you've got a key stroke in your macro that retrieves from your clipboard.
I would delete the macro and start again.  Be very deliberate and slow so you are aware of every keystroke in the macro.  That's what I've had to do in the past.  Sometimes I will even just one finger it so I can watch every key I hit.  It's a pain, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
You'll need a lab words book and maybe the Derm and Immunology Words..nm
I nearly suffered heat stroke taking a bike ride in 105 degrees.
Yes, all utilities, garbage pick-up, home repoairs involving your office, etc
I deduct all expenses that relate to my home office-% of utilities, taxes, repairs to that room, --s
mortgage (we do not plan to sell our house so this deduction will not affect us)as my office is used only for that purpose, internet, phone, I print out a daily schedule so paper/ink, computer repairs, pens, pencils, tape, staples, file cabinets, storge bins for tax recepts/tax returns,file folders. Anything/everything I use to do my job.

I was using mileage for another account where I pick up tapes every day, but found for me the time it took to keep track of the mileage, write it down, add it up was not worth the effort so I quit doing it this year.
Stedmans Med $ Surgical Equip words, Path and Lab words, and Tessiers Surgical Word book (3rd
edition).  I never buy drug books anymore.  Waist of money in my opinion.  New drugs come out so often, it's best to use the web.
FDA warns that it delivers higher doses than expected, and has a higher rate of stroke. (sm)
The Sted's Ortho & Rehab Words is probably my most used book and then the Lab Words book. GL! nm
Hey, don't jump all over me....
I DID keep my kids at home while I worked.  However, to not help someone become "aware" of the potential stressors isn't realistic.  This original poster is a single mother, not exactly an easy situation to be under the best of circumstances.  I was married and not under pressure to produce an income to live off of.  I also did not work set hours, I had a situation that allowed me to work whenever I could.  Again, not always the way it is, especially when your choices are limited by being a newbie and having to take any job you might be offered.  Yes, lots of people do this BECAUSE they want to be home with kids, myself included, but to make it sound easy to care for small children AND learn a completely new field of work, WHILE being a single mother just isn't fair.  It's not that she's being discouraged, just enlightened, which is what she asked for.  Reality, not candy coating.
Just had to jump in on this one

After living with an alcoholic ex-husband for 20 years, I don't think this is labeling.  I think it is a reality.  He was a functional drunk.  In other words, he managed to fool the people around him at work that didn't know him well enough or didn't work with him closely.  Those that were close enough to him to see him on a daily basis could see that he only fooled himself into thinking that it didn't impair him.  He would use the same reasoning you just did and say that it affects every person differently and some have a higher tolerance.  My point to him is the same as yours:  if it starts affecting your everyday life then it IS impairing your judgment.  If you can't even wait a few hours until the workday is over to have your drink and feel you have to make excuses for why you're drinking on the job, then you're judgment is already impaired before you even take the drink.  I don't think it matters if you're a doctor, bus driver, MT, or zookeeper, you are being PAID for your skills and time while on the job.  Save your drinks for recreation.  If you can't, then either you have a problem with it or you don't respect those who will receive your finished product or those who employ you.  

Think about it....if you were on a job interview and the interviewer asked if you had a problem with drinking on the job, would you honestly tell that person, "no, I think it's okay to drink in moderation" and then expect to be hired? 

Don't jump!
When they jump on someone like below..
Jump on it sm
Forget the miles stuff, outsourcing is in, line money is down. You will make it up in that you will be getting used to the dictators, etc. and pick up speed. I would rather do one hospital than multiple other accounts. It will go fast after awhile, Keep a few small people in case this does not work out for some reason, at least you will have some small money coming in. I say go for it and accept the 12 cents or India will steal it from you at half the price. From the voice of experience, I would go with the hospital at .12 CPL, not a bad deal!
Jump for joy!
The BOS means nothing. What your account wants does.
Let me jump in, I know what you're getting at here..
Oh, long about the time Tom Cruise came on the scene as a very young actor, the hunks all seemed to be the shaven, hairless chest, short, prety boy actors.  Not that they ARE'NT men, it's just that they LOOK like young teenage boys.  Ben Affleck is another one.  Good looking, but boyishly so.  Compared to Tom Selleck, Sean Connery, Sly Stallone, Arnold Swarzenegger, and those types, these guys all like like "girly men" as Arnold would say.
Seems to me some people are just too willing to jump into
I would rather jump off a cliff!
All you get is lies, so would do no good.
JUMP code
I need to insert a "code" so I can jump from one place to another in document. using WORD 2002 XP. I had a macro set up for this and lost it and have tried to make another one, but when I try to do any macro Microsoft Visual Basics pops up. It will not allow me to assign anything to the keyboard...ANYONE? TIA
Use F11 to jump to each field (nm)
Are you kidding?? I would jump on that in a

Has anyone ever had their tax assessment jump 50%
because they have chosen to work at home doing IC medical transcription?  This may not be why, my DH is down to the TA office right now to find out why they jumped it this much.  That's enough that we could have added 2 rooms to our house.  DH thinks they may be doing this with the assessments locally so that in a few years they can raise the tax rate and say, "Well we haven't raised taxes in x years."  It's a load of bull either way, so wondered if anyone else has had this happen to them.  Thanks.
I would jump on B in a heartbeat
Not much frustration there.
just had a big ground hog jump on....sm
my glass storm door, at my front door.  Just happened to see it happen, and scared me to death.  They are such big ugly, rat on steroid looking creatures!  Now, I've convinced myself that it's rabid and going to get me if I step outside.  News last night said they had 4 dogs found with rabies in a city about 15-20 miles from us, so...??  I just think it is so strange that it jumped on my door.  Yuck!
Jump Codes
In Word -- go to View - toolbars - check forms.  Now on your top toolbar you should see a little box with 'ab' and a check mark next to it.  Put your cursor where you want the jump code and click on the 'ab.'  Jump code will come in. 
Where is the JUMP TO button?
I no longer have the boards on the left either, and have tried all of the fixes suggested by MTStars. I did see a JUMP TO feature when I checked out a message posted on one of the state boards a couple of days ago, but it only allowed for jumping to another state. Would really like to be able to use this feature. TIA for any help!
I would jump at the chance....