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Posted By: K8 on 2006-08-14
In Reply to: Not mt related but need info - jenny

Jenny -- one of my best friends was cross-addicted with alcohol and meth, with a little cocaine in there as well.  This is my personal experience and what I learned with interventions and rehab with her:   They lie.  They tell you what they think you want to hear, and in their head they are already figuring out how to get around it before they are done talking.   They get angry and try to put focus/attention on anything but themselves and their addiction.   If they get angry, don't take anything they say personal -- often they try to hurt YOU because they are hurting so bad themselves.  Most addicts can't see past right now - they can't play out the consequences of their actions in their heads.  Don't hold them to any promises or think they will do anything "just for you."  They won't.  Until they surrender and admit they are not in control, you can really only support, but not enable.  My best bit of advice, and this may seem a bit cruel -- but lower your expectations of them and you won't be so personally disappointed and hurt.  Then you can be truly joyous if they exceed them.  It's a long, hard road to recovery even if you accept help.  Hope for, but don't DEPEND on them staying sober the first time through.  Meth is particulary difficult to kick.   Best of luck to all! I will keep good thoughts for all of you. 

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LOL! This was divine intervention, slip of my finger....LOL...nm