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ink cartridges

Posted By: mtathome on 2006-05-22
In Reply to: What kind of printer do you use? sm - justme2

I have a Photosmart 2610 All-in-one. I receive a good many faxes every day, plus I print out a lot of information, invoices, etc. Right now I cannot afford another printer, but it seems my volume is increasing, and I may have to think about that.

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Ink cartridges

Try www.4inkjets.com.

I have ordered the off name ink cartridges from this company many times and have had no problem with them for my epson printer and the refill kit for my HP picture printer and they have worked great.  I get approximately the same amount of pictures from both as I did from the name brand ink cartridges but much less expensive.

If I had a problem with the ink cartridge, all I did was call them and they sent me a new one, no questions asked.

Hope this helps. and good luck.

HP Ink cartridges
Wal-Mart has brand name inkjet printer ink cartridges for a fraction of the cost compared to Staples or Office Depot.
I was always told never to fill used cartridges with ink as any ink left will dry up and cause printing problems....but then, printers are a dime a dozen now days as far as cost goes compared to the old days. I tried the refill with my Epson printer and had problems, so figured I better not with my HP printer/scanner/fax. Just a suggestion. Good luck in your search.
HP Ink cartridges
I purchase mine at Wal-Mart for $13 per cartridge, on sale even cheaper. Tried off brand from Staples in my old Epson printer and had major smearing problems. Never again will I buy off brand.
Ink cartridges
I have found that they are higher at my local Walmart than they are at Office Depot.
printer cartridges
I've actually ordered some off of ebay for 1/3 less!  I'll never buy a cartridge from a store again.  I thought I'd just take the chance and give it a try since they were so much cheaper.  They work like a charm. 
Need a good place to get ink cartridges.
I have been ordering my HP ink cartridges for Office Depot.  The expense is getting out of hand, and the ink does not last any time at all.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Walmart seems to be higher than Office Depot.  I have gotten burned before ordering from some place online.  The cartridges were an off brand, and although they said they would, they would not work in our printers.