Posted By: HospitalMT on 2006-06-13
In Reply to: Is your hospital hiring (nm) - ????
if you live in AR, MS or TN area yes they are.
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yes, they are hiring.....
and the pay is excellent, good benefits, but I understand the supervisor is a total nightmare. Lies, talks about employees to other employees, extremely intimidating and condescending, basically covers her behind by lying about employees...makes life miserable for her MTs. I believe it would be an excellent company to work for if it was not for this problem. But wanted some feed back on things others have heard.
Are they hiring or something? sm
What have you heard about the transcription supervisor. I have been looking around and don't want to get into something really bad.
Hello - Anyone out there who already knows Beyond TXT or is interested in learning and coming to work for MDI please respond to email address deb@medicaldictation.com. We are a great company to work for. That is MDI-FL. Even if you do not know Beyond TXT, but are interested in working for a good company, with great benefits, and great trainers, please get with me at the above email. Beyond TXT is a word based internet program and we teach this.
I look forward to any responses.
Deb Marlow/MDI-FL
Yes, take it. If you don't want it, let me know who it is that's hiring.
How does it compare with what you're making right now?
Do you know if they are hiring?
I'm also in the Memphis area. Do you know if the hospital you work for is hiring? I have years of experience. You can e-mail me if you'd like .
RE: Do you know if they are hiring
We had an opening that was advertised for a couple of months the first part of the year and was just filled with the person starting on 05/22/2006. Sorry.
Why are they hiring again? sm
It seems like ALL accounts are under control very, very well. Especially on the weekends, the work usually runs out for all accounts! Why do they keep doing this? They have cut out their only benefit of direct deposit because they don't have the SE positions anymore. Why are they doing this?
anyone hiring?-sm
I am looking for IC work and have applied to many MT services in response to ads posted here. So far, nothing. Is the job market that competetive? In the past, I have usually heard back right away but not so now. This is frustrating.
QED is hiring.
are you hiring?!
I just could not resist the temptation. I am serious though :)
Unfortunately, at the time I do not have current openings, hopefully that will change soon - I do however bring on mostly "newbies" to give them the opportunity to earn while they learn, and I am honest with them - my rates are not the norm and are lower - but they get the opportunity to add to their resume, and gain the experience without a non-paid internship. The experienced MTs I look for when I have the special projects that pay much better. I started as an MT and can appreciate the need for experience, as well as a respectable rate of pay. When I need individuals this is the first place I come. So all I can say is keep your eyes out for it. "Newbies" who apply whether hiring or not, are always kept on file for "next-up" hiring.
BUT I ONLY HIRE US CITIZENS, AND I DO NOT OUTSOURCE. I do not affiliate with offshore companies, do not want any contacts, e-mails, etc. I do just fine with the American "newbie" or experienced MT.
I will however, take every opportunity afforded to me, to bring the work back to the US, by showing their clients that American is the way to go, by offering information on the pros of the American MT and the cons of offshore companies. Even if it means I offer a low rate to sign those US dictators who currently use offshore companies or use companies who send work overseas - and believe me, eventually they all come back, sooner or later, I just want it to be sooner.
I just don't think if you are hiring ICs
Time and time again I see this as a complaint by MTSOs that an IC is not doing the work, but an IC does have a choice to refuse a job. If I had to sub my clients, then I would find someone who would do overflow or could fill-in when my regular ICs cannot commit. I would also have a work pool and not assign work. As an IC, you cannot then expect the MTSO to always have work for you either.
I work as an IC with my own clients, but I also work from a pool with an online company. It works very well for me. I either can work and take the work or if I can't, then someone else is trained to do the work. No harm done for either one of us.
The bottom line is in assigning work to an IC that has the choice to not work if he/she so desires. If you are looking for a commitment, then you may be better off hiring employees that will need to be accountable.
on hiring -- sm
If you hire employees, you do not necessarily have to become *incorporated*, but you will have to get a tax ID number, which is not difficult, and prepare 1099 forms for your employee, so they can report their income at the end of the year. You do not necessarily have to open a commercial bank account, but it would be easier for you to keep track of your expenses and payments to employee. Whatever you have paid your employee over the year, you can also deduct from your taxes, as well. You can become incorporated if you so choose, as it is SUPPOSED to save you tax dollars, but I have yet to figure that part out. Hiring an accountant may be in your best interest, as well, unless you have the time to keep very good financial records of all of this. good luck to you.
are they hiring?
do you know if the full time job you have at 12 cpl is hiring at this time? or even the part time job? you can e-mail me if you like. thanks
Not hiring?
Have you guys tried calling these companies to see what their reply is? I would be interested to see what they say. Also, go on the job boards and try maybe a small company that needs help versus a large national. You might have better luck there! Good luck!
Do you know if the p/t is hiring?
That would be great to just work whenever.
anyone hiring new mt
I worked for a company for six months transcribing Orthopedic and some Radiology. I worked about 50 hours a week. my biggest paycheck was $368 for the entire month. The QA person kept telling me that I was doing great for a newbie and that everyone goes through this and I will be making good money soon, I just have to be patient and stick with it. I did not have any medical spellchecker or Instant Text, (which I do now) and what was also difficult was I was taught the AHDI Book of Style and they did not follow that so she kept telling me it was wrong. I really enjoyed the Radiology, wish I had more experience. Do you know of any companies that would be willing to take a chance on a newbie, mentor me along the way, I am willing to train on their platform for nothing just to get my foot in the door. If so, catglad@att.net
they are hiring but..
worksource Florida's website doesn't allow your application to go through, so who knows what is up with that.
Spheris is hiring PT
Spheris is hiring for PT and I am really happy there. I've been there about a year now, and I'm about to switch from FT to PT to spend more time with the kids.
If you want me to pass on your resume directly, I'd be happy to, if you send it to me at carasoffice@yahoo.com.
Good luck! Oh, and they are hiring for all shifts - acute and clinic.
Any hiring - ER only - or clinic maybe?
Need a new job! But have only done ER for 12 years. Old single mom with small children and no time to learn new tricks right now LOL! Anyone know of a good company - at-home - that hires for ER only (not Spheris) or clinic work? Would appreciate as much input as you are willing to give. Would especially be pleased if they supply equipment! Thanks!
Is your employer hiring?
Thanks for the tips.
So are you hiring or not? I'd like to apply
and see if I have what it takes to work for you.
Try hiring ONE good MT.
Try and recruit one good MT and you'll find there is in fact a huge shortage of same. Try posting an ad and actually test these people (if you can read their resumes). I was all up in arms against offshore as well until I started my own business and couldn't find a decent MT to save my life. Now I understand why others have gone offshore. Many of the Indian MTs are physicians and have trained in the U.S. and/or Europe. I've tested both, just out of sheer curiousity, and the work we received from Indian MTs was far superior.
Young people are not entering this field because they foresee it becoming obsolte, and the elders are dropping off, retiring, etc.
There is in fact a shortage, unfortunately.
If we're truly concerned, we'll assist in training and mentoring of "newbies" instead of being so negative towards them on this and other boards. They are not a threat to you, they are the future of MT and this country. If we don't help them, we all lose.
Try hiring one good MT
Please be so kind as to share your MTSO name. And by the same token, if indian MTs are physicians, do they work for 7 cents or less a line?
By the way, what do you pay for MT transcription, by the line?
I am all for newbies but they are sold a "bill of goods" when they go to school and told they will be able to get a "good paying job" in this field, only to find out that without experience, your education means diddly!
QUESTION: Why is MQ hiring????????
I want an answer to that question. Simple enough.
DSG in Atlanta, GA is still hiring I believe nm
Breitner's are hiring
Their accounts are very demanding in their quality. If you can do that, then they would love to have you. Ive been with them for years and they treat you like family. I tried to leave once for a better money offer and the owner matched their offer to keep me. I think they actually do care about their MTs, but I also care about my account that I work on too. They appreciate good people.
is anyone hiring out there, desperate
I am currently working for MXsecure and it is well, less than what was promised, or should I say way less. DESPERATE
I believe TransHealth is hiring.
RX Transcription is hiring.
See their add on Job Seeker's Board!
Is your company hiring?
Re: Hypertype (BTW, they are hiring)
I'm with Hypertype and have for several years. I have never had to wait for a paycheck. I do, hoewever, agree that the pay is on the low side. But, on the other hand, I have never been without work. (Hey, does anyone know what this green smiley stands for?)
I don't know if I can post Hypertype's phone number on this board or not....?
Re: Hypertype (BTW, they are hiring)
I'm with Hypertype and have been for several years. I have never had to wait for a paycheck. I do, however, agree that the pay is on the low side. But, on the other hand, I have never been without work.
I don't know if I can post Hypertype's phone number on this board or not....?
BTW, Hypertype DOES NOT outsource!!! They are ****totally**** against it!
Is your hospital hiring (nm)
QED Transcription is hiring FT
I have worked for them for the past 1.5 years. Only twice can I remember being out of work and that was for apprx. one day in a pay period. However, right now they are growing and need experienced, consistent transcriptionists.
Hey, email if they are hiring! nm
Are you hiring employees or
In my opinion, independent contractor means you can take the work or you can refuse the work. If you are employing these MTs, then that gives you the right to dictate statements like "work first then play". Set schedules and hours are for employees and not ICs. That is where the trouble starts in this profession. Small MTSOs want ICs that ACT LIKE EMPLOYEES. Well if that is disappointing to you as an MTSO owner, then so is only making 8 cpl and then having to make a 24-hour turnaround and be at the mercy of the MTSO. JMO. I save this kind of dedication for accounts that I have sought out myself (making 13 cpl) not working for an MTSO that only pays a small wage and wants a whole lot in return.
Are any of those re-hiring hospitals in
Who do you work for & are they hiring?
Are they hiring more people?
Hiring frenzy. What is going on. sm
I have been submitting resumes this week. Two companies responded via E-mail stating my resume looked great and they would call me the next day and they have not. Anyone else experiencing this problem currently? TIA
If you are hiring someone over the Internet,
and you are not interviewing them in person but over the phone, have them mail you a copy of their SS card.
Unfortunately, I think that is why most services will not pay too high a rate to an IC, so the IC will not outsource the work to a third party.
Anyone hiring new graduates
Does anyone have an idea of who is hiring? I am a new graduate and cannot find any work. I am just trying to get some leads. I don't mind working evenings or weekends. I am getting really desperate!!!
who's your company and are they hiring lol :D
ty so much for your input on this.
hiring doctors as QA
why hasn't anyone pointed out that A: he is NOT a doctor...just an optometrist...and B: Most doctors are illiterate and can't spell their own name without assistance? He would be very earnest...and very useless. I find it damned disheartening that everyone AND THEIR DOG (and their optomitrist apparently) believes they can do what we do and hey now they think they can QA what we do as well. MTs get NO respect.
Curious. What CPL is MQ hiring at these days sm
for acute care employee with 15+ years experience? When I left them 3-years-ago I was making 10 CPL. Those signon bonuses are enticing me.
Transolutions has Medrite-they are hiring.
Lots of new openings.
When hiring editors (or MTs), I do not consider CMT status...sm
I do not give CMTs preference simply because of their certification. I require the same testing process for each applicant. Many applicants who are not certified score well above applicants who are. I am not certified by choice and have never held a position where certification would have affected my paycheck. I'm neither for or against it; I'm completely neutral. If a Transcriptionist wishes to obtain certification for his/her personal satisfaction, then I'm all for it, but professionally speaking, from my perspective, it is irrelevant.
Do you think that would stop them. No way.They would just keep hiring to get more MTs and hope for
the best. We shall see. I am covering my butt for sure.
Frankiy baby, are you hiring?
I have many many skills that would be an ASSet to your company.
I believe Medware is hiring for ER accounts right now. sm