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here is a link from the New MT board-you might want to read a bit on this board

Posted By: Keri on 2008-06-27
In Reply to: How does one get started with no exp. but has education? - Renee


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read recent posts on this board and on the company board
right under the Company Board link, 4th down
What happened to the link to the Gab Board?
Gab board link is to the right on this page.
did you miss it?
But there is a link on that board to post a resume and you
can post it there.  Job seekers board is only for companies to post about positions. 
Please help on depression board. I put the link inside.

Send me the link to the ad on Equipment board. (SM)
I will discuss this with the Administrator and see if at least we can prevent her from posting anymore equipment for sale.


Administrator has a link to the board inside
I guess it is available with the other boards on the left, but I too have followed MTStars instructions with no luck getting these back. I've just added the boards I can't "jump to" in my favorites list.
This is an awesome link... Thanks so much, I posted this on another board (sm)
Was referred to this Tips & Techniques... No clue what it meant... This explains a lot. Thanks so much.
Are you serious? Have you read this board?
We have MT's on here all the time that are in foreclosure and losing their homes, who can't afford to buy clothes for their kids and shop at Goodwill, who need us to take up a collection for Christmas presents!

Enough said!
I read all the way down the board and only saw 1
thread complaining. OH, I forgot this thread. Make that 2. I don't think that's so bad. Besides, people have to vent. Imagine if every time we got mad at our husbands or kids we just quit. Wouldn't work out too well.
If you had read this board, you might would have
thought differently. I just saw 1 person posting the other day and had stars in her eyes about the future of transcription even when others saying how it has gone down over the years. If I were younger and had just started, I think I would weigh very seriously the postings here, knowing they have experience in how this job has gone from 1 of being able to raise a family on to 1 of just chump change basically.
go to Job Seekers board, ther is a link to add a resume-nm
There's a link to post resumes on the Job Seeker's board. nm
Direct link to nursing board inside
link below
should have read except on job seeker board
except solicitations on Job Seeker boards here for MT/coding etc. 
Read through all the posts on the New MT board. Top 3
Read your post on the other board....
It discussed not having health insurance any more, not being an employee, having 2 IC jobs, etc. You speak of this as the CURRENT/FUTURE situation, not in the past. I know the subject of Keystrokes not hiring ICs has been addressed many times on this board.

I don't mean to make you defensive, but you posted pretty much 2 separate messages about a single job and they give conflicting information. I'm just confused.
I have been AOL member since 1999. Can you bring link to this story to board?
Look down this board and read the thread titled
"How to make money MT'ing" by Dano. It is excellent advice. It should help you a lot. Also on about page 4 or so there are a couple of threads that discuss how some of the higher producers get their production, hints and tips on expanders, macros, etc.

You can do very well at this line of work if you want to and really appy yourself!!
How do you do a search on this board - my topic will never come up and I know I have read about it
People who read this board still apply
at companies they are warned about.  Your book would not only be a waste of time, but no one will buy it. 
I wish I had read this board before I joined Softscript

Not only were they liars and cheats but they are incredibly Dumb.  The VP of Human Resources has to be one of the most incompetent people on the face of the earth.  No, don't quit your good job for THIS MESS.  Run away!  Run away!

I'd be interested in joining that lawsuit... 

Hayseed, I am so sorry to hear that. Last I read the board, sm
you were very happy at DeVentura. How did it go so bad....!!!

I wish you well.....Good luck!
Here's a hint: Read the rest of the board.

Yes, Jay certainly does read this board. I know because he threatened to sue me if I didn't remov

certain posts some months ago essentially about the same subject content as now.  If Jay truly owes previous employees and current employees clearly it would behoove him to do so as it certainly doesn't look very good when his indiscretions are plastered all over MT sites.


Read the well written post on the offshoring board. (nm)
Just read on the AI board that Anthony Federov is dating
Heather Cox.
I hope that student doesn't read this board. sm

I don't think this was a good place to look for a laugh at a student's expense, even though I suspect you weren't intending to be mean or condescending. We were all there once.

After 30 years in this business, much of it in QA and QA management, I've gone back to transcription and I am still learning things from my QA people. Humiliating at times, yes! But its all a learning process.

Oh yeah? Go to company board and read about Heartland's layoffs.

it's really not fair to tell people to get into this business when it's obvious there's big trouble and the S--- is just starting to hit the fan...

Read the tips from the poster at the top of the board about Word. Good suff! nm
And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. OP, respost on that board. Thread locked.
cherrypicking co-worker issue (meant to post it on this board instead of MQ board) sm...

I need opinions please...I work on a very small account with just a handful of ladies.  Because of the nature of the software (trying not to get too specific here) we can see who is working online and what reports they are working on in real-time...

We have one cherrypicker on the account.  Instead of using FIFO method, she retrieves the reports by author ID - usually picking the better dictators of course.  She knows I busted her and she did admit to it in on our work e-mail (not too bright) which I am saving just in case she gets out of hand - so far I'm still able to make money since really most of the dictators aren't bad. 

But every night it's starting to wear on me since she's screwing up turnaround time.  I don't really want to cause a big uproar being that it is such a small account and I need to work with her almost every night usually one on one.

What would you all do?  I want to handle this as delicate and professional as possible because we can't really afford to lose anyone on this account.  In other words, I refuse to stoop to her level by cherrypicking right back.

My boss has asked me several times why so-and-so does so much more than I do...I just bite my lip at that point but one of these days I think I might explode and just open up a can of worms....

How comes this person wasn't reported to the monitor board? I told someone to read the red note on
I'll probably get banned for writing this, but my comment was much milder than this. I didn't call anyone any names. What's up with this?
Definitely one of the other board's people who refer to those on this board as "holy rollers,&
Now go ahead and post your reply - I know you're dyin' to!

Please see my question on company board -posted on wrong board
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. See that board. Thread locked.
Word Board=Help Board. NOT a do the math = figure it out yourself=GOOGLE IT!

What is the Main Board for? All general topics seem to get moved to the new gab board.
wrong board - rules are pls use WORD board

I meant to say Job-Seekers Board, not Company Board.
No mssg.
When I go to New MT/Students board I am taken to the Abbreviations board. NM
You put them on the company board, not the main board. They are still there.
Main board is for MT topics. Non-MT goes to the Gab board! nm
wrong board - try word board
go to the HOME board and then to Career board on the --sm
left hand side. Inside that is the resume posting site.
All word questions need to be posted on the Word board. Please use the correct board to post.