getting cmt is kind of like getting a certificate for being an excellent top of the line blacksmith.
Posted By: mqmt on 2005-08-01
In Reply to: But the question is.... - OP
so what? so you jumped through all the hoops, learned the trade and now it is obsolete. but you got your little CMT to keep you warm and cozy? employers are going to pay what they are going to pay (as little as possible) and that little certificate means nothing to them in the broader scheme of MT world as it goes into the VR and offshore world.
oh but mr. national recruiter, i have a certificate and i should have 12 cpl for my skills and education....... bwaaaaahaaaaa.
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MY GOSH, I am getting ripped off! Those are some excellent line rates...
An excellent platform and a good line rate with plenty of work -
Then leave me alone and let me do my thing! :-)
Depends on what kind of line really
gross lines in my area are about 12 cpl, and I'm not sure about 65-character lines, but I think somewhere around 15-17 cpl.
We don't care what kind of education you have or how many websites you know about, bottom line
is your lacking of personality, and your [ pointing the finger ] attitude that you have. You go back to transcribing all the YUK that we now get after VR skims off the cream and see how well you do sitting listening to that for an entire shift, and you may take off that crown on top of your BIG HEAD !! How did you find one big enough to fit?
Made just for QALady
Bottom line? Religion, of any kind, IS a problem. The world
So there.
I never got my certificate
My pedal never materialized either,but I did get a reimbursement for that. I finished going on two years ago and never got it. Seems to me things are going down hill.
IF you paid by credit card, you can call them and try to get it credited back so you will at least have your money. I would keep calling them...every day if you have to.
If you have a certificate in MT, sm
Be careful stating you have a "certificate" in MT. There is a certification through AAMT (or whatever their new name is) but it is vastly different from a certificate from a school. I'm assuming you mean you received a certificate upon completion of an MT course of some kind, as the CMT requires a certain amount of experience, I believe (and a CMT would not have trouble finding work). If that's the case, have you asked the school about job placement assistance? If they are a reputable school, they should know employers that will hire their graduates and help you find work.
I would advise AGAINST getting your own accounts. Not only is there a lot to learn about running the business side of it, you will be completely on your own and there will not be much communication or hand-holding from the doctors or their staff. Many doctors will not look twice at someone without experience, either. If you go out there marketing for your own accounts, then the doctors are going to expect you to have all the equipment necessary, be well trained, well educated, and able to produce client-ready documents without assistance on their part. They will expect you to be current on any technology they wish to use. That is why they outsource MT - so they don't have to spend time and money training someone or furnishing equipment, etc. If you do work for local doctors and cannot provide all of that, it could do more damage to your reputation than good. Most docs know each other and talk. That word of mouth is crucial and can make or break you. I'm sorry, but my honest opinion is that a newbie cannot possibly provide the superior service most offices desire because they don't know what it is just yet. If it was as easy as just "working hard," everyone would be doing it, after all. There are a lot of services and individuals out there competing for the doctors' work, so you have to be able to provide better quality and service than they do.
Oh, and also, a lot of private practice doctors are far pickier than you might think. They often actually read their reports before signing them (especially when you are new to them), refer to the reports often in their charts, and expect them to be up to par. If they see a lot of typos or errors, they will cut you loose and move on to the next service looking to earn their work. Who do you think sets forth the specifications that many of the companies you have already spoken to or tested with? Probably their clients!
Now, is it possible you might find some doctor out there willing to give it a shot? Yes. But just because doctors in one town haven't heard of the BOS, that doesn't mean others have not. Did your MT course not go over BOS rules? If BOS rules are what you are having trouble with and want to avoid, then I suggest getting a copy of the current BOS, studying it, and learning it so future testing is excellent. If you test well with a company even without experience, they'd be foolish not to at least take a second look. If you lack experience and don't test well, what incentive do they have to hire? There are a LOT of good MTs looking for work right now, so you have to make yourself stand out above the rest.
If you feel your schooling was inadequate, look into supplemental training at one of the online MT schools that have been approved by the AAMT. Those are the schools that prepare their graduates well enough to get work right out of school and for which companies will often waive experience requirements.
How about a gift certificate for a
for a decadent say of self-indulgence. I wouldn't mind a massage right now and would LOVE it if someone bought me one. LOl
I am not getting my certificate for monetary
reasons. Its for me and my professional pride, which means a lot to me. As for the $$ end, I have been interviewing at several companies, and all did pay, on average, 1 cpl more for CMT. That's quite a differential to me! But I'm staying with my regular job, which does not pay a differential. Its just something I want to achieve in my career.
I'm not talking about a certificate that says you
Gift certificate
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Happy holidays to all!
certification v. certificate
CMT= certified medical transcriptionist.
MTs with 2+ years of acute care experience who pass a test given by the American Association for Medical Transcription (AAMT)are CMTs. They also need to prove they have accumulated a certain amount of continuing education credits every three years in order to maintain the certification. HTH.
Where'd you get that certificate? Just curious. NM
I don't have certificate or formal training and
Are you talking about a Secure Certificate?
I'm not sure if that is the same thing as an e-signature? Perhaps you mean encryption. I'm not sure why you would need to supply a secure certificate to send files to a client; encryption 128-bit encryption should be find; 256-bit even better.
how 'bout a lovely gift certificate...nm
ENTER NOW! $10.00 Gift Certificate to!
ENTER NOW TO WIN! (Pulling number 56) Click on blue link to enter or email to One entry per person, only one email allowed. You must enter each giveaway to be eligible to win.
EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Executive Communication Systems has Dictation/Transcription Equipment and Accessories - New, Demo, Certified Pre-Owned, Digital or Analog Digital Dictation Systems, C-Phones, Superstations, Footpedals, Headsets
How about a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant? nm
Gift certificate for the local mall or their fav store.
good luck
ENTER NOW! $50.00 American Express Gift Certificate!
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$50.00 American Express Gift Certificate!! GIVEN COURTESY OF:
I think pre-existing stuff may kick in if you have have no certificate of previous coverage.
CONGRATS to Lisa R. of Wolcott, NY on winning the $10 gift certificate
CONGRATULATIONS! Eileen K-D of Canton, OH just won a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate
Marsha Elliot of Reno, NV won the $150.00 Amazon Gift Certificate.
TVPS gift certificate winner is Carolyn of Vermont!
CONGRATULATIONS! Ashley Z. of Arizona on winning the Avon gift certificate!
CONGRATS to WINNER Robin T. of Memphis, TN on winning the $50 Amex Gift Certificate
A gross line is anything on a line is a line. A line set at 65 characters means it sm
has 1-inch margins on each side. The maximum number of characters on that line would be 65 and that includes spaces. If there is 1 character on that line it is a line.
A standard 65-character line usually consists of 65 characters with spaces unless, of course, the employer does not pay for spaces and then it would be 65-characters without spaces.
Anything on the line makes up a line even if just one letter or number. Every line of print is a
Gross line = each line on page counts as a line, even if it's only 1 word. nm
Gross line means anything on a line is counted as a line.
You can get an idea in the difference using documents you have already created, assuming you're working in Word. Simply open a document and check the properties. Click on the statistics tab and you will see the number of lines as well as characters with and without spaces. If you're currently getting paid by the line and a line is 65-characters with spaces, do the math and see how that number of lines compares with the number of lines in your stats.
One thing to keep in mind: if you have a blank line between paragraphs, instead of hitting the enter key twice, format your document to give the appearance of blank lines between paragraphs.
Excellent. Old dog here too. SM.
I agree. I know these young moms mean well, trying to stay at home and learn this and there is no freaking way. I think it would be hard for even one with adequate experience to do it with a newborn at home.
I hope to reach this point some day. How many hours per day do you work?
and I don't think the top was *disrespectful* as the other poster said - it is a well-known fact that our current prez cannot form, for the most part, a proper sentence....
and to the ones who don't believe the sentence problems - suggest y'all start watching the news and/or David Letterman's first 10 minutes nightly.....or go to youtube or any other the other free video sites and/or Google some *bushisms* as they have *fondly* became to be known as.....after 6-1/2 yrs in office. LOL
I went to M-TEC. It is an excellent course (sm)
I have never heard of the other school, so I can't compare the two, but I have nothing but good things to say about M-TEC. Once you graduate they have pages upon pages of companies that will hire you if you graduate with a good GPA, and that is key, as it is very hard to get a job as a newbie in this field, as many companies require 2 or more years of experience. M-TEC has a great reputation for turning out skilled graduates that many companies will waive their experience requirements.
It's definitely not an easy course, but it prepares you very well for the extremely challenging career of medical transcription. I have heard that Andrews School is good too but maybe a bit more expensive.
I would recommend checking out the schools' websites if you haven't already to get more info. M-Tec has a great message board that should answer many of your questions. Let me know if you have any more questions and good luck in your choice!
p.s. I saw your other post asking if you think it's worth it to get into this field, and only you can answer that, but for me it was. I paid a relatively small amount of money to go to school, I don't have to pay for gas to and from work, "fancy" work clothes, daycare for my children, and I work the hours I choose in my own home as an independent contractor and therefore have lots of freedom in my day to day life, which has always been a dream of mine.
On the other hand, I am pretty new to the field and find the job really challenging sometimes, and it is extremely difficult for me to get my work done with my 2 kids around, but each month it gets a little easier, and as it gets easier I am slowly making more money too.
Excellent!! Thank you very much! nm
both are excellent, but........
I did M-Tec and think Andrews is just as good as far as the grads going to work. It's been 7-8 years but at that time, you had three choices on the length of your program.
I have Raynaud's, so this would be perfect for me. Arthritis sufferers would also benefit. The ad suggests it might also be beneficial to those with carpal tunnel. I have a theory that one reason so many guys can type so fast is that they have better blood flow to their hands. In my current job I work outside. I don't spend much time on the computer, but if I was one whose computer was outside, I'd definitely get this product. Those of you with hot hands can't possibly understand, but there is no need to ridicule it at all. I have known about the heated keyboard for a while, but I think Transcription Gear just added it to their offerings. Good for them, I say.
I have sent similar letters and encourage every U.S. MT to contact their elected representatives, demanding they support this bill and do all they can to protect the American worker.
Great letter -- Thanks for posting it.
that's great info!
And it exactly illustrates my problem with the pay rate for speech editing. It's knowledge-based. I apply my brain to each and every line on the screen. I should not be paid based on production.
Where did this silly pay system start? Which large company first introduced speech and the half-rate pay scale? Apparently, they set the standard.
I recently picked up a pamphlet from my old college, and I see they are offering a certificate program in therapeutic horticulture, therapy through gardening. It sounds so interesting. I'd love to do something like that, but it sounds like the sort of thing that won't have a lot of job openings in this economy.
Excellent! sm
Thanks soo much, this was great. How can I get other tests, other than April 2008 to Sept 2008?
Excellent tip!
All my years of transcribing and I never knew that! Thanks!!!!
EXCELLENT Post!! Have you considered writing to TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, etc.??
Excellent advice!
Thanks for the excellent post!
Thanks so much for posting. Believe it or not, your post made me feel good. I am new, and am lucky enough to have mostly good dictators and only a few really bad ones. (But the account with the SKIPPING-TAPE-THING GOING ON IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!) Anyway, I know QA can understand about the skipping tape thing. I proofread every single report (so you know I am not making much money), but I rarely hear from QA, so I must be doing something right. It is just nice to finally hear from someone from QA on this board and to know they appreciate a job well done. I have e-mailed QA back, thanking them for the help, but lately have not, thinking that I might be annoying them - taking time away from their work, but now I know that e-mail might be appreciated instead. Now...we will probably get some slams from people having a bad day, but I thank you for writing. You should post more often, and we all would LOVE to hear some of the funnier "bloopers"
Excellent company
You have to be kidding. They are the greatest company and I have worked here 3 years. They used to have bad management but the management now is great and very supportive. Looks like someone that is a poor loser to me
I have a friend that is an excellent MT and she -
dances one or two nights a week in the fall. It's not for me, but hey, it works for her!