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geez you guys are bitter. Maybe she's trying to lighten

Posted By: things up a bit? on 2005-08-14
In Reply to: 5 jokes in my company email as of 7 p.m. - Must have same MQ supervisor !

Maybe she just has a fun personality?

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Geez, people, lighten up!!

That was funny, TechSupport. 

To the OP, with the job market being what it is, MTSOs are inundated with resumes when they advertise.  Keep at it and if you find a company that you really think sounds like a good fit, keep pinging them with e mail, call them if you can get a phone number, and be really aggressive.  The squeaky wheel that stands out is what is going to get their attention.

Good luck.


Geez, you're really getting close to the line of sounding bitter.
May I suggest some counseling? The OP asked an innocent question and you took it like a personal attack against you.

I've been a single parent and mind you I know how hard it is to be in that situation, but if someone asks a simple question like "what does your spouse do" most people who don't have a SO at the moment would have moved on to another thread and never given it a second thought.

Seriously, time to do some self-searching.
While I wouldn't do any of these things I thought it was a total HOOT!! Lighten up you guys. (nm)
geez, you guys.
You will find that everywhere you go with every job. Where there is a group of women working together, you will have all of that crap. It's the way of the world!
not a bit homophobic. love queer guys for straight guys.
these guys are clever and witty and have good taste.  they are who they are.  not a problem.  i have problems with boy-men who are currently trendy now.  that's my taste.  and it's kind of scary that women are attracted to these unisex boy-men culturally. no big deal unless you make it one.  this is a board to exchange ideas right?
Not bitter one bit. (sm)

Just showing the other side of it. I'm trying to point out an employer can expect a few oddball resumes from people grossly underqualified and even those new to the whole process of presenting oneself in resume-style dossier. In the same way, potential applicants can find that the drummed-up company names and profiles for a job posting at any website, in any newspaper, anywhere can be nothing but an e-mail dress and/or fax number of someone trying to subcontract work they are subcontracting from someone else...or worse.

What is unacceptable is when companies tout themselves as major players in the medical transcription field, or demand certain professional standards from their applicants, but cannot get their act together to perform professional, honest and effective interview/testing/hiring sessions. It just helps MTs to identify the people who lack respect for their time and efforts as an applicant, as those MTs can expect the same after being hired.

Yep. And it is a bitter cup.
Because they are bitter that they can't. lol
You certainly are one bitter woman. If you would have read what I said - I DID say I was making 4 cents less a line than I was making 20 years ago. I don't think you can read.
Thank you. I think this is just a bitter person
trying to cause more bitterness. I feel sorry for them.

Actually I did go to college and I'm not bitter at all....sm
Just realistic, as I said. Obviously you've not found the right company - there are out there, believe me. But the previous poster did say it correctly - if you were working in an office with your degree, you couldn't just jump up and run. An MTSO or company has a business to run, too. I schedule my appointments after my working hours - pretty simple it seems to me.
well, now I know why you are a bitter, name-calling person.
nuff said
When I began 15 yrs ago, people were bitter. I
I have posted on this subject, bitter?
Oh, no, I could take now but I am 1 year short of full and it would be crazy to have Uncle Sam taking my money any more than he does know. I got the information up front- I know how much I will be getting when I do take my money, I know how much I get on a retirement account. Not bitter, just smart not to retire before I want to!
I must be a bitter MT..Check out the ad on job seeker's

Obviously Indian-based, but they want to train you to be an MT..check this part out..

Transcription is fun for the right person as it allows you to write and if you love to write, then it is an enjoyable career. Some people who do not like writing because they are not creative still enjoy this medical online profession. Even people who hate writing like this profession because it allows for working at home on a flexible schedule.

OKAY.. what planet are they from..Since when is transcription fun LOL...and I'm sure glad it lets me write whatever I want, because I just love to write..LOL and I get to use my creative ability also to write whatever I like. People who hate MT-ing just do because they hate to write and are not creative LOL. I'm sorry but this just cracked me up. I've thought a lot of things about transcription but FUN was never one of them. Lucky for me though, even though I don't like it, I get to stay at home and have a really flexible schedule..NOT.. lol...


Why so bitter?? Does the truth hurt? nm
Lighten up,
Lighten up.
I think you need to lighten up.
They are just having fun and I did see posts where others were rude to them as well. I like to look at things from both angles.

It's not intended for young ones.....it's funny to read, but who really goes to Wal mart and does this??? I think it hilareoud to read!! I would NEVER teach my son this!!


This is the reason I don't like coming onto this site....toooo much b*!ching from people that can't keep their mouth shut! As a student and my teacher telling me to take a look on this site, I am ashamed by the way that you all are acting!!!!


I will tell my teacher that I will never come here again due to this IMATURE actions!

Lighten up. nm
oh lighten up!

Lighten up?
My doctor, I would hope, is a professional and I would not appreciate him talking about me or my body while he is on the phone dictating.  Number one he was wrong in doing that and number two, the person who posted the information here was wrong.  We are making light of a woman's dilemma about her body.  I find it most distasteful and most likely breaking the rules of the hospital where he was dictating from.
Everybody has an opinion and from the post replies YOUR OUTNUMBERED!  I AM proud of my country and what it stands for and I did vote for BUSH!  Some people have NO SENSE OF HUMOR!
Take it far too seriously? Oh lighten up!
There goes that one nice moment on MT Stars - somebody has to come a preaching how we need to get over something! Ya think we'll all be able to move on from this? Gee, I sure hope so, too. Thanks for bringing us all back to your reality! You got my vote, sista!
Oh, lighten up and don't be such a
lighten up!

your post was more of a waste of time than the other...

Lighten up a little (nm)
did you see the lol? lighten up.
What are you? A bitter old school marm? Hahaha
All your "PAY ATTENTION" posts. Hahaha

And with this awful bitter cold weather
going ballistic on the drivers when they do return!
Why does it seem that all divorced women are so bitter? It is not ALL men that are rats. You just
found one that was.
I'm not bitter. I've been remarried to a wonderful for 13-1/2 yrs.
Your tone sounds 100% whining and bitter.
That's why I call your posts whining and bitter! The other poster stated her case in a mature way, using stats as her back up. No whining, no bitterness. I have not formed an opinion on the AAMT either way to date, but am leaning more pro-AAMT by just the style of postings - those supporting it come off as calm, professional, and mature, while those not supporting it sound emotional, bitter, and whining. Just my opine and reaction to the posts!! Debate much? Its a great skill, and long lost in America...
You're sounding bitter about your cubicle.
Be happy for her, be envious of her (I know I am), but bitter is unbecoming a professional.
It's a joke - lighten up
Oh lighten up, unhappy one

lighten up, I think it's hysterical
It's the family / abdomen part that I'm really cracking up over.
Jeez!!! Lighten up!

She was obviously making a joke.  I don't understand you people.

I posted a post below saying I thought trade schools were underrated and were a very viable alternative to a college degree.  A poster responded by writing that people who feel that way aren't college material.

Dano objected to the rudeness of that poster, and now everyone is ganging up on her simply because she thinks people should be treated nicely and with respect.

Precisely what IS your problem? 

Oh woman...lighten up .sm

... and get a sense of humor!  This board could use more giggles and less crabs.


lighten up - I have gotten a lot of help on these boards (sm)
We're just having a fun day.  Are we allowed?  I've also noticed that many of the questions that have no answers posted are the ones that have already been asked and answered ad nauseum.  Check archives.  People get tired of repeating the same things over and over.
Oh Lighten up, it IS funny...

Can't we all just get along?    It's not like Dick Cheney is your dad or anything.... If they didn't set themselves up to be so perfect, it wouldn't be so funny when they are shown for the normal human beings that they are.

you sound just as bitter and defensive, so we're square. nm
who really cares? personable, angry, bitter, just do your work.
I don't really know the purpose of a supervisor so I guess I don't really care what their tone is. I have been through MANY supervisors. I don't really care about their tone. I do my work no matter what they say or do.
You sound like a bitter, jealous, uneducated female.
Sorry, but I've been married to a blue collar man who beat the living crap out of me and destroyed my life in every way he possibly could. Turned my own mother against me, took my kids, laughed when I got cancer.

I am now married to a lawyer who treats me like a queen. It's wonderful to live a stress-free, hate-free existance and my kids and my mom have finally come around so I'm looking forward to a wonderful holiday for the first time in 6 years.

However, I would never say that ALL blue collar men are abusive, drunk, lazy slobs like my ex-husband is. That's generalizing and that's not fair, and certainly not correct.

I also wouldn't say that all corporate executives are perfect men either. That is also generalizing.

You don't sound like a prize yourself with your judgmental nature, dear. Time to take a step back and do some self-evaluation and perhaps get some therapy.
Bitter? I think the recruiter/owner had some valid points. nm
Explaining my occasional bitter-/crankiness
I confess, I am one of those that will occasionally toss a snide comment in. I don't think I have ever gotten to the point of being brutally mean, but I have been snippy. And it may be petty and it may be unnecessary, but, in my case anyway, it stems from a frustration when obvious newbs post a question that at least in my mind seems simplistic (based on the s/l they are able to provide) and should either be a common knowledge type thing or else easily findable. After a day of plodding through ESLs, rapid-fire dictators, or reports that have more chromosome testing than I have chromosomes, I do get a little cranky when someone who probably only makes $50 less a week than I do posts on here asking what 'conjecture hard fail your' might be and respond in a somewhat less than mature way.
Just tryin' to lighten things up! nm
The guy was Russian, Ms. PC. Get off the soapbox and lighten up.
Believe me, the people you so condescendingly "defend" wouldn't defend you if you were getting beaten and robbed before their eyes, as a matter of fact, it would be them doing it.

Keep your "holier than thou" to yourself, as well as your misplaced pity/guilt/anti-Caucasian sentiment.
ASR funny to lighten the mood...sm
Must be the bitter winters. LOL


Allergies/intolerances - sulfa and Minnesota. 

Should be sulfa and Minocin. 

You sure sound like an "angry, hateful, bitter old bigot" in posts above!!