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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

dog website

Posted By: cupid on 2006-04-12
In Reply to: Does anyone remember the site that has hotels/motels that are - dog friendly? (nm)

try dogfriendly.com

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Do you have a website for yours?? nm
What new website
I must live in the dark. I don't know anything a new website either.
I don't know about the new website either
This is all very frustrating.  I have gotten no letter and no e-mail regarding any of this.  Anyone that can provide details would be appreciated. 
MQ Website
If your on the DEP platform, you should be on i-mail.  If not, go to www.medquist.com, register, then you can access the QNet...side bar has all the latest and greatest.  We got the email last week, then I got my snail mail copy Saturday...but, only a paragraph or 2 on the new pay plan...but my take was the real issue they wanted to get out is to preserve ALL documents at ALL costs for the upcoming legal battle in court
But their website says...

They value their transcriptionists! And websites don't lie.

Which website?
I sometimes use www.rxlist.com

Hope this helps.

What is the URL of their website?
If enough of us visit the website and state we would not use their service after reading what has happened to you... You might, just might, get a different tune from these people????
They said on their website that...sm
the pet(s) would be brought to you. I was also wondering the same thing until I read that on the website. I'm thinking they don't want people from 50+ states going down there for safety reasons, and maybe for congestion reasons. (There's alot of animal lovers out there!)

The website is up again now, and the picture of the frightened dog I was talking about is on there too. http://www.bestfriends.org/

Gosh, I know they are so busy, but I'm anxiously waiting to see if I can be a foster parent; so worried about those furry friends. It seemed time was of the essence for some of them, and that was yesterday a.m. I want to go down there and get them so bad. I just may have to do that if I don't hear from them.

Thanks for allowing me to get OT.
Wow! Thanks for the website. sm

I didn't forget.  Never will.

I had my tissues out.  What made me really lose it was Lee Greenwood's song.  It was 13 years ago when my daughter was only 10 years old and her dance class used that song in a dance recital and they all did sign language while dancing.  Everyone in the audience was in tears or close to tears.

When 9/11 happened, we had no cable TV.  We did manage to get the local PBS station in and watched in horror.  We had just moved into our house.  We had a flag, but no pole, so we went out about 6:00 p.m. that night with the younger kids and hung the flag from a branch on our tree in the front.  Within the next week there were flags at every house in our neighborhood.

I'll never forget.

Try going to their website and
paying with real American greenbacks.
here's a website for you
go to the state website for your area and type disability into the search box
Does anybody have the website...(sm)

where you can change your address online for multiple magazine subscriptions?  I did this a few years ago and am moving again...cannot for the life of me now find that website. 


Thanks - duh - I should have tried that first! lol....appreciate it
Here's the website
website....I sent it onto about 50+ more....nm
If you go to the website for

I think it is AAPA.  If you put physician assistant into Google it should come up as one of the first entries.

I think they have an explanation on there. It does vary by state, and I think the state board of medicine sets the standards. 

I do know that PAs have to have the MD sign off on their charts - again, it depends by state whether this has to be done right away, once per month, etc....The ARNPs I type for don't have to have a sig line for the MD, but the PAs do. 

There are probably specific procedures that PAs cannot do.  The difference in schooling is quite a bit.  PA is a 2 year Masters program in most cases, and applicants are expected to have health care experience to build upon.  Medical school, as you know is much longer than that, but you can go straight from undergrad to med school (if you can get in).  I am sure there are still PA programs you can enter as a college freshman and graduate with a Masters in 5-6 yrs, but many of them are now Masters level, requiring a BS to enter.



Where's the website? I'd like to look. nm
Their website
shows a link to the owner who is an eye physician in New York.  Wonder if they have employees or ICs?
yep here too - about 3 hrs - went to website
in the mail program from their website and even then, *their server couldn't be found*.......
I just took a look at the website and it looks like sm
She could use more votes. You can only vote once though, which I did earlier.
What was the website? sm
I better get some. I sleep awful.
I just went to the NBC website...
And it says an upcoming episode has not yet been scheduled. Weird! I like that show too and I kind of forgot about it last season. I saw the ads for the reruns too. Wonder why they haven't scheduled new shows yet...
The website said it came with some.
That part looked good to me, because I key directly into my client's system, so I don't have a lot of reports laying around to "train" it with.

I know I've already tried to input the same abbreviation several times into my present expander, so I know it'll be next to useless shortly. No way I'll recall all the oddball abbreviations I've put in to get around that.
You can set up a website too...sm
I've been contacted because of my brochures and my website. I was searchable on Yahoo and Google with my site.
Can you give me the website for IT?  Thanks I appreciate it.
I just know of their website nm
Says who? The website? lol
Crash and burn, baby!
It should be on the IT website SM
I'm not sure, though. Check out www.fitaly.com (IT's website).
this website
I thought this site was another address now.  I didn't know this one still existed.  I accidentally typed it instead of .net and I was surprised.  Glad it is though. 
Can I ask what the website is?
Here is a website..
...that I think may be able to help.


I'm going to start doing my part from my side of the country. I pray everybody else will do theirs!
IRS website

I never got it either, I just found the website under autocorrect shortcut but never actually tried to go into the website, and when I did, unable to find the list either.  Sorry

go to the website

It's no longer AAMT. Now it's AHDI.


You can sign up online, I think, or click the contact link and get their number.
His website is
from the irs website
"...Statutory employees report their wages, income, and allowable expenses on Schedule C (or Schedule C-EZ), Form 1040. Statutory employees are not liable for self-employment tax because their employers must treat them as employees for social security tax purposes."

See link.

Sounds like a great deal.

Frank's website
How do you get to Frank's website?  I need to tell him some stuff.
Anyone know of a good website

that is informative about how to start an independent digital transcription business. Has anyone here written or thought about writing a book? I guess I am looking for information about how to go from being a great transcriptionist to knowing more about the actual technology involved in the business. Or is it just a learn as you go type of thing.

Check out this website.....sm


Amazing site.  You can build each room.  Try different cabinets, colors on the walls, floors, furniture, drapes, etc.  Fabulous tool for home remodeling or redecorating. 

Subscription is cheap.. $9.95 for a week, $18.95 for a month, $27.95 for 3 months or $36.95 for a year.  Well worth it.  I used it to design my new kitchen.  Check it out.  Also, you get a free tour before you decide.


great website sm
Saw this advertized on TV tonight. Looks like it would be helpful to us!
best drug help website
Would be interested which is your fave drug reference source on the web for spellings, dosages, etc. - preferably one that doesn't result in tons of spam for illegal drug purchases - is there such a place?
here is another brief quote from a website
"For example, says Suresh Menon of HealthScribe, one of the largest medical transcription companies"

Healthscribe was based in Sterling, Virginia. They joined up with Spheris. They will tell anyone that asks them, yes, we outsource to India.
website comments
You should go take another look at ripoffreport.com. Read the rebuttals, there seems to be more of them than the actual complaints. Pretty much most of the complaints are people who signed up to sell and decided they didn't want to anymore. Definitely not a fault of AmeriPlan. And like most of the rebuttals say on there, get your facts straight before you post your allegations on the web. There is always going to be some people with every company who are not going to be satisfied and complain about it.
You can go to a website that keeps posting
a lot of updates for a lot of the parishes. WWW.NOLA.COM 
Checked out your website and it looks like
But the Red Cross has actually done it, and that makes all the difference.
Thank you for sharing website
I don't know how anyone could forget.  My heart breaks yet again.
I love reading the good, bad and just ugly. It really helps when trying to make a decision about different companies, etc. Plus I think it is good that the bad and ugly be exposed. Maybe they will clean up their acts.

These services/companies are making a fortune off of those who work at home, providing everything ourselves, i.e. office space, computer, high speed internet, unlimited long distance, desk, chair, etc. To get an offer of anything less than 10 cpm is ridiculous and I hope no one takes any of those jobs!

bye bye
keep postin!

Can anyone tell me the website for US Transcription?
I would appreciate it.  Thanks.
Informative website

All you MTs who are wondering why it's so hard to get work and decent pay check out these websites:   Spheris India Pvt Ltd  and Indiadaily.com

Spheris says it doesn't outsource to India but guess where a lot of the old accounts have disappeared to.  When they say there is no work, they mean for USA MTs.