approx. 10,000 lines (not 1000 as indicated below) - sm
Posted By: Laura E. on 2006-10-23
In Reply to: On average 1000 minutes equals how many lines? - nm
10 minutes generally equals 100 lines, so 100 minutes would be approx. 1000 lines, hence 1,000 minutes would be approx. 10,000 lines.
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In theory approx. 750 lines, but depending - sm
on the speed of the dictator it could be more or less obviously. I have a dictator who will do a 13 minute report, I am lucky if it is 80 lines (same with her 18 min. reports), totally stinks.
Is 1000 lines a day 1000 lines a day for most
Where I work you have to have 1000 lines a day which is not a problem. But say you get 1000 lines a day, work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week that makes 5000 lines per week. This place has a formula where they take the 5000 divide it by 40, because you work 40 hours and that would give you 125 per hour. Then they multiply that by 7.5 because this is supposedly the number of hours we work a day because supposedly we take two 15 minute breaks and whether we do our not. They would say we only get 937.5 per day. Is this pretty much what all places do our just where I work?
1000 lines
CAn you elaborate on what you mean by "open a few things" in Word for lines, etc.. I'm not real great at computers-over and above what is called for to do my job.
1000 lines??
Can someone please give me an idea of approximately how long it takes to type 1000 lines a day? I know it can vary depending on dictators, platforms, typing speed, etc., but I've never kept track of how many lines I do and would like an idea of how long this would take. It would be for clinic notes through MS Word. I type around 90 wpm with almost 10 years' experience. Thanks for any info!
RE: 1000 Lines ???
An average MT can transcribe upto 15-20 minutes of dictation per hour, i.e., 150-200 lines per hour, without compromise in quality. So, you can process 1000 lines in 6-1/2 hours.
1000 lines a day, impossible? sm
this is not unrealistic. On a good day, I can easily do 16-1700 lines! A mere 1000 lines per day is NOT an unachievable goal, even for a newbie or semi-newbie. My company requires 1200 lines a day, which I believe is about average!
1000 lines per day? This is a joke, right? nm
how many 'pages' is 1000 lines?
Let's say using standard margins, and standard font. I'm from the old school of 'pages', and hourly salary. As I take on f/t employment in the world of 'lines per hour' and 'lines per day' .... what does that equate to, approximately ?
thanks guys ....
are u sure that's 1000 lines per WEEK for them? NM
probably about 100 minutes/1000 lines
15 years ago, I worked for a company that paid by the minute. we got 87 cents for 1 minute. I did 200 minutes a day and it was in the ballpark of 2000 lines. it varies depending on your dictators but that's a good average.
Wow, how do you type 1000 lines in
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I don't type anywhere near that. How do you do this?
1000 lines a day is only $40 or $800 a month- sm
unless you have really cheap rent or don't like to eat or have utilities, no do not quit your day job. Do the slave labor job PT at night for a few hours at maybe $15 an evening (gas money basically), get your one year experience, but in the meantime keep looking for a better paying MT job. You should be able to get one at at least .07 a line, try MQ that is (or at least it used to be) their starting pay. I get .03 for editing alone, which gets me about $15 an hour; couldn't imagine typing/working for .04 cpl. Keep looking, it can take a while to find your bread winner.
I do about 20, equals about 1000 lines. n/m
1000 lines per hour?
Has someone been fibbing to you? Realistic is 400-500, high might be 600 or so. Never got 1000 in the years I have been doing it.
I type 1000 lines in about 2.5 hours (sm)
I type on a gross line and I can type 1000 lines in 2.5 hours +/-. When things were good at MQ on the Cottage program, I could type 450-500 lph. Everybody's situation is different. Sure some people stretch the true, but it is still possible, but you have to take into account all the different variables. I utilize my word Expander to the fullest. Any little thing I can think of to save me Keystrokes I use. I checked my stats for my shortcuts the other day and in 3 hours I had actually saved 56% of my keystrokes. Can speak for anyone else, but on most days, I can type 900-1000 lines in 2-2.5 hours.
Used to be CMT - Sorry I let it go. A penny is a LOT...@1000 lines a day, it's $2,580 a year - I&
I can think of a lot of things I could do with an extra $2,580 a year - a great vacation, a down payment on a used car, new office equipment, or tons of supplies for my hobbies. I was an original grandfathered CMT - but it took a lot of medical conventions, journal reading, and paperwork to keep it up. I kept my CMT for 14 years. Then in one of the hardest years of my life, while concentrating on some overwhelming personal concerns, I lef it go because I didn't want to take the time to fill out the paperwork. I regretted that the very next year. I have worked for MTSO's who paid a premium, and some who didn't. So some years it would not have done me any financial good. I don't think the MTSO I work for now pays extra for CMT, but I know they value it. I think I will start carrying my AAMT Book of Style around with me for a few months, and then sit for the certificate again. But I emphasize that IF your MTSO pays more, it is a no-brainer to go for it, in my PERSONAL CASE I will do it for my own satisfaction. Everyone may not agree with everything in the Book of Style, but it is a good thing to start from a foundation that makes sense. You have to choose one, and the Book of Style is available and makes sense. Anyway, again, a penny is a lot ... in most cases at or more than 10 percent - who doesn't want a 10 percent raise? Wise
It took me 8-10 hours for 100 charts 1000 lines sm
This was with ExText, 20- to 45-second (give or take) reports. I did have distractions. I was completely bored with soooooo many short-short reports. Also took some time in the document info screen because company I was in did not have their act together. Had to search and recheck that I had the correct visit and location.
Hope this helps somewhat.
Mine is 125 lph, 1000 lines in an 8 hour day nm
I agree with you - 1000 lines is wonderful additional help! sm
It is too bad you have hooked up with a person who does not value family. I always put family first. I used to not do that, and I regret those years.
I would establish borders with her - sounds like she needs it.
Good so far, 1000 lines in 2 hours. Busy!
So sorry to hear there is now work for you MTs at MQ. Maybe time to find another job with another company.
On average 1000 minutes equals how many lines?
1000 lines / 1.5 = 667 X incentive pay scale rate?
Ok, I inquired about a job and this is what they told me. Does this make sense to you all? What are they trying to say they pay for QA work?
We have an incentive pay plan ranging from 0.07 cents to 10 cents per line. Our editing accounts are converted into typed lines. If you edit 1000 lines, it is divided by 1.5 to get 667 typed lines and then paid on the incentive pay scale.
How about 1 cent a line being cheap. That equals only $10. for 1000 lines which
is really not an incentive to work either. Why not make it more like time and a half, i.e., if you normally make 10 cents a line when you would get 15. They could even offer 1/4 pay incentive so you could make an extra $25 to work a holiday but the $50 would certainly make me think more about working a day when I usually wouldn't. Yes, it would cost the company more but I'm sure more people will be working that weekend for such an "incentive."
approximately how many minutes dict. equals 1000 lines?sm
When I worked in-house, I pure typed all day (8 hrs) 1/2hr lunch..2 10-min breaks and we were applauded for 70-100 minutes (we weren't paid by line but by hour). We didn't have Expanders and normals..just typed. I don't know how many lines I produced, but 100 minutes dictation was a lot of work. Now it seems everybody looks at 1000 lpd as low normal.
Paid hourly, req'd 1000 lines, anything over 1101 was 0.04 cents a line
Good luck! I just got $0.0010 which means and extra $1 for every 1000 lines - Whoo hoo! Very insult
that is only .06 a line approx. - nm
Well - I did approx 60 yesterday on a new account
and the doctor was horrible and the sound quality horrible and it took me close to 6 hours just for that.... :((
12 cpl 65 characters up to 1000 anything over 1000 = 13 cpl. sm
Holidays and overtime = time and a half.
Plus shift differential.
Hope this helps.
I live approx. 25 min. from a state capital (rather not say), but seems everywhere you go - sm
around my area whether it be a Subway chain restaurant, small corner convenient store, etc., these are all being run by foreigners (mainly Indian). I really do not want to come across discriminatory, but I know man U.S. born citizens who cannot get the financial backing to start a business. Why shouldn't we come first?
Low wages? I make approx $60K a year at
I agree, fishy. If you're an IC you'll have to take out approx.
30% on top of the 25% they're going to keep, but will you have to claim earnings of it all, even their 25%. Hmmmm, I think I'd be asking a LOT of questions because why aren't they just saying you'll make 9.75 cents instead of 13 cents that you'll really NOT be making.
As stated below, I agree. Overall weekly average is approx. 600 lph sm
Now, granted there are days I can do over 1200 lines an hour, but overall within the week you have those dictations that take a little more time.
I have made more money on this platform than any other. Absolutely love it!
Aaahhhh, now I get it. Gross lines vs. Character lines. I guess I've just been conditioned to
think in terms of character lines. One of the perils of working as an IC for somebody who defines what a line is versus owning your own company and defining it yourself. After working for someone else for 15 years, maybe it's time to bust out on my own.
Seem I do not have a minimum line count, I tend to drag my lines on all day. I have kids who I drop off and pick up at school, as well as volunteer at their school 1 or 2 mornings a week. Most mornings, if I start as soon as I drop them off, around 815 am, and work until I leave to pick them up at 2pm, and I only stop to use the restroom, I can get in 800-900. I usually will do another 100 before dinner while the kids are in the 'Disney Zone' Im not sure if I could handle having the pressure of a minimum count as well as a set schedule.
About $1000.
I did over 1000 in 3 hours, and do so
routinely. Lots of ESL docs, but the key is an expander and doing the same account for more than a year. You need to lay the groundwork, like making sure you have doctors lists, know the formats and account specifics, and have readily available list of resources or reference books to use. At first take the time to write down all the unusual words or terms, instruments, etc., and then it will all fall into place.
Don't just rely on a single word in an expander. Make phrases, sentences, paragraphs, whatever is necessary. My rule of thumb- if I typed the same thing in full 3 times, that was 3 times too many, time to make a shortcut.
1000 in 3 hours
Takes me 3 hours to do 1000 lines in the current company and account - would love to hear what company the 3218 lines are made in - I love to type and love working at home but I think Medquist is somehow jipping me in my lines but I can't prove it.
No -- I have a list of over 1000 new ones
--that's just the new ones, not counting the 2nd and 3rd year residents. Too many new names.
1000 minutes
1000 minutes, 1000 lines at 65 characters
APC Backups XS 1000.
I was looking at the Vostro 1000 (sm)
not a bad price, was told by Dell 30-day money back guarantee and they'll pay to have it shipped back if not completely satisfied. Sounds like an unbelievable deal.
No way $1000/mo. I am a family of 4 and
ours is way less than that.
most MTs I know do about 1000-1200 lpd
Me too! I always try to go for 1000 grains
and it has now become a competition with DH. I usually win Hee Hee!
new job 1000 lpd, old job 1100 lpd sm
I routinely do 1300-1500 and never break a sweat. I can't sit for 8 hours straight, so I tend to piddle around and I get up a lot.
I think that expectation is fair, but not for a newbie and probably a low expectation for one well experienced.
Old job I topped out at 160 lines an hour. COULD NOT manage more, no matter what I did. New job I top out at nearly 300 lph and I don't think that will get any better. The difference is the platform, since the new job has harder work (more ESLs, less clear audio, etc.)
It is all relative.
I did and got it....$1000 for part-time.
Shapin...QA...approximately 1000/mo
typically 1000-1200 /d nm
Offered $5.50/1000 words??
Thank you in advance to anyone. I'm not sure if this is good or not.
$1.50/1000 bytes (about 9.75 cpl/65c w/spaces)NM