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and her name is Kikki...think no one knows?

Posted By: none on 2006-07-16
In Reply to: And yet here's another troll above... - Troll Alert

go away back under the rock you crawled out from. nobdoy wants you here, except you. bye bye

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    Kikki - sm
    I think all that fish you are consuming with all the high levels of mercury have affected your brain causing you to take on all these different "personalities" here on this board, and the insecticides on all your salads aren't helping either - you're a bit anorexid at 123 pounds and 5'8". Sorry. JMO
    I agree! Kikki! Says it all! nm
    Do you need help Kikki? I want to work for you! LOL!
    maybe it was Kikki herself impersonating you - nm
    You would think Kikki would be tired of this by now
    Poor little miserable Kikki
    I don't know - I find Kikki very negative myself
    don't even bother reading her comments because they are so anti. JMO
    relax, it just the MT-Kikki-gang


    go away Kikki aka Melanie aka June (nm)