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and her clothes! it's not like she is attractive and she wears clothes that show a body that sho

Posted By: freak show. on 2005-08-07
In Reply to: Somehow a mid-40's woman with an Alice in Wonderland haircut - and acne scars is repulsive, but that's just me

i also think she has had some surgery. if you look at her sister w/o surgery you can see what she would really look like w/o the extra surgical help. Drop dead ugly.

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I make a second living off ebay! I have sold maternity clothes, baby clothes, tupperware, and I have
Christmas dresses and boys' outfits that I will be listing in the next month or so that I bought last year at a smocked closeout and paid 8-10 a piece. Price tags read anywhere from 56 to 88.00 dollars and I will get approximately 25 to 40 a piece depending on what brands and size they are. Plus they pay shipping. I sold approx 35 Christmas outfits on ebay last year which paid for my Christmas. It was awesome and I'll do it again this year! Good luck.

Oh, you do have to have a credit card, bank acct. for ebay. It is worth it though. They just have to verify who you are.
You can check out my auctions with momof3boysal
Yoko Ono wears designer clothes and shows up at all the fashion shows. Phony.
Still need help & clothes, etc...

Just wanted to say that a lot of people from our church (Northridge Baptist) are sending clothing, canned food, as well as soap, shampoo, baby things, etc., down to the Missions in every city because people are so WITHOUT anything!  There are soup kitchens everywhere that have people waiting out in the street, and on top of that? We are expecting another hit here pretty soon, towards next weekend of another hurricaine! I don't know really how much more people can take but I know I went online and sent a fax to Montgomery, Alabama, to Richard Shelby (Alabama's Representative there) and I'm waiting to hear from him to give us information about more placed to help. As soon as I get some information I will post again.  As someone said, there are plenty who just haven't gotten anything yet, and we don't even know where or who they are!  Thank everyone for helping; it sure pulls a *country* together when people are searching and needing support and they get it from others who they don't even know!  To them? Those people are heros (and the paper is just too busy to report on anything good; they are busy writing about all the horrible things to add to the disaster of it all).  Thanks for letting me vent!  Alabama MT girl

To begin with, I HATED going to an office, so I don't want to get dressed and pretend I am. I'm with you sister - flannel jama pants if cold enuf and I buy men's HUGH 5X Tshirts, short sleeves. The sleeves comes midway down my arms and to my knees. Great for winter sleeping - great for summer sleeping wo jama pants, and bathing suit cover-ups. I have a pool. In the summer, I word in my bathing suit or cotton play suit and if some unfortunate soul comes to h the door, I throw on the tee - and sometimes I just work in my skivvies and my T's and to heck with whoever comes to the door. I do brush on makeup, or I would even scare myself.
Kids and clothes
Well that gives me hope. Thanks. I did try buying them clothes but you could hear their groans clear across the country. They chucked the clothes into a corner of a closet and never wore them. I took them shopping recently and they turned their nose up at anything I would choose for them.

I hope it's just a phase. I've seen plenty of 40-year-old women wearing slutty clothes and I would feel awful if they grew up to do that. I used to have problems knowing how to dress too. Unfortunately the way I found out about it was most embarrassing. I was reprimanded at work for my appearance. How humiliating! At least I got the message and tried to do better. I would rather they found out from me than find out from their boss like I did.
yep, I go to Old Navy and look at their clothes for my girls
Or Wal-Mart and look at all the stuff I want!  that does it for me!
kids clothes these days

The skimpy little outfits the girls get away with wearing to SCHOOL, just boggles my mind.  Heck, most are shorter than my old gym clothes...remember those days?  Girls could not even be SEEN by the boys in our gimmies...modesty is not in these days it seems...and the boys

Well when my son tried the baggy britches, I did just that when he was going up the stairs in front of me...pulled the d&%$ things down, one warning..catch you like that again and you will be wearing a uniform

Kids' clothes today
The girls (even the little ones) all dress like little sluts nowadays-- I blame the so-called "stars" who encourage this "sexy" look.  Teenaged boys are "terminally horny" anyway without egging them on.  It is any wonder we have so many teen pregnancies nowadays?  I think by dressing and acting so "old", they are missing out on their childhood years and will be all "burned out" by the time they are 20, not to mentioned having 5 kids by that time (all with different fathers, no doubt), and on welfare with no life at all.   
Did you change you clothes detergent or anything?- sm
My DH has very sensitive skin and that has happened to him when Tide changed their "no bleach alternative" detergent about 8 years ago. I switched to Cheer and no more problem. But it sound like an allergic reaction to something and should get checked out asap.
i wish my clothes were loose...i guess they would be if i would

They used to wash clothes by hand, too,
Would you tell someone with a laundromat that washing all those clothes can be done on a washboard?

Fact is, just as those brought up in this generation possibly wouldn't survive in our world "back then," we probably wouldn't have survived in our parents' world back in their times. You can't miss what you've never had, and we didn't know any different/better. As I said, they used to use washboards for their clothes and outhouses to pee, but by golly, I don't see many people doing that anymore, except maybe the Amish. It's no different with spellcheck, expanders, etc.
We could learn to sew and make our own clothes.

really cute kids clothes at Old Navy...nm

$2 not enough for gas, wear&tear on car, lunches, clothes,
Quit wearing sexy clothes when you
I LOVE shopping for clothes at resale stores

I find fashionable, barely worn, name brand clothes. It really is fun!! I couldn't imagine paying for new clothes anymore!

It's a little harder to find good kids' clothes at the second hand stores, but I have found some really nice ones that are real bargains.

I forgot to mention how I save money on clothes...sm

The clearance racks are my best friends - often times I can find things there cheaper than on consignment or at Good Will.

Another thing I do is that I have a friend whose daughter is 1 size smaller than my daughter is, so in return for me giving her the hand-me-downs she will occasionally buy my daughter something new or give me the amount of money that I'd get if it went to consignment, and I don't have to deal with waiting for a consignment check. 

If your kids/you like named brand items for clothing eBay can be great.  My sister buys my nephew's Abercrombie clothes on eBay for usually around $10 a shirt - these are shirts that normally sell for $35-45 in the stores.  

Another thing I do is that I have a friend who wears the same sizes that I do and we have similar clothing tastes, so we often do "clothes swap" where we'll swap out some jeans, shirts, etc.  That way it sorta seems like you're getting something new. 


Fingers aren't working yet.....your clothes detergent - -nm
I think you handled it well. You wouldn't feel so good about those clothes if you cut off your
No flame here - think it's great you found something that will work for you plus get clothes clea
at the same time.  Thanks for sharing this tip with us!
When we are not making a decent enough wage to buy our kids food and clothes, it is like (inside)
the little kid who wants a toy from another child and runs to his mother and whines "he won't give it to me." Just another way for them to try to force more money out of already tired pockets. I for one will not pay for that until they fight for wages to be increased. Let them go out of business like a lot of us have had to do. Now they want to make us pay for the lack of money they are getting from India because I am sure they aren't buying into it, and believe me I don't hate the Indians for wanting to work, it is not them, it is the American company's greed. When transcription companies can spend millions and millions of dollars to buy each other out, you know it is a lucarative business.

Why are they cramming voice down our throats at half pay? You can't tell me they are taking half pay, plus half pay is not enough when speech is not trained.

Vote for Obama! He says he will close the loop holes for American Corporations to send our jobs overseas.
I do the laundry, but boy do I have HUGE laundry baskets of clean clothes to put away!
I don't mind doing the laundry, drying, and even folding. Boy do I hate having to separate them and put them away or even put them in my kids rooms! Time to have a pow-wow with my teens, so they can do their own!

I have two HUGE baskets overflowing with clean clothes that need to go into their drawers or dressers! I hate when that happens!!!
Even the ones with the body for it should show a little modesty.
I do! I usually get mine at The Body Shop and Bath and Body Works. Thanks for posting that link. Do
It is her body, but now there is ANOTHER body inside of her. sm
Right now I counsel pregnant teens as I had 2 myself and regret that decision every single day of my life. I've learned over the years that God has forgiven me and that my 2 babies are waiting for me, but the guilt and shame that this decision ultimately brings isn't worth it. Besides, that baby sooo deserves a chance at life, love, and laughter. Don't you agree?

I agree with Ronald Reagan: I am Pro Choice - if the baby has a choice, then I am pro choice.
Big MTSOs aren't always attractive to
They charge a hefty line rate to pay the MTs plus QA plus all their administrative staff. Many private practice docs have been hit hard by malpractice ins. costs and want to cut as many corners as they can these days. I agree you'll have the best luck there as opposed to larger multisp clinics or hospitals.

I disagree about the tapes, though. Depending on how far you have to drive and if you print, etc, you'll be putting in many hours of administrative-type work. Those are hours you're not making money. Not to mention, it's VERY hard to get them to switch to digital dictation later once they get used to this kind of pickup, delivery, & print service. This arrangement may work well for someone like Patti who enjoys the socializing aspect, but this can also be a huge burnout factor for other MTs in the long run, especially if you enjoy the transcription aspect of the work more than administrative tasks and would rather be at home than on the road. Unless your clients are close by, you could be looking at an hour or more on the road each day. Sure, the mileage deductions are great at tax time, but that's once a year and you'll pay for gas all year.

Also, don't assume finding help will be a piece of cake, either. That can actually be one of the most challenging aspects. There are good reliable MTs out there, but you need to be able to offer a rate that will attract them.

I'm not trying to dissuade you, though, not by any means. Simply giving you some additional food for thought. I say go for it. You'll never know until you try it! If you keep the work you have with an MTSO for a while while you try a direct client, you can always stay with the MTSO if you find it's not your cup of tea. That way, there's nothing to lose but possibly a lot to gain. Good luck! :)
do you get slower as the day wears on?
I have a 7 y.o. boy who wears that same size.
He has a 16" and it's a bit small for him. I'd get the 20" so your sponsor boy can grow into it. They can always put the seat way down low if he doesn't already know how to ride without training wheels. Better to be able to grow into it than have to replace it 6 months later.
You are right about that - true humility in a person is very attractive. sm
I worked for a doctor who had very low self esteem, but he always took up time with everyone. His self-depricating was funny.

I guess the upper crust is not always flaky...

She just said she would post pix and made it sound so attractive.
And to me, "slacks" sounds as attractive as a housecoat, lol. nm
Did you know he wears an insulin pump?
Poor guy...he is looking better though!
She wears her hair over it every week.
And having a holier than thou attitude is SOOOOOO attractive!

Taylor has already "poo-poo'd" attempts to make him more, er, attractive. sm

He adamantly refused to color his hair. Great, you love your grey hair, we get it. Some women find you attractive. Maybe if you were 45 you would be, but you're 29 and you look 45.

He will be a difficult idol because he doesn't want to be told what to do, either in his singing or in his appearance. He thinks he knows all.  At least Elliott let them attempt to mold him, and look, it worked! Kat is already super pretty and seems willing to take the advice of the marketing dept.and the musical advice. She would be a better A.I. for all involved. 

Mine is also 3 -1/2, still wears diaper overnight. Help too!
He is a boy. Suggestions? He does not have anything to drink 2-3 hours before bed. I don't know what else to try.
Lady across the street says she wears a "J". I asked does that stand for "jugs?" lol
If you can show proof you did this work for them, they then have to show they paid it in order
love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
You and me both. I want my old body
You and me both. I want my old body
I don't know why any body would
...or financial advice and listing the amounts of their debts and other very personal issues. Each time I read such posts, I am amazed and shocked that people would do this.
body art
saw it in Philly; awesome!
No body issue
Yep, it has been done, next state over, young girl named Carrie Culbertson, missing now for close to 6 yrs?
They successfully prosecuted her ex-boyfriend and he got life..this w/o a body!
but she is 19 and it IS her body/life....nm
all they want is a warm body?
There are still body stresses.
Physically, the stresses are still the same, the sitting, and while you do not have all the heavy keyboarding, you still have neck, arm, leg swelling, back hurting, and all the little things that just go naturally with sitting at a computer all day. Your tendinitis should improve, however!
put nm (no message) in the body
all preached out already ms, busy body MT?
executive body scan???
Could this be correct?  Outcoming being discovery of gallstones.
Stop and think MTBusy-body
A professional company, well organized, will have the specs on the accounts UP FRONT, on file, before you start the account. Did you not stop to think about that? If you are going to come down on the girl, come down on the company, where the problem begins. A well organized company has the specs on file, gives the preferences of the particular client and does not waste time sending preferences piecemeal. Geesh, did you not think of that?