also the toxicity of the water they are sloshign in is scary too
Posted By: poor folks. s/m on 2005-08-30
In Reply to: Watching CNN - New Orleans. See people walking through water (sm) - nn
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Water here, too. I fill water bottles halfway and freeze them
so I have ice water for the entire day. It's easier than trying to cram ice cubes down the little mouths of the bottles. I confess to having coffee, Earl Grey tea and a cola today because I'm too tired from the idiots who were rodding their cars around in front of the house from midnight until 3:00 a.m. last night. Oh, well. At least I'm off today.
It is scary to think how narrowed minded people can be. Plantation mentality is alive and well in the South....So help us all....
Your last 2 paragraphs made absolute sense. I always thought, even back "in the day," that dictation to transcription was archaic.
However, I fit into the "over-educated but don't know how to get in out of the rain MT" category, so scary thought because if you thought of it, someone else should as well... and I do need to keep doing this at least until one of my kids strikes it rich!
Good post.
Now that is scary!
A water gun would and should get a kid SM
disciplined, IMO. It's a toy and should stay home and not come to school.
At my grandson's daycare they get kicked out for making guns out of Legos! No guns in school anywhere, any time, any shape, form or fashion.
Lord, we made bazookas out of big sticks, rifles out of smaller ones, and handguns out of little bent ones. Then we proceeded to kill each other all over the place - the difference is that we didn't do it when we grew up.
That is really scary to me No wonder that sm
these gals hire on places, begin to work and then can't get their pay.
That is scary...
How scary to have a dog like that...
as your neighbor. If you have children, PLEASE keep close tabs on them...I just heard on the news a few weeks ago about a pit bull (I think...) snatching a baby out of her mother's arms and malling her head badly. The baby survived, thankfully, but was very badly hurt. I agree with you, these dogs are inherently vicious, and no, it's not the dog's fault at's the human's fault for training and breeding for very sad for the OP..I am sorry...
What's scary is...
they are treating people. How does the patient understand what he is saying (if they deem to say anything). I know when I see one of these doctors I have a hard time when I'm not ill. My husband is hard of hearing but can understand if clearly spoken to and he understands nothing and refused to go back to a GP we had.
I'm sorry, but its really scary to me that anyone
let alone a spouse, could just go back to sleep and post on a MESSAGE BOARD the next day, asking about a SWOLLEN HARD TONGUE!! You have got to be kidding me. And I presume you're an MT as well??? What is WRONG with you?? Goodness, the blunders never cease to amaze me. GO TO THE HOSPITAL. And don't wait til it happens AGAIN - get him to the hospital NOW to have it checked out, diagnosed, and have yourselves armed with epi-pens, etc. A BENADRYL??? That's just insane.
Very scary
Makes me paranoid about every "normal" person I meet. I hate being that way, but when it comes to my kids I am happy to be labeled *over protective*
this is really scary -
Okay, is there any chance that anything in our medical records is going to be correct, either done overseas, dictated by someone who has little grip of the language, perhaps transcribed by someone with even less of a grip, maybe corrected, but in the money crunching, I doubt that, probably never read by the physician and now you are telling me that the doc himself is typing this info directly. I frankly cannot imagine this. I cannot imagine they would want to type it. They can't keep on track half the time just reading.
That's scary sm
I'm sure it happens - as Patti says - but personally I would have a very hard time putting something like that on a report I typed. It is the doctor's responsibility to review the report. If he/she chooses not to do that, that is also his/her responsibility. But if I type it on the report, that means I am aware that the doctor is not reviewing it, and I would be concerned that I could be drawn into a lawsuit if there was ever a problem with a report.
It's quite possible that would never happen, but it's also possible that Patti has just been lucky...............
Something Scary!
Let me tell you something very scary that happened to me! I posted a comment in support of one of the companies on the Jobs Board and the CEO wrote me back an e-mail to my personal e-mail address thanking me for my comments. I was shocked as heck! I thought our identities were protected here. Guess again. They tracked me down to my personal e-mail address. Be very, very cautious of anything yo post here.
Now that's scary
I just envision a scenario where a doctor dictates a dose wrong, we type it wrong, QA doesn't change it for this reason, newbie nurse reads it and gives it to the patient. Dennis Quaid's kids got the wrong dose. Kid here in Central Florida recently got wrong dose because pharmacist typed it wrong. But as MTs we aren't liable? Very scary.
Wow that med thing is scary to hear about. I thought it was bad enough when my FORMER PCP tried to tell me hypertriglyceridemia was from eating too much animal protein. That was so dumb it was funny but med errors aren't.
A Walgreen's here is in trouble because they wrote a script for a 3-month-old, premature twin for cough medicine and typed 1/4 teaspoonful instead of 1/4 mL. Granted not a doctor but it was in the news recently and the kid could have died if the pharmacy didn't catch it and call the parents prior to the second dose being given. What is it medical mistakes are the 4th leading cause of death in America?
No kidding...that's just scary nm
Pretty scary. Do you actually think you
are Frank?
Danged scary if you ask me!!!!!!!
(gramps at 100 target practicing)
pretty scary
I know that this does happen. I just try not to think about it. It's amazing how many physician's and other big tim professionals are functioning alcoholics and drug addicts. Even more sad is the fact that other hospital staff know that these people are enebriated and don't dare say anything to anyone about it.
Coffee and a big cup of ice water so far...nm
Yes, and that same jug of water costs how much after it's
been paid for with tax dollars, hauled in on trucks, and handed out by National Guardsmen and FEMA workers who are being paid and are away from their own families? That little jug of water costs more to the taxpayers than Perrier.
is it scary though? or just gross?
Scary movies
Creature From The Black Lagoon.
The original Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney.
new people are scary
I have an orientation this Saturday with an animal shelter, i'm debating whether or not to show. My main thing is the distance, afraid my car won't make it. I can't wait to see some new faces though. Make the call, you'll be glad. They're all good people if they are volunteering their time.
yes, and running water too.
Man, I can't tell if this is scary, or laughable.
Are you really that uninformed? That IS scary. nm
Scary how close it was!
I've been having to tape Tue/Wed shows because I am working and so I haven't been able to vote either. Next week I will just have to make an exception and watch/vote. Have to get Taylor through-whoo-hoo. He's my soul man!
Now THAT'S just plain scary!!!!
The omen was for sure very scary! And BTW,
Didn't Elizabeth Hurley name her little boy Damien? I like that name. I always thought if I ever had twin boys I'd name one Damien and the other Julien.
Johnson!...scary, huh... nm
The largest end goes in the water. nm
water mark
try rubbing cigar ash into the watermark
Don't put in dishwasher, water gets too hot, but you
can wash in the tub or shower. I've washed mine 3 times in the shower. I don't use anything, just hot water and run over it a few times, let it sit for a bit and then run water again to get anything really sticky off. I then shake it upside down really good and then place it upside down on a towel near a vent to dry. It takes me 3 days to get it dried out good. I've used it in 2 days and kept getting errors, so let it dry a third day and no problems.
You can take a warm damp cloth and wipe over the keyboard. I would suggest unplugging it from the computer so you don't reprogram something. I also take an index card and run it down between the keys. You'd be surprised how much dust/animal hair you get out. I also turn my keyboard over and thumb it a couple of times on my tray and that gets out a lot of crumbs.
Thanks much - why is it so scary?? I have not updated my
Wow, kind of scary LOL. nm
Here is the REALLY scary part sm
I have heard that Medicare will not reimburse anyone unless they use EMR. They are starting this in 2009 and hope to have the changeover complete by 2014
I found this....really is scary.
Paper and Supplies
EMR will substantially reduce paper and supplies for:
� Fee Tickets
� Charts and Chart Labels
� Prescription pads
� Paper Copies
� Custom Forms
� Paper and Supply reduction in annual costs for paper by eliminating charts, forms and prescription pads. The average cost to create a chart is around $5.00 per record:
o Chart Jacket $2 to $3 dollars
o Chart tabs and labels $1.00
o Labor cost to assemble $1.00
o Labor cost to Handel $1.00
A physician seeing 30 patients per day can have up to 400 paper chart transactions per day, which would be eliminated with EMR. The following are some examples of this:
➢ 30 chart pulls off the shelf
➢ 30 charts going back on the shelf
➢ 30 chart pulls to file the notes after the exam
➢ 30 charts to return after filing dictation
➢ 15 chart pulls for incoming lab results
➢ 15 chart returns after the lab is filed
➢ 15 chart pulls for RX request requiring a pull
➢ 15 charts to return after the RX request
➢ 40 incoming faxes per day requiring a chart pull
➢ 40 charts to return after the pull for faxes
➢ 60 calls per day requiring a chart pull
➢ 60 charts to return after the call
➢ 10 with calls after the visit
➢ 10 with call to coordinate care
➢ 5 will be billing issues requiring a chart pull
➢ 5 to return after retrieving for billing
➢ 3 medical record requests to transfer their records
➢ 3 to return after paying the cost to copy which could have been faxed to the recipient at minimal charge
416 chart transactions per day @ $.080 cents per transaction = $333.00 per day / $1664.00 per week / $83,200 per year � based on 50 weeks per year assuming a practice closes two weeks per year.
EMRs have been very successful in eliminating or substantially reducing transcription through templates and pick lists.
Documents can be customized by provider and document type. Referral letters can be generated automatically and faxed directly to the referring physician before the patient leaves the office. This enhances physician patient relations, minimizes paper, labor and postage costs.
My own experience on reducing transcription costs was nearly $1000month. If you employ a Transcriptionist that is nearly a $30,000 annual savings for each transcriptionist you have on your staff.
There is a whole article on this at the following address if interested.
So here's a scary note about
I'm at an age where Social Security has started sending me periodic notices that show how much I've paid into the system over the years, etc. They also tell you what your monthly pay would be if you retired at 62, or at 65, or at 67 and beyond.
And of course, we all know that our Social Security checks aren't going to be enough to live on, right? That's why we have (or try to, anyway), 401K's and IRA's, to pick up where Social Security leaves off.
Well, even if I started taking Social Security payments early, at age 62, even with the penalties for doing so, and a smaller check, I would be making more money than I do now as a full-time employee of an MTSO.
Now THAT tells you something about the shabby state of affairs in this industry.
You are so wrong, it's scary
VR editing can be done by any newbie?? Hows the view from the gleaming offices of MTSO Corporate? That is EXACTLY the misguided thinking that has highly trained medical language specialists making less than the fry cook at McDonald's. I would take QAing 99% completed MT reports over deciphering the mess of VR any day. QA does not take any more training than any experienced highly trained MT has.
Yep. It is scary alright.
Know what is worse? These are not isolated incidents. It is everywhere. I was talking to my friend who is a nurse. She just started back at this place she used to work at about 6 years ago. It goes down the ladder with this stuff. She said she came across a nurse the other day who does not know what the difference is between a gluteal cleft and a gluteal fold. She wanted to know how people pass state board exams much less take care of people.
lots of water before eating
I haven't tried this myself, but I recently read an article about two very overweight men who lost tons of weight (not quickly, but gradually). Both exercised every day, starting off with very little and gradually working it up, and one of them said he also drank something like a liter of water before each meal, which filled up his stomach so he got full fast and it really helped him cut back on how much he was eating. I thought it sounded logical.
I really wish I could make myself drink more water..
but as a hazard of being a southern girl, I drink tea all day like it's going out of style
Freezing water in bottles
It's great that you drink ice water, but I read that freezing water in plastic bottles leaches chemicals from the plastic into your water (potential cancer cause). Better to use those new ice cube trays that make finger-shaped ice cubes!
chug a glass of water
Where did you hear they're doing this? SCARY!!
Not happy ONE BIT.
this'd be hilarous if it wasn't so sad & scary...
doesn't have both oars in the water
He doesn't have both oars in the water. nm