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all this talk about canadian/european healthcare...

Posted By: I have a question. on 2009-06-17
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My family and I may be moving to Poland temporarily, maybe 3 years or so (job opportunity for hubby).  I only have one kidney and have been fine all my life until recently, now doctor says I have a stricture in the urethra and wants to do surgery.  Apparently it's not a minor surgery, has a 2-week recovery period to just feel normal, and needs at least 6-month followups to doctor for monitoring to make sure there isn't scar buildup tissue, etc., oh and a stent will need to be removed 4 weeks after the surgery (in-office procedure).  I am going to have the surgery here but in the event we do move to Poland it will be sometime later this year, which means I'd be following up over there.  What are your thoughts on this?

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Spheris hires Canadian MTs and has Canadian accts. Can't answer the wage question. So much depe
European prices.
Taxes are the main reason gas prices are so high in Europe. The taxes are used to provide things like outstanding public transportation and universal health care. I'd be glad to pay $6 a gallon if health care was covered and I could ride excellent public transportation anyplace I needed to go. That's a bargain!
I learned to spell the European way, too.
cheque, flavour, et cetera I guess JanaRae can spell it any way she wants to, eh? It's not like you're paying her to do it your way, right? Are you her boss? Then leave her alone.
No, not for me! I love European accents
and do well with them. However, the middle eastern accents throw me. There's something about the tone or pitch that I simply can't hear. Maybe I have a deaf spot or something. It's caused problems at jobs because MT employers think I'm "refusing" to do those work types when it's actually a hearing problem. Some of the Hispanics are the same way. I can do Asian, French, German, Scandinavian, east coast, American Indian, southern, British, whatever, just not east Indian/Arabic accents.
There is a European part of Turkay and then
there is also an Asian part of Turkey. Istanbul is the bridge between the 2 parts.

Do you know that 99% of the Turkish population is Muslim?
Therefore the EU members are not do eager to accept Turkey into the European Union.
The Asian part of Turkey I regard as oriental.

Eastern European -- Russian, Polish, etc.

Eewwww... you don't talk like an MT, you talk like mangement. Ick. (n/m)
Canadian ICs
HI Denise - I am a recent grad of an MT program in BC and just signed on as an IC for a Florida Company. I start in a couple of weeks. I've found that lots of US MTSOs will hire an IC from Canada. That is not really an issue as long as you are a grad of a respected course and do well on the testing. The hard part is getting your foot in the door without any experience!! I am not familiar with the CareerStep course. I've heard of it of course but have not researched it lately. I took the Advanced Medical Transcription Program through Selkirk College via distance ed. I can highly recommend this one and employers seem to be impressed with the grads. Let ME know if you would like further information.

PS - A new baby in November? Boy, you must be pretty energetic to consider taking on something like this at this time!!
pays Canadian, hassle with bank when you cash it after you get it 3 months later.
Canadian Tx
It doesn't bother me.  It is hard to articulate why, in a logical way, so I have to just explain from my gut.  I feel that they are our "kinfolk."  In my mind, they are our neighbors, in a way that I feel closer to than other countries.  Therefore, it's like more "sharing" of "our" workload, rather than "them" sort of "stealing" the work from "us."  No "Us and Them" attitude with me, on the issue of Canadians.  Yet, I feel that way strongly about India and Philippines and whoever else comes up the pike "stealing" our work.   I realize this isn't logical, but hey, you asked.  Does anyone else feel the way I feel? 
To "I am canadian"
I'm sorry you're Canadian. I lived in northern Vermont for awhile and could only get Canadian TV. From that I learned how much you people hate us and envy us. But of course, you don't mind taking our money and taking our help when you need it.

Exactly how do you know what the people dying in Afghanistan are innocent?

Like of the rest of the world, you were too ready to dip in this country's deep pockets and you sued us when some of your Canadians were mistakenly killed by some U.S. pilots. With allies like you, we don't need enemies.

By the way, wasn't your lily white Canadian government involved in the British invasion of Las Malvinas, or as you would probably call it, The Falklands War? Do you think you Canadians killed any innocent people there?

Keep up your bellyaching - that's the only thing Canadians know how to do, other than drink beer and ice skate. Sooooooo, how aboot that, heh?
Canadian MTing?
Are there any Canadian MT's on this site? I am from canada and wondering where I go to find jobs in the US for Canadian's to work! What is a fair wage? Any help would be very much appreciated!
Why not try a Canadian company?
www.absmed.com (I don't think they are hiring, but you can check it out).
Hope that helps!
Canadian rates, please help

Could any of you help me in making this very important decision please?  I have contacts that can help me get contracts from a small Physical therapy/chiropractic care clinic in Alberta, Canada.  But, I have no clue as to how much is charged per 65 cpl with spaces in Canada.  Considering that one US dollar is equivalent to Canadian $1.15, I guess I would perhaps be able to get a better rate.   But how much would you say is a rate that would do justice to both parties?  Anyone doing a similar work from Canada, working MTs with MT companies in Canada, please help. Any input will be welcome�Thank you�.Maple

I am from Ontario.

There are two companies in BC: www.absmed.com and

Check these out - I think they only hire local at home MTs.
Canadian spelling?


$1.29 to our dollar so if the Canadian MTs...sm

If Canadian MTs are making more $$ than American MTs, it all evens out.  Also, the national health care system in Canada is currently under revision and my cousin tells me it takes her 6 months to get an appointment for an XRAY in Calgary!!!........

Canada's dollar is not as strong as our dollar in the US and I LOVE CANADA so please do not think I'm bashing that wonderful sister country of ours.

canadian pharmacy
Hi, I've used feelbest.com (located in Ottawa, Ontario) numerous times and have had nothing but good results -- give them a try!
Re: Canadian Companies
I would work for either, I just find more and more American companies not taking Canadians. I get nailed with taxes either way. I used to work for Spheris and then took a year off and was told I would be on re-hire status and when I went to re-apply was told they no longer higher Canadians.
also had a French Canadian
very difficult...  now if I ever hear a doctor with a New Zealand accent  I think I will recognize it  - very distinctive - have heard it only in a few movies.
Canadian Needing Help

Hey everyone, I'm Canadian and am currently researching possible MT schools. I was originally thinking Canscribe, but am not so sure anymore (I read on another forum that they don't train students enough, and I want the best possibly training so that I am great at my future job). I know M-Tec and Andrews School are seemingly the top two schools in America, but I kind of wanting to attend a Canadian based school possibly. If anyone can help me out, I would really appreciate it. Also, if someone knows a Canadian based MT forum please let me know. I have been trying to find but it doesn't seem like there is any out there.

Thanks so much for your time!



from canadian newspaper
I am sorry, I can't provide the link but it is a direct quote from a Canadian publication.

"Because the health care plan is regulated by the government, bureaucracy shows it's ugly head. Waiting lists are long and wait times for certain procedures are equally long. For instance, in New Brunswick, a person requiring heart a bypass procedure may wait for up to six months. A knee replacement in Ontario takes about the same. These waiting times are expected and those in need should prompt their doctors to be proactive in diagnosing the problems and gaining access to the waiting list at the earliest possible instance."

Okay, wanna wait six months for your CABG? You'd be dead. I do see that as a problem, don't you. I am sure there are Canadians who love it, just as I am certain there are those who don't. I would like to know where you got that 5% statistic from, though. I don't mean that as a smart aleck remark. I really would like to know if that is the case. Can you point me in a direction that would verify that?
You might get answer on the Canadian website
Canadian Dollars- probably French ESL nm
re: a canadian MT who lives next to MAINE
I have a MT company from portland, Maine who w ants me to work for them as an IC. They offered me 7 cents per line american. WHat a freakin joke!!

I wont work for under 12 cents per line and I have been out of it for awhile (6 years!!).

See ya!!
Boycott Canadian Seafood
Due to the horrible seal hunt the HSUS is asking that we boycott Canadian seafood as a way of protesting the hunt.  The hunters get the majority of their income from their jobs as fishermen so boycotting their products will hurt them in turn for them hurting the baby seals.  Thanks.
I'd love to help - how do we know if the seafood is Canadian or not though?
Canadian Health Care
A 6-8 week wait time to see a gynecologist? Is that good or bad for the US. I personally have been waiting to see an endocrinologist for 1 year, 3 months...still nothing. Seriously. The wait time for any type of procedure of specialty is actually quite scary. Sometimes it feels as though we are in Russia, we just happen to pay more taxes. We "pay" for our health care with 13% tax on absolutely everything you buy. That is supposedly for health care, but it really doesn't seem to help. I personally believe the problem is in the fact there are not enough doctors. When you compare how many doctors there are in each specialty to the amount of patients that require them, that is where the wait time comes into play. Ironically, Canada is starting to implement "pay as you go" clinics for procedures because the wait time is so ridiculous. It seems that Canada is adopting the US's health system and the US is looking to adopt Canada's system. That reminds me of something...the grass is always greener on the other side (nope, same grass, different place). Take care all.
Any Canadian MTs here? Am thinking of moving north. Could you

I am interested in knowing a few things about living in Canada and working for the U.S. company.  I also understand Canadian medical institutions utilize MTs.  Would like to correspond with an MT living in Canada. 

My e-mail address is above.  If you have time to answer a few questions, please e-mail.  I am considering moving to B.C., Vancouver or Okanagan Valley depending what I find during my scouting of each area; am presently in California. 

Thank you!

Yes! Rob Thomas, another great Canadian singer - sm
- REALLY a man, unlike KD Lang LOL
I think they stopped hiring Canadian MTs last year. nm
Many co. use Canadian MTs. There are also many accounts in Canada held by U.S. MTSOs
Americans should be so lucky as to be paid what some Canadian transcriptionists are.

Job security, union jobs, full benefits, 1 year of maternity leave, parental leave, vacation time, sick time, $18 or more an hour...

Can anyone recommend a good, safe Canadian pharmacy? NM
SPI Healthcare

Has anyone worked for SPI Healthcare Documentation?  If so any type of feedback would be extremely helpful.


SPI Healthcare
They outsource to the Phillippines - they took over a small company in my hometown and basically destroyed it.  Other than that, I don't know a lot, since I quit before the takeover. 
SPI Healthcare
Nice company to work for. I have no complaints at all.
When healthcare becomes govt controlled, as in Canada, there is no incentive for people to want to become doctors; therefore, you end up with a doctor shortage, a severe shortage, and thus, longer waiting times... weeks,weeks, and months and months... just for a regular procedure. You better be dying if you want it sooner and then I wouldn't hold my breath.

That is what Obama wants to do to this country, only he tries to disguise it. ANyone with half a brain knows if the govt offers "cheaper" insurance, why in the world would anyone want to pay more? Companies will stop offering insurance to their employees cause they know the "almight government" will give it to them for free.... Obama knows this too!!! And when they do, you have NO incentive for physicians because they will not make money, extremely loaded down with patients....underpaid, overworked, less and less in the profession, and then WE, the citizens of a country where the private sector is supposed to run our country, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, will be another Canada or European country....take your pick!

It's pretty sad when European countries are telling the Obama administration NOT to go down this path... they have socialized medicine, it AIN'T working, and now they are looking are ways to get it back to private insurers.... too bad Obama's ego won't listen!!!

He's gonna save us from ourselves you know!!
When healthcare becomes govt controlled, as in Canada, there is no incentive for people to want to become doctors; therefore, you end up with a doctor shortage, a severe shortage, and thus, longer waiting times... weeks,weeks, and months and months... just for a regular procedure. You better be dying if you want it sooner and then I wouldn't hold my breath.

That is what Obama wants to do to this country, only he tries to disguise it. ANyone with half a brain knows if the govt offers "cheaper" insurance, why in the world would anyone want to pay more? Companies will stop offering insurance to their employees cause they know the "almight government" will give it to them for free.... Obama knows this too!!! And when they do, you have NO incentive for physicians because they will not make money, extremely loaded down with patients....underpaid, overworked, less and less in the profession, and then WE, the citizens of a country where the private sector is supposed to run our country, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, will be another Canada or European country....take your pick!

It's pretty sad when European countries are telling the Obama administration NOT to go down this path... they have socialized medicine, it AIN'T working, and now they are looking are ways to get it back to private insurers.... too bad Obama's ego won't listen!!!

He's gonna save us from ourselves you know!!
When healthcare becomes govt controlled, as in Canada, there is no incentive for people to want to become doctors; therefore, you end up with a doctor shortage, a severe shortage, and thus, longer waiting times... weeks,weeks, and months and months... just for a regular procedure. You better be dying if you want it sooner and then I wouldn't hold my breath.

That is what Obama wants to do to this country, only he tries to disguise it. ANyone with half a brain knows if the govt offers "cheaper" insurance, why in the world would anyone want to pay more? Companies will stop offering insurance to their employees cause they know the "almight government" will give it to them for free.... Obama knows this too!!! And when they do, you have NO incentive for physicians because they will not make money, extremely loaded down with patients....underpaid, overworked, less and less in the profession, and then WE, the citizens of a country where the private sector is supposed to run our country, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, will be another Canada or European country....take your pick!

It's pretty sad when European countries are telling the Obama administration NOT to go down this path... they have socialized medicine, it AIN'T working, and now they are looking are ways to get it back to private insurers.... too bad Obama's ego won't listen!!!

He's gonna save us from ourselves you know!!
Oops I was wrong, he's not Canadian. I was thinking of Chad Kroeger LOL
They recently got rid of all their Canadian MTs, guess to make room for more Indians. nm
How's your healthcare plan going?
Hello management at Medquist. How did it feel having your nuts cut off with the new healthcare plan. Medquist sucks! Face it you'll be out of a job within 6 months. The cuts they have made you will soon be next.

Nice place to work. Now that's funny....

best in the world? NOT - not in healthcare...

like MM or not, you should open your brain to this flick - even FOX NEWS (who hates MM) loved this movie, as did the current president, GWB............care to move forward in your life a tad?

As with everything else in healthcare, the downslide of MT
It looks like the healthcare one is in the lead, but - sm
at least it's a topic that is another one that is related to many of us, since only a certain percentage of US MT's have health insurance at all. And often what we DO have offers inferior care by disallowing care & meds that WORK, and only paying for the absolute minimum, even if it causes the pt. to eventually become sicker and then need LOTS of medical care, even hospitalization. We're getting nickled-and-dimed to death from every angle, and yet look at the high old life the big-shots at the hospitals, HMO's, and insurance companies get to live. IS there even a Middle-Class in America anymore? If so, I sure don't know any of them. There are either the Super-Rich, or us - the Working Poor.
does anybody wonder if we get universal healthcare
in the coming years that we will see a quick drop in ESL dictators?  I personally know a doctor from Canada that came to the US to work because (she says)  doctors make next to nothing there.  I suspect that is why the dictators from Spanish-speaking countries come here too, though I have no insight at all into thier medical practices/insurance/laws/fees there.  I just wondered if healthcare fees  ever came under strict government guidelines, i.e., not charging $4 for a Tylenol, if we would see a decrease in our difficult dictators....Thoughts?
Healthcare or computer...
Those are the 2 things that are going to be around forever.  My dad got his Associate's degree at the age of 62.  He is now working for the college he graduated from in the IT department and working on his Bachelor's so he can teach there too.  My point, it is never too late.  Oh, and as far as competing with the youngsters, employers like maturity, that's my opinion.  I worked at the hospital in the ER for 6 years before doing transcription and I make more now.  So remember, sometimes the pay is not much different w/o a degree.
healthcare in europe
I forgot to mention that I have done some research on healthcare in Poland and don't come up with much, other than one must have proof of insurance upon entrance into the country. My doctors also don't know anything about healthcare in Poland when I ask them.
Healthcare in Europe

I lived in England until the age of 25.  This is how it works there (don't know if Poland runs their healthcare the same way but likely).

Everyone pays for their healthcare at no cost ever via their taxes.  Everyone has a National Health insurance ID number.  Every form of healthcare is free, including medical, dental and podiatry.  If you want private healthcare, you can purchase it.  This system works if you don't mind paying higher taxes.  It is six of one and half a dozen of the other.

If your medical problem needs urgent attention, then it will be taken care of; if not, then you wait.  The doctor, of course, determines your needs.

Hope this info helps!