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ahh I thought she was asking how many lines she would get. lol I think i need coffee

Posted By: no name on 2005-08-23
In Reply to: It all depends on what they say - That isn't line count that is cpl


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Coffee just always smells so darn good, doesn't it? I drink 3 cups of coffee... sm

in the morning (used to be 4) w/Nutrasweet, a little regular powdered creamer and a little liquid French Vanilla creamer (yes, I do like it sweet!)  If I'm really sleepy and need the boost, I'll have another cup or two. 

Then I immediately start drinking diet Dr. Pepper, and not the caffeine-free kind.  Love it.  I drink diet Dr. Pepper throughout the day and night, about 6 cans a day (it used to be diet Coke).  I've joked with my friends and family that it might be time for them to hold an intervention for me with the Dr. P. 

I do sometimes worry about the mass quantity of Nutrasweet I consume each day.  Anybody else? 

POTS of coffee? Wow...I have 2-3 cups of half-caff coffee with just milk each day. Any more and I
The great southern coffee... Community Coffee...

People who grew up with it and have moved have it sent to them now or stock up when they visit Louisiana.

I have a QA question. Is it normal to divide your errors by your total lines? I thought

it was supposed to be your errors by either total characters or total words, but total lines just doesn't seem right.  You do a 90 line report and have one error (that is counted as two points) and you have a 97.78%.  I put an instead of a (on accident of course) and got docked two points and failed the review for that patient.  That just doesn't seem right. 

Is this normal?

I thought Word counted blank lines using this method. I think the OP is looking for Abacus. nm
Aaahhhh, now I get it. Gross lines vs. Character lines. I guess I've just been conditioned to
think in terms of character lines.  One of the perils of working as an IC for somebody who defines what a line is versus owning your own company and defining it yourself.  After working for someone else for 15 years, maybe it's time to bust out on my own.
Hey, that is me too. Nothing like a cig with your coffee :-)
Usually 3 to 4 large cups in the morning and 2 to 3 cups of tea in the afternoon.  I couldn't live with my morning coffee ! 
Look for, not look like for...coffee!!!

best coffee

Whole bean and grind it yourself.  It blows away the stuff in the can already ground.

I buy what is on sale, because it all tastes good when you grind it yourself.  But I prefer 8 O'Clock Coffee, which may or may not be available in your area. 

Whole bean all the way. 

That is a lot of work/lines for 2 people. I do 3000 lines per day sm
if you times that by 30 days that only comes to 90K lines a month, that is working 7 days a week including weekends. I don't think 2 people can handle that.
900 lines is below 1100 lines, where the bonus starts.
how about the coffee creamer one? sm
Where the woman is watering her grass and then sprays the paperboy when he rides by! That's how I feel sometimes before my coffee!
One CUP of coffee? Why would you deny yourself that? nm
Three Tylenol and coffee (sm)
 of course, a massage never hurts!! Feel better!
You are right ! I need coffee. tanks

Yes along with drinking my pot of coffee! nm
Coffee and a big cup of ice water so far...nm
Are they coffee drinkers?
I love coffee and would love to receive some Starbucks flavored coffee beans and cappuccino (sp) mixes, some Mrs. Fields cookies, muffins, a couple of pretty coffe mugs, a good book, throw them in a basket and voila!
Oh my goodness! That's a lot of coffee.
I recently cut my coffee intake from three large cups a day to, most days, none. For me, the big reason is that I sugar/cream it to death, and thought I might lose a few pounds. I also do not think that my brain works right when I've had that much coffee.

Trying to move to green tea sweetened with honey, and not three large cups. (LOL)
I think I actually keep my weight down with coffee..
I use the artificial sweeteners and fat free flavored creamers or half and half. And caffeine can suppress the appetite which works for me ;)
Okay..... what KIND of coffee??
I think Duncan Donuts is the BEST!!  :o)   Although I buy their ground coffee and brew it myself...... Much cheaper that way. 
About drinking coffee....

I gave up caffeine a few years ago.  I used to drink 8 to 10 LARGE mugs of coffee a day but gave it up. 

The bad part about being caffeine free was waking up in the morning and thinking "This is as good as I am going to feel all day long."

But....I got used to it. 

lol need coffee.....like not kike
cannot spell today. Good thing I am not working today.
Got fresh coffee, come here or sm
play games on yahoo! games.
I almost spit out my coffee on your
last sentence! However, I am not certified. Back in '70 if you could pass an English spelling test, you got the job and hard knocks was the teacher. When this whole AAMT started, the hospital really did not want us taking off for this stuff, made it clear there would be no increased monetary benefit, so we just never did. We never had a CMT in there until about 7 or 8 years ago, boy was she an eye-opener, we were totally out of the loop in a lot of different areas. We had never heard of abbreviation expanders. Catchup is a devil. And a lot of comments from all different areas of the country are almost identical - "all you do is sit there and type" is probably #1. A retired botanist once told me, "you're a transcriptionist? where have you been all my life?" These are so few and far inbetween that I remember all three of them!
Hello to all my MTs out there!  I would like to know, how could I use my auto text to the best of my ability?  What I am saying is that, whenever I try to look at what is important to add to increase  my production, I don't seem to know what to add.  Everything from words to phrases, that I add, is still not enough, and I don't see an increase in my production at all.   I need tips and advice from pros and vets who has been there and done that.  I appreciate any help really.  The platform that I am using is EMDAT.   Also, what is the best tasting coffee that I could buy or one that taste the best?  I love chocolate.  I am open for all suggestions. Thanks.
coffee preference
I found Folgers Black Silk a nicer, richer flavor with using lesser amount.  husband is happy still (he drank coffee-flavored mud for years).  I would reduce the amount I put in the pot a little at a time until I reduced 4 spoons of grounds to 4 cups of coffee (small pot) down to 2 spoons of grounds.  He used to call it "sissy coffee" but he says it does taste better when I make the coffee.  Go figure... 
Kids gone, just the coffee. :) NM
coffee motivation
ok I feel sooo unmotivated to work even when I am right in front of my computer. I am just off task, thinking about other things. I lack the focus and brain energy to type. When I drink strong coffee or energy drinks, I am super productive. I enjoy typing and get lots done when I have been using caffeine. What is going on here?
No coffee yet this morning. You said it was on the server.
On the one hand, if it's on the server and not on your computer, perhaps your supervisor only has it installed to make sure nobody is hacking the system.  Maybe your supervisor doesn't even know it's there, but I doubt that.  I'd want to be sure it didn't get on my computer, but you sound savvy since you're already running anti-spyware software.  How would I feel knowing my supervisor was spying on me?  Well, I have nothing to hide.  I would never do anything I shouldn't be doing on her server.  Then again, I'm not some infant hacker that needs to be monitored.  (I'm not a hacker at all, for that matter!  LOL  Oy....Where's the java?)  Most of my former employers used to monitor what we did with our computers with regard to email and the Internet.  I have nothing to hide, but if they can't trust me, they can bite me.
Aside from coffee and sleeping, how do you keep yourself awake?
I'm so very, very tired and sleep deprived this week from everything that's going on.  My eyelids keep drooping and I can't get motivated, but I have to get this work done.  I know if I try a little catnap, I'll be out like a light for the rest of the day.  Any tips?
Oops! Need more coffee...."their" name...nm
coffee and potatoe chips...
cant seem to break the habit...
Yes - actually couldn't lift a cup of coffee - that arm
wrist motion caused agonizing pain. Ended up being tendons going to my elbow. Got 2 steroid injections about 2 months apart and healed miraculously. Pain free for nearly 2 years now, and would never let myself suffer like that again. It was completely work related  - condition of the industry, I guess. I lean my hands differently when typing, so didn't get carpal tunnel - just strained different tendons! Good luck to you!
OMG, almost spewed coffee on screen.LOL-nm
that should be "your" emotion. No coffee yet!
Coffee is illegal in Utah? sm
What gives? Gosh, I would move today if I had to drink coffee illegally.
Depends - 1 cup of my sister's coffee
a week usually, then just drink water rest of the week and jump up and down. Her coffee is so strong it is concentrated.

Otherwise 3 cups a day.
I wear my pj's until my coffee break
I am up and working by 6:00 am and I usually get up at 5:30, have a little snack and watch the news. I literally roll out of bed and downstairs to my office. So I work in my p.j.s for the first two hours. I wear flannel sleep pants and t-shirts/sweat shirts. At 8:00, I take a coffee break that includes my morning shower. That's also after my hubby and teenagers have left for various school/workplaces. For the rest of the day, I usually wear workout clothes, because when I'm done at 2:00 or 3:00, I head straight for the Y. Now in the summer... well, lots of days I'm in my bathing suit and shorts, and I take quick breaks in the pool to cool down. (We don't have a/c and it can be pretty hot here.) I consider wearing whatever I please to be a perk of WAH.
well wake up and smell the coffee...

Ever since managed care came into being here, the doctors have been moaning and groaning...and less and less folks are actually entering the medical field today.....becauise nobody is earning the money they were 15-20 plus years ago.....There is a huge shortage of nurses also in this country - it's not profitable enough for anyone today...not like it used to be prior to managed care.....

I have been treated overseas and it IS better.....and I recently read an article that folks here, the elderly, are now relocating to India for long-term care at home....it's nearly free over there....if I ever find that article, I will repost here.....the couple the article was about are in their 80s and they get all their rxs, aides in the home (home health care), and treatment for a miniscule amount compared to here......the article showed pictures too.....all nice and clean and very efficient looking.  Plus, an added benefit is they are just more respectful of the elderly overseas.....in general and everywhere.....whether it be Europe or Asia.....while here, all they seem to be interested in in this country is YOUTH - a youth-oriented society it has been for a couple of generations now.

You *think* we have the best......but it might not always be as it seems and think of *down the road* - while less folks are entering the field(s) here - you'll find there will be less and less *the best*.....


Cup of coffee and kids occupied
I now know why people become addicted to coffee...
Here's a little story for you...

I received a phone call at 7 am this morning from my neighbor. She said that our other neighbor that lives in between us called her and said there were some horses out. Now I have one black horse and she has a dark bay horse and a paint baby. I looked out my window and my horse was in his pen. So I figured it was hers. She is an older lady and her husband is out of town so I got dressed and headed down to her house to see if I could help catch these horses. Well, I get down there, and the horses are in the barn. No horses are out. But, the front gate was open. The other neighbor comes over and says "well some guy stopped by an hour ago and put your horses in the barn because they were out in the other yard". AN HOUR AGO. So why did he wait until now to call and say "the horses ARE out"??? I seriously think he might be losing it. Anyways it was freezing outside so my other neighbor made me a cup of coffee and I don't even drink coffee but I was so cold I drank it anyways. .... and then three more cups....

So now I'm wired! And maybe a little addicted! javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');

That's my fun story for the day...
Check your coffee cups!!!
uuuuuuuuuugh! I got up from my chair and went in the other room. When I came back to my chair, I picked up my coffee cup to take a drink. I looked inside the cup, and there was a HUGE SPIDER swimming in my coffee!!!! ugh! yuck! How freaky is that!?? What if I hadn't looked first? EEEEEW! Gives me the creeps. I threw the spider, coffee and all, out the front door (I felt too guilty to dump him down the drain).
I'm trying to wean myself from my 1 cup of coffee in the mornings. Is there any type of
type of natural stimulant out there that I can replace it with.   It seems I have to have my cup of coffee (and read these boards) before starting work in the mornings.
so - I guess I don't get the problem. what's wrong with ONE cup of coffee?
Ditto - have an airpot of coffee & my cigs
Have tried everything available to quit, which I don't believe will ever happen as long as I'm doing transcription. Anytime I've quit for a week or two while not working - it's all gone down the tubes when I start working again. Have a really hard time handling the stress of this job anymore & smoking has become my psychological release & relaxant. Without it - my computer would have been flung out the window years ago & I'd be without a job!!
hey, do you take liquid or powder creamer in your coffee?

Whoops! Should be - Also keep in "mind"... (not enough coffee this morning yet) nm

Now that would be a nifty party, wouldn't it! Coffee
My sister sent her son Dunkin Donut coffee,
my aunt sent her nephew pillow cases from home because they smelled good.