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a shopping site free of hackers maybe?

Posted By: just my guess here on 2005-07-26
In Reply to: what is a "hacker-free" shopping site? nm - fg

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what is a "hacker-free" shopping site? nm
Are all those "hacker-free" shopping sites relatively safe? nm
Try this web site to place an ad. I think it is free.

You usually have to pay for FTP, she was telling us this site is free.

FTP transfers voice files from your doctor or company you work for to you. Actually, many national MT companies require you to have FTP access, so this is good even if you don't think you will use it right now. Later when you need it, the free offer will be gone and you will need it but will have to pay $$$

forgot to add, you can go to the IRS web site and there are several free-sm
publications about business expenses and deductions. Also agree with poster below, pay quarterly taxes-IRS also has a publication on how to do that.
You're right - it is free from their site
Glad you mentioned that. I was going from hits on Google and there are sites that are selling versions of this. Apparently, some come with a CD. I'm not sure what the other differences are. Hmmmm: $200.00 (Microsoft) VS $20.00 (OpalOffice) VS free... Okay.
Thank you!
Free FTP site-coffeecup. nm
We use coffeecup free FTP site. nm
free adware removal site? NM
i use hypersend to send them or you could use a free FTP site. nm
Free dictation samples site
I worked at a hospital in FL where one of the other transcriptionists became jealous whenever anyone approached her line count.  (easy to find).  She erased my PRD or EXT text, whatever you call it, more than twice.  Whole thing.  I had proof as she did it on Sunday mornings, when I was not there, and rigth there on the computer it said when the PRd was accessed.  The mgr did not believe me when I said it was this person and became very angry.  SAid it was a computuer problem.  I was furious.  later on she admitted she did it.  I've never really forgotten that I was not  believed;  I was able a few monhts later with new techonology to hide my prd access. 
Does anyone know of a site that offers Free dictation samples? n/m
I would not do it. Go with a free FTP site for use by you and the doctor's office access only.
All you need to do is create files or folders, for example by date, upload them to the FTP site, and the doc's office can in turn download them directly to their computer. This uses a secure password on both parties' end, and is much securer than emailing.
Did you hear about hackers
finding a flaw with MS internet explorer and now able to get into computers to steal passwords?  Do you think this is something we should be worried about, especially with patient personal information?
was anyone else offended to get an e-card from a free site from team leader that was
blanket message to everyone.  I thought that was low class.  You can send an e-card to casual acquaintences, coworkers, etc., but I do not think a blanket 1 message fits all to employees, bosses, or family is appropriate for Christmas.  I would rather have had nothing than this thoughtless piece of nothing. 
free site - my computer warned me not to install - dunno about it n/m

copied straight from USPS site..regarding free packaging material
Military Care Package Kit

Since Priority Mail® supplies are the packaging of choice for families preparing care packages for service members overseas, the USPS® has created a "Mili-kit" based on the items most frequently requested by the military.

The kit contains:

Three (3) each of flat rate boxes O-FRB1 and O-FRB2
Two each of Cube boxes OBOX4 and OBOX7
Address labels - Label # 228 10 each
One roll of Priority Mail tape
15 customs forms with envelopes.
The kit may be requested by calling 1-800-610-8734 (Packing Supply) and:

Choose your language (1 is English, 2 is Spanish).
Choose option 1 (it states it is for Express Mail®, Priority Mail or Global Express Guaranteed® products).
When you reach a live agent, request CAREKIT04.
Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.
Note: These are free supplies, postage must be affixed.

Abacus is not free. It is $20 but worth it. You can download a trial version free which does not h
I have used this for years and have compared to Sylvan, Word, and MP Count, etc. When you have it set to count every character, bold, shift, tab, etc. It is great and always higher than the others. Now if you are wanting gross lines like in Word then no it won't be as high because Word counts blanks lines and Abacus counts a line only if there is a character on it. There is also two places to check for it to count the Headers/Footers. If you have the FREE version then it must be the trial or a very old version so you don't have all the features and functions.
Free? As in, free trial? Otherwise, I don't think you'll find a spellcheck software that's
Check out the free demo of MTStars FlashType. It's free for 7 days.
Then, if you like it, you can purchase it for $59.95.  See link below.
Shopping for me.
Try shopping around
There are a lot of lenders out there that will finance less than perfect credit. There is a lender who can probably give you a higher interest rate, then within the next couple years, get your credit score cleaned up (there are lots of tips on how to do that on the internet) and refinance to get a better rate as soon as you can get your score up. Be careful paying anything off that is on your credit report if it is getting ready to come off. That will leave it on there for a longer time. Get on the internet and read about your credit score and what you can do.
Sorry, that should be: No shopping FOR me, but....

Don't you always have that ONE gift that you have to search high and low for?  Well, that's me today!  An oriental rug (with particular colors of course!) for my brother's new house!  Especially here in Texas where is it 68 degrees, it's hard to get in the spirit!

SUV shopping

We are going to start shopping for a used SUV, less than 20K, probably 2003 to 2005 depending on model.  Leaning towards Ford or GM models, mid size, but right now open to most anything.  

Can any of you who own SUVs comment on what you own and what you like/dislike about it?   TIA :)

Shopping around...

Hi Everyone...I am new to this board and would like some advice from experienced MT's out there! I have been working for a company for the past three years and things aren't quite panning out to my satifaction lately. I'm thinking of applying for other jobs with more benefits. Here's my question - What do you guys do when you aren't happy with your present employment? Do you list your current employer on your resume? Okay....What I'm getting at is this >>>>Will my present employer be contacted for a reference check, etc. should I be considered for another job?

Any help would be appreciated...Thanks!

Shopping for my home.
Need some bargains that end of summer brings.
school shopping w/my 14 YOD
I think I'd rather be working!!! this is me at the mall w/her!!! Looking at the same pair of jeans for the 100th time, trying to decide if she likes them!!!
shopping at Wal-Mart
Our Wal-Mart Superstore is supposed to be ready by October and it is only 20 blocks from my house.  It has been open for about five years and now they are turning it into a superstore.  Im ready.  I know some of my political friends ask how could I shop there as they dont have benefits for their employees, LOLOLOL, heck, my trans company does not provide me with any benefits either..so, sure I feel the employees pain but I need to provide for my family and that comes first..I cant wait till Wal-Mart Superstore opens, then I can do my grocery and department store shopping all at once while my car is being serviced in their automotive area.
Thanks! I do most of my Christmas shopping
Love the fact that I can work and shop at the same time! And it's all delivered to me!
on-line shopping
Just curious about on-line shopping. What are the best on-line stores to shop in -- any opinions? I'm talking clothes for teenagers, accessories, books, DVDs, etc.
Internet shopping
I have to rank in the top ten of Internet shoppers. I have bought more at Amazon.com than most people buy at Wal-Mart.  My credit card company sends an end-of-year statement that looks like a booklet!  I have never had any problems with Amazon.com.  I've bought, books, DVDs, videos, appliances, toys, furniture, you name it.   I've never had a shipping problem, and if I had to return anything there were no problems.  The only things I haven't bought at Amazon is clothes and perishable items.  I have bought clothing and things from Eddie Bauer with no problems.... And then there's all those specialty shops!  Bath and Body Works has finally gone to internet shopping!  Anyway, you get the idea.  Happy clicking!
No shopping but me, but did you see the lady with the wig?
NM :)
DH went out shopping later in day and said it was dead.
secret shopping
Have you found any shops that will pay you more than $10.00 or less? I haven't!
My husband usually does the shopping
I do remember from several years back that local grocery stores would not allow their employees to accept tips because they were paid at least minimum wage already. This seemed unusual to me as I grew up in a military household, and on base (Eglin A.F.B.), the baggers there worked for tips only.
mortgage shopping
Hi, this board is so helpful regarding so many different things, I thought I'd ask about my current dilema.  Just sold my home in SE New Mexico, moving to Albuquerque.  Obviously a site built home is the easiest one to get a mortgage for at low interest rates (I have excellent credit), but because of the cost I'm also looking at manufactured/mobile homes on their own land and in a park.  This is just for me and my dog, so I don't need anything large anyway. Does anyone have any advice regarding buying a modular/mobile home as I have never owned one before?  Thank you for any thoughts you might have regarding this.   
Shopping for new carpet but not sure

I have 4 animals so it would have to be durable.  My budget does not allow for anything but carpet and the one I have has had it.

Can anyone suggest an attractive yet durable carpet?  I also wonder about the glue and will there be fumes?

Thank you for your time. 

One Word - SHOPPING!!!!!

An when the weather permits - beachin' it!       Luvin' that IC status, or take a PTO day just for sanity to rejuv and get in a new groove!      Spring is here!  Have some friends over, let your hair down...    You'll be surprised how great you feel!  JMO.       

My best friend and I are going Christmas shopping....
I'm getting as many gifts as I can put on layaway this weekend.  I am determined to finish early this year so I can enjoy the holiday.  After shopping, we are going to dinner and mabye a movie. 
I met him walking around downtown shopping..sm
basically on the "street corner" waiting for the light to change to walk across the street.  He just started talking to me...and now we are hitched.
Who had fun shopping on "Black Friday"? - I did - sm
but I go without a "toy" agenda (did my toy shopping Monday and Tuesday so I had everything I wanted already), just go to get my kids and husband clothes mainly at great prices and to have fun with the kids--continuing the "tradition" that I had with my mom.  Got myself a 1 GB Verbatin "Store 'n Go" since my zip disks are dying, $40 (reg. price $90), another great deal!  I bought my DH 4 good dress shirts normally $136, for $62, can't beat that.  Kohl's was packed so unfortunately did not get anything there like I would have liked to, the line was halfway to the back of the store but Sears and Penney's were fine, stood in line for 10 minutes tops, can live with that.   Well off to do some work now......luckily not too tired to bang out 40 minutes or so.  Have a good weekend!  
Shopping - yes, making gifts - no
I still have pictures to frame and pillows to finish sewing and stuffing.
Absolutely not. I took today off so I can get my shopping done.
It's also been 50 degrees here with no snow and no money, so I'm not in the mood for Christmas. We've all got viral respiratory infections. I had maybe three hours of sleep last night. I have no idea what anybody wants or needs. Time to go spend my stash of gift cards and coupons on people. Next year, I'm going to do it right. Are you sorry you asked? ;D
Just found out they are here local! Going shopping nt
I ment to say gift shopping. nm

Maybe you can contact the shopping channel. nm
Several companies still train on site. In fact, we are piloting an on-site training sm
program, where everyone would come in to the Keystrokes office to train for 1 or 2 weeks. We have a large training room and feel that this may be a way to cover all aspects of an account, be right there to answer questions as they come up and have one-on-one contact.

It will be optional at this point and may not be more effective as remote training, but some people have expressed that they miss the training that you get when you start at a hospital.

We are trying to bridge that gap between working in-house somewhere and working at home.

It may seem out-dated in many ways, but sometimes going back to basics is a good step to take!
Okay shopping for a house and I found new construction.

The name of the street is Wild Turkey Walk.  I refuse to buy a house on Wild Turkey Walk.  Another street is Squirrel Run.  How does a person come up with these names?   I want the job of naming streets in new subdivisions.  Has anyone been shopping for houses, new or old, and refused to live on a silly named street? 




I agree - no shopping for me on BF. I will go next week or 2 or on line. nm