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You women have it easy!

Posted By: Man on 2005-12-28
In Reply to: Men appear to be making more income in this industry - Men showing favortism

All you have to do is cook and clean. We have to go out and break our backs to make you happy! You should feel sorry for us!

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Correction - Men and women cheat - men get caught - women don't

I know more women who cheat than the other way around, and the difference is that no one knows about it unless THEY tell them.

Women, especially women of childbearing

age (especially this woman) prefer indoor plumbing and a bit of privacy rather than using a port-a-potty.   I met a woman recently, she and her husband built the house behind me.  She is also a master mechanic and does landscaping, all traditional male professions.  She is a bit rough around the edges and I would never have pictured her with the man who is her husband. 

I know a few male MTs and if they aren't gay, they missed a good chance. 

The easy answer, taking all the easy work and
Well, Word is easy to buy and easy to install. Word 97 works great. Cheap. SM
I still would not work anywhere I could not use a spell checker with grammar checker and a Steadman's Medical Spell Checker.

IF they want people to TRANSCRIBE MEDICAL REPORTS, then I guess they better get the programs they need.

It's like probably 110% easier to buy and install Word 97 than to try to program their own programming. And, yes, I do mean Microsoft Word 97. Why? Because you can install it unlimited times, in case you need to install the operating system again. And it has a few features that Microsoft, in its un-wisdom, took away in Word 2000 and 20003 and 2007. So, yes, I'd go with Word 97 for its cheapness and it works better than the later versions. Just my opinion, with 20 years experience being an MT. So what if they "don't have it" on their computer? It's easy to get.
Easy easy money they are!

I don't mind seeing those puppies filter in at all.  Same for H&Ps.  They are always different though, so can't really pop in the same pre-formatted autotext, but it's usually WHAMMO 2-3 pages at a time.  Give them a shot...you may just be pleasantly surprised! 

women, sorry - nm
Its because men R better than women!
You know how when women are together they get their
insult to women

Some women ask for it??  What an insult to all women.  What never blame the guy??  This young woman was acting like a young woman and partying and meeting guys.  In no way, shape or form was her demise/disappearance her fault or her parents fault.  get real.

why are some of you women so cruel?
There comes a point where we all kind of need each other, when we realize that for the most part, men are big dumb animals who do not know how to "be" there, which is what we essentially need.  You as a female should be understanding and supportive when another one says how she is struggling as a "single mom."  Women are so hateful towards each other when we're the only ones who make any sense on this planet!  I know I sound like a man hater, but men can only do so much, and for those things I have a plumber and a maintenance man!  Come on what happened to sisterhood!
Nasty women
You know women should be supportive of each other. Let's face it, men aren't, like the lady said. I worked in offices where some of the women there were so nasty and catty and rude. Seems lots of them are on here too. Thank God for being able to work at home. I don't think anyone is looking for pity on this board, but for crying out loud, doesn't anybody have a warm heart anymore. There are lots of cold-hearted people on here talking, must be from the East Coast.
looks to me like he's got enough women in his life (sm)

he has all of us! Lucky man, kyradmt!

all women in their 40s should go out with younger men
I need advice from women!
I have no idea what 2 give my sisters (ages 40, 49 and 58) 4 Christmas! They have pretty much everything, so what are some ideas for not too expensive gifts that U gals always like to get? I simply don't know what 2 do! Thanx!
Oh, don't even get me started. Thanks to women's lib,
now we have to cook, clean, raise the kids, and work a fulltime job on top of it all. We're doing double duty while the men are whining about how hard they work without making a dent in the daily household duties or child rearing.

If a man wants to go to bed, he simply goes to bed. If a woman wants to go to bed, she has to clean up the dinner mess, let the animals in and out, see the kids off to bed, lock the doors, and every other little unnoticed thing we do.
women.............change the W above to a B....sm

While some gay men do make the best friends, some are also worse b*it*hes than women.  I too love the Fab 5 but you are going to tell me that Carson Kressley is not *flamboyant*??  heh heh heh......

And some gay men can be rude, exclusive, nasty, and subliminally rude....even in postings online.....they are no different than other people....in this regard.  Nothing is EVER as it seems in life.......

Some of the brightest women (and men) I have met
in my lifetime have been MTs. Some could have gone on to medical school but did not due to obligations to family. In my younger years, worked with more than a few who helped put their husbands through college.

The field is different now. I blame it on the schools in part and also the mistaken belief that you can do this work and be an attentive stay-at-home mom.

Yeh women are the worst
at gossiping. Give them the scoop and they've got a story to tell.
Girls and women
That, in my humble opinion, is what separates the girls from the women. With all of the references we have at our fingertips (Google is WONDERFUL), if you know how to search, you can find what you need. As a success story in MT for over 35 years, I can honestly say that from day one (and yes, I had to learn over the years), I did my very best never to ask for help UNTIL I had exhausted every means available to me and had come up empty-handed. I realize that is much easier to do this when you do not work by the line and every minute is money in your pocket...or not if you are spending a lot of time looking things up.
I think I smell either VR on the easy stuff, or offshoring of the easy stuff.
I see this as the unintended consequences of women's........
liberation.  It's been a wonderful thing in many aspects of a woman's life and who the heck wants to go back to the old days regarding the treatment of women and our freedoms, but one of the unintended consequences has been a generation of men who don't expect that THEY should support a family alone and fully expect their wives to contribute equally.  Yet, at the same time the men have not jumped in there with the housework and childcare.  As a result, women now have the honor of providing for their family AND having husbands who also expect June Cleaver to have the house clean, the kids taken care of, and to have "the little woman" available at their convenience.    What are ya gonna do?
Like lots of the women here, I got into MT for that reason (Please sm)
It was the hardest thing I ever did (working at home with the kids). My kids were 3, 5, and 8 at the time (all boys) and needed a lot of my attention. I seemed like I was chained to my computer. I would stumble out of bed and start typing and would be transcribing for hours after they were all asleep (hubby and kids). I was grumpy, tired, and broke. I barely made minimal wage. I was constantly screaming at my kids to be quiet because I couldn't hear my doctors. It was unpleasant for everyone. I finally went in-house to work in 2002 and it was heaven. No more kids (and hubby, and sister, and mother, and neighbor, etc.) constantly interrupting me, no more breaking up fights between my boys, no more paltry paychecks...but I did miss my kids after a couple of weeks on the job. From 2002 on I had part-time jobs at home with Spheris, MQ, and a local lady, but I ended up dropping them all because of the same reasons.

Now (starting yesterday)I'm working from home again full-time. I am worried but my mantra is "school starts on August 29." I figure if I can stick it out until then, I'll be home free! . My kids are older now--7, 9, and 13--but still are VERY high maintenance and are very demanding. I love my boys and I love being a medical transcriptionist--but I am thrilled that there is mandatory schooling for kids! LOL
Good luck to you. It can be done, but it is HARD work.
Take care,
You act like all women are walking wombs..SM

just existing until we do the greatest of all things, BEAR A CHILD.  No thanks lady.  You have 'em.  I don't need to have a child to validate myself in the world.

Exactly. That's how Mary Kay hooks women-SM
by showering them with positive attention, atta girl, you go girl.  It is unnecessary and we are not dogs.
The women of the View are the epitome
of every negative portrayal of women out there.  They are not girls or ladies.  The old broads ousted that one young blonde chick, who was the only one I ever even liked.  They're catty, two faced, petty, overly obsessed with material items like shoes or clothes, and just plain annoying.  They think they're all that and a bag of chips.  NOT!  At least I don't have to turn on my TV.  Nobody can force me to watch them.  Woo hoo!
RUN RadGuy!!!! We women can hound someone even on an
Why? Do you associate them with elderly women? sm
The hot names today, Ashley, Brittany,Taylor, etc., will one day be associated with old, overweight women and thus be considered ugly, elderly names. Better to stick with classics like Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah.
Don't let some nasty, catty old women get you down. sm
Remember, there's a reason some of these folks are working at home, and it's not because they had a choice. They simply can't interact well with people. I imagine them as fat, older women in lots of debt and living in dirty homes, probably chain smoking at their computers while they fire off posts that reflect the ugliness and unhappiness inside of them. It's sad, really.
Did I say all older women are those things? No. nm
Unfortunately we as women tend to be raised to think that
our lives aren't complete unless we "have a man". Men, on the other hand, are raised to value their careers, educations and be as financially successful and independent as they can be. Therein lies the problem. We're supposed to dream of a big wedding, they're supposed to dream of being president of a huge corporation.

Moms, raise your daughters to be independent, educated and successful and if someone fits into their lives after they are, that's great; and if not, so what?
Lorraine Braco and some of the women....sm
Some of The View women saw the first THREE episodes and said it's far better than any prior year and Lorraine said it was much sadder too....but that's all she would say, although they did show some clips.  I CANNOT WAIT to see Sunday's show.  Lorraine also said that it's going to continue for a little longer than just this new season but it was coming to an end......that'll be sad.
He probably will make more $ since most attendees are women. :-) nm
I agree, self sufficient women definitely do not need a man! nm
I wish I had thought about that before I remarried in my mid 30s. And don't get me wrong, he's a great guy. Marriage and men are just SO overrated, especially on this board! Once you are married you bascially can no longer make your own choices, not really, there's always that OTHER person in your space that you need to discuss everything with. Anyone who says they have ZERO problems in their marriage is lying. So, enjoy making your own decisions and your space...you are lucky!!! LOL.
Women now are into the bigger crimes
so a woman does not gain entrance into my house. Your daughters are really old enough to know better. I had 2 women come here 1 day, raining outside and they were shivering and wanted entrance and I said NO. I know anyone can get in if they want but no sense in making it easier for them. I saw a police chase yesterday (thought coming from Calif as ones that happen here usually when it is over) but live and the people got out and ran- husband is saying is that not a female? It was and she along with a male trying to escape. I had someone in uniform (who most people trust) show up 1 day asking to use my phone- no way Jose, told them give me a # and I will call for you. I am very, very aware of all around me and no one enters my house through the garage or front door (while I am home, of course) without my letting them in. Rural versus city no different. Crime happens everywhere.
why do some women knock childrearing?

I think that mothers that can stay at home while working and raising a kid or two is wonderful, and YES being an MT mom at home is a career. I've spent many many years in the workforce outside the home, single and married, with and without kids. Not all of us working moms fit the stereotype (if there is one) that we don't know how to find jobs outside of being an MT at home. I have a BS degree from a real accredited university and everything (one I'm sure everyone has heard of), plus what I learned from MT schooling. I'm not trying to say I'm sooo smart or anything, but just trying to shoot down the idea about stay-at-home moms not caring about careers or anything, just pumping out the kids. I am not a supplement to my husband's income. We absolutely need what I bring in financially. I took a pay cut when I was making as much as my husband at one point outside the home because I wanted to have a career that I loved while raising kids. I didn't want my kids being raised by strangers in daycare. So there to all of you who look down at MT moms.


Tell that to the President and congressmen/women that should be a requirement sm
and lets see what happen LOL
kind of like SOME women, in either case it's spelled S-h-a-l-l-o-w
LOLOL. Women obviously store more WATER than men.
I had heard that women cannot go out unaccompanyied, and it has to be a male
if that is correct, and I would certainly find out first, then your outings into "town" may be severely limited. I believe they make it so you don't have to go anywhere, they have it all at the "compound". So if you don't mind house arrest for a year or two, and the ability to save probably $30K a year, go for it. If I had no responsibilities here I think I would consider it too. Good luck!
Why does it seem that all divorced women are so bitter? It is not ALL men that are rats. You just
found one that was.
Can't take a Bible into the country and women can't drink
Listen - most men have more selfish ways than women. sm
I can remember when my teens were small, my husband would moan and groan whenever I took time away from the home and "went out." To be honest, we were young and immature then - mature enough to get married and have children, but NOT mature enough in our married relationship.

Sometimes selfishness disguises itself as insecurity. Maybe, he is a little insecure and not as selfish as you think. It took me a long time to recognize it and I did not recognize it until I "matured" enough to see it.

Just wanted to give you something to think about!

BTW - Marriage is hard work. It is not easy, especially in the first 7-10 years, and it is even harder with small chiildren. You need to communicate, communicate, and communiate some more as well as show each other love and respect, it will become a smoother ride!

Been married for 19 years now and would not want to live a day without my Mr. McDreamy!
Good luck.
My Russians scream into the phone, especially the women.
Not sure which is worse, the mumbling or the screaming and screeching.
I second that, and thank you to all of our troops and men/women in uniform who help keep us safe.
A lot of women are treated badly in general sm

not just in the Amish community.  How many women are abused daily, behind closed doors and in public.  I remember an incident when I was visiting Atlantic City.  Had just walked into the casino and there was this man, wife, and child in a stroller along with some other friends.  Don't know what their argument was about, but the man hauled off and smacked his wife across her face like it was nothing and the friends seemed so embarrassed.  The poor lady just shielded her face and cried.  The man acted as if he had done nothing wrong.  If this is the treatment he gives her in public, imagine what goes on behind closed doors.  I told my husband if you ever even think about it I will put your poor soul to rest.

We cannot generalize by culture because it is the world we live in.  To the Amish community I am sure they receive "normal treatment." 

The gist of it all is no one should have to suffer the pain these children nor their families have endured with these school shootings, molestations, and abuse.  If you are that miserable (they end up killing themselves anyway most of the time), why not just go ahead and take your own life and leave others alone. I pray for them all and hope that they can find peace in the midst of all this tragedy.

A-M-E-N! The main reason women in all careers - sm
earn less than men (and employers get away with paying them less) is that it's impossible to get groups of women to stick together on ANYTHING, let alone anything that might involve a little initial personal risk before things are ultimately straightened out and this archaic pay disparity between men & women in the US workforce is resolved. Can you imagine the kind of clout MTs in this country would have if they all stood firm together and demanded that they be paid fairly for a job that not just anyone with a PC and a set of headphones can do? A few years ago when HIPAA first came about, we should have taken that and run with it, when it comes to securing our profession on US soil. We didn't do it then, but I think if we were to dig our heels in, and start writing and talking to the right media, we could still use HIPAA to our advantage. Think about it.
What works for me is I take a women's self defense class . .
twice a week. I get to beat up on a man for an hour. Great fun and stress reliever. Also a kick-boxing class. I just imagine I'm kicking the doctor in the you know what. LOL
Funny how some women cop such a total 'TUDE when

Very, very immature "catty" women on this board.
People here are very rude, at times.  You can deny it, but it is true! As other posters have said, they have witnessed it many times.  You can reply with whatever about "stay away, etc" but just as the mod said, any opinions or tones here are welcome! So, I just don't understand all of the high-school mentality that gets played out here, at all.
I can understand why women want breast reduction
done, because this is actually not only a cosmetic surgery.
The weight of hevy breasts can cause back pain, shoulder pain and a lot of other pains.

Had I heavy breasts, yes,I would also opt for this surgery. But I think I would 'chicken out.'
And I thank the mothers of boys who have raised them to respect women.