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You want the Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard. Google it. nm

Posted By: deb on 2008-04-23
In Reply to: Clickety-clacks driving me insane! - j.lo


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Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
I read where some MTs were enjoying this keyboard, and they are quite inexpensive, so DH picked one up for me at Tiger Direct. Whoever recommended it is right; it has an quick touch for me and you can switch from a straight keyboard and it won't slow you down like most of the ergonomic keyboards. I usually like a very clicky touch, and this isn't like that. But the key action is quick and you barely have to touch them to activate the keys. The backspace is double-wide too. Since there is no space in the middle like so many ergonomic keyboards, there is no issue about reaching the 6 with your preferred hand, either.
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000?

More about keyboards ... I don't think I would like the big MS 4000, because when I tested out large ones in the store one day, it felt too big and awkward for me; however, I did try a smaller one with just a slight curve that felt quite good.  (Unfortunately, I don't remember what make/model it was as I was not really shopping for one at the time.)

When looking around the web, it looks like it might have been the MS Comfort Curve 2000.  Does anyone have any experience with that one? 

Thanks for any feedback. 

Microsoft® Wireless Comfort Keyboard 1.0A...sm
Model 1027.  Lots of added bonus keys if you are an avid gamer.
Microsoft ergonomic 4000 with enhanced curve. Love it!

The keys are very soft to touch, keys are easy to hit and the wrist pad is a very comfortable soft, leather-like material.  It only has a USB plug-in but you can get an adapter. I paid $60.00 for it at OfficeMax.  It was well worth it. I will never use another keyboard!

No, it isn't. Google comfort keyboards.
I do this with Microsoft Word 2000. nm
I really like my Microsoft ComfortCurve 2000.
Microsoft ComfortCurve 2000.
It has a quiet clicky sound and touch, and the keys don't move far, but respond nicely. You might like it.

Microsoft Word 2000, NM
anyone ever order from comfort keyboard or
I'm waiting for my keyboard now for two weeks, when I was told it would take two days.  I just spent 300 hundred bucks on this thing, i've called several times, there is a tracking number and everything, but no one seems to know where my package is??  Just wondering if anyone has ordered successfully from these people and if I should just be patient.  This is why I do not order on line very much!
Comfort Standard keyboard
SM lead me to the website that sells several different keyboards. The one I'd be ordering (if I had any money...ha-ha!) would be the Comfort Standard. Check out www.sforh.com/keyboards/split and you'll see which one I'm talking about. It's $$350, so I guess I'll just have my old one fixed and save up the money for the Comfort Standard. :)
My split Comfort keyboard has backspace on
My comfort keyboard does. I type in the neutral, "handshake"
Macro to Search Google from Microsoft Word?
I found one on the net, but when I pasted it in, it would not work.

My version of Word is Word 97. Thanks.
I have the microsoft, and I like the keyboard, but
I don't like the built-in wrist rest. It's too hard, and I still have to put my gel pad on top of that. other than that, I like it. It took some getting used to for a couple of days.
Microsoft keyboard
I just got mine, but I really like it. It took about a week for me to get used to it. You have to get used to having your hands a little farther apart. I love the space bar and the favorites keys at the back. I suggest just giving it some time and keep typing on it. Good luck. You can customize a little by going to My Computer.
Microsoft keyboard
Try this. Press Shift/Ctrl, left and right side of keyboard at the same time, and hold for a second.
What was the Microsoft keyboard someone was talking about the other day
Try Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard

Hi, try Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000.  I don't know about the wireless ergo keyboard but I do know they are expensive than the wired ones.  You could contact your local Microsoft hardware dealer. 

microsoft 4000 keyboard
I have this awsome keyboard too.  But i can't figure out when the cap lock is on until I go to type.  I can't find anything in the tiny book that came with it.  Did anyone get a booklet with theirs explaining the functions on the keyboard?  Thank you so much! 
Microsoft 4000 keyboard

I wanted to share a neat trick I recently figured out that I can do with my Microsoft USB Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (IntelliType Pro).  I recently posted a query asking if there was a way to turn numbering off and on without using the mouse (which I hate), and I've discovered that there is with this particular keyboard.  To turn the numbering feature on (for a list of current meds, for example), you hold down the Shift key, Ctrl key, and the key to the left of the Ctrl key that is the lower right of your keyboard (the key that looks like it has a picture of a page with an arrow on it).  This brings up a drop-down menu and you can select numbering or bullets from there.  the first time I did this, I discovered it made funky changes to my font, so I had to go in and set the font (by selecting the customize button in the lower right corner on the numbering option), and once I had it all tweaked to the way I wanted it, it appeared to have reset my default to the way to my preference.  I apologize if this is confusing, but if you have this keyboard, and you have any questions about my instructions, feel free to ask, and I'd be glad to try to help!

Microsoft 4000 keyboard
Hey, I've realized you don't even have to do the key combination. Just pushing the one key with the picture on it brings up the numbering menu option.
Microsoft 4000 keyboard
You're right! I didn't realize that either. I suppose that button functions the same way on other keyboards as well. I just learned this 'trick,' and I was really excited. Too bad I hadn't realized this all along!
Kinesis Keyboard or Microsoft
I have been working on Kinesis Keyboards for 10 years and mine finally started to die.  Has anybody went from Kinesis to the Microsoft Ergonomatic keyboard? I am trying to save cash but I am not sure if it would be worth the trade. Does anybody have any experience with this?
The New Microsoft 4000 Keyboard
Yes, I have a suggestion, TAKE THE BLAMED THING BACK AND GET THE OTHER TYPE OF KEYBOARD.  I beta tested this thing for Microsoft and gave it an entire week to try to position my left hand differently and it just wouldn't happen.  The sad part of it is that once I returned it and got one like I have used for years, I couldn't use it successfully for several days either because my fingers had tried very hard to retrain themselves.  This keyboard is for an Internet junky and NOT for someone who uses a keyboard to earn a living transcribing.  That is the conclusion I drew.  I don't really know why Microsoft thought they needed to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.  I was hoping that no one else would have the experience I had with this but looks like there may be several.  Have a nice day!!!
I use the microsoft wave keyboard
I'm sorry I didn't go to that link but it sounds like my MS keyboard. I went to a wireless one a few months back b/c it was on sale and had bonus wireless mouse so I thought I would try it. I do like it; I tend to prefer a clacky keyboard (showin' my age!) and it clicks and clacks just enough to keep me happy without being too "hard." The positioning of the keys works for me. It's not as split as my old ergo keyboard, but those are hard to find in the stores anymore so I "made do."
Microsoft 4000 keyboard

Does anyone ever experience problems with their Microsoft 4000 keyboard where it will suddenly appear as if the Caps lock has been pushed, and your punctuation marks come out wrong and words are suddenly filling in with all caps and no matter what you do, it continues to happen? 


I’ve worked in ChartScript and DocQScribe (currently working in the latter program) and had this happen.  It’s as if my keyboard and the software are having compatibility issues or something totally out of the blue.  Oftentimes, it will remedy itself, but if I do not want to wait that indeterminate amount of time, my experience has been that the only way to fix it is to totally shut down the computer and reboot, but that doesn’t always fix it.  It doesn’t only happen in ChartScript and DocQscribe.  I can open Word and type in there, and it does the same sort of squirrelly thing!


It’s so frustrating and wreaks havoc on productivity!!!

Microsoft 4000 v1.0 Keyboard
Is there any way to program my Microsoft 4000 v1.0 keyboard without the CD?  I can't find it, and none of my extra buttons are working
Microsoft 4000 split keyboard.

Does anyone use this keyboard?  I just got one thinking it would help my hands from hurting, but I am having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the keyboard.  Did anyone else have this problem?  If so, did you catch on, or did you have to return it?  I went from the plain keyboard to this, but It has  slowed me down tremendously.  I wonder if I should get an ergonomic keyboard without the split?  Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite
My Elite died on me (don't try to take them apart for cleaning).  I tried the 4000 and hated it. I bought it in a pinch because stores don't sell the Elite anymore. You really had the hit the space bar pretty hard and I just did not care for the touch of it.  I returned it. I finally found a store that sold the Elite and bought 2 of them, otherwise you have to buy them online.
Do you have Microsoft 4000 keyboard? (see inside)
If so, find the "F Lock" key and see if it is on.
microsoft Natural keyboard 4000
It is an ergo keyboard... Really you would love it if you would give it a try. It definately takes a little to get used to, but now I wouldn't be without it....And this new model is FANTASTIC! It has a built in reverse angle to avoid wrist pain, built in wrist pad, quiet keys that require light touch. I don't use other features like the built in hot buttons, but they are there also. All around great keyboard for about 50.00.
I got a Microsoft Digital Media Pro keyboard - sm
at Office Depot... not very expensive, (maybe $39?), and it has a great feature... a little lever off on the left side of the keyboard that if you want the letters to appear larger, you push it up, and smaller, you push it down. Only takes 1 finger. I LOVE it! :)
Help with new Microsoft 4000 natural keyboard

Any tips on how to get used to this keyboard?  i think it might relieve my neck pain but I keep hitting the wrong keys.  it took me a long time just to type this message!


I use the Microsoft Natural Multimedia keyboard
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000

Has anyone had a chance to try this new keyboard out yet?

I saw it at Best Buy yesterday and had a chance to give it a little hands-on feel. Very interesting. Started a little research and the reviews seem to be fairly positive (7/10 to 8/10).

But, I'm more trustworthy of feedback from people like MTs who really give keyboards a good "workout" on a daily basis.

Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
I have a brand new one still in the box that I'll sell for a fraction of the retail cost. Just email me at rinny1987@yahoo.com.
Microsoft Symbols short cut Keyboard Sheet
Hi. Does anyone have or know where I can find a Microsoft Symbols Keyboard short cut list for various symbols including degree, Greek letters, etc. I know how to do it the slow way but I know they make keyboard shortcut lists. Any help would be appreciated.
Microsoft Natural 4000 Ergnomic Keyboard
I have been using this keyboard for two years now and I will be needing a new one in the next week or two (the cord is getting frayed).  I'm interested in one of the Microsoft wireless keyboards, but I'm concerned that the touch won't be as light as it is with the 4000.  Does anybody have any experience with these wireless keyboards and is there one that somebody would recommend? 
I have the exact same problem with my microsoft keyboard - thought it was me doing something!
I usually just delete the last 4 or 5 words and start from there and it corrects the problem.
The Microsoft Wireless optical keyboard has greatly eased SM
The Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop 1000 keyboard (came packaged with wireless mouse at Staples), box says "standard keyboard + optical mouse) has greatly, greatly relieved symptoms on my elbows and wrists.

My elbows just stung before I got this keyboard. If I relax and kind of let it do what it wants, kind of get used to its touch, I really like it. It has greatly helped my elbow symptoms in particular.
Try a microsoft elite, cheap on ebay and a great keyboard. nm
You might try wireless keyboard and mouse--mine by Microsoft made it better to type faster. SM
You might try wireless keyboard and mouse--mine by Microsoft made it better and I was typing faster.

Just keep the wireless "thing" that both the mouse and keyboard transmit to (and the part that is connected to the computer) out in the open, not covered up by papers, books, etc.

I tried to go back to my other keyboard, the one that plugs in, and could hardly type on it. The wireless keyboard was a lot faster and so it is less work.

Hope this helps.
How soft is the touch, is it a muffled sound (microsoft used to make a very soft touch keyboard.
You can't buy it anymore and I hate the clacky ones. I think a really soft one sounds muffled when you hit the key. Thanks
Some have a different learning curve than others

I had an in-house job for 3 years, hired in off the street, no experience.  Three months later, another girl hired in, same situation.  Paid hourly, no ESL, and we had the opportunity to talk to the doctors in person about any issue.

By the time I left, I was the highest producer in the office.  She was still struggling with the simplest words and phrases, still asking the same questions she asked the week she hired in, still needing help from somebody else all day long. She would cry from frustration because she couldn't get her act together.  Other people that hired in after her got the hang of it much faster and were soon helping her too.  I asked management on many occasions why they just didn't show her the door, and they said I was being harsh and that some people just couldn't learn as fast as others.  I wonder why she didn't just go find a different kind of job instead of hanging around driving herself and everyone else nuts.

There's a learning curve

In time it all gets better.  Usually.  Some people aren't cut out to be MTs, for them it never gets better.  I felt the way you do when I started out in-house (no former training).  But I was stubborn, and I learned, and knew I was getting better.  Then I started working at home - BIG learning curve, had no idea my hospital job was so easy!  But I was stubborn, and I learned and improved.  Next job - more learning.  New accounts with constantly changing specifics - keep learning.  In this job, you learn every day - a new phrase, a new production tip, the fact that you've been spelling something wrong, etc.

Just take a deep breath and realize they are trying to help you.  Thank them for every correction, because its what they need you to do.  Make a lot of notes.  And you can and will improve, if you're stubborn enough to make your investment pay.

Very difficult with a long learning curve.
You must have adequate resources, books, protocol lists including research drugs. It's doable but not if you expect to learn it in a week.
how long of a learning curve w/ new account?

Good morning everyone ... I'm starting at-home work this week for a new hospital, out of my area.  How long should I expect of a learning curve?  It's been a while since Ive done NEW accounts !

How long does it take you guys to get up to par - and that money starts really pouring in?  I did a few reports this weekend - and between the strange names, accents, procedures - it's going to take me a while before I'm lucrative. 

What's your experience w/ new accounts ?

Thanks everyone!


Slow learning curve...getting a little nervous.
I recently left the job I had had for over a decade because I had grown to HATE the company I worked for.  Have moved to a different company, one with a very good reputation on this board.  So I'm learning a new platform, new account, new dictators including lots of new ESL docs... and I'm learning acute care after many, many years of almost entirely clinic work.  Please, somebody tell me I'm going to get up to speed someday.  Hopefully someday soon.  Back in the day I typed an average of 250 lines an hour.... My line count seems stuck for the last week or so at 140.  I've been doing this job for 2 weeks now.  The switch to acute care is really shaking my confidence... I'm realizing how much I didn't know for the many years I've been an MT.  Just hoping for a little encouragement -- as my daughter would say, "an encouraging shoulder squeeze."    TY!
It is relatively easy and I have a looong learning curve.
You will figure it out. MS word is user friendly. There are just a ton of options available. Hopefully someone will come by and say more.

Good luck
And I disagree. Difficult and long learning curve
Hard to get used to all the bells and whistles. You can turn them off, but then you have wasted a lot of money buying something you can't use.
I wanted to learn it, but I fear the learning curve would be impossible. sm

since I can't take any time off from the qwerty keyboard.  How did you make the conversion?